I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 130: Another Leaders Meeting

Chapter 130: Another Leaders Meeting

After a while, the waitress brings Angus and Vergil's orders. Looking at the parfait ice cream in front of him, Angus began to be more curious about the bar.

Judging by his simple observation, he found that the waitress is an expert. As for the bartender, he couldn't measure his strength. But, his instinct tells him that he is also not an ordinary person.

However, the one that makes him curious is the dessert parfait. Although some technology in this world seems to be advanced, its distribution is controlled by the nation or kingdom.

The globalization speed in this world is rather lacking compared to earth. For modern food such as ice cream parfait, it needs some advanced equipment to make it or at least store it.

A bar that is located between the area of slum and commoner section will never afford this kind of equipment. Moreover, the bar itself is kind of weird. Although Angus doesn't know the price of the furniture inside the bar, he could feel all of them are quite high quality.

Angus also notices that the parfait is made perfectly with a combination of magic since there is a trace of mana on it.

For someone to control mana in such a delicate manner like this only could be done by another expert.

After analyzing all this stuff inside his head, 'Haa.. I hope nothing major happens. At least until we get out of this bar.' thought Angus while eating the very delicious parfait.

Suddenly, Vergil looked at Angus with a frown. Looking at Vergil's expression, "Is anything wrong brother?"

"What's that? Is it delicious?" asked Vergil.

"Ohh this is a dessert called Parfait. Do you want a try?" replied Angus while giving his parfait to Vergil.

"Okay." Vergil takes a mouthful bite.

Vergil immediately feels a sweetness along with the cold like ice inside his mouth and getting toward his whole head. He is getting a sort of brain freeze from eating it.

Didn't expect such a sensation, Vergil could only hold his head while opening his mouth without sound. Seeing the Vergil reaction, Angus could only laugh at his brother's funny face.

"Hahaha…. you are supposed to eat it slowly and little by little not bite a mouthful of it. Hahaha.. your face is very funny." said Angus while keeping laughing.

"Urrg.. Why didn't you tell me about this before?" rebuked Vergil while massaging his head with his hand.

"Well, if I told you, you would not make that funny face. Hahaha…" said Angus while continuing laughing.

"Grr.. Angus!!" said Vergil.

The two brothers keep joking around each other inside the empty bar while waiting for the rain to stop.

"Anyway, you have a weird taste. Now is the rainy season, yet you choose to have this kind of cold dish. Don't you feel too cold?" asked Vergil.

"Ehh.. Really? I never noticed it. But, I prefer something cold over hot stuff." replied Angus casually while eating his own parfait.

While chatting about various kinds of stuff, "Do you think it is okay to allow them here? Both of them seem to be from a high noble family." said the waitress in a low voice towards the bartender.

"Hush.. As a waitress, you should never speak like that about your customer. Besides, this is also good for us." replied the bartender in a low voice.

At this moment, a mysterious cloaked man comes inside the bar. The two brothers also notice the newcomer since the bar itself is empty. The waitress immediately welcomed the new customer.

"Welcome to Crimson Tavern, please take a seat." said the waitress.

The mysterious man didn't say anything and took a seat near the bartender while glancing at the two brothers in the corner for a moment.

"May I take your order?" asked the waitress.

Although the waitress said in a normal voice, since the bar is empty besides the two brothers, Angus could hear the waitress.

The mysterious man didn't reply and only tapped at the menu. Then, the waitress reconfirmed the man's order from the menu. The man only nodded his head before the waitress went away.

The entire time, the man didn't even speak at all like he was a mute. After a while, the waitress brings out the dishes they ordered from the back room. The mysterious man eats silently at the dishes.

After a while, the weather begins to brighten up. The rain is stopping and the two brothers decide to leave this weird tavern. After paying for the restaurant, the two brothers go back towards the townhouse manor.

At first, Angus thought it would be expensive, but the waitress only charged it like it is a normal dish from a normal restaurant. This makes Angus more curious about the tavern, but he immediately pushes this thought away.

As the two brothers leave the tavern, the bartender speaks to the mysterious man, "Shall I take out your regular order?"

The man didn't reply but shook his head then he put a card on the table before going to the back room. The waitress and the bartender didn't stop the man. The bartender looks at the card which shows a picture of a Crimson red star in the middle of the dark background.

Then, the bartender picks it up and burns the card immediately. As for the waitress, she cleaned up the table and took all the dishes.

"Did you think it was okay to let them?" asked the waitress towards the bartender.

"One of them is a cardholder." replied the bartender shortly.

"Really? I see.. So, that's the reason they found this tavern." said the waitress.

The bartender kept silent toward the waitress's sentence and cleaned the glass-like usual. Unbeknown to Angus and Vergil, the two brothers are entering the most dangerous place inside the capital city and safely get out from it.

As the two brothers arrive at the townhouse manor, "Angus, did you think we should check about the tavern we visit today?"

As the sons of a high noble, both of them should protect the citizens and eliminate criminals as being part of the noble. They also could report about some mysterious place or activity like the tavern they visit.

But, not many nobles do this obligation, some of them even completely ignore it. As a young spirited man, Vergil is quite a righteous person. As A noble he feels he needs all this noble obligation.

"Ehh… What for?" Asked Angus back.

"Don't you think that Crimson Tavern is very weird? It's located in the commoner section, yet it's very clean, neat and has high-quality furniture. Yet, no one enters the bar beside the cloaked mysterious man." said Vergil.

Hearing this, Angus thought for a second before replied, "I think they have the same strength." said Angus.

"Huhh??" replied Vergil confusedly.

"Both the bartender and father, they have the same vibe. If I were you, I would leave them alone. Besides, I believe we shouldn't wake the sleeping dragon." said Angus.

"Same vibe? Sleeping dragon?" said Vergil.

"Just forget about this, Anyway.. " said Angus while trying to divert the topic.

While Angus enjoys his school break, the other leaders once again have a meeting through the special communication device from the elf.

"Tch.. See as I told you all, the Monster Overlord is a weakling. We should just combine our forces from the start." commented one of the leaders.

"Easy for you to say that, you don't even fight the Monster Overlord." said another king.

Then, like usual, all the other leaders begin to comment about the death of the Monster Overlord. However, all of them want only one thing, the body of Monster Overlord.

With the right process, the body of the monster overlord could become a legendary item. Especially its monster core. The monster core has a lot of uses from the main ingredient of potion to become a sort of power supply.

A grade three monster core could supply energy to the entire city for a few years. Grade five monster cores could supply for a hundred years. As for grade six, nobody knows how thick energy it contains.

Some ancient records say that grade six monster cores have a kind of endless energy as it is too immeasurable to calculate.

So, now everyone wants to have these pieces of precious monster overlord. As seventh-grade combatants and leaders of the nation, most of these people already did many shady things to get power.

Looking at the precious resources in front of them, they feel like looking at very precious meat. They will never lose this kind of opportunity to get a piece of it.

Just a piece of the body of Monster Overlord already could become very precious material. Unfortunately, the Monster Overlord this time is not with the big body type.

Furthermore, its body was already damaged to a certain degree during the fight. Even the lower half is also gone. Because of this, the leaders come to fight for this piece of the body more fervently.

Some righteous leaders speak to choose to divide the body between the King Nexus and King Bulda as they are the one that fights the Monster Overlord.

Some leaders vote to divide the body to the rest of the Civilian Society nation. Some of them didn't care about this matter like the elf race. Whatever the opinion, all the leaders will have a clash in opinion like the usual.

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