I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 29

C29 – Fear and Worry

Within the walls of Icefair City, how could anyone come across such an abundance of treasures without any apparent reason?

The Yu family patriarch practiced a top-grade Yellow Rank mental cultivation method and wielded the low-grade Yellow Rank Fallen Leaf Kick martial skill. His attainment of the Innate Stage was due to his medium-grade Profound Spirit bone root, coupled with the unwavering support of his family.

The Yu family possessed a single Yellow Rank weapon, a treasure not to be wielded unless the family faced existential peril.

Icefair’s castellan, Lang Shen, was once a banished member of a prominent family. He had clawed his way up to his current status and cultivation level through sheer determination. Even in his former great family, the Langs, the most prized treasure was a medium-grade Profound Rank item, and the highest cultivation technique was of the Profound Rank.

Lang Shen and the Yu family patriarch had been blinded by the potential gains from Zhou Jibo’s demise, giving little thought to the consequences. Zhou Jibo’s pointed reminder had sent a jolt of fear through them.

Where on earth had Zhou Jibo acquired his treasure trove?

Who stood behind him? What kind of power did they wield?

Only a master of the Soul Separation Stage could have effortlessly bestowed such items. No, it seemed unlikely even for them; the benefactor might well be a practitioner of the Body Leaving Stage, a level beyond the wildest dreams of ordinary folk.

The realization that they might have crossed such a formidable individual or power was chilling. Even if they sought to ingratiate themselves with the Shrine of Astral Radiance, their survival was far from assured.

For such a person, eliminating them would be trivial.

With this sobering thought, Lang Shen’s face underwent a series of transformations. Ultimately, he curbed his avarice and addressed Zhou Jibo, “The dispute between the Zhou and Zheng families is not our place to meddle. Harmony should be your guiding principle. I advise against provoking the Shrine of Astral Radiance that stands with the Zheng family.”

The Yu family patriarch abandoned his initial intentions, speaking to Zhou Jibo, “We see no need to intervene in your family’s conflict. However, we ask the Zhou family to assure us of one thing.”

“The wrath of the Shrine of Astral Radiance must not extend to the innocent of Icefair City. Should the Zhou family fail to ensure this, and the Shrine seeks retribution, we will be compelled to act in defense of the Zheng family.”

Zhou Jibo spoke calmly, “Rest assured, this is a private matter between the Zheng and Zhou families. The innocents of Icefair City will not be involved.”

Lang Shen and the Yu family patriarch exchanged glances.

Despite their lingering doubts, they chose to step back, considering the potential power behind Zhou Jibo.

“Under those circumstances, we’ll stay out of the Zhou and Zheng families’ dispute,” Lang Shen declared, then quickly led his men away.

The Yu family patriarch bid Zhou Jibo farewell with a simple, “Goodbye.”

As they prepared to depart with their followers, the remaining Zheng family members desperately sought help.

“Lord Lang! Please, save the Zheng family!”

“Goodman Yu, help us! The Zhou family won’t spare us!”

Lang Shen didn’t break stride; he continued outside and strode away with his entourage.

Goodman Yu hesitated briefly, sighed, and then followed suit with his own followers.

They were deeply cautious of the force behind Zhou Jibo and Zhou Jie, not daring to act rashly at the moment.

Once they were gone, Zhou Jibo turned to the pleading Zheng family member and said with detachment, “You know why the Zhou family won’t let the Zheng family off. Come, tell me about it.”

The man stumbled forward, bowing and scraping before Zhou Jibo.

“Please, have mercy on me!”

Zhou Jibo rested his sword against the man and offered, “I’ll give you a chance to save the elders and children of the Zheng family.”

The man was taken aback, momentarily forgetting his pleas. What did Zhou Jibo mean?

“Wait here. I’ll have someone gather all the Zhengs. You’ll explain to them the whole story behind the Zhou and Zheng families’ feud. Identify those who acted against the Zhou family. I won’t kill those who are innocent,” Zhou Jibo stated. “Are you willing to do this?”

“Will you really spare my life?” the man from the Zheng family asked, fraught with anxiety.

“I’ve spared many; sparing you is no challenge. However, there will be a cost,” Zhou Jibo replied coolly. “Will you report the Zheng family’s future actions to me?”

Did he really want him to become a spy?

The man grasped the gravity of what was asked of him and exhaled deeply.

“Yes, Young Master Zhou, I understand,” he affirmed.

Zhou Jibo gave a nod and gestured for him to rise.

In a flurry of distress, Zhou Kaile, Zhou Chaide, Zhou Shuang, and others burst into the Zheng estate, seeking answers from Zhou Jibo.

“What was that about? Why did Lord Lang and Goodman Yu suddenly make their move?”

“And why have they left so abruptly?”

“Does this mean we’re no longer to assault the Zheng family?”

Zhou Jibo sheathed his Blood Stripe Sword, raised his voice reassuringly, “Everyone, remain calm. All is well.”

His composure brought a wave of relief to Zhou Kaile, Zhou Chaide, and Zhou Shuang, who slowly regained their composure.

“What exactly transpired earlier?” Zhou Kaile inquired.

“Lang Shen and the Yu family sought to thwart me, but I managed to fend them off,” Zhou Jibo explained succinctly. “How did we fare against the rest of the Zheng family? Did anyone manage to escape?”

Zhou Shuang reported, “Until the moment Zhou Chulang and Zhou Zhenbo were wounded, we had everything under control. But after that, confusion set in. Even though Zhou Shu has the Zheng estate surrounded, there’s unease among our ranks. I fear we might not prevent some from slipping away.”

Zhou Jibo wasn’t taken aback by this revelation.

Despite the Zhou family’s united front under his command, they were far from the disciplined military force he envisioned. Chaos was not unexpected.

“Assist Elder Zhou Chulang and the Third Elder to a place where they can heal. Look after the other injured members of our family,” Zhou Jibo instructed. “Everyone else, bring the Zheng family members to me. It’s time to address this situation.”

With Zheng Xunqin absent and the brief interference from Lang Shen and the Yu family, some of the Zhengs had escaped. It was no longer feasible to eliminate the entire family at once.

Moreover, Zhou Jibo was not one to harm innocent women and children, so for now, he would only take action against a portion of the Zheng family.

As for the future, Zhou Jibo was determined to grow ever stronger, strong enough to cast a shadow of despair over all who opposed him.

The quest for vengeance was nowhere near its end!

Zhou Kaile and his associates, acting on Zhou Jibo’s command, herded the majority of the Zheng family into the front hall of their expansive courtyard. Yet, a sense of ease eluded them.

They had failed to eradicate a lingering threat. What strategy should they employ against the Shrine of Astral Radiance?

With Lang Shen and the Yu family momentarily diverted, what tactics would they use to confront them later on?

These concerns weighed heavily on their minds.

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