I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 18

C18 – Counterattack!

Upon hearing his words, Zhou Jibo couldn’t help but chuckle. “You certainly have a lot of nerve.”

Zhou Qian responded with a cold sneer as he advanced menacingly.

“I had no intention of killing you in the street, as it would be problematic if the castellan found out. But given the chaos you’ve stirred up today, it seems I have no choice but to eliminate you.”

Grasping the hilt of the Blood Stripe Sword, Zhou Jibo spoke deliberately, “Your ambition is for the Patriarch’s seat. The Zheng family acts out of old grudges, and the Yu family, purely for profit. None of this has anything to do with their bravery.”

“You’re missing the point. With such blindness, you’re fated never to claim the Patriarch’s title.”

Zhou Qian paused, mulling over the words, and it dawned on him that there might be some truth to them.

But his reflection quickly turned to rage, and he bellowed, “Eloquent as you are, if we were to follow your reasoning, your father is nothing but a block of wood, far less capable than me. So why did he become the Patriarch and not I?”

Zhou Jibo offered a wry smile. “That’s just how fate works. His was simply better than yours.”

Zhou Qian nearly choked with fury. “You’re spouting utter nonsense! Should I just resign myself to fate’s whims? Your words are downright malicious.”

Meanwhile, Zheng Kang had been silent from the start, observing the scene. At last, he fixed his gaze on Zhou Jibo and demanded, “How did you manage to recover? This is a serious matter, and Xunqin wouldn’t lie about it.”

Zhou Jibo let out a weary sigh. “Don’t you get it yet? The truth is, I never cared for Zheng Xunqin—it’s she who’s been pining for me. She claimed to have taken my bone root, but how could she ever bring herself to harm me?”

Zheng Kang’s expression soured, his breath catching in his throat.

Was Zhou Jibo spewing madness now? Zheng Xunqin in love with him? Impossible.

Yet, seeing Zhou Jibo unscathed, doubt crept into Zheng Kang’s mind. Could it be that Zheng Xunqin would jeopardize the entire Zheng family’s scheme for the sake of her own heart?

“In truth, I deceived you,” Zhou Jibo confessed earnestly to Zheng Kang.

“How could you dare to deceive me?”

Zheng Kang’s emotions erupted. With a curse, he launched his fist at Zhou Jibo. The Zheng family’s Rolling Rock Fist, though considered a lesser martial skill, had been perfected by Zheng Kang over many years. When executed, his punches cascaded with increasing force, each one more powerful than the last, culminating in a blow that could shatter boulders.

Zhou Qian quickly joined the fray, both men intent on ending Zhou Jibo’s life. But in that instant, Zhou Jibo’s Blood Stripe Sword flashed from its sheath. With the “Cool Breeze Blowing” technique, he effortlessly bypassed Zheng Kang’s barrage of fists and thrust the sword into his throat. A chilling frost spread, forming ice crystals upon Zheng Kang’s neck.

A sudden coldness enveloped Zheng Kang’s throat, and before pain could register, his head tumbled to the ground.

Zhou Qian, witnessing Zhou Jibo claim Zheng Kang’s life with a single sword strike, was rooted to the spot in shock. How could this be? Wasn’t Zhou Jibo merely at the fifth layer of Acquired strength? How had he slain a ninth layer Acquired Warrior with one blow? Was this a nightmare?

Snapping out of his daze, Zhou Qian made a desperate attempt to flee, but a five-foot sword, radiating cold and edged with frost, was already at his neck.

“Great Elder, Zhou Qian…” Zhou Jibo’s voice was calm, detached. “Do you have any last words?”

“I’ll kill you!” In a sudden twist, Zhou Qian lunged at Zhou Jibo.

Zhou Jibo let out a cold laugh, easily reading the Gravel Palm technique that Zhou Qian employed. With a swift motion, Zhou Jibo countered with the seventh layer of the Mountain Suppressing Palm, targeting Zhou Qian’s vulnerability and striking him in the ribs.

By the time Zhou Qian realized his peril, it was too late. Struck by the palm, he collapsed, blood streaming from his mouth and nose.

“This can’t be happening!”

“How are you so strong?” he cried out in disbelief.

Zhou Jibo, however, ignored his astonishment. Brandishing his long sword, he cut down the remaining Warriors attempting to flee. Then, turning to Fangyin and the four black-clad men on the rooftop, he declared, “Come down. The first to run will be the first to die.”

Fangyin, witnessing his decisive actions, set her crossbow aside and stood at the alley’s entrance, head bowed. The four men in black exchanged glances before leaping down from the rooftop to join her.

Zhou Jibo then approached Zhou Qian, sword in hand. “How did you arrange the trap?”

Zhou Qian clenched his teeth. “I have nothing to say. Just kill me!”

“Killing you is easy,” Zhou Jibo stated calmly. “For your actions today, death is certain.”

Zhou Qian closed his eyes, remaining silent.

With a slight shake of his head, Zhou Jibo lifted the Blood Stripe Sword and ended his life. He had been the catalyst for the Zhou family’s strife, constantly stirring unrest. Without his demise, there could be no peace or unity within the family.

Turning to the five individuals before him, Zhou Jibo inquired, “Do you four belong to the Zhou or Zheng family?”

“We serve as guards for the Zheng family,” the men in black answered.

“Do any of you have families?” Zhou Jibo continued.

“Yes,” they all responded.

Zhou Jibo nodded. “I’m offering you a chance. Take your families and flee from the Zhengs. Warn everyone you care about to do the same.”

“The Zheng family’s downfall is imminent. I have no desire to take more lives than necessary.”

Relieved, the guards expressed their gratitude and hastily departed.

Finally, Zhou Jibo’s gaze settled on Fangyin. “You seem contemplative. How do you feel about what I’ve done?”

“You’re truly remarkable!” Fangyin exclaimed. “With Zhou Qian and Zheng Kang gone, you’ll be the sole voice of the Zhou family. You’ll even bring down the Zhengs. You’re incredibly powerful!”

“And?” Zhou Jibo pressed.

Fangyin hesitated, struggling to find her words.

What more was there to say?

“Please, Young Master, spare my life. I had no choice. Zhou Xiuyun took me hostage, and the Fang family commanded me. I lacked the strength to resist; I could only follow their orders.”

Zhou Jibo shook his head. “That’s not the right answer. Tell me, how did I handle the situation just now?”

“You were incredible!” Fangyin exclaimed, her realization dawning upon her. “You released those four from the Zheng family, causing them to shake the very confidence of their own clan. It’s brilliant to incite internal chaos within the Zhengs!”

Zhou Jibo remained terse, lifting the Blood Stripe Sword.

His primary motive had been one of compassion, with calculation coming second. Fangyin, however, only perceived the calculation, revealing her impure heart and lack of genuine kindness.

Besides, her claims of being coerced were evidently false.

Fangyin was taken aback, pleading for her life. Unmoved, he raised his sword and ended hers.

Surveying the area, he noted its emptiness; it was sparsely populated before, but now, utterly deserted.

Zhou Jibo set off toward the Zhou family home.

Today marked the day the Zhou family would reunite and stand together once more.

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