I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

[Your cumulative Villain Points has reached 5,000, upgrading to Gold Level Villain, +100 Luck Points.]

A prompt appeared on the Villain panel, indicating that Su Mo's Villain level had advanced. This time, the upgrade was through cumulative points, not a golden finger. Currently, the most advanced golden finger Su Mo possessed was still at the Silver Level.

Su Mo contemplated for a moment, deciding not to absorb the Lord system hastily. He would wait until he completed his maneuver in the Crescent Moon Kingdom and upgraded the Critical Hit Talent. Then he would consider it.

He checked his panel.

[Player: Su Mo (Villain)]

[Alias: Shadow]

[Camp: Villain]

[Identity: Count of the Crescent Moon Kingdom's Moshi Territory, Holy Son of the Crescent Moon Goddess]

[Level: Gold (Requires Legendary Level golden finger, or 5,000 Villain Points to upgrade)]

[Villain Points: 5400/450]

[Achievements: 26]

[Luck Points: 890]


[Not yet incorporated:…]

[Warning Distance: 5 kilometers]

Apart from the warning distance reducing again, this time by a factor of ten, and the upgrade to Gold Level, there weren't many other changes. The cumulative Villain Points had also reached 5400, and his current Villain Points were 450.

With additional 950 points he can upgrade a Silver Level golden finger to Gold Level. Su Mo was naturally planning to upgrade his Critical Hit Talent first. After reaching Gold Level, it can give crit value of 15!

After reading it, Su Mo looked at the Villain panel.

"Vivian, in the Savage Continent, look for other Protagonists of this type," Su Mo instructed. The Savage Continent was more primitive and brutal, with many powerful creatures like giants and dragons. These beings were naturally strong, even at a single entity level.

Although the Crescent Moon Kingdom seemed to be filled with Holy Levels, the total number of Holy Levels in the entire kingdom was still limited. According to Su Mo's knowledge, there were around a dozen Holy Levels. Legendary ones were more numerous but still not exceeding a hundred. Forbidden Cursed Levels were more abundant, likely in the hundreds.

Although it might sound like a considerable number, considering the population of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, which was over a hundred million, it was not many.

However, there are some races, although rare in number, but extremely powerful. For instance, Giant Dragons, who are sixth-tier as adults. However, their small numbers are their weakness.

"Understood, Master," Vivian acknowledged.

Watching the graceful Vivian, Su Mo gently patted her head. "Though the Savage Continent may not have as much divine radiance, it harbors many powerful creatures. Be cautious."

This gesture caused Vivian to blush. She felt a mix of happiness and deep gratitude.

"Thank you for your concern, Master. I will be careful!" she replied.

"Alright, then I'll be on my way," Su Mo said. He returned to the Abyss through the passage and proceeded back to the castle. Using the spatial gate, he returned to the Crescent Moon Holy See.

The Holy See was bustling with activity these days, with people coming and going. The headquarters of the Crescent Moon Holy See was currently quite empty since most of the Templar Knights had been deployed. Crescent Moon Queen had also issued a royal decree, instructing everyone to cooperate fully with this operation.

Su Mo, overseeing everything, sat at the Holy See headquarters, controlling all movements. The scale of this operation was unprecedented, and Su Mo had inserted all suspected Protagonist names into the arrest list for this mission.

Everything was ready. The next morning would mark the official commencement of the arrests. Throughout this night, Su Mo didn't sleep. Instead, he used magic letters to gather information on the deployment and progress of actions in various locations.

Ten thousand Templar Knights, along with numerous priests and local divine practitioners, were mobilized for this operation. Crescent Moon Queen had also allocated even more resources. The total number of people assisting from the local areas reached several hundred thousand.

All this was being done secretly, and the Protagonists, although sensing that something was amiss, had not realized the imminent danger. In the Protagonist group of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, some Protagonists were discussing leaving the kingdom.


However, due to Su Mo's recent lack of action, and with them being far from the capital, these Protagonists were not particularly concerned. The number of Protagonists setting out in these days, given the temporary lack of crisis, wasn't significant. Many Protagonists were still observing the situation.

"Sleep, worrying won't help. Count Mo, for now, hasn't made any moves. Let's wait until he takes action," someone said.

"Yeah, he's not all-knowing. I don't believe he can find us in such a vast Crescent Moon Kingdom," another one commented.

"I heard someone in the group mention that the military is mobilizing in the local areas, preparing to arrest those colluding with demons. I don't think it's related to us, right?" someone else added.

"Stop worrying. What could be the connection?" they dismissed.

In a Magic Academy, a few hidden Protagonists in a small group chatted for a while and then went to sleep. Time passed, and the next day dawned. In the early light, a small group of Templar Knights entered the Magic Academy with a significant number of soldiers.

"The Magic Academy is off-limits! Unauthorized entry is forbidden!" The guardians at the entrance tried to stop them, but one of the Templar Knights produced a token and an order signed by Crescent Moon Queen. Faced with these documents, the guardians had no choice but to step aside.

A loud crash echoed as the door to a room was forcefully opened. Startled, the students inside sat up and grabbed their wands. They saw several Templar Knights in enchanted armor charging in.

"Who's Jerryce? We suspect you of colluding with demons. You are under arrest. Come with us!" one of the Templar Knights declared, brandishing an arrest warrant and a signed order.

"Jerryce?" In the room, everyone turned their gaze toward a bed where Jerryce was hiding. This Protagonist was taken aback.

"I'm arrested? Why? Who are you people, and what authority do you have to arrest me?" he exclaimed. However, the Templar Knights, after confirming his identity, didn't give him a chance to speak. They simply took him away.

Simultaneously, in the Magic Academy, other Protagonists were also taken away by different Templar Knights. It wasn't just them; this morning, a massive arrest operation unfolded throughout the entire Crescent Moon Kingdom.

For Su Mo, this operation was the culmination of his plans. Not only had he added the names of suspected Protagonists to the arrest list, but he had also marked them as priority individuals—those to be arrested first. Although many of those apprehended were not Protagonists, their number was still considerable. Thus, on this morning, many Protagonists in the Crescent Moon Kingdom were still asleep when Templar Knights stormed in and arrested them, causing confusion and panic.

These Protagonists had no idea what was happening and found resisting impossible.

"Damn it, I've been arrested by Templar Knights, accused of colluding with demons!" one Protagonist exclaimed in the Protagonist group chat.

"I am too! I've been arrested. What do I do?" another panicked Protagonist joined in.

"I've also been arrested, but they said they would release us once they clarify the situation," a third Protagonist reassured.

"What's going on? So many people are being arrested. Who…" a fourth Protagonist started, but then stopped abruptly, looking like the one coming for him had just arrived.

"What's happening?"

"So many people being arrested?"

"Don't scare me, you guys must be joking collectively, right?"

In the Protagonist group chat of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, a multitude of voices surfaced immediately.

"Damn it, I've been arrested too!"

"We're done for! This has to be Count Mo's doing. Will we have a way out once we reach the Holy See headquarters?"

Some Protagonists finally realized what was happening. The moment this Protagonist finished speaking, the others in the chat were alarmed.

"Brother, don't scare us. Even if Count of Moshi Territory is the Holy Son, he has no right to arrest so many people on such a large scale, right? Why would they do this?"

"Didn't I find a reason for you? We are arrested for colluding with demons! After they take you away, he decides who's colluding with demons!"

"Oh, damn it! Why did I stay back to observe?"

"It's over; I should've left the Crescent Moon Kingdom a few days ago. I didn't expect Count to act so ruthlessly. I thought he wouldn't make any moves in the short term."

"Now we're in deep trouble!"

In the Protagonist group chat, a large number of Protagonists were being arrested, and the atmosphere was filled with despair. Some Protagonists who managed to hide well and were not captured yet were trembling, fearing they might be next.

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