I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 26 - 26: 26: Immortal Turtle_l

Chapter 26 - 26: 26: Immortal Turtle_l

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chen Mobai took out his phone and opened the “Turtle Treasure” app.

As he was about to press the glowing “Proxy” button, he remembered something else.

He exited from “Turtle Treasure”, opened the “National Library” app, and logged out of his own account.

“I wonder if it would work without an account?”

Muttering to himself, Chen Mobai hit the “Proxy” button. The screen then returned to his phone’s home screen.

[Please select the app to proxy.]


How come last time it automatically selected “Auxiliary Cultivation”? Could it be that when the “Proxy” function is activated, if you’re using a certain app, it will automatically proxy it. But if activated from the Turtle Treasure app, it requires manual selection?

Chen Mobai didn’t give it much thought. He simply tapped on the icon for the “National Library” app.

Then another window popped up.

[No account detected, proxying not possible. Do you want to create a new account?]

Pretty user-friendly feature, huh!

Chen Mobai hit [Yes].

After some thought while entering the account name, the first phrase that comes to mind was: “Beside the peach blossom tree, I announce.”

This, coupled with his previous phrase “If I were the Blue Emperor someday” completes a poetic verse.

But upon a second thought fearing it could expose him, he decided not to be too artsy.

Inspiration struck him, and he entered two characters:

Turtle Immortal!

After completing the new account registration, the proxying commenced.

He watched as a cute little turtle emerged in the center of the “National Library” app he had opened. After making a little spin, it dived into his user avatar at the top right corner.

But this time, the situation was a bit different than when he proxied “Auxiliary Cultivation”. The little turtle struggled to climb around his avatar, implying that the “National Library” had greater defensive force than “Auxiliary Cultification”, preventing immediate breakthrough.

Eventually, his permission level was only elevated to just short of four rings of light, after which the turtle could no longer move and vanished.

Rank-3 user.

This signifies a Gold Core cultivator.

Seeing this, Chen Mobai breathed a sigh of relief. However, there was a hint of disappointment in his heart.

It seems that Turtle Treasure is not omnipotent, indicating that there are forces within the Cultivation World that can suppress it.

However, this worked out just fine. If he was elevated to Rank-4 user, the Cultivation World would immediately be able to trace and detect that his new alias, Turtle Immortal, was problematic.

After all, in the entire Cultivation World, every Nascent Soul senior is well-documented. A sudden appearance of a mysterious Turtle Immortal would undoubtedly raise suspicion.

Shelving his thoughts, Chen Mobai excitedly opened the successfully proxied “National Library” app.

He wondered what the difference was between his current Rank-3 permissions and his previous Rank-1 permissions.

The interface hadn’t changed much.

He read the user guide and was pleasantly surprised by what he found at the beginning.

As a Rank-1 user, you had no say in the choices offered by the National Library – you could only read the Cultivation Techniques they provided. However, for Rank-3 users, there’s a great degree of freedom.

You just have to enter your ideas, predicted objectives, and even the resources you possess, and the National Library’s artificial intelligence will comprehensively integrate various conditions, compare the 84,000 dao books in their collection, and prioritize and list 30 cultivation techniques for you to choose from.

In a sense, the National Library is 95% accessible to Rank-3 users.

As for the next level, Rank-4 users that have reached the Nascent Soul stage, the number of valuable Dao books and cultivation techniques they find useful can be counted on one hand.

Chen Mobai, keeping his growing excitement under control, typed in his Spirit Root Attributes in the search bar, and then hit the search key.

Instantly, thirty cultivation techniques appeared.

Five per line, over six lines.

The first one was still the “Five Elements Cultivation”!

Chen Mobai clicked to check it out, finding it to be the complete version which could cultivate until the Nascent Soul stage. He was about to download it when a pop-up appeared.

[Insufficient points. Unable to download.]

It turns out that even the most noble users can’t freeload.

Rank-3 users get 30% off, but the problem is that Turtle Immortal is a new account with zero points.

However, Chen Mobai didn’t plan on taking all the advantages. Thus, he calmly closed the Five Elements Cultivation page and continued to explore other techniques.

“Immeasurable Cultivation”, “Water Splendor Sword Code”, “Profound Yin Great Method”, “Nine Bend Diagram”, “Ten Thousand River Book”, “Jade Purity Scripture”, “Pure Yang Scroll”…

Every book had a more impressive title than the last, becoming increasingly outrageous towards the end.

“Jade Purity Scripture” is the premier teaching of Primordial Elemental Academy, one of the only seven great methods in the Cultivation World that can train one to reach the Primordial Spirit.

And the “Pure Yang Scroll” refuses to be overshadowed, being the supreme method of Pure Yang Academy and a technique that leads to Primordial Spirit.

But after looking further, Chen Mobai came to understand a principle.

All paths lead to the source.

Even though the National Library holds 84,000 Dao books, these books essentially all derive from the seven Primordial Spirit techniques. Regardless of your Spiritual Root, if you intend to achieve Dao, you will eventually end up on one of these seven paths.

As a Rank-3 user, Chen Mobai is being offered at least Nascent Soul Formation techniques by the artificial intelligence, who assumes that he has the potential to achieve the Primordial Spirit. Therefore, according to his Spirit Root Attributes, “Jade Purity Scripture” and “Pure Yang Scroll” are included in the list of thirty cultivation techniques.

Among these, “Jade Purity Scripture” can be considered the ultimate version of Five Elements Cultivation. It doesn’t require particularly high Spirit Root Attributes, and is in fact, optimal for balanced Five Elements Attributes.

However, the difficulty of cultivating “Jade Purity Scripture” is extremely high, and can only be understood after reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

Thus, Chen Mobai clicked into it enthusiastically, only to find out his access was limited – he could only read the introductory summary and contents list.

Feeling somewhat deflated, he reviewed the summaries of all thirty cultivation techniques from beginning to end, trying to find the one most suitable for him.

“Immeasurable Cultivation” is a method from the Nature Studies Academy. Towards the end of the introduction, it stated that the magic potency cultivated through this method is pure and powerful. In a Magic Duel at the same level, it is unbeatable. However, it consumes massive amounts of Spiritual Energy and the cultivation speed is slow.

“Water Splendor Sword Code” is a Sword Cultivation method from the Mountain Sea Academy. It focuses on solidifying water into swords, refining swords into arrays. Once mastered, you can stand up to a multitude, especially when near a water source.

Comparing the descriptions, each book seemed more impressive than the last, leaving Chen Mobai, who suffered from difficulty in making choices, extremely hesitant.

But soon, he came to a realization.

This new account, “Turtle Immortal”, has zero points.

He cannot download any of the thirty cultivation techniques.

Even with his main account, “Blue Emperor”, only had over 3000 points. This represents that from his childhood to adulthood, he spent only 3000 Good Deed Points, of which almost 1000 of that were recently added when he purchased the Green Arrow Talisman and Qi-replenishing Spirit Water online.

There was simply nowhere he needed to spend money.

Chen Mobai opened the last book, “Pure Yang Scroll”.

Although this book is also a Primordial Spirit technique, when compared to the high entry barrier of “Jade Purity Scripture”, it had a more gradual and clear progression path..

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