I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Eleon woke up late in the afternoon.

He reached out and pulled the bell cord.

Did you call, Your highness?

The butler came in quickly.

What time is it now?

Its half-past two.

Youre late. I will have a light meal and dinner an hour later.

Yes. I will prepare it.

Suddenly, Eleon was concerned that Rona hadnt come, but the butler.


Oh, Miss Rona went out for a while.

Again? Whats wrong?

The butler answered while tidying up Eleons bed.

Come to think of it, Miss Rona hasnt been out since she came to this house. She said she ordered some clothes yesterday Shes a young girl, so there must be a lot of things she needs. She only has one outing outfit, in addition to the maid clothes she always wears to work.

Does she only have one outfit?


The butler affirmed it.

Its Ms. Ronas job to take care of Your Highness, but since Your highness hasnt been outside so far, she only has a winter coat.

Then what about yesterday?

It was the same dress from yesterday.

Does that make sense? A person who works in the grand dukes house went to a picnic in winter clothes?

Bernard was shocked.

The person who suddenly wanted to go on a picnic to the park is Your Highness. If I had the time, I would have prepared it.

You should have borrowed clothes from the other maids.

The butler was in tears because Eleon had reprimanded him.

Your Highness kicked everyone out. The gardeners wife, Niel, is old and short, and Olivia, from the kitchen, is too big to lend her clothes to Rona.

But still.

The sunlight that touched his skin yesterday was as stinging as when he was on the training ground.

Wow, its spring, but its hotter than I thought.

The sun was strong, but it wasnt that hot.

But I couldnt believe that Rona wore winter clothes next to me.

Where is it?


Where is the dressing room that Rona went to?

When Rona insisted that she would go alone, he shouldnt have let her go.

He should have followed her and bought her outdoor and indoor clothes for the four seasons.

Eleon couldnt insist that he would go with her anymore when she told him to go home first with the butler.

I dont know where exactly, but I called a carriage to Luton Street.

Find a nearby dressing room. I will go.

Eleon clenched his fists involuntarily.

This is a matter of dignity of the Grand Duchy. Hurry up.

Yes. Your Highness.

The butler rushed out of Eleons room as if he had been kicked out.

Is it?

Bernard asked himself.

Its a matter of dignity of the Grand Duke.

Come to think of it, the other ladies in the park yesterday, including the maids, were all wearing brightly colored dresses made of light muslin.

However, Rona wore an outdated coat that was rather loose compared to her physique.

And thats exactly what Rona was wearing when she came to this house.

You care so much about her.

Bernard became depressed when he thought that he could not understand the heart of the Grand Duke and it gave him shame.

This isnt the time.

He hastily called the attendant to prepare the carriage.

I cant believe Your Majesty is going out for three days in a row.

The butler happy to see the Grand Duke changed, hurried to get ready to go out.

Thirty minutes later, Eleon was waiting for Bernard in the carriage.

Are they still picking something up?

It would be nice if I could pick an outfit that could suit her.

Bernard made him wait in the carriage, saying that the inside of his dressing room was rather small.

Since he was a child, when he needed clothes, he would call someone from the boutique to his house, so this was something he never thought of.

Your Highness.

Bernards voice was heard from outside of the carriage.

The owner of the dressing room wants to see Your Highness.

Ill allow it.


The door opened and a strong scent of perfume wafted in.

Greetings Your Highness.

Where is Rona?

The butler also asked, its difficult to tell you because we cannot disclose customer information.

Did you say that you would see me in person just to say that?

That is Thats correct, however, she isnt our custumer.


Rona Hara Palace hasnt ordered clothes from us.

I felt like my fingertips were getting cold.

Then, are there any other dressing rooms around here?

Yes. Luton Street is a business district, not a commercial district. This is the only dressing shop.

After speaking, Bernard waited for the Grand Duke to say it was okay to leave.

However, Eleon was thinking for a while.

Did she lie?

Yesterday Rona came home very late.

So, where did she go today?

Eleon barely opened his mouth.

Lets go back.

* * * * *

Count Harringtons hospitality was not lacking.

Expensive imported tea and desserts were placed in front of Rona.

You said you were indebted to me.

Yes, Lady Karina.

But why cant I remember? If you had promised to repay me, I would have remembered something.

Putting down the teacup, Karina looked at her closely.

Do you remember the old lady fortune teller in the square?

Karinas eyes widened.

How do you know her?

She is my adoptive grandmother.


Karina meets an old fortune teller in the town square on her way home from her parents funeral in the original story.

All she had in her hand were three silver coins.

She gives the silver coins to the old woman who was sick and hungry, and asks her to foretell her future.

Then the old woman tells her future.

You will soon start a new life. A strong fate awaits you. You will fall in love with a very fateful and passionate love. The man was tall and had dark hair. His eyes Cough cough.

Recalling that, Karina smiled brightly.

Thats right. That happened. I often think about her. What she predicted did happen.

Karinas cheeks blushed in a peach color.

How is she doing?

She died.

Oh my.

Rona bowed her head slightly.

It bothered her to use the story of someone who had nothing to do with her.

However, she had no choice.

In the original plot, it is written that when Karina left after giving her silver coins, the old woman smiled happily and died as if she was asleep, but only the reader knows.

There was no way Karina would know that.

My grandmother had dementia and she often wandered the streets. She was offended by people. I tried to take her home many times. But she would disappear in a matter of seconds.

Karinas father had dementia.

When she lost her parents, her mother, went out to find her father, and got into a carriage accident.

Her expression darkened for a moment as she recalled her familiar story.

Thanks to Lady Karina she passed away with a happy face in the end. She held three silver coins in her hand. So, as a token of my gratitude, I came here to tell you about your future once again.

Rona hoped Karina could meet Eleon smoothly.

Although she was a fake fortune teller, she was about to tell her the original plot where Eleon and Karina were happy.

She will say beautiful words of blessing that are hard to forget!

Rona was determined.


But I have a favor to ask you.

What is that?

Rona felt her mouth dry.

Please, can you meet someone? Its very important. A persons life depends on it.

Rona begged her earnestly.

You have the power to change other peoples lives. Just as you showed warmth to my grandmother.

Then Karina hesitated for a moment.

Is that person a man?


Whats wrong with that? Rona was bewildered.

Im sorry, but I cant meet him.

Rona was startled because she never thought that Karina would reject her request.


Karina had a soft but determined expression.

Theres someone who doesnt like it when I meet other men. He is very jealous.

Rona couldnt hide her embarrassment.

By any chance .

Karina responded as quickly as if she had been waiting for someone to ask.

Even her beautiful green eyes were shining brightly.

Thats right. Im dating someone. With marriage in mind..Even the adults agree.

Suddenly, Rona got surprised.

What? Marriage with Sabiel?

It was unbelievable.

Sabiel is the villain, and he is just a character that causes Eleons jealousy.

I couldnt understand why the heroine Karina had such a serious relationship with Sabiel even before meeting Eleon.

Are you really talking about marriage?

Isnt it a national marriage if she marries Crown Prince Sabiel?

Karina smiled softly as she continued telling her story.

Yeah. I havent made my debut yet, but Im old enough to get married. I was worried that I wouldnt be able to meet a good person later, but I dont know how I ended up with such a person.

Karina had a dreamy expression just thinking about it.

She soon looked at Rona with a friendly smile.

Your grandmother told me a good fate awaited for me. It was thanks to her that I was able to receive love from a precious person. She told me he was my fate, and even told me about his appearance, she also said he was a nice person with dark hair. I often remembered the words of your grandmother these days.

Karina looked embarrassed.

I also want to do you the favor. But, its difficult for me to do things because Im not alone in a marriage. Im sorry I couldnt help you with Miss Ronas request. I cant do anything that would prevent me from becoming a member of the Imperial Family .

Rona looked at Karina.

The Imperial Family?

Oh my, this is still a secret, but I told you it was the imperial family. Okay. The person Im meeting right now is the Crown Prince.

Rona felt her eyes getting dark. Yet she felt strange.

If the original plot is ruined, she cant return to her original world.

And she was more worried that Eleon would stay blind all his life.

Do you love him?

Karina blushed and nodded her head.

Yes, with all my heart.

Rona was speechless, and she could definitely feel that it wasnt just a political marriage. Karina was definitely in love.

I didnt know the circumstances, and I tried to make an unreasonable request.

Rona closed her eyes with a serious face.

I will once again fortune the future of Miss Karina.

Karina looked at her with great anticipation.

* * * * *

The carriage, embossed with a golden lion, stopped in front of Count Harringtons residence.

It was a luxurious carriage used to bring guests from the imperial family to the palace.

Karina opened the carriage door as she tried to grab the hem of her dress.

Suddenly she screamed as she tried to climb up.

Oh, Your Royal Highness. What brings you here?

Sabiel smiled sweetly and stretched his hand out to her.

Its hard to wait for you to come.

Karinas heart pounded.

She took Sabiels hand and climbed into the carriage.

Then the door was closed.

Soon regular hoofs could be heard cheerfully.

However, even with her wonderful lover by her side, the story she had heard a while ago lingered in her head.

There are two men?

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