I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Ch.92 Rudolf’s Rage

Ch.92 Rudolf’s Rage

Hajdah and his guild members saw Captain Reeve fall to Rudolf's blade.

"No! Reeve! No!" Hajdah yelled as he looked at his fallen comrade.

*CRASH! CRASH!!* The sound of the battle rang loud in the air as the Ironside infantry finally finished off the Black Rose Cavalry. But not without a cost.

*Cling! Clang!* Guess the sound of swords, spears, and hammers ringing in the air was a clue that things weren't going well for the soldiers.

"What do we do, master Hajbah? Their commander has that artifact shield that can cast that barrier!" Said Kyan the other fire mage.

"Retreat is not an option, Kyan. How's everyone's mana? We need to keep fighting or our only chance will be lost." Hajdah said as he looked around.

"We're fine, master Hajbah. I've been casting my spells nonstop since the beginning of the battle." Laika replied as she was breathing heavily. "But I think the others are running low on their mana."

Hajdah thought for a moment, 'Dammit! Laika and I are the only two with bigger mana veins. Kyan, Suhail, Akashia, and Dreshan could probably cast two spells in a row before the threat of mana exhaustion would possibly happen.'

"Laika and I will keep the Black Rose Commander busy. If any of you have anything left try a surprise him." Hajdah said as he saw the other mages nod in agreement.

"Yes master Hajdah!" Laika said as she positioned herself next to Hajdah while the others spread out in a semi-circle formation around the approaching Rudolf

"And to think that sword master of yours called me a coward? And yet here you lot are, shacking rabbits full of fear. Because you no longer can hide behind all your infantrymen. Like cowards," Rudolf said as he saw Hajdah and Laika approaching him.

"Well, we weren't meant to front-line frights, Rudolf! But that doesn't mean we won't go down without a fight! Be honored! Because not that many warriors get the chance to be up close to a mage's magic!" Hajdah exclaimed as he readied his staff.

"A Dwarf's honor is as worthless as their ale!" Rudolf laughed as he drew his sword.

"WHAT! I'll make you take those words back before this day is done! You're going to feel the wrath of the Mages Guild!" Kyan shouted from the right side of Rudolf as he started to chant his fireball spell.

'So, the weaker one wants to die first! I guess I'll give him what he wants!' Rudolf thought as he makes his move towards Kyan.

"FIREBALL!" Kyan chanted as the ball of fire appeared in front of Rudolf.

Rudolf charged forward, bringing his shield barrier up just to stop the magic coming his way.

*BOOM!* Goes the first fireball that didn't burn Rudolf.

"DIE!" Kyan yelled as he fires off another fireball at Rudolf but it hits the ground where they stand.

"KYAN! WATCH OUT! EARTH WALL!" Dreshan yells as he casts his own Earth Wall to protect Kyan.


Rudolf smashed his sword through the earth wall which slowed his attack just enough to let Kyan dodge his sword.

"Now you're really dead, maggot!" Rudolf said as he readied his sword.

"GRRRARGH!!" Laika growled as she takes a few steps back and releases a barrage of water balls that were the size of baseballs.

"BOOOOM!!!" The sound of thunder fills the air as Laika's water orbs hit Rudolf and sent him flying backward.

Rudolf lands on the ground and rolls a couple of times before getting to his feet.

"Not bad little dwarf! This isn't over though!" Rudolf said as he starts to charge.

"Suhail! NOW!" Hajdah yelled as he readies his staff.

"LIGHTNING BOLT," Suhail replied as he cast his spell.

Rudolf was waiting for their lightning mage to attack so he could reflect. The surface area is small. No bigger than a dinner plate. But, it's not about the size of the space it covers. It's about taking a concentrated attack like a lightning bolt and making reflect back is what makes it dangerous. If they used wider magical attacks then the chances of him getting hit would be much higher. So, he rarely uses it.

He waited until the last second before he used reflect.

"HA!" Rudolf said as he dived forward to block the lightning bolt.

As he blocked the bolt he focused his mana to create the small reflect barrier in front of his shield as he aims it back at the earth mage first.

*BOOM!* The impact shakes the ground and sends shockwaves all over.

"AARRRRHHH!!" Dreshan and Suhail yelled as they got hit by the electrical shockwave from Rudolf.

The shockwave was enough to knock them out and they fell to the grown once the magic dissipated.


Rudolf stood there as he looked around the battlefield.

"You bastard! FLAMEWAVE!" Kyan yelled as he uses his fire magic to ignite the ground beneath Rudolf.


"We have no time! Akashia! Hajdah! Finish him!"

"Hold on! Whirlwind!" Akashia said as she summoned a column of air moving rapidly around the flames as it helped to create a fire tornado that engulfed Rudolf in flares.

"Dammit! REGNAR!" Hajdah yelled as he unleashed a large fire sword from the sky as it flies into the flame tornado where Rudolf is.


When the sword hit an explosion went off and it sent debris everywhere.

It took a few seconds before the dust cleared.

"Did we get him!" Akashia asked as she slowly approached the smoldering ground.

"Kyan! NO!" Laika yelled as she and Hajdah ran towards Kyan who has fallen to his knees.

*Cough! Cough!*

Kyan was slowly turning to dust because of mana exhaustion.

"No... Kyan." Hajdah said as he knelt down next to Kyan.

"I'm sorry!" Laika said sadly.

"Ha... Well, I always wanted to go out a hero's death. *COUGH!*" Kyan said as he coughs up blood.

"You did well old friend..." Hajdah said as tears begin to form in his eyes.

"It's alright... At least... you have..... less competition..... for who's the.... best fire mage now....... Master Hajdah....." Kyan said as he smiles as his arms fall to his side into dust.

"Thank... old friend.... Tell me if there's good ale in the heavens....." Hajdah said as he cries.

As his body fades away, Hajdah and Laika turn their gaze back to the battlefield where Akashia is.

"Huh?" Akashia said as she noticed the golden skull on the shield of Rudolf laying on the ground.

Just as she came close to the shield it suddenly moved up as Rudolf comes from the ground and bashes her in the face sending her flying away from him.

"FUCKING MAGES!" Rudolf yelled as his armor was covered in soot.

He charged after Hajdah and Laika with all his rage.

"Hajdah! Look out! ICE WALL!" Laika yelled while casting a wall of ice to stop a charging Rudolf that was about to crash into Hajdah.

The frost wall stopped Rudolf mid-step before he used his sword to cleave through it. Coming face to face with Laika and he uses his shield arm to bush her.


"Laika!" Hajdah yelled as he tried to summon Mana to attack Rudulf.

'I got to take out their fire mage before I can kill her!'

Rudolf is a very skilled warrior and has many battle scars he's had to do many things in his life to survive.

Many of the battles he faced were against other humans. Most of them were soldiers from other kingdoms and nobles which he despised. He would do anything and everything to kill his foes. And never has he been so angry in his life to be facing an enemy like a fucking mage! Using their foul magic to slow him down. If he wasn't a Maji he would have been killed years ago.


Rudolf was able to cut Hajdah's staff causing him to stop his chant.

"Guhhhhhhh!" Hajdah yelled as he fell back to the ground. The shock of being hit by a swing that fast caused him to pass out.

Rudolf finally had the dwarf dead to rights as he was about to finish off Hajdah.


Out of nowhere came a dwarf with a smithing hammer that was able to block and dented his sword.

"HAJDAH! I have him!" Zellin yelled as he comes to Hajdahs aid.

"You dwarves are like cockroaches!" Rudolf yells.

The Baron tried to hold back Rudolf but he was a politician, not a warrior and Rudolf was able to stead the Baron flying after getting smashed by his shield.

"Enough game-WHOA!" Rudolf was grabbed from behind and thrown away from Zellin, Laika, and Hajdah.

*Crash! Crash! Crash!*

Rudolf rolled around as he crashed into the ground until he came to a skidding stop.

"RRRAAAHH! WHO-" Rudolf's anger was interrupted when he saw a naked dark elf standing there. The dark elf he thought was under control with a slave collar. And she had nothing on her neck not even the cocker necklace.

"Lady Rya!?" Zellin yelled as he looks up to see a naked woman in front of him.

After a moment Quinus, Nieren, and a clothed Rya ran to the three.

"What is going on here?!" Rudolf yelled out in frustration.

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