I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Translator: “Karaage” Editor: “Weasalopes”

That evening, I was walking through the red light district.

Because of my continuous appreciation of the female students at the pilot school, I was now having a swell feeling.

(Where should I go?)

I walk aimlessly.

Recently, due to certain circumstances, it has become difficult for me to enter High class brothels.

But still, the Royal Capital is really huge.

There should still be lots of shops that would accept me.

(When It cools down, I wonder If I’m able to enter them again?)

I have a little expectation.

By the way, in this world, there is a great appreciation to the existence of brothels.

They are widely recognized as a prominent tourist attraction.

They are comparable to places like the Louvre Art Museum, British Museum or the Palace of Versailles back in my original world.

In fact, if there’s a brothel district with a history, that city alone can function as a tourist city.

And recently, I found out that the Royal Capital In its own way seem to be a tourist city.

(In front of me, there should still be a vast ocean.)

While thinking this, I went through the alleys here and there.

And then, one of the brothels caught my eye.

「All You Can Eat」

Is what written on the signboard.

The building itself is old, and even by just looking at the appearance; there is no doubt this is a Low class brothel.

However, the wording on the sign aroused both doubt and interest in my heart.

(Usually there’s a time limit, but not the number of bullets. So what does it mean by all you can eat?)

If you don’t understand, you ask.

Immediately, I went through the door.


Suddenly, I got an uncomfortable feeling.

There is no lobby and no platform either. There’s only one big room with a reception and door in the back.

The uncle at the reception bows his head and welcomes me.

「I’m sorry, It’s my first time here, but what kind of shop is this?」

Hearing my words, the uncle starts explaining with a calm business smile.

「Our shop, Is an all you can eat shop.」


For this reason is why I don’t comprehend.

Looking at me, the uncle continues to explain.

「At the back, there are dozen women. Within the time limit, you can eat as much as you like.」

Saying so, he points to the door.

Once more, my understanding did not advance.

It might be better to quickly experience myself rather than piling up questions.

When thinking so, the door at the back opened a little, and a red-faced old man came out.

「Thank you for the meal.」

The red-faced old man calls out to the receptionist uncle.

In order to serve me, the receptionist uncle politely nodded back.

(What was that?)

I started to feel uncomfortable.

Not because of the red-faced old man, but the space behind the door.

That door looks heavier than the one i went through when walking into the shop.

The frame and packing around the door is a sign that soundproofing measures have been taken.

And while the door was open, the familiar battle sound of men and women leaked from the back of the door.

(This is really a whole different fetish.)

Thinking so, I grinned.

It’s immediately the battlefield just right behind the door

When In the red light district, I have always kept in mind to always conduct myself as though I was on a battlefield.

「I understand, then please.」

To make payment, I give out my guild card.

When processing my payment, the receptionist uncle says something exciting.

「Since there are several customers, the early bird catches the worm, and It is not allowed to continuously monopolize. 」

In this world, I myself am a man who has accumulated quite some amount of experience.

Even when i don’t know what waiting for me, I am aware of the amount of manners I must have.

Not understanding the meaning, I nod at the receptionist uncle.

And with my heart throbbing to the unknown, I opened the heavy door in the back.


Unconsciously, my voice leaks out.

What spreads out behind the door is the sight of the end of the century.

Inside the wide space, there are plywood that are colored and wallpapered, they appears to be background and exterior walls of a building.

They seem to have reproduced the streets of the Royal Capital.

It’s cheaply made, but the effort put into it is pretty good. The intention that this is the Royal Capital is transmitted properly.

The real difference from the actual is that there are mats everywhere.

(So this is the kind of design.)

I look around.

By the way, the reason I said the end of century, Is not because it’s in ruins. The props are not the ruin, but a reproduction of the present Royal Capital.

So why the end of the century?

It’s the atmosphere.

This space is filled to the brim with women’s screams and flirtatious voices, and men’s aroused yells.

In this set imitating the Royal Capital, the women are walking around in plain clothes.

And men, who surrender themselves to their carnal desires, were randomly assaulting the women in plain clothes.

In various parts of the Royal Capital, women were captured, ride on and some even covered up, It’s a one sided battle.

This black, muddy atmosphere drunk with beastly instinct reminded me of the words the end of century.

(Precisely, All You Can Eat.)

Looking at these men, I know that the signboard wasn’t lying.

And I thought.


I give praise to the idea and the courage of carrying it out.

Assuming that you thought of it, it’s not a task that is practically possible.

(Lower class brothels are different to High class brothels which gather customers using their name value.)

I remembered the scene of the High class shops, where high-quality women lined up side by side on the platform.

(If they do not continue showing their inherent flavor, the customers will soon leave.)

I’m once again impressed by the creativity of this shop.

The women going back and forth are not peerless beauties, and also in a wide range of ages, further enhancing the feeling of everyday life.

(But this feeling of everyday life may not be what they are aiming for.)

In reality, those who work in Low class shops are those who are older in age or those who are not able to work in Middle or High class shops.

And that may have bought in the side effect of the feeling of everyday life.

With great interest, I started exploring the end of the century Royal Capital.

Here and there, women were crying out.

I walk around watching them.

Some of them were really crying out, and some of them were acting excessively.

It’s also interesting just by only looking.

However, since I’ve started feeling it, I decided to participate.

(Let’s go with that.)

In front of me, a woman is walking.

It’s a woman in a long skirt.

It’s amazing when her hip sways from side to side.

And I gradually follow her from behind.

The woman, even while knowing my existence, continues walking without showing an attitude.

Without a doubt, she knows her job.


From the back, I attack.

I didn’t look at her face, so I didn’t know her age.

Just by looking at her figure from behind, I attacked.

Hugging her from behind, my ten fingers were ready to prepare her.


Pulling her skirt up, I invade from behind.

The words came out from my enthusiasm. I did so to enhance my enjoyment.

Enjoying to some extent, when she was about to reach her peak, I pull back my waist.

This is what I learned from Light Cruiser Sensei, It’s never good to overdo it.

(Okay, who should I do next?)

I was only halfway through. I need another serving.

When I raised my face, my eyes met with a woman who was relatively close.

A woman in her late twenties, with the feeling of a mob overflowing.

I decided to have her as my next serving.


Half naked, I ran over to her.

Mob-chan, joined her hands in front and scream 「Kyaaa」.

It’s sounds very deliberate. For the sake of male instincts, I hope that she could improve her acting.


Just right before reaching Mob-chan, a voice that wasn’t mine resonates.

And, Mob-chan’s eyes which was focus on mine, turned up into the sky.

(What happened?)

I looked around.

I couldn’t comprehend.

I look towards Mob-chan.

… I understood.

A shadow extends from under Mob-chan’s feet, which means that someone was attached to her from behind.


It was a small build grandpa.

It was like looking at a hungry monkey thrusting his desires from behind.

Mob-chan quickly loses the light in her eyes and got down on her knees.

And the grandpa continues swinging his waist as he pleases.

(Like the receptionist uncle said, the early bird catches the worm.)

I decided to give up on Mob-chan.

But my desire for another serving has not yet died down.

And then, a woman caught my attention.

It’s a woman in a jersey-like outfit.

With a mop and bucket in her hand, she was cleaning the battlefield.

If you look around, there were also several women wearing similar jersey-like outfit, and all of them are also cleaning.

(I see, it’s important to keep the environment clean to comfortably enjoy your time.)

By the way, after reviewing the words by the receptionist uncle.

He didn’t say that I couldn’t target the women who are cleaning, no doubt.


I leap upon the cleaning woman.

The surprised woman tried resisting, but it was pointless.

With my current level, there are not many women who are able to compete against me.

After getting her ready as quickly as possible, I invaded from the front.

Why did I choose a cleaning woman?

That is because she looked a bit like the mourning dress widow I was indebted at a post-town, when i was traveling from Land Barn to Awoke.

Moderately aged, haggard looking and also have a slightly dazzled expression.

The pit of my stomach reacted.

And she must have felt something when doing her job. She was quite well prepared when I attacked.

In the area being clean, I stirred around the older women one after another.

Remember being taught the basics on how to treat a woman by the widow, I partake in the cleaning women gently.

As an apology for disturbing the cleaning women, I gave her a somewhat large tip.

By the way, the Grandpa who was attacking Mob-chan, just before I was intruding the cleaning women, has already finished his situation together with a beast roar.

After looking around, he rushes over to the closest woman with a strange yell and start swinging his hip again.

(What speed, how peerless.)

What fearsome fecundity.

Perhaps this grandpa has goblin blood flowing in him.

Thinking so, I resumed wandering around.

(So this is the end.)

Even though it’s a wide space, there is still a limit.

I stood in front of the real wall that wasn’t part of the prop.


It’s faint, but I feel a presence.

Maybe there’s an even more interesting play.

Avoid being noticed, I look towards where the presence was.


I was disappointed.

I thought it was going to be something interesting, but it was just a woman slacking off.

It’s a relatively young child killing time with a book in her hand, is what I found.

(Most probably the system here is fixed salary+ tips. There must be people aiming at the fixed salary.)

The women going back and forth are also part of the background.

If you can’t make money without doing work, there won’t be many women coming here.

Having a certain fixed salary is quite an effective countermeasure.

Thinking such a thing, a sudden feeling of meddling boil up.

Hidden from view, a frizzy hair girl was slacking off.

I’m doing this for the shop that came up with such a creative idea and also to turn over this girl.

Let’s educate her a little.


Without leaking my voice, I attack from behind.

With that reaction, the Truant rush head first into the pile of cushion.

The Truant who’s buried in the mountain she was hiding in, tires getting up, but I won’t allow it. Without changing posture, I started cooking.

While being distracted by the book, I attacked from behind, not giving her a change to flip over; I finish preparing her and invaded.

And the Truant is now in the middle of confusion.

She was suddenly invaded by someone whose face she doesn’t even know. The Truant must be feeling a strongly realistic horror.


While cooking, I noticed something.

(Truant is not yet properly developed.)

That’s right.

Her circuit cycle that feels pleasure was not made properly.

With this, even when working she won’t feel enjoyable. I can understand why she wants to kill time.

(Guiding the junior, Is also the duty of a senior.)

Reminded of Light Cruiser Sensei, I refresh my thoughts.

Immediately, I start working on the development of the Truant.

After a few dozen minutes, after the finishing touches were made, Truant’s development was completed.

The concept of development is the goblin grandpa.

The goblin grandpa is fast.


I want her to be able to enjoy, even with an opponent like the god speed goblin grandpa. That was the performance I wanted

Initially, the development was tough.

Simply increasing the sensitivity will not cope with anyone other than goblin grandpa.

If she’s too sensitive, going continuously would damage her spirit. Compensation for absence from work would be required.

(A Truant that can enjoy working with any partner.)

I wanted Truant to have a wide range of expertise.

And I was given a revelation.

(Not sensitivity, but change the performance as the condition changes.)

Right away, a sequence diagram unfolds in my mind.

From there, development progressed smoothly.

Making Truant focus on death matches, I finished the final touches.

Verifying movement… All clear.

And here, a new Truant was born.

(A satisfying article is made.)

I ginned at the result.

There are only two conditions that i set for Truant.

First, as long as not injected, absolutely not finish.

Second, when being injected, finish will be forced.

That’s all.

What I’m caution about is when sensitivity reaching the limit, but not being able to finish because she’s not being injected.

It is to prevent the so-called dry state.

She will be broken If I do not take a firm measure against this.

Therefore, unless being injected, I decided to cut off a certain amount of stimulus.

Instead, when being injected, she will be feeling extreme pleasure when finishing.

Truant will surely be able to taste the feeling of melting like candy.

Truant is currently in the midst of shutting down and restarting.

The moment she gets back up, a newly reborn Truant will be here.

(This noble woman is surely to experience lots of pleasure in the future.)

I order to prevent her from powering down when restarting; I hid her in the pile of cushion, and walk away slowly.

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