I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 14: Chapter 5: Part 1

Book 14: Chapter 5: Part 1

Heres the chapter. Enjoy~

Chapter 5 Decisive Battle

Part 1

At the Star Productions office.

What in the world do they want us to do, to be called out on such short notice?

I dont know

Kanade and Miu had been summoned to the Presidents office.

They did not understand why they were summoned all the way to the Presidents office since their work would normally be communicated through their respective managers.

They knocked on the door of the Presidents office together and were granted permission to enter.

The President and her secretary, Kurosawa, were there.

I have been waiting for you! Please sit over there.

Judging from the Presidents appearance, the two assumed that nothing bad had happened, and after looking at each other, they sat down on the sofa as they were told.

Then the President sat down on the opposite side of the sofa and opened her mouth.

Well, Im sorry for calling you out of the blue.

N-no, thats fine, but what is it that you want?

The company president smiled and turned her attention to Kanade.

Remember the other day when I offered you a job as a songwriter?

Huh? Oh its that Ousei Academy, isnt it? I think its about the school idol

Thats right. Its somehow related to that

Is there a problem by any chance?

The President shook her head in response to Kanades immediately worried expression.

There is no problem. I heard they already had a second stage, and it was a great success as well.

Thats good to hear, but

The President turned her attention to Kurosawa while Kanade tilted her head, not understanding why she was being called.

Then Kurosawa took over the Presidents words and opened her mouth.

Actually, the Ousei Academy and this Star Production are cooperating to establish a new public entertainment department at the Ousei Academy.

Public Entertainment Department? Is that like a so-called training school?

Thats exactly it.

At Kurosawas words, Miu and Kanade looked at each other.

Oh when I was invited to the school festival, I thought it looked like an interesting school, but I didnt know that such a plan was in the works. Was it because of the school idol thing?

Yes. We did not think this far at first, but it seems that Ousei Academy was working on establishing a public entertainment department.

I-I see Sure, Star Productions doesnt have a training school

Thats right! Thats why by cooperating with the establishment of the public entertainment department, we can attract the stars of the future to our company.

The President opened her mouth again, and Kanade tilted her head.

But shouldnt we just set up a normal training school without going to the trouble of partnering with another institution?

Of course, I thought about it. But then you have to think about the location of the training center, and the cost is much higher than expected. But if we cooperate with the public entertainment department of the Ousei Academy, we can solve all the problems of location and so on.

After saying that, the President looked at them.

And besides, there are a lot of potential stars lying dormant at Ousei Academy.

D-do you mean Yuuya-san?

The President nodded when Miu mentioned this, her eyes wide open.

Thats right! It seems that there is a high possibility that Yuuya-kun will be a part of Ousei Academys school idol project. If that is the case, if we can set up a public entertainment department there and connect through our channels, our chances of bringing Yuuya-kun into our ranks will increase dramatically!

I-I see.

Ah, its that boy with the amazing aura, isnt it? Sure, that boy was incredible.

Kanade smiled as she remembered the time she performed on stage with Yuuya at the school festival.

Then Kurosawa opened her mouth again.

The Presidents first goal is to secure Yuuya-kun, but the other school idol participants are just as attractive as he is. There must be many other such gems among the students who have not yet participated in the school idol project. Thats why were working with Ousei Academy on this project.

With the explanation of the President and Kurosawa, the two understood what kind of plan was now underway.


I understand what youre saying but whats the reason why we were called?

Well we want you to be the instructors for this public entertainment department.


The two of them opened their eyes at the unexpected conversation.

Establishing a public entertainment department is a good idea, but there are only so many teachers who can teach it, right? Thats why were going to send some of our own people to the school. Thats where we need your help.

Of course, you two are our best performers, so we would like to have you as special instructors, but not on a daily basis.

How about it? Are you interested?

Its not that Im not interested, but

While the two were puzzled by the sudden suggestion, the President smiled.

There is no need to answer right now. Just think about it for now.

Thus, the story of Ousei Academys public entertainment department continued to progress steadily.

Meanwhile, in the other world

In the conflict-ridden Orus Empire, there was a hot topic of conversation among the populace.

Hey, what do you think of that story?

Huh? What do you mean by that story?

You see, the other day, an image of Shu-sama suddenly appeared in the sky above us, declaring that he would take control of humanity.

Oh, that story.

It was about Shu declaring to the whole world that he would control humanity.

His declaration became a topic of conversation in many countries, and one country even formed a strike force to overthrow Shu immediately.

However, there were also those who welcomed Shus declaration.

Of course, I agree. Id rather live in peace, even if its controlled, than die a dogs death because of this shitty country.

Thats right Were at war all day, every day, and it makes it hard for us to make ends meet, while the higher-ups tax us heavily and indulge in all kinds of luxuries. Screw them

How many people have to die to make them feel better?

The people of the Orus Empire were exhausted from repeated heavy taxation.

In addition, many of the working men were conscripted into the military and spent their days fighting in wars.

Because of this, the people have tried several times to rise up against the state, but all of their attempts have been suppressed by the military, and the people have not even been allowed to flee the country.

Everyone in the country felt that they could only be discarded as pawns of the state.

One day, Oron the Third, the Emperor of the Orus Empire, was holding a regular council meeting, listening to reports of the state of the war over a sumptuous meal.


This is really stupid.

W-who is that?

Suddenly, a manShu, appeared at the regular meeting.

Unnoticed not only by Oron and the other nobles present but also by the soldiers guarding them, Shu proudly appeared in front of Oron and the others.

The guards immediately gathered and pointed their swords at Shu while Orons eyes widened at the sight of Shu.

Y-You are the one who declared all that crazy stuff?

What a strange thing to say. You are a fool who cannot understand our noble ideas.

What did you say?

Oron raised his voice at Shus words, but Shu kept his cold gaze on him and continued his words without hesitation.

Isnt it true? You are nothing but pests who continue to fight pointless wars and suck sweet honey while many of your people are exhausted.

Huh! What does that mean? I am the emperor. It is only natural that those fools work for us, the privileged class! Besides, if we win this war, our territory will increase, and we will be able to extort more money from our enemies This is just a preparation for that, so to speak. How can you not understand such a thing

Oron announced in a tone of annoyance.

In reality, however, the new burden of managing the increased territory had not been properly considered.

Moreover, even if the winner could claim compensation from the enemy, it was unclear whether they could win the war at all.

Above all, Oron and his associates really thought that as long as the state of war continued, there would be no problem with imposing heavy taxes, and the fact that they could spend them on luxury was very important.

Looking into the depths of their hearts, Shu asked.

Whatever youre thinking about, it doesnt matter to me. Im here for one reason and one reason only. To hear the answer to the declaration you must have seen.


We are going to control humanity. Whether you agree with this idea or not.

When Shu said this, Oron sneered at him.

Whether I agree with it or not? Youre speaking nonsense! How could I agree with your idea?

Thats right, thats right!

You may be a Holy or whatever you call yourself, but you are nothing more than a commoner, and it pains me to see you trying to control us, the privileged class!

The surrounding nobles also verbally abused Shu, as if they agreed with Orons words.

So you mean you refuse our control?

Shu asked calmly in the midst of all this.

But Oron and the others just scoffed at such a question.

I told you already! Or what? Do you want to force us to do what you say? You idiot! I am sorry to say this, but the elite of our nation is gathered here! I dont know how you managed to get into this place all by yourself!

As Oron shouted this, soldiers appeared one by one in the regular meeting room, all of them pointing their swords at Shu at the same time.

Shu stared at them and then asked softly.

Do you think the same way as these fools? While the people are exhausted, do you really think it makes sense for them to serve?

Hah! I dont know who you are, but we are having a good time. If you try to interfere with that, we will not tolerate it.

Although there are many conscripts in the military, many of the top ranks are from the nobility, and there is a big difference in treatment between them and the commoner soldiers.

Moreover, being from the noble class of the Orus Empire, they had little interest in the commoners and welcomed the current situation as it was a good environment for them.

Therefore, be quiet.

The words of the soldier approaching Shu were cut off.

That was because the soldiers head was cut off in an instant.


It happened in the blink of an eye, and Oron and the others did not understand what had happened.

In the midst of all this, Shu, who had cut off the soldiers head, opened his mouth softly.

I see; I understand what you think. Then you are unnecessary.

From then on, it was a one-sided carnage.

Every time Shu took a step forward, the heads of those present flew off one by one.

The scene was so gruesome that even the most elite soldiers tried to escape, but no one could escape from Shus grasp.

The heads of those present were blown off one by one, and in the end, only Oron was left.

Y-y-you bastard who do you think I am?

Oron fell onto his buttocks, shaking.

Shu looked down at Oron coldly.

I dont care who you are. Before us, the godsyou are nothing more than a speck of dust.

And without a moments hesitation, Orons head was cut off.

The privileged class of the Orus Empire was destroyed in an instant.

Shu then held up Orons head and used his Divine Power to project his own image throughout the Orus Empire, to declare his message.

Citizens of the Orus Empire, here and now, the evil ones are gone!

It was an incredible sight for the people who had been oppressed for so many years.

The people who had done the utmost in tyranny and were exhausted of the nation where they were being killed and exposed without a second thought.

The people were horrified at the unrealistic scene but gradually began to understand the situation.

We did it we did it!

The Emperor is dead!

We are free!

A whirlwind of elation swept through the Orus Empire.

And then.

This is This is the power of Shu-sama!

Oh, Shu-sama Shu-sama!

Long live Shu-sama! Long live Shu-sama!

Voices praising Shu could be heard throughout the empire.

Oh, I can feel it I can feel it

Shu spread out his hands and surrendered to the voices directed at him.

Soon the fervor turned to faith, and the voice of the people became Divine Power and flowed into Shus body.

Now give me more faith!

Thus began Shus steady march toward divinity.

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