I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 14: Chapter 2: Part 2

Book 14: Chapter 2: Part 2

Heres the chapter. Enjoy~

Part 2

Ive brought everyone!

T-this is Yuuya-kuns

Excuse me for disturbing you.

It was the day after the open campus.

It was a compensatory holiday for us, but Lexia-san wanted to have a party at my house, so I invited Kaori, Kaede, and the others to my house today.

It was no problem for Night, Akatsuki, and Ciel, but it would be a surprise to see Ouma-san and Kuuya-san, so I asked them to stay at the other worlds house just for today.

Still, to have so many people come to my house to play

I was impressed by this situation which would have been unimaginable in the past.

To begin with, I dont have that many things at home, but now that I know Im going to have guests, Ive worked even harder than usual to clean up.

By the way, not only Lexia-san and the members of the school idol group, but also Kaori, who had been supporting the school idol group, came to the party.

When I looked closely, I saw that Kaori was carrying a large bag. What did she bring?

As soon as I led everyone into the guest room, Kaede looked around the house with a curious expression on her face.

Yuuya-kuns house is so big! By the way, where are your parents?

Uh this house is my grandfathers house. I live here by myself.

Really? You have connections with people from other countries like Lexia-san Could it be that they live abroad?

Yuuya-samas parents! Im certainly curious. Id like to greet them as soon as possible!

Greet them? What are you going to do?

Well, since Im Yuuya-samas fiance, isnt it obvious?

No, youre not.


Luna replied calmly to Lexia-san, who had jumped on Kaedes words.

But not only Kaede and Lexia-san; for some reason, everyone was staring at me as if they were concerned about my parents.

Unfortunately, that wasnt the reason.

No, its not that Um, you see, me and my parents dont get along.

Oh S-so thats it Im-Im sorry.

Kaede looked apologetic at my words.

But now I have Night and the others and everyone else plays with me like this.

So I didnt really care that I didnt get along with my family.

Its okay, dont worry about it.

I wonder how Yuta and Sora are doing? And my father and mother, too

Now that Ive been able to properly control the spiritual power that was the cause of their dislike, I thought it would be nice to be able to talk about it properly one day.




Oh, let me introduce you. This is my family, Night, Akatsuki, and Ciel.

When the atmosphere became delicate because of me, Night and the others showed their appearance.

Kaedes eyes lit up when she saw Night and the others.

Wow! So this is the Night-kun that Yuuya-kun is keeping? You also kept a mini-pig and a bird?

Buhi!? Buhi, buhi!

Woah, did I offend him in any way?

Perhaps not liking being called a pig, Akatsuki stomped his feet in protest.

Its hard to say what Akatsukis ang, but he gets angry when people call him a pig Is he more of a boar? Anyway, Akatsuki is Akatsuki.

But even though Im able to communicate with Akatsuki and the others thanks to my Tame skill, to Kaede, who doesnt have the skill, he just seemed to be an angry pig.

I calmed Akatsuki down for the time being, and Kaede slowly stroked Akatsuki.

Then Akatsuki lay down on the spot as if he felt good.




Ahahaha! Thats so cute!

Night and the others looked stunned at the too-easy Akatsuki.

After introducing Night and the others to everyone, Lexia-san raised her hand.

Well! Now that were all here, lets do something!

Thats fine, but have you prepared anything?


Its really just spontaneity Yuuya, is there anything in this house we can all play with?

Um sorry, there is nothing like that in my house

I dont even have a TV in my house. You could say there is no entertainment at all.

If I look in the storage room, I might find something, but

While I was thinking about it, Kaede raised her hand.

Yes! If youre interested, I brought something we can all play with!

Saying that, Kaede spread out various things from her luggage, including what looked like board games and other things that looked like they could be played.

Really? Im sorry you had to go through all this trouble.

Its okay; its okay! I was invited to your house too

Then lets play with the things Kaede-san has prepared.

As everyone nodded at Merls words, the hem of my clothes was unexpectedly pulled down.

Then Yuti looked up at me.

Hungry. Im hungry.

Ah, yes. When I heard everyone was coming, I prepared some snacks for you.

While everyone was deciding what to play with, I took out the snacks I had prepared in the kitchen, put them on a plate, and went back to the guest room.

Oh, Yuuya-sama! Lets play with this trump? I mean, lets play with these cards first!

Since there seemed to be no such thing as playing cards in the other world, Kaede and the others gave Lexia-san and the others a brief explanation.

And then the first game to begin was Old Maid.

Lu-Luna! Tell me which one is the old maid!

Huff you think Im going to tell you? Come on, pull!

Kuh then this oneAaaahh!

Hahahahaha! You idiot! You got the old maid!

The results were very exciting.

It was just

Yuuya-kun, youre amazing! When we played Old Maid on the bus on the last field trip, you won first place in a row

Yes, no matter how many times I try, I never get the Old Maid to come into my hand, and if anything, I start with very few cards in my hand because I got a pair at the very beginning of the game.

I understand that Luck has a lot to do with it, but I still feel like Im cheatingand most importantly, its not fun.

But everyone else was pretty fired up about it, and it was fun to watch everyone else.

Especially Merl and Yuti

There is an 80% chance that there is an old maid on the right. In other words, here it is on the left! What? Thats impossible!

Confirmed. I can see the future. Thats why I knew Merl would put it here.


A strange psychological battle broke out.

In such a situation, the next strongest after me was Kaori.

Kaori is amazing too, arent you? You got second place consecutively, you know?

T-Thats just a coincidence. Besides, isnt Kaede-san ranked high as well?

Hahaha well, youre right. But aside from Merl and Yuti, those two are so easy to understand.

As Kaede says this, she turns to see Luna and Lexia-san continuing their one-on-one battle.

No matter how many times we continue, it will always end up being a one-on-one battle between Luna and Lexia-san.

I thought Luna was good at this kind of game, but she seemed to be unlucky or had the old maid in her hand many times.

And Lexia-san is

H-hmph! You wouldnt know if I mixed them up like this! Come on, choose quickly!

While hiding the cards behind her back, Lexia-san mixed the two cards and confidently held them out in front of Luna.

Then, when Luna put her hand on one of the cards, Lexia-sans expression suddenly changed.

It was already a very happy expression.

I see; its this one.


Seeing Lexia-sans expression, Luna mercilessly took the other card, and as a result, Lexia-san became the lowest-ranked player.

Why cant I win?

Youre showing too much emotion on your face. In fact, can you really be a royalty with something like that?

C-certainly, as Luna said, I had an image that royalty and nobility had something an ability to read peoples minds, but looking at Lexia-san, I thought it might not be so.

No, Lexia-san is just honest.

Anyway, while we were enjoying playing cards like that, Kaede held up a new game.

Hey, hey, lets play this next one!

Whats that?

What Kaede pulled out was a game called Twister.

The rules are simple: place the body parts determined by roulette on a sheet with four colored circles.

However, it seemed that you were not allowed to kneel or sit.

I had heard of this game, but I had never played it.

I bought this game, but I havent had a chance to play it.

I knew about the game itself, but this is my first time!

It seems that not only Lexia-san and the others but also Kaede and Kaori will be playing for the first time.

For now, it was decided that one referee and three players would take turns.

I thought I could play the role of the referee, but Kaori and the others urged me to join in.

So at first, Kaori, Lexia-san, and I were the players, and Yuti was the referee.

I dont really know what kind of game this is, but I wont lose!

I-I wont lose either!

Well just take it easy

As for me, I didnt know what kind of game it was.

Then Yuti spun the roulette wheel.

Decided. Right foot, red.

Thats easy.

We placed the right foot in the red position.

After that, we followed the instructions to move our left foot, right hand, and so on, moving our bodies as instructed.


Ka-Kaori! Cant you move your body a little more?

I-I cant go any further!

Hey, Yuti! Are you sure this is the right color?

Objection. Im doing it right.

We got into more and more impossible positions and found ourselves tangled up in a very uncomfortable position.

W-what a terrible game!

At first, I thought it would be a game we would play while doing simple stretches, but this was outrageous.

I had my arms and legs between Kaoris and Lexia-sans legs, and vice versa, Lexia-sans arms and legs between my sides, and so on Anyway, it was not a good picture!

Kuh what an enviable no, its an unforgivable game!

Is this the game of Earth? This will surely bring men and women closer together!

I-Im sorry to bring this up, but this is the one you shouldnt play with skirts, you know?

As Kaede said, since everyone is wearing skirts, its hard to look at them.

I desperately tried to avert my eyes while holding an impossible position, but Yuti told me nonchalantly.

Decision. Lift your right foot.

Lift? Is there such an instruction?

Affirmative. Roulette is absolute.

Whats the matter, Yuti?

You were never such a roulette believer!

But the rules of the game require us to put our feet up here.

But this is very bad. No, its really bad!

After all, my right leg is between Lexia-sans legs right now.

If I lift it, Lexia-sans skirt will be!

N-no, its too early to give up. If I lift it just a little!

When I tried to raise my leg just a little, Yuti didnt miss it.

Violation. Yuuya, you cant do that. Lift your leg properly.


Expectation. Its exciting.

Yuti, you are enjoying this situation, arent you?

Maybe, but did she see something interesting in the future? Even if she did, its not funny for me as I am the person concerned!

It cant be helped Im going to lose here and end the game somehow.

At that moment, I deliberately tried to lose to get out of this situation.

I-I cant do it anymore!



Finally, Kaori couldnt take it anymore and just collapsed.

Moreover, she collapsed as if leaning on our bodies, so both Lexia-san and I collapsed as if caught in Kaoris arms.

I held on to them as fast as I could so that they wouldnt get hurt, but in many ways, my body position was in bad shape.

U-uh Kaori, Lexia-san? If you feel okay, um could you please move away

Kaoris face turned bright red when I calmly told her.

Ah S-s-sorry!

Wow, Yuuya-sama, youre so bold!


Kaori hastily jumped away from me, but somehow Lexia-san stayed right on top of me!

As my mind was suddenly racing, Luna picked Lexia-san up.

Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, Luna! I was just about to leave, dont interrupt me!

No, I cant overlook something so enviable I mean, so shameless! Youre a princess, after all! Have some modesty!

You dont need modesty when youre in love!

Its necessary, you idiot!

The two of them exchanged words as usual, but Kaede covered her face with her hand, looking at me through her fingers, her face blushing.

Le-Lexia-san is so bold!

I see To deepen your relationship with the opposite sex, you also need that kind of aggressiveness. Im learning a lot.

What are you learning about?

Merl said strange things, and it was a mess anyway.

Then Yuti, who was acting as referee, opened her mouth with a satisfied look on her face.

Satisfied. It was interesting.


Stand by. Im next.

Do you still want to do this?

I wanted to put an end to this dangerous game, but in the end, Yuti, Merl, and Luna were eager for me to try again.

I didnt want to participate anymore, but for some reason, I was forced to, and I wasnt even allowed to lose on purpose.

In the end, I survived the twister game with everyone else without a care in the world.

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