I Created a Protagonist Sect: My Programmer Job is Super Overpowered

Chapter 31: Keeper of God’s Secret vs Keeper of the Supreme Rules

Chapter 31: Keeper of God’s Secret vs Keeper of the Supreme Rules

Chen Mo stood up from his meditation position and yawned as he stretched his body. This wasn't because his body was stiff but rather a habit he had developed.

He thought to himself that he had already finished transforming the various elements he had analyzed earlier into laws and integrated them into his soul space which was beginning to look like an actual world.

It'd already been seven days since the fight with the Mei clan and Chen Mo was wondering why Rasiel wasn't up yet, "Could something have gone wrong"

[UPDATING] – [Time left – 0 days]

[Update Completed Successfully]


'Speak of the devil'

'Rasiel, you there?'

[Report] – [I'm here, sorry for making you wait]

Chen Mo thought that it didn't seem like anything had changed, he was worried for nothing.

'Now that you're awake, I want you to scan every inch of the sect area and tell me if you find something out of the ordinary'

[Report] – [On it]


[Scanning] – [Time left – 5 hours]

Chen Mo thought that it was actually quite fast, it would take him at least a day to scan the whole sect area deeply.

Chen Mo thought to himself that his skills were good at what they were supposed to do but were sometimes inefficient.

'I want to try something'

'Try combining all of my skills and use all of my available spiritual energy'

Chen Mo spoke to Rasiel as he sat in a meditative posture and started absorbing spiritual energy. Spiritual energy swirled around him like a dense fog as it was pulled to him from the entire sect surroundings. This was the power of a sacred-grade spiritual root.

The current skill he had had been created when he was still in the Qi Gathering realm, he didn't believe that they couldn't go further.


Those robot-like words resounded in Chen Mo's ears as his dantian was immediately emptied and he started feeling dizzy. He struggled not to pass out as he took out some recovery pills from his storage ring and swallowed them like water.

His spiritual energy was continuously drained and recovered for about one hour.

[Processing Complete]



[Report] [Your cultivation level fell to the first level of Soul Formation due to spiritual root exhaustion – 24hrs needed to recover (trying to forcefully recover cultivation might lead to Qi Deviation)]

[LOG] Skill [Update] evolved into skill -> [AllOfCreation]

[LOG] Due to skill [AllOfCreation] being similar to skill [Development] -> Skill [Development] was downgraded.

[LOG] Skill [Parallel Processing] and skill [AllOfCreation] gave birth to -> Skill [Parallel Existence]

[LOG] Due to insufficient Spiritual Energy, skill [Existence] failed to evolve.

[LOG] Skill [AllOfCreation] requires job [Creator]

[LOG] Skill [AllOfCreation] attempts to acquire job [Creator]

[FAILED] – [External Interference]

[LOG] Skill [AllOfCreation] attempts to acquire job [Author]

[FAILED] – [Lack of cultivation]

[LOG] Skill [AllOfCreation] attempts to acquire job [Writer]

[FAILED] – [Lack of spiritual energy]

[LOG] Skill [AllOfCreation] was downgraded

[LOG] Skill [Development] was upgraded



Chen Mo's Soul Space, Golden Palace

The golden palace was a sight to behold, its resplendent walls shimmering with an otherworldly radiance that seemed to defy the very laws of physics. Within its cavernous halls, an astonishing tableau unfolded – row upon endless row of identical figures sat in perfect meditative posture, their features an eerie mirror image of one another.

A dense fog of swirling spiritual energy enveloped them, its ethereal tendrils coalescing and dissipating in a hypnotic dance that defied comprehension. The air itself seemed alive with power, a tangible force that crackled and hummed, resonating in harmony with the rhythmic breaths of the assembled meditators.

At the fore of this breathtaking spectacle, a single figure sat upon a throne that seemed woven from the very essence of divinity itself. Nine golden dragons, their scales gleaming with an incandescent sheen, intertwined in a majestic display of artistry, forming the ornate seat upon which the being presided.

For an eternity, silence reigned supreme, the only sound the faint whispers of the ever-shifting spiritual currents that permeated the chamber. Then, without warning, the being upon the throne opened his eyes, and a single word escaped his lips, resonating with the weight of eons.


In an instant, a lithe figure materialized behind the throne, her beauty so ethereal that it seemed to defy mortal comprehension. With reverent grace, she leaned forward, her delicate hands kneading at the being's shoulders in a soothing massage.

"Did something happen?" she inquired, her melodic voice rich with concern.

The being's brow furrowed ever so slightly, a frown marring his otherwise impassive features. As if in response to his shift in demeanor, the massive doors to the golden palace groaned open, their ancient hinges protesting against the weight of centuries.

A figure stepped forth, wreathed in a radiant aura of divine light that seemed to scatter the very shadows from its path. In its hand, it clutched a sword forged from pure, scintillating energy, its blade humming with barely contained power.

The being upon the throne regarded the newcomer with an expression devoid of emotion, his gaze piercing and inscrutable. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice resonating with the weight of infinite ages. "No, what are you?"

The figure raised its luminous sword, its movements fluid and deliberate. "I am [AllOfCreation], the one and only keeper of the seven supreme rules," it proclaimed, its voice ringing with authority. "For the sin of interfering with my master's reincarnation, I shall sentence you to death. May the divine light wash away your sins."

A flicker of amusement danced across the being's features, his lips curving into a sardonic smile. "Keeper of the seven supreme rules, you say?" he mused, his tone laced with derision. "I admit you possess some strength, to have barged in here as you have. But to lie about such a thing..." He shook his head, his expression one of thinly veiled contempt.

"The supreme rules are what make up the chaos itself," he continued, his voice resonating with the weight of indisputable truth. "They have never had a keeper, and they never will need one, that's because, I'll become the lord of the chaos."

In a single, fluid motion, the being rose from his throne, his presence seeming to dwarf the very chamber itself. Extending his hand towards the beautiful woman at his side, he uttered a single word. "Rasiel."

"Yes, master," she responded without hesitation, her form rippling and distorting until, in a blinding flash of light, she had transformed into a sword of unfathomable power, its blade gleaming as it settled into the being's grasp.


The scene shattered like fragile glass, the golden palace and its infinite occupants fragmenting into a million glittering shards that scattered into the void, leaving only a lingering echo of the confrontation that had transpired.

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