I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 137 Reverse Scale

This bastard only knows how to dodge! Shawn watched how Fein dodge his attacks like an agile monkey. But he has to admit that his speed is almost equal, Fein was only using the terrain to his advantage and flexibility to dodge.

"Say... How about we forget each other? And pretend we haven't met?" Fein suggested with a faint smile on his face.

A black line appeared on Shawn's face, this is the first time someone dared to tease him. If stares could kill, Fein had already died 100x at the glare he was receiving.

Seeing his face get uglier at his word, Fein felt satisfaction in his heart. What's stronger than physical damage? It's emotional damage!

"Are you really hell-bent on keeping your boss schemes? and why he really wants me dead? I don't believe that he would kill me just because of his enmity with Lucius." Fein tried to get some information again but Shawn didn't respond at all and just continued to punch him.

Fein sighed at this, he raised his hand and caught Shawn's fist, but due to the force of the fist, he took a step back. In terms of basic attributes, Fein and Shawn have similar A+ attributes. Fein used his Jujutsu, relaxed his muscles, and redirected the fist on his left side. In terms of martial art, Fein is of course superior. Without letting Shawn reposition, Fein manipulated his arms, and they became sharper. He thrust it towards his back.


Unfortunately, Shawn only receives a scratch.

"That's itchy," Shawn muttered and scratched his back.

Should I use my sword and kill this bastard already? He's also pretty tight-lipped, I can only get information from his goons. Fein looked at him with regret.

Then he turned his head at Voli and the two subordinates of Shawn that were busy fighting each other. They proved to be quite capable as they can hold Voli with their excellent coordination, but they can't do any damage against him so the battle is in a stalemate. But Fein knew that was not the case at all, as he saw Voli didn't even use his thunder powers.

Fein refocuses on who had already recovered "Well, it seems you won't give me the information I want, you can die already."

"Don't be arrogant, although your strength is commendable, I didn't even use my full power yet"

"Well, you're not the only one."

Fein moved his hand to his sword. Let's end this shit...

Seeing his movement, Jackson squinted his eyes. He knew the true battle was about to begin. At the same time, he feels his emotions raging inside him because his opponent didn't even take him seriously. "Why did you keep your hands? are you underestimating me!?"

Shawn's face began to morph into a crazy one, like someone who got possessed. He smiled widely and licked his lips as he gave him a passionate gaze. A diamond coating started to cover him and his body grew like Ultraman in the film he watched in his past life.

"What's with the sudden change?" Fein muttered.

He saw Shawn's A+ endurance turn into S rank.

"I will break you to pieces! And I see that you have some beautiful companion with you. After eating your internal organs. I will play with your woman, I promised that he will enjoy it! HAHAHAHA" Shawn laughed madly and he stared at the woman sleeping at the back of the eagle with hungry eyes.

Hearing the disgusting words coming out of his mouth, Fein couldn't control himself, his head became blank.

Crimson light appeared illuminating the whole area. When Fein opened his eyes, he saw Shawn's enormous head lying on the ground staring at him wide-eyed. His neck continuously spurted blood that the leaves of the trees became blood red. The two subordinates of Shawn were fixed on the tree their face filled with pain as their chests were dyed in blood.

Fein tried to calm himself down, he didn't know what happened, it was as if his body moved on its own.

Is it because of the rage I felt after what he said about Sofia? Damn bastard, he deserves it! I didn't even need to use 'Chess Perception' in our battle. Fein felt his head hot after recalling Shawn's abominable words.

It looks like Sofia became my reverse scale. Fein smiled warily.

With him using his sword even if he is not enraged, the outcome would still be the same, because his damage output had long surpassed what S-ranks can handle. Even after Shawn used his 'Gigantification' and 'Diamond Skin' is only enough to elevate his defense to S rank. Now he was sure that, their organization would let him go after this matter, Shawn is the strongest member of their faction aside from the leader. But Fein wasn't one to back out, they are the ones who came provoking him, and they should be prepared to bear the consequences. Fein was only worried about the safety of his family, after all, he can't guard them for 24 hours. Now, he can only request Vladimir's assistance in this matter.

Fortunately, Voli didn't kill the two guys. Fein nodded with satisfaction at this.

Fein went beside the two as if sensing his presence, the twins looked at him with a horrified face.

p "Don't come here you monster!" The twins trembled and shouted in unison.

Fein began to clap applauding at the synchronization of the two. "Have you two rehearsed before? I must say the two of you have good coordination."

The face of the twin became ashen after getting mocked. But they can't say anything because they don't want to provoke this monster, one word is enough to take their life, and they don't want to suffer the same end as their captain. Because they knew how strong the defense of their captain was.

They saw the guy in front of them kill him with one attack, that's also the reason they got defeated because they were distracted, and the twins knew that they can lose their lives at any time once they provoke this guy.

"Well, obedient I like it" Fein began to nod his head and he smiled at them amiably. "Tell me what you know or die!"

Suddenly Fein's expression turned 180 degrees real fast, he stared at them sharply, as if the amiable smile earlier was just an illusion.

This guy is a demon! He is crazier than the captain!! The twins shuddered as this thought passed in their heads.

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