I Become The Wife of The Male Lead

Chapter 27 - Heilon

It took several months to finish some tasks before leaving Heilon, and the day had come. The luggage I packed was simple considering I lived here for 5 years. It was because I was not someone who possessed many things, nor do I have an obsession with the things I have. So I just gave out or threw out what I considered unnecessary. Therefore, I didnt have many things to take.

Since having an argument with Sigren, I had been somewhat awkward with SIgren. There were many people who saw me off when I was going to leave, but he was not one of them. Even Abel gave a comment as he approached me.

There is no Sigren.

He was very upset after I told him Im leaving.

Did he say anything else?

He said hed follow me.

Thats just like him. Abel grinned widely which made me nervous.

Then, Abel took a letter out of his inside pocket and handed it to me.

What is this?

This is a letter of introduction. Use it when you want to stay at Heilon mansion in the capital.

I nodded my head calmly. In addition to having a castle in the northern territory, Heilon had a separate family-owned mansion in the capital.

The big bonus for the last one.

Abel then responded gently, I dont know if it will be the last or not.

What a scary word.

So instead of responded his words, I just quietly took the letter and put it in my luggage.

Thank you for everything.

Okay. Abels answer was as clear as always.

As soon as I got on the carriage, the door closed. The wheels began to roll slowly as I could hear the horse neighing. When I met Abels eyes, I gently waved my hand. He looked at me for a moment and then said something as I saw his mouth moving.

Unfortunately, I understood the meaning at once and sat quietly in a chair. If I didnt see it wrong, what Abel said

Fiona, well meet again.

It was that. I blinked as I watched the scenery passing by more and more quickly as the carriage gained speed.

I didnt know why everyone said similar things when I said I wanted to go to have a rest.


Recently inside the house of Count Green was very noisy.

As the eldest son, It is natural for me to be the head of this family, and it should be me who decides the issue of inheritance.

Brother, tell me, which law in this country that stated only the firstborn who could be the head of the family unconditionally! There. is. none! In addition, we are Green family, a mage family! The only natural thing that happened is the one who could be the head of the family is the most talented magician among us!

The head of the house, Count Green, collapsed without warning. Even more so, the healers had told them to prepare because it was unlikely he would ever be conscious. Because of that, since the Count collapsed even before he could write a formal will of inheritance, the siblings of course made a fuss over the property issues.

Are you saying that now youre better at magic than me? Caindel glared at his youngest brother, Jen.

Isnt that obvious? If you said that you could use magic, isnt it only at the level of making fire the size of a bonfire?! Jen stared at Caindel without hesitation.

Caindel gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Jen. Those words were like pouring salt on his wound. His lack of talent as a mage was his only inferiority complex. He was born as the eldest son of a long-established mage family, but his talent for magic was terrible.

How dare you speak like that to me, your older brother, without knowing my struggles! Get out of this house right now!

Why do I have to leave this house?! The one who has to leave is you, brother, because it was you who tarnished the Green Family. A. Magician. Family!! Jen didnt even blink an eye at Caindels shouting.

You..! you..!

Caindel stared at Jen with his sharp eyes, he could not reply Jens words as what Jens said had some truth though he didnt want to accept it. Between the three of them, he, Jane, and JenJen had the best talent for magic.

Jane, the second child, was out of the picture for inheriting the position of the head of their family since she was married. However, his youngest brother, Jen, was a headache. If Jen whose magic skill was superior to his own was able to create a good enough public opinion in the society, then he, Caindel, the eldest son, might really be kicked out of his successor position.

If only he were not exist

Stop it.

The Countess came into the drawing room where the brothers were fighting.

I cant believe you brothers are fighting over this kind of thing. Did you know there has been a rumor about this family because of your fight? And people constantly talk about us! Im extremely ashamed.

Mother, looked at what Jen did to me, give him some words!

Jen didnt give up and fought back.

Isnt what I did better than watching an incompetence older brother greedily wants to eat up the whole thing by himself?



At the Countess words, Caindell bit his mouth.

I cant keep my eyes open anymore seeing brothers fighting so frivolously. Inheritance issues will be handled by me. You, brothers, shouldnt argue about the inheritance of his family anymore.

Even mother has no right to do that, Jen replied to her.


Mother must have thought we wouldnt have noticed that you have a lover. Caindel gave a scornful smile, In fact, we also knew that mother has been giving a lot of money to that blue-eyed kid lately. I apologized, but we definitely could not leave the inheritance issue to mother, if we were to hand it to you, who knows, maybe this family fortune would be given to that person.

The Countess, whose face was blushed because of anger, cried in a hoarse voice.

How could you talk to your mother who gave birth to you like this!

Dont be so angry. We dont care what kind of young man our mother meets, but if such a rumor spreads to society, Im worried that my noble mother will be hurt.


The Countess quietly glared at both of her sons.

Impudent kids. Threatening this mother who raised them

Then, suddenly the sound of knocking on the closed drawing room door rang.

Whats going on?

The servant was frightened by the screaming of the Countess, so they spoke in caution.

Ma.. Madam, my lord, a guest has arrived, and I think you should check it out.

Who the hell is it?

That lady Fiona Green, who left for Heilon five years ago, is back.

At the servants words, the three people in the drawing room looked at each other with questionable faces.

I cant believe it. Shes still alive?

It must be fake. It doesnt make sense a thirteen year old girl is still alive on the northern battlefield. She doesnt even know who to use basic magic.

All three remembered about Fiona. The illegitimate child Count Green brought. The child they locked up in the attic because of how useless she was for them. However, when the imperial order came to them to send one of the members of the family to the north, that was when they found the use of that child. Thus, they united and pushed her so they could cast loose from the imperial order.

Of course, none of them felt guilty about it.

Get rid of her right away. Its a fake, no matter

Before the Countess words finished fell, the door of the drawing room swung open, and a voice as smooth as silk resounded.

Thats too much.

There was a girl in her late teens with wavy silver hair coming in, ignoring the servant restraining her.

I just came back like this.

She came slowly and spoke her words.

I received your letter well.

Of course, it was a sarcastic intention since the letter was sent to ask her deatch certification.

But, rather than giving you my death certificate, I like to show my face in personnope, I think you would like it more like this. Am I right?

Fiona looked through the three hardened people. She then clapped lightly as if to evoke the frozen atmosphere.

Since this cute youngest member is back after a long time, Im sure youll welcome me, right?

She smiled brightly. Her lips which seemed unusually red because of her extremely white skin smiled deeper and deeper.

Im glad my family hasnt changed.

She then added, with one more gentle tone.


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