I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Seras reacted to the name of my target for revenge .

It was like she had already expected my response .

Well, I had called her a “f*cking goddess” before .


I don’t think I really have anything to clarify huh...

I already talked about being sent to the Disposal Ruins by the goddess before .

Along with the story of my survival from that ruins .

[—And, I met you in this forest just as I came out to the ground above . ]

After hearing my story, Seras became quiet for some time .

[No way... To think that the goddess has made the “Sealed Underground Cemetery” in the Dark Forest into an underground ruins where she disposes people of...]

It seems that Disposal Ruins isn’t its major name .

It was known as an underground cemetery that were enclosed out of the outside world .

In a sense, it really became people’s final resting place huh...

[I’ve obtained those Azure Dragon Stones from the bag of one of the corpses I found in the Disposal Ruins . It seems that there are some heroes that were sent towards that place, such as the Great Sage Angrin . ]

Seras had an intense reaction when I said that .

[Even the Great Sage?]

[He must have been quite an eyesore for the goddess . ]

[Then, what’s the reason why Touka-dono was sent towards that place? I guess it must have have been because she isn’t really favorable towards you but...]

I haven’t talked about this before huh...

[When we were being ranked as Heroes, I have received the lowest grading within the whole class . ]

[Even though your power were to such an extent like that?]

[As a result of the judgement based on their previous summons, it seems that they decided to dispose the lowest ranking Hero . ]

Their purpose was to encourage the other heroes by disposing a scapegoat .

[I heard that Alion strongly follows the established doctrines from their predecessors . If that’s the case, what you’re saying may indeed be plausible but...]

They’ve already done something like this .

This worked well in the past .

The historical data of Alion’s “predecessors” .

These “predecessors” may have been just piled up sh*t made up as that f*cking goddess wanted .

The history that is really convenient for the goddess— That’s their predecessors .

There is no reason for that f*cking goddess not to use this .

[However, Touka-dono survived in the Disposal Ruins that you were sent to . It said that there were no survivors that managed to get out of that place before... And you did it with the power of your “Abnormal State Skill” that you used to defeat the Black Dragon Knights huh...]

[Yeah . ]

Seras glanced down as if she saw something ironic .

[The doctrine by their predecessors that the Goddess said was a mistake huh...]

[I’m glad that I’ve learned the true character of the goddess earlier thanks to this . Even if she had judged my skill as something useful, it would have been used by that f*cking goddess anyway . ]

Convinced, Seras spoke .

[I understood now why you wanted revenge . ]

[Huh? Isn’t that reason something that no one can be proud of?]

I laugh in self-ridicule .

[Because that f*cking goddess who disposed me, I hated her enough that I wanted to see her painful death . That’s my only reason . ]

I placed my hand over my chest .

[That’s why, at the time that someone interferes with my revenge— Without any mercy, I will trample them . ]


[However, this kind of self-satisfied revenge doesn’t suit someone like you who values righteousness and honour . Right?]

[No . ]

Straightening her posture, Seras turned in front of me .

[If Touka-dono didn’t save me, I would have been killed already by the Five Dragon Warriors . That’s why, it wouldn’t matter for me even if we’re against the Goddess of Alion . If my power could be of any help in your revenge—]

Seras placed her hand over her chest .

[Please use this power for your revenge . ]

Kneeling down on the ground, she bowed her head...

Just like a knight making her vows .

[It seems that the former king has decided that Seras Ashrain’s existence isn’t needed anymore . This sword that I’ve dedicated to the Holy King currently have nowhere to go...]

[Even though I said this myself, I’m not saying this just to be complimented by others . ]

I don’t need the praise of others .

I can never become a protagonist that would be complimented by other people .

Well, I never did this for that intention but...

[Is this not a righteous revenge?]

[This revenge would only be “righteous” for me . To prevent confusion, let’s just say this is just my personal enmity against them . No matter how you look at it, this revenge would only be for my sake . I think there would be no such thing as “righteousness” that Seras Ashrain wishes to find . ]

[It’s exactly for that reason that I want to help . ]

[............ . ]

[As I’ve already have said before, I also had my own personal sentiments with the goddess of Alion . However, most of all— Without caring about the danger for yourself, you have saved me . I wanted to repay these “favours” towards you . If it’s what you think is “righteous”, then I wouldn’t mind . ]

Seras raises her face .

[Please use this body that have already died once as you like . ]

[............... . ]

[If it’s for you, it will be my satisfaction to be of use to you . ]

She really is full of integrity...

If she were asked by someone she trusts, it would be something like a cross and joint guarantor .

Even though both of us have a good foundation when it comes to our vigilance, you could also look at it in another way . Once you trusted someone deeply, you would end up losing all your vigilance towards him .

I took a deep breath .

[If you’re going to say it like that, then do as you please . ]

[—-Yes, thank you very much . ]

Loyalty .

Favours .

In some cases, they could exceed the contractual relationship that was made through money .

A person who employs someone through money is reliable .

The employee wants the reward that the employer presented .

That’s why, they would frantically work to achieve their employer’s goal .

However, there is one problem with relationships that were made through money .

There were employees who may change side to someone who would pay them without a larger amount of money .

That’s why, if you were to put it in another way, it can be said that you could easily betrayed by them .

On the other hand, the relationship made between loyalty and favours is different .

It wouldn’t depend on money .

Even if she was presented with a large amount of money, she wouldn’t be swayed .

That’s why, it was necessary to have deep “bonds” with someone...

Because these bonds would be their chains .

That was the image I had when we’re talking about bonds .

[Can I rely on the power of Seras Ashrain?]

[Certainly, I would make sure to live up to your expectations . ]

I don’t think I have such a thing with her .

I’ve already predicted that this might happen .

That’s also the reason why I headed for Seras who escaped into the Dark Forest .

She kind of resembles my aunt, so I helped her .

That’s not a lie .

That’s the truth .


[It seems that it was as I had expected . ]

I thought that this might happen if I were to give her my favour .

These bonds are chains .

Regardless of what kind of person I am, the execution of my revenge would always be my priority .

Of course, I may be a sh*tty bastard .

You may even call me evil .

[... . I’m sorry, Seras . ]

Passing by her side, I placed my hand on her shoulder .


That’s why, I would at least...

[This favour I also received from Seras Ashrain, I’m going to make sure that I repay it in kind . ]

That’s right...

I will always make sure to pay back my debts .

Even if they were favours...

Or the malice that were sent towards me .

We rushed ahead .

We avoided Mills and decided to head straight towards the Demon Zone in the north .

There seems to be a small village on the way .

First, we headed towards that place .

On the way, we decided that we would take separate actions .

Depending on the information that have circulated, walking as a “two-person group” might make us suspicious .

Though I said that, the probability of getting found out was quite low .

Seras’s clothes was different from what she’s wearing back in Mills .

Most of all, the face she’s wearing now is different .

It seems that the Light Spirit’s confusion has already been lifted .

So, the power of transformation could be used now .

However, it seems that she can’t make large changes from her original face .

That’s why, she can’t just become into “another person” .

Currently, Seras has changed her face into something different from “Mist” .


What I could see in my eyes were her pointed ears and her out-of-this-world beautiful face .

Seras says that what the others can see is a different face .

In other words, only me can see the original appearance of her face .

That’s quite a convenient feature .

However, while she looks like this, I must be especially careful that I call her with her new pseudonym “Misra” and not her real name “Seras” .

Just when I was thinking about that...

[Is it fine for me to call Touka-dono as “Milord” hereafter?]

Seras suddenly made such a proposition .

She looked a bit embarrassed and stopped, but it seems that she will still continue .

[Did you remember that time when I accidentally said your real name?]

I nodded my head .

Speaking of which, that did happen .

That was just a nasty trap that I had set up before but...

[It’s possible that I may carelessly call you “Touka-dono” when I’m supposed to call you “Hati-dono” hereafter...]

She’s worried about that huh...

Seras’ eyes awkwardly turns away .

[Therefore, I thought that I could just make it uniformed and call you “Milord” so that I would avoid mistakenly calling out your name...]

This really is a Seras-like kind of way of preventive measures .

[All right . Calling me that is fine . ]

[I’m thankful for that . ]

Seras bows her head .

[Well— I think “Milord” is a bit stiff though . ]

[Then, I would continue calling you “Touka-dono” when we’re alone . How about that?]

[Yeah, let’s do that . ]

[Fufu, roger that . ]

After walking for a bit, I spoke .

[For the time being, I’m leaving my back to you, Seras, Pigimaru . ]

Turning my face towards her, I spoke to Seras who’s walking in my back .

[From hereafter, I’m in your care . ]

With a clear smile on her face, Seras Ashrain softly responded to her Lord’s words .

[Yes, Milord . ]

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