I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

<strong>84 – The Heroes in the Ancient Dragon Ruins</strong>

Enoh is the capital of Alion .

If you were to go north of Enoh, you would arrive in a mountainous area .

Approximately half a day away by riding a carriage,

There is one ruins that could be found in that mountainous area .

The Ancient Dragon Ruins .

It is said that there used to be a legendary dragon who have lived in this ruins long ago .

This dragon was called the Azure Eyes Dragon .

However, it is said that the Azure Eyes Dragon no longer exists in that place .

The Heroes of 2-C have arrived here in the Ancient Dragon Ruins .



The monster screams .

My spear pierced through the heart of the monster .

The monster twitched as it spat out blood .

A few moments later, the monster finally stops moving .

A small sigh leaked out of my mouth .

I quickly looked around the area .

[Is everyone alright?]

There were seven students with me .

These were the people who weren’t able to clear the goddess’ trials .

The “dropouts” that was entrusted to me .

5 of them are girls .

2 are boys .

[Y- Yesh...]

[You’re quite amazing, Sogou-san . ]

They were also wielding weapons in their hands .

However, there are almost no traces of blood in their weapon .

Even their armor looks brand new .

It’s only their shield that have shown traces of being overused .

[Everyone doesn’t have to force yourselves to try killing monsters . You should first learn how to protect yourself . ]

There was one weeping girl who had stopped in her place and curled into a ball .

[Sorry... I’m sorry, Ayaka-chan . My legs were trembling... I can’t even move anymore...]

Smiling towards her, I gently caressed the cheek of the trembling girl .

[It’s alright, Minamino-san . Instead, I’m sorry that I’ve suddenly brought you in this place . ]


The girl whose cheeks I’m caressing, Minamono Moe shook her head .

[Rather than saying sorry to us, we should be thanking you instead... We were about to be disposed . right? Sniff... But Ayaka-chan asked them to abandon their plan, right? The Goddess-sama has told us so . ]

It seems that the goddess dared to tell them about these details .

I started speculating about what’s hidden beneath her action .

(To the Goddess-sama who was supposed to be our ally, it’s no good if I’m too suspicious of her actions... I’m tired...)

[We will do our best... Sniff... So that we won’t drag Ayaka-chan’s legs behind...]

After hearing her words, I quickly changed my mind .

[It’s alright . I will protect everyone . If a monster appears, leave it to me . ]

(If it’s possible, I don’t want any of my classmates to die anymore . )

There was already a casualty in 2-C .

Mimori Touka .

I wasn’t able to save him .


(If an S-Rank Hero really held an amazing power, I may even be able to defeat the Great Demon Emperor depending on how hard I work . )

My grip on my spear tightens .

(If we were able to defeat the Great Demon Emperor, we could return to our world back then... Therefore—)

I can’t die .

Until we could defeat the Great Demon Emperor, I can’t die .

At least, I will do my best on protecting these seven people .

(And also, Kashima-san...)

Defeating the Great Demon Emperor .

(So that we could level up... We need to kill golden-eyed monsters . )

[Suou-san . ]

[...Yeah . ]

I spoke towards the bob cut girl wearing glasses .

[If I weren’t able to respond to an attack right away, can I ask you to stop the monster? It’s fine if you were just able to earn me some time... Anyway, I just wanted everyone to be safe .

[...... . Yes . ]

Without any intonation in her words, Suou Kayako responded .

There are “almost” no traces that the weapons of these seven people were used .

However, I’ve found some traces of blood in Kayako’s sword .

A little while ago, I asked everyone just to end up in vain .

“Is there anyone who wants to level up by dealing the finishing blow?” I said .

At that time, there was a monster rolling on the ground after I weakened it with my spear .

Only one person raised her hand .

That was Suou Kayako .

Back in my previous world, my impression towards her is that she’s someone who’s always in the shadows .

I have never seen her talk with other people .

She’s another kind of an inconspicuous child compared to Kashima Kobato .

However, it seems like she unexpectedly held some courage within her .

If that were the case though, it’s really strange that she’s grouped together with the dropouts...

The other students look apologetic .

[I’m sorry that I’m useless, Sogou-san . ]

[Even though I’m a man... I’m sorry . ]

[But, I’m really scared...]

[...Killing other living creatures... My heart can’t take it . ]

I just returned their disheartened mutterings with a smile .

[Don’t apologize, okay? I believe that the way of thinking and the sensitivity of each person is different from another . It’s only natural if there are things we could do and things we could not . ]

I don’t think everyone can do the things the others could .

There’s a suitable person for the right job .

You just have to do the things that you can .

[I heard that there’s some kind of magic in this world that power ups their fighters . I heard something like that . It’s possible that everyone may be able to use this skill . There’s also some kind of convenient tools in this world called magic tools... So, you don’t have to force yourself in directly fighting against these monsters . You should first learn to protect yourself . I would already be happy if you could just assist me when you already have the composure to do so . Umm, that’s why... Could you stop feeling apologetic already? Okay?]

I tightened my fist .

[Let’s defeat the Great Demon Emperor, and together with everyone, we’ll go back to our previous world . ]

Putting aside Kayako who doesn’t have any expression on her face, I could see that the other six people now had a hopeful expression on their face .


[I’m glad that I’m in Ayaka-chan’s group...]

[W- We’ll do the best that we can . ]

[I’m in your care, Sogou-san!]

They were all just kind-hearted children .

That’s why I have to protect them myself .

The goddess had given one requirement to the heroes .

Defeat the monster called Flesh Dragon and bring back its eyeball .

It seems to be a one-eyed monster .

As we proceeded further into the ruins, me and the others arrived in a particularly spacious area .

I checked the map that the goddess had given us before .


Kayako approached and illuminated the map with a lantern .

[Thank you, Suou-san . ]

It seems that the area that the Flesh Dragon inhibits is nearby .

[Oh? I thought I just saw someone, isn’t this Ayaka?]

People were coming out of another passage in droves .

My name was called out by the boy leading the group .

[...Yasu-kun . ]

Yasu Tomohiro .

He has changed .

(No— He might have already been that way even those times—)

Remembering the past, I started approaching Yasu .

[It seems we both have been going through rough times . ]


[You don’t have to feign ignorance . Aren’t you also bringing these hindrances who can’t even stand up on their two feet and have to rely on the power of the more powerful heroes, Ayaka?]


He tapped my shoulder .

[Isn’t it quite tiring? Playing the part of the powerful one, that is . ]

He pointed towards the students he brought along with him .

They... had an ambiguous smile on their faces .

[I’ve never thought of my comrades as a hindrance . ]

Yasu just shrugs .

[That’s indeed an answer I’ve expected from you . An answer that would make you feel like it’s the right answer . Or is it just because it’s indeed the right answer? That’s amazing . You’re glittering . You’re difference compared to those idiots . How about this, Ayaka? How about we partner up?]

[Please don’t suddenly say such weird things . Besides, I don’t think I could do well if I partner up with you . ]

[Guh... Ayaka really isn’t someone who you could easily use after all . Even though you would have been quite useful... What a shame . What a shame, indeed . Kukeke...]

It was still unclear whether we could cooperate with his group .

But, it seems that it’s impossible .

There’s also the overbearing way Yasu pointed out my comrades...

[Have you heard what the goddess called those Heroes that were B-Rank and below?]

[They were called?]

[Those who were B-Rank and below were categorized as “White Heroes”! Do you know what this means, Ayaka?]

Yasu spread his arms wide .

[That means they were just one of the people among the bunch! Their color was too pale! They’re just mobs! Mobs!]

[No, they weren’t just someone among the bunch . Each of them had a face and a name of their own . ]

At that time...


A few monsters jumped out from the passage leading to the inner parts of the ruins .

(All of them were golden-eyed monsters...)

I prepared my stance with the spear in my hand as I protect my comrades in my back .

Yasu’s group suddenly screamed .

[Y- Yasu-san!]

[Please do something!]

[Please save us with your A-Rank powers!]

Eyes opening wide, Yasu looks like he’s filled with fighting spirit .

A crazy smile formed on his lips .

[Burn up—]

Yasu sticked out his arms towards the monsters .

[] (T/N: Sword Eye of the Black Flames/ Laevateinn)

Black flame gushed out from the hands of Yasu .

They’re bursting out as if it’s a beast that had just been released from its chains .

I could also see some kind of sword-like pattern glowing in his eyes .

The black flame completely swallowed the monsters .

The monsters could do nothing but raise out a scream as it died where they stood .

(That’s Yasu’s personal skill...?)

Yasu’s group showered him with praises one after another .

[T- That’s amazing... As expected of Yasu-san!]

[As I expected, Yasu-san is amazing! Terrific!]

[You’re surely the strongest Hero of our class with that flame!]

[I’ll follow you as long as I’m alive!]

Though they said that... Everyone doesn’t look like they have any emotions in their eyes .

Are they just giving him empty flattery?

[Oh man...] (T/N: Yare yare)

Yasu stares at his palm while he smiles in self-deprecation .

[I’ve never intended to show off this power, but...]

Me and the others went on a path different from where Yasu’s group went .

(It seems like Yasu-kun doesn’t like going with lower-ranked Heroes and treats them like I hindrance...)

It seems like he’s someone that I couldn’t partner with .

He’s changed .

Everything about him has changed .

Proceeding further into the ruins, we arrived in an area filled with corpses of monsters .

We’ve already deviated from the original path .

However, there were still quite a lot of screams coming from this path .

So, I was a bit curious .

Is it Kirihara’s group?

Hiding behind the shadows, I quietly peep through the path .

I could see the figures of two girls .

It’s the Takao sisters .

Hijiri is rubbing the back of her younger sister who is kneeling on the ground .

I could see that she has just been vomiting earlier .

[Are you alright?]

[I’m sorry, Aneki... As expected, I would still feel bad, being surrounded by a large amount of these corpses...]

[It’s okay . You’re a human that was raised in Japan’s modern society . Therefore, having that kind of reaction isn’t strange . ]

[Ah, isn’t Aneki quite fine?]

[It would be no problem if you just shut down a part of your imagination . All mental problems were just illusions that were the result of having too much imagination . ]

[I don’t really understand what you mean, but Aneki is amazing as I had expected...]

[Though I say that, you can’t really shut down the bad smell from these corpses . But if you just think of them as the odor of the microbes that lives within these corpses, they really don’t seem like a problem . That wouldn’t be the odor of “death” anymore . ]

[...I’m sorry, I didn’t really understand what you just said . ]

[It’s okay . ]

There were corpses of monsters scattered around the sisters .

About one third of them looks burnt .

The rest of the corpses were divided into two .

[............ . ]

The cross-section seems to be too clean .

Is this all due to the effect of the sisters’ personal skills?

If that is so...

(I’m the only S-Rank who haven’t acquired a personal skill...)

My level is significantly higher than before .

However, I haven’t unlocked my personal skill yet .

Hijiri takes out the satchel she held .

[I’ve already acquired the eyeball of the Flesh Dragon, so the requirement for this ruins should already be achieved . ]

It was said that an eyeball of the Flesh Dragon is enough of a requirement for five people .

Therefore, we would need to acquire a total of 8 eyeballs .

[And also—]

Without turning her face, Hijiri said .

[I won’t bite you even if you come out, you know? Sogou-san . ]

As I thought, she had really noticed us .

I came out of the shadow I’m hiding from .

[I’m sorry... I heard a lot of monster screams from this direction, so I’m a bit curious . ]

I could see Hijiri’s line of sight turn towards my back .

[Now that I think about it, it seems you’ve gained some comrades . ]

[Yes . ]

The sisters started walking .

Though when she was about to pass by me, Hijiri stopped .

[Are you alright?]

[Eh? M- Me?]

[Yes, I’m talking about you . ]

I just smiled in response, though it may look a bit strained .

[I- I believe I’ve been somehow doing my best for the past few days...]

Hijiri exhales out a small sigh .

[It doesn’t seem you’re alright . ]


[When you have replied just now, you’ve been turning your eyes away from me . ]


[You should learn how to start working for yourself, even for a bit . ]

Hijiri started walking away .

Itsuki then pats her hand on my shoulder .

[Well... Just don’t overdo it, Class President . ]

[...T- Thank you . ]

[It seems that Aneki likes you very much so...]


[We’re leaving, Itsuki . ]

After Hijiri called, Itsuki trotted towards her sister .

[Hijiri-san, that just now—]

[It’s not like I’m denying it or anything . ]

Still having their jaunty attitude, the Takao sisters disappear into the darkness .

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