I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 267: The Great Demon Emperor

Chapter 267: The Great Demon Emperor

[......................................Good grief, they ran away huh♪]

The movements of my body are dull.

It’s probably the influence of the younger twin’s inherent skill.

It’s difficult for me to move at high speed.

With a speed like this, I don’t think I would be able to chase after them.

[Using that skill not to attack me, but as a means to escape......]

Since it was a skill I knew nothing about, I reflexively raised my guard.

And the next thing I knew, the sisters were gone.

If it wasn’t for the Tyrant’s Miasma, it would have been easy for me to track them.

The influence of Itsuki Takao’s new skill also would have been negligible.

[However, for me to be forced to use my Dark Purple Gem here...... Ahh, this is so annoying......♪]

The most annoying of all would be the Tyrant’s Miasma.

It really is quite annoying.

The Root of All Evil really is the natural enemy of the Gods———–


I stopped.

Feeling what happened, I couldn’t help but let out a dopey mutter.


The Tyrant’s Miasma disappeared.

After I parted ways with Takao Hijiri, the Great Demon Emperor began closing in.

When the Great Demon Emperor came within a certain distance......

[ ! ]

The tip of its scythe-like limbs glowed.

Immediately afterwards, a purple glow emanated from the tip.

And then———


A ray of purple light flashed out.

Some kind of Offensive Magic or Spell?

At this moment———

I stood in front of the Great Demon Emperor and closed in on them.

It seems that that ray of light couldn’t be released in an instant.

There’s a slight lag before it’s released.

Furthermore, I can see it———– I can avoid it with ease.

For the current me......

I could only see this lag as nothing but an opening.

Rather, thanks to them preparing to launch that ray of light, I was able to instantly close the distance with them.

Thereupon, the Great Demon Emperor immediately took up an intercepting stance with their scythe-like limbs.

Along with my assault though, the swords created with my inherent skill attacked.

The clash of weapons striking each other intensely rang out.

The sparks that scattered without interruption told me how tremendous the impact of our clash was.

The trajectories of both of our blades seemed to create countless crescents in the air.

Sometimes, it would even look just like a single flash of light.

As my foot firmly stomped on the ground, a dust cloud danced outwardly, as if to escape from our battle.

The air resonates and screeches with the clashes me and my opponent make, as random as the early-summer rain.

The both of us made one move after another.

Both sides are trying to control the other with their best moves.

As the intersection of our sword strikes intensified———– The battle accelerated even more.

Currently, it seems like we’re evenly matched.

By time though, my senses became even more acute.

My muscles flexibly flow.

Releasing my limit also increased the density of my strikes.

The pair of heavy blows we made turned into a violent roar, echoing loudly in the surrounding area, and a flash of blended tremors and sparks———– make up those sounds.

And then......


It was at this point that I finally came to a definite conclusion.

The Great Demon Emperor is learning through this battle.

They had used that magic or spell-like attack twice after that.

However, both of those attacks only created an additional opening for me to exploit.

“With me as an opponent, attacks that assume a lag wouldn’t be beneficial for them.”

It seems that the Great Demon Emperor has made that decision.

Currently, the enemy’s means of attacks should be the several scythe-like limbs———–


It was that lump of flesh strike from close distance.

However, I’m able to avoid it in time.

When I see the strike, I’m able to evade it in time.

Rather, since its movements weren’t small at all, I found it easier to dodge than its scythe-like limbs.

It might eventually learn about this too though, and stop attacking with its lump of flesh.

In this case though————- It’s scary if it kept attacking with simply its scythe-like limbs.

How long had we been slashing at each other without taking a step back.

With my attention concentrated on this battle, I felt as if there were only the two of us in the world.

It was a long, long——— dizzying exchange of slashes.

Thereupon, I noticed it.

No, this is something I had noticed from the beginning.

The Great Demon Emperor had also learned about my movements.

However, it doesn’t seem to be imitating after learning my movements, as it was developing its own unique movements.

Imitation will never make you “superior” over the original.

One would have to take it in, and then sublimate it into your own unique movements.

And then, use it to surpass the enemy.

Yes, the Great Demon Emperor was growing rapidly in battle.

They were rapidly refining their “techniques”.

Its growth rate was truly astonishing.

For a Demon Emperor who already have this much power————

Its extremely greedy learning ability is honestly quite admirable.

(The more it fights...... The more refined its techniques become......!)

My role in this battle should have been to buy time.

However, if we continue to fight evenly like this———– They’d eventually overtake me.

Thereupon, I made my decision.

“When I find the opportunity, I’ll quickly settle this.”

Though I say that, I still have to find that opportunity first.

Raising all my senses into trying to catch that moment———- I then sharpened it as much as I could.

Maintaining the inconsistency in my strikes, I mixed in sharp slashes with it.

However, the Great Demon Emperor also did the same thing.

Thereupon, pouring our strength against each other, the battle turned into a battle of trying to foresee each other’s “decisive strikes”.

(I can still continue thanks to the reduced MP consumption after my skill leveled up......! But if I can settle this, I need...... to quickly settle this!)

Suddenly, it was but a moment......

But suddenly, a chill ran down my spine.

The thought that popped within my mind makes me feel goosebumps.


Releasing my limit.

I normally imagine it as the string of a bow, being pulled to its very limits.

However, those who have mastered the art are said to be able to pull two of such strings.

It is said that if one pulls two strings, one would be able to draw out twice as much power.

Naturally, the burden in one’s body becomes greater.

If it seems impossible, I would stop halfway.

But if I want to settle this here——–

————-Crackle, ripppp————-

It’s worth trying it out.

Imagine...... Adding one more string——–...............

I pulled them to the limits......

Releasing my limits twice.

———— Limit Release Two ————

With the power brought by releasing my limits twice, I unleashed a torrent of god-like speed.

(Got you......!)


Thereupon, I noticed it.

The Great Demon Emperor offensive obviously slowed down, it then prepared itself for a defensive fight.

Seeing this as a good opportunity, I stepped up on my offensive.

It seems that the Great Demon Emperor is better at defense.

Once it focused on defense, I felt its precision clearly increase.

The growth rate of the Great Demon Emperor.

I don’t know its upper limits......

But currently, I’m probably better than the Great Demon Emperor in terms of “technique”.

However, if its “technique” catches up to mine, I might find myself at a disadvantage.

(Now, thanks to releasing my limits twice, I may have the upper hand. However...... I don’t know how long I could hold this state in! That’s why, while I still can——–)

That’s when it happened.

[ ! ]

The sound of the ground scraping.

It was a bit.

Yes, just a little bit but———–

The Great Demon Emperor retreated.

An opening.

Isn’t that———– exactly the “opening” that I’ve been looking for?

It was only for a moment, but I wouldn’t let such an opening go away at all.

If this isn’t a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, what is?

(I can do this!)

Plunging deeper, I firmly stepped forward.




[ ? ]

—–splashed through the air.


The sound of something hitting the ground followed.

The one shedding blood, bent down on the ground———— was the Great Demon Emperor.

“Ayaka has the natural talent. It’s just that...... Whether you were fortunate or not that you were born in a country and ear that did not require this kind of battle talent...... is something I do not know.”

Her grandmother evaluated her granddaughter, Sogou Ayaka, as such.

Sogou Ayaka.

Good figure.

Good style.

No one would particularly object if one described her as a beauty.

However, she is more than just a beautiful girl.

She is well versed in both literature and martial arts.

Her test scores are excellent.

Her grades in PE are also good.

She’s also taken some extracurricular lessons.

She likes to exercise, but she also likes to read.

In addition, she is the granddaughter of the Sogou Group’s President.

In other words, she is a real “high-class noble lady”.

At school, she acts as her class’ President.

She’s diligent and considerate to others.

Such a girl is learning an ancient martial art called “Kisouryu” from her grandmother.

Without seeing things with favoritism, her grandmother described her granddaughter as a “genius”.

Yes——— only her grandmother knew about it.

In her original world, no one would probably have noticed Ayaka’s genius......

Everyone only saw her other sides.

Graceful and beautiful.

Perhaps, a well-balanced and toned style.

Brilliant academic achievements.

Outstanding athleticism.

Lineage that promises a bright future.

She may be extremely wealthy, but she isn’t prideful......

Being the Class President, she’s very hardworking, intelligent———– and kind.

And so, no one ever realized Sogou Ayaka’s true nature.

The Great Demon Emperor encountered S-Rank Heroes on the Eastern Battlefield in the war back then.

Kirihara Takuto.

Takao Hijiri.

“So that’s what S-Rank Heroes are.”

Planning it as a warm up, the Great Demon Emperor teleported in and conducted a surprise attack.

When she encountered those S-Ranks Heroes in the Easter Battlefield, they decided to carry it out.

However, it met upon one miscalculation.

The Great Demon Emperor didn’t see the one remaining S-Rank Hero.

It was none other than———— Sogou Ayaka.

They knew of her existence from the reports.

It was said that she was the Hero who defeated Zweikzeed.


That Ayaka was apparently having a hard time with Zweikzeed.

The battle for the Anti-Demon White Castle was determined by the presence of a man wearing a Fly King mask, his subordinates, and his army of mysterious magical creatures.

At that moment, Zweikzeed had just lost his bearings from Eingrantz’s death.

“Taking advantage of this, Ayaka slashed them from behind and defeated them.”

That was what the Great Demon Emperor had heard.

Judging from that information......

They don’t feel that Sogou Ayaka was that much of a threat.

However, they were mistaken.

They met upon the “miscalculation”, Sogou Ayaka.

They didn’t hear about this.

They didn’t hear that she was such a monster.

If one were to refer to that as “her true nature”......

What made Sogou Ayaka “amazing” in her original world———–

It could be said that it was all just a lie.

It’s not that her “true nature” is hidden by diluting her personality to the utmost extent though.

On the contrary, she just had so many shining personalities that her “true nature” has been hidden.

Perhaps, just like how people were unable to view her distant “true nature”, even the quality of her inherent skill had taken such a form.

Yes, it has finally blossomed.

In this different world......

Her talent has finally become complete.

When it comes to martial arts prowess————-

Sogou Ayaka is undoubtedly a rare genius.

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