I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 237

T/N: The following chapter contains themes and scenes, e.g. female violence, rape, and Translator-san revealing his thighs, that some readers may find disturbing. Know that the Author, the Translator, and the Foxaholic staff doesn’t condone such actions. Reader discretion advised. By the way, Translator-san LazyCat got lazy and didn’t bother censoring words in this chapter, so if you’re bothered by that...... well, frick.



What did Mikhail just say?

So stu———



Something began pressing down on me.

That something held a frightening amount of power, pushing me down on the ground.

I could see that that force came from the thick arm holding my hand.

A cold chill ran down my spine.

[Prime Minister-dono!]

From a distance, Armia’s voice called out.

[Mik— hail-do———– Nhkkk...... W- What are you...... Guhh, it——– rts......]

I can’t understand what’s happening.

My mind can’t keep up at all.

My head can’t think straight.



What’s happening?



What’s happening to me now?


A kind human is?


How come?


Mikhail was looking down at me with emotionless eyes.

It was scary.

He had his right hand raised.

It looked like he was signalling something.

And then, I heard the sound of hooves hitting the ground.

Their cavalry was approaching.

[Don’t come any closer, the Lamia over there. If you come any closer, I will kill this Prime Minister of yours.]

His voice that was so gentle earlier......

It had completely changed, calling out at Armia with a frighteningly ruthless tone.

Turning his eyes away from Armia, Mikhail started searching around my clothing.

[Found it.]

Taking his hand away from my bag, he took out a key.

The key that opens the silver door.

[With this, we don’t have to wait for the Divine Beast to arrive. Those damned Sixth...... Treating that Divine Beast as if that is the property of his team...... but now, we don’t need them anymore.]

I felt my breathing speed up, hyperventilating.

However, I managed to keep it under control and spoke.

[Mikhail...... -dono.]


[Misunderstanding...... There must have been some kind of misunderstanding......]

[You’re just the only one misunderstanding here. You’ve lost.]

[You’ve been talking a lot more than I thought, Mikhail-sama.]

One of the approaching cavalrymen went near and spoke to Mikhail.

[These guys act more human than I thought after all.]

[Hohh...... So those are Lamias huh. They’re quite the beauties.]

[Are you more interested in those Lamias?]


I could feel their vulgar eyes gaze upon my body.

[Her spiderly lower torso doesn’t seem so bad.]

[I’ve had enough of human women. I wanted to try out the unusual taste of Demi-Humans. That’s why I was happy to accept this mission.]

[Since we’re dealing with fake humans, we don’t especially have to be considerate about them after all...... It won’t hurt our hearts unlike when we’re doing some things with humans. We will be able to do this and that without any worries.]

[These kinds of species that still retain human’s weakness could be considered precious. In that sense though, the Faraway Country is a literal treasure trove.]

Hearing what they said......

Shocked me to the core.

I must......

Remain strong......

[L- Let’s talk things out! If we talk things out, you’ll understand! I’m sure you’re got the wrong idea about us! Everyone in the Faraway Country are decent people! It’s not too late to understand each other! We can just let bygones be bygones! If we get to know each other, we’ll definitely understand one another!]

[Can we have sex?]

[—————-, ..................Eh?]

[I said, can we have sex?]

[W- What are you......]

What in the world is this human talking about?

[Whether an arachne and a human can have sex———– mating. That’s what I had been asking you.]

[Wait...... What...... What in the world are you———- Bfuuuhhh!?]




With his body weight pressed down on me, Mikhail...... punched me on my face.

[I’m going to ask you one more time.]

I felt a twinge of pain shot up from my nose.

[For example———– Is it possible for you and I to have sex?]

Hearing such a question again, something within me snapped.

[———-Y- You’ve got to be kidding me! Do you even know what you’re saying!? Get off me! Now, quick! I won’t talk with you anymore! I want to talk with someone dec———– Bghuooo!?]


He started punching me again.

[Ghafuuu———– Wait a mo...... Ghaak! Stop i———– Bfuuuu...... Ghoook!? You are———– Ghafuuu...... Gehook! Stop foo———– Bghuuuk! That’s eno———– Gbuuuukk!? Gehook......!? Ghagheefuuu———– Bfuuuh!? Gahhh......! S———–]

The beating stopped.

[Stop...... Please———– stop already...... Stop...... sniff...... I’m sorry...... That’s why...... Please don’t hit me...... Uweehhh...... No more...... No......]

[Is it possible?]

Disheveled, I feel like my face is blotted with blood and tears.

Trying to shrink my body as small as I could, I answered.

[I don’t know...... I’ve never...... done it before———– I’m sorry...... Please don’t hit me......]

Fearing for what he’ll do next, I sobbingly pleaded.

Hearing what I said, Mikhail let out a small sigh.

[Why the heck are you their Prime Minister? Useless trash. Well, whatever. I’ll benevolently keep you as my pet. Well, until I lose interest, that is. You should be honored.]

At that moment———– A sound rang out.

A very loud sound.

[Some sort of signal huh?]

[Release Prime Minister Liese.]

It was Armia’s voice.

[You, strip.]


[It’s impertinent for a Demi-Human to play dress up. Take it all off.]

[You bastard......]

Fyuuuuuu——— Klang!

One arrow was flicked by Armia’s shield.

It seems like one of the cavalrymen drew their bow.

[How surprising. You blocked that.]

[I’ve only heard about it, but that sound earlier was made by a magic tool called Sound Ball. She might have signalled something to her friends.]

[She may have told her companions in the back that the negotiations had broken down. Armed fake humans and repulsive monsters would probably start charging towards us. From here on out is where the real war begins.]

[We could use this Prime Minister of theirs as a hostage though.]


[Even if that’s so, kukuku......]

[What’s the matter?]

[No...... It’s just that these fake humans to even have this so-called “Prime Minister”...... It’s so pathetic that it looked ridiculous......]

[I agree.]


Even with all the insults I heard, I didn’t say a word.

Not a single word.

I’m afraid after all.

However, there’s one thing that popped within my mind.

With these humans’ actions, I have a bad feeling about something.

Unable to keep this thought away, I asked.


[Hoohh...... You can still talk huh.]

[......W- What happened...... with the messenger......]

[We obviously shot her dead with arrows. If we had known that she’s no danger and wouldn’t be able to resist at all, we would have captured her and enjoyed ourselves instead.]

[Uuuuu...... Sniff......]

(I’m sorry...... All of this is my...... my......)

[Ahh, that’s right, Mikhail-sama. While you were discussing with that fake human, a message arrived from the rear.]

[Is the information worth telling me this?]

[Those Leopardkin from before, they’re apparently being annihilated by the Sixth Cavalry who just encountered them. A few of them apparently managed to escape...... but the huge black leopard that seems to be the leader of their pack has already been taken care of.]

[ ! ]

(No way————- Gio......!)

[The head they’ve apparently detached from his head would apparently make a good mount. Since the one who killed it was the Sixth...... I think they would give that head to Vysis-sama.]

[Uuuuu...... Sniff......]

(Gio...... Gio———...............)

[What about that Centaur horde that the messengers also told about?]

[They were apparently also almost annihilated.]

[Tsk, those damned Sixth Cavalry. They’re really just taking up all the work.]

[However, keke......]


[The female centaurs are quite beautiful. They were apparently going to try to capture them as best as they could. Ahh, they seem to have also captured that blue-skinned centaur that led the charge...... They had to amputate her two hind legs though.]

[ ! ]

(Qir! T- That’s a lie...... That is...... That is...... Qir————)

Mikhail clicked his tongue.

[Those damned Sixth. They didn’t even ask for my command and just went to do as they pleased...... It would have been great if I could break all four of that centaur’s legs first......]

[I’m afraid that they just stole all the fun.]


[In that case, we should somehow do something......]

Mikhail’s gaze shot forward———— towards a far away distance.

[Let’s enter the Faraway Country first and snatch the fine ones from being taken by the Sixth. But before that...... capture those Lamias. Anyone who wants to rape them, go ahead and try. Ahh, but that one with the face veil is mine———— ............Hmm?]

Mikhail turned around.

[What’s that?]

Something is happening with the cavalry in the rearmost position.

The area over there was getting noisy.


I opened up my eyes, that had I forcefully closed down with tears blotting within them.

Thereupon, my blurry vision became clearer.

(The cavalry...... is being kicked around......?)

[The fake human survivors have launched a desperate assault huh.]


[And that’s when they’re lacking their leader. They’re just a disorderly mob of people who escaped death......]

[Their surprise attack on us seems to have been a success...... but surprise attack won’t really get them far. Bring them down.]

The dozens of cavalrymen in the vicinity, picked up their spears and shifted their position to the back.

They then prepared their spears.


Mikhail calls out to them with a firmer voice.

[What is that?]

Looking towards where he’s looking at, I saw black shadows approaching.

There is one of them that is obviously larger than the others.

That being let out a roar.

A roar so loud that it can even be heard here.

[Oi, isn’t that———–]

[Wasn’t that the supposed leader of the Leopardkin pack......?]

[Fumu. Perhaps, it was just a double who was killed.]

[That’s possible.]

The cavalry in the rear were retreating.

They are being pushed back, retreating to meet up with the cavalries near here.

I could feel the fear emanating from the retreating cavalrymen.

That’s when I saw it.

The identity of that black shadow, leaping unto the backs of the retreating humans.

That black Leopard wielding two long katanas.

[U- Uwaaaaahhhh!?]

Looking back at the black leopard attacking him from behind, the cavalryman screamed.

Slashing through the wind————– His katana flashed with a thunderous roar.

Atop his running horse, the cavalry’s body was slashed in half.

His upper torso falling down on the ground, the lower torso limply hung on the horse’s harness.

[M- Monster———–]

The black whirlwind, with his red eyes glinting towards the humans, rushed forward.

Those black katanas would have been impossible to handle his large build.

But with those black katanas, that black Leopardkin———

Gio Shadowblade sliced through one cavalryman after another.

(G- Gio.....!? He’s alive! Gio......)

With the same expressionless face he had before, a vein popped out of Mikhail’s forehead.

[This isn’t what’s written on the report. Explain, or I’ll freaking kill you.]

[I- It must have been the enemy’s plan! They’re trying to catch us off guard!]

[What the f*ck are those Sixth———– What the heck is the Sixth Cavalry doing? Tsk......]


Releasing his frustrations on me, Mikhail held me down by the soles of his feet.

[Ugghhh...... Uuu————]

My body hurts so much that I can’t move.

No, even my spirit won’t move.

Using my body as some sort of pedestal, Mikhael loudly called out.

[Attention! The best of the best, the elite of the elite, my First Cavalry! The enemy were just a bunch of good-for-nothing fake humans! To these barbarians who think that they can win just because their surprise attack is successful, we need to teach them what real fighting is...... Show them no mercy! And to start, let’s make that Leopardkin bleed! All those who contributed will be rewarded! Charge!]

With his shout, the cavalry charged forward.

Gio was clearly too far ahead from the others.

His group were still fighting some of the cavalrymen in the rear, and hadn’t caught up with him.

It’s only him, surrounded by enemies.


Gio didn’t stop.


I tried to warn him.

However, my voice won’t properly come out.

[Hoohhh...... He didn’t falter huh. That confidence could be troublesome———– Archers, bows at ready!]

The place we are currently in is a road in a valley.

A valley in between two rock walls———— steep cliffs.

On the cliffs on both sides, cavalrymen with bows appeared.

Troops waiting in ambush.

They must have been using another path to move along this path.

Back in the Faraway Country, I had relied on old maps to understand the geography of our country’s neighborhood.

I had already memorized the terrain beforehand.

And indeed, this was a terrain where such tactics could be used.


However, I never had any intention of fighting from the start.

If I had planted ambushes, there’s a chance that they would be detected and it would ruin the negotiations.

Thus, there was no way I could have prepared such a thing.

(Because...... Because, if they knew the existence of troops lying in ambush———- Because......!)

[Shoot that beast before it makes contact with the charging cavalry!]

Drawing their bows, the archers aimed at the approaching Gio at the same time.



[We’ve shown you...... that we don’t have the intention to fight...... We should have shown you......]

[You’re still going on about that nonsense? You’re beyond help, brat. You’re funny as hell, kid.]

[U- Uuuu...... Sniff......]

I didn’t know.

What I know is that I made a mistake.

I had been overconfident———– I trusted my abilities too much.

I was the one who was wrong.

The words of that fly———– the Fly King were right.


It’s too late.

It’s already too late.

Everything is already———–


[......What’s going on?]

Hearing a pained shout, Mikhail looked up at the cliff.

From above the cliff top, a series of screams were ringing out.

[ ? ]

Even from where I laid down, they appeared in plain view.


[Too bad. This place is under our control.]

Appearing above the cliff, with her bow at the ready, is Qir Meiru.

Alongside her stands the other Centaurs with their bows also at the ready.


[W- What are the———–]

Feeling his body quivering, Mikhail’s hair stood on end.

I’m not sure if it’s because of the wind or not, but it also seems like he’s quite angry.

[What are the other Cavalries doiiiiiiiing!? They’re just a bunch of barbarians! For my archers above the cliff to be done in by these fake humans———– Wha!?]

Looking at where he’s looking at, I noticed it.

The cavalry that had charged into Gio were at a disadvantage.

[Hyiiiihhhh!? What the heck is thaaaaatt!?]

[It’s a monsteeeeeeer!?]

[There’s no way we can win against thaaaaaat!?]

That’s when it happened.

[Change course! Change cooooooooourse!]

The rear cavalry, who had been retreating towards this direction, turned their horses around again.

Seeing the arrows and Offensive Magic pouring down from the cliffs, they must have felt that it was suicidal to head this way.

However, one of the cavalrymen asked back.

[H- However, even if we turn back, the only thing waiting for us are those Leopardkins! Please look at them! There’s still that many Leopardkin left! We, on the other hand, only have......————–! Gran-dono!]

Behind the cavalryman who was facing the rearmost cavalrymen———— a black shadow leapt.

That black being’s crimson red eyes shone at the sight of his prey.


With a thunderous roar, he brandished his black katana horizontally.

Together with the horse he’s riding on————– The cavalryman atop his horse was slashed in half.

Gio, drenched in red blood, calmly stood.

And with the other Leopardkin’s behind his back, he silently growled.

[————-Kill them.]

For a moment, there was a blood-curling silence.

Before long, the cavalrymen started fleeing.

They turned back the way they came from, as if they’re fleeing from the Faraway Country.

From the cliffs, arrows rained down on them without mercy.

Offensive Magic were also being unleashed.

The dead corpses of the First Cavalry in their path were stomped down on the stampede.

[Wait! Don’t run away!]

Mikhail tried calling out to them.

However, driven by fear, the cavalrymen didn’t stop running.

[Guhh...... What is this———- What the heck is this......]

[M- Mikhail-dono.]

Mikhail and a man who seemed to be his Deputy were the only ones left behind.

Mikhail looked behind him———– to the direction of the Faraway Country.

However, behind him gathered Armia and the others.

[......This is bad.]

Mikhail grinded his teeth.

[They should have gone forward...... and charged towards these Lamies who only had shields.]

[Mikhail-dono! We should be able to use that Arachne! She should work as a hostage!]

[Did you really think that was the case?]

A cold, indifferent voice came from above.

Qir’s contemptuous eyes were looking down at my direction.

Spittle flying out of my mouth, the Deputy Captain shouted at Qir.

[T- This is your Prime Minister, isn’t she!? If you don’t want her killed———-]

[Hahh? Did you not hear about us?]

[ ? ]

However, Mikhail has a look of understanding on his face.

[......I forgot. This Arachne is useless as a hostage for them.]


[I’ve heard about them...... These people left the country to rebel against this Arachne...... which means that it would be more convenient for them if she dies.]

Mikhail looks up at Qir.

[Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been looking at this Arachne with such a cold expression on her face.]

[That’s right. We were forced to fight an unscheduled battle because of that damned Prime Minister’s overconfidence in her own abilities, you know? There’s no need for us to save someone like her.]


[Guaaa——- aaaa............————]

Ignoring how they’re standing near me, Qir unleashed an arrow, piercing the Deputy Captain between his brows.

And then, with emotionless eyes and voice, Qir spoke to Mikhail.

[Go on? If you want to kill the Prime Minister, you’re free to do so. Not like it means anything though.]


Sweating profusely, Mikhail looked at Armia and the others.

Then, Mikhail looked at the direction they had come from......

—–and there stands a blood-soaked Gio Shadowblade, with blood still dripping down his katanas.

[You f*cking——– barbariaaaaaaans.......!]

[So, what are you going to do?]

Spreading out his two black katanas to both sides, Gio asked Mikhail.

[You’re their general, aren’t you? If you wish to be a prisoner of war, I may think about it.]

Mikhail turned towards the dead corpses of the First Cavalry.

In the distance, he could see several cavalrymen being finished off by the Leopardkins.

It’s so devastating that you could almost say that they’re being annihilated.

Looking at all of these, Mikhail grinded his teeth.

[You damned———- beasts...... To dare talk down at this Mikhail Eucalion———]

At that moment......

Black shadows leapt from atop the cliff.


Weaving past the Centaurs, two shadows had l.

A woman dressed as a Fly Knight riding a huge black horse with burning red eyes.

The black horse landed from that height as if it was nothing.

And the other person who calmly landed on Mikhail’s side————

[W- Who...... in the world......]

[My name is Belzegia.]

——is a man wearing a Fly King outfit.

[Don’t worry, we, the Fly King Squadron, are on your side. It seems like we just made it in time huh. We’ve come to help you, First Cavalry Captain————– Mikhail-dono.]

<Author’s Notes>

We’re hoping to update the next chapter within a week or so.

T/N: The part about my thighs was a lie.

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