I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 234

[Belzegia-sama, His Majesty wishes to see you.]

A harpy came to my room.

From her outfit, she must be one of the King’s Royal Guard.

Checking the time once in my pocket watch for a moment before putting it away again.

Apparently————– the majority vote has been decided.

I followed the harpy with Seras.

Under the harpy’s lead, we were ushered into the room where the Seven Lights had gathered yesterday.

Entering the room, all eyes on the room were immediately set on me.

The seating order was the same as yesterday.

However, there was a difference in their expressions.

King Zect, seated in the back of the room, slightly raised his hand.

[Whether we would fight or try to resolve the issue through negotiations———– A decision has been decided.]

[What was the result?]

[Two votes for fighting them, from Gio and Qir. Three votes for resolution through discussion, from Lieselotte, Kokoroniko, and Armia.]

After King Zect said this......

“See that?”

Liese looked at me with a smile that seemed to tell me such a thing.

[Thus, our country will do its utmost to resolve the issue using negotiation through discussion. Although this wasn’t settled unanimously, a decision is a decision. I hope that you will not harbor any ill emotions on each other, and that the Seven Lights approach these negotiations as one.]

Hearing King Zect’s declaration, Gio only folded his arms, keeping his silence.


[This is clear to you too, right, Gio? I’m counting on you.]

[......Honestly speaking, I have my own opinions regarding this matter. But in this country, the decision by Seven Lights’ majority vote is absolute...... That has always been the way things work. I have no choice but to accept it.]

[I also have high opinions of your eyes and ears as a Leopardkin. You may not like the results, but let’s work together on this, okay? Is that alright?]


[Qir too, I’m counting on you, okay?]

Qir shrugs.

[I thought Gio would go ballistic but...... if he’s going to accept the results so calmly, I guess I can only go along with it.]

[I’ll also be relying on the power of the centaurs.]

[As the Prime Minister wishes.]

Saying this, Qir bowed reverently.

[Is that ostentatious manner reflecting your attitude towards me?]

[A little.]

[Well, fine. Ahh, also...... I’m glad to know that Niko and Armia were able to see my justification. I thank you both for that.]

[I am indebted to you. I also recognize you as our Prime Minister.]

Kokoroniko’s vote went just as I was informed before.

Gio and Qir also voted for the side that I’ve guessed.

And the only one whose vote was said to be unpredictable­——–

[Many of us Lamias have hatchlings. Many of us also belong to the army. The more lives we lose in battle, the more hatchlings without parents there will be. If we can solve this problem without risking our lives, it will be so much better. Well...... If it’s just me, who doesn’t have any hatchling to leave behind, I can go participate in the war. However, the Serpentine Light Army that would end up going to war doesn’t just consist of me.]

[Don’t worry, Armia.]

Liese vigorously puffed out her chest.

[I’m not going to let anyone die. I will make sure that this situation will be peacefully resolved. This, I promise you.]

Gio glances towards Liese.

[What would happen to the Army Corps?]

[It will be dismantled as planned. The only organization left that can be called a fighting force is the King’s Royal Guards.]

[......Are you being serious?]

[You see, we Demi-Humans and monsters were once considered as a threat, didn’t we? In order to show that we have no harmful intentions, we need to show that we are such people. The most important thing is to open one’s heart and face them with sincerity.]

Disbanding of the retained war potential.

From what she sees, she stubbornly thinks that such was the right choice.

[There’s a chance that we may invite them into our country in the future. I want to eliminate as many factors as possible that could be considered dangerous. Even if they wield no weapons, there are still monsters that could be misinterpreted as evil. We have to sincerely show them...... that we are peaceful-minded people.]

Standing up from her seat, Liese then walked to the door and stood in front of me.

[And well...... That’s how it ended up. You’re not complaining, aren’t you?]

[......Do you have a backup plan in case the negotiations break down?]

[I won’t break down.]

[And may I ask what your basis for that?]

[It’s simple.]

Liese puts her hand on her right chest.

[It’s because I’m the negotiator.]

[I see.]

[Do you have anything more to say?]

[......No. Above all, this decision is a policy that was decided fairly. And just as you said, I am not a citizen of this country. I was only expressing my personal opinion yesterday. Thus, I have no reason to complain.]

[That’s right. You’re an outsider after all. So, do you understand now?]

[What do you mean?]

[Knowing your place.]

It must have been Liese who called me here.

I guess that from the triumphant look on her face.

“I’m right.”

“You’re wrong.”


When she saw that I wasn’t answering......

[Well, fine———- You, stand down.]

As if she’s trying to slam me down, Liese said.

[It’s a pity that you couldn’t use us for your own personal purposes, isn’t it? The reason for your defeat is that I was in this country to see through your selfish scheme.]


[We have to discuss our future plans as soon as possible. And what we’re about to discuss is not something for the ears of a self-centered out-si-der.]

[That’s enough, spider brat.]

Gio chided.

[He may certainly be an outsider, but he’s a guest.]

[Unnn, I’m not sure what to think about your statement either.]

Armia followed suit.

Snorting in response, Liese turned away.

[I’m just telling the truth.]

[No...... As she said, I’m indeed an outsider. If this problem can be solved without bloodshed———– It would indeed be better. I sincerely hope that your negotiations will go well.]

Turning to the rest of the Seven Lights, I bowed.

[Well then, I will be excusing myself.]

The more wise one thinks they are......

The more determined they are to keep on reinforcing the logic that they’ve concluded upon.

They would do this until in the end, it becomes the “right answer”.

They believe in themselves too much.

People call such a thing “overconfidence”.

However, that was also the same case for me.

I also believe in my own conclusion too much.

That’s why......

In the end, everything would just be a clash of two overconfident people.

And then......

The only way to get the true answer is to see the results.

And see for ourselves, which “overconfidence” it is that is truly correct————-

The next day.

I requested an audience with King Zect.

Today, we aren’t meeting in the conference room, but in the King’s Chamber.

Arriving inside, the Immortal King was sitting on his throne.

I could see Gratora standing behind him.

The other members of the Four Warlights weren’t in the room though.

[We have completed our purpose in this country. And considering the future plans of Liese-dono...... The existence of us, the Fly King Squadron, could now be considered as a bad thing for this country.]

[I’m sorry that you had to be driven out as a result.]

[If Prime Minister-dono’s intent are strong, I guess it couldn’t be helped.]

[......Umu. Liese said your presence would bring about an unwanted spark...... She even saying that you were whispering things into Gio and Qir’s ears, for them to choose to fight them...... I’m sorry.]

[No, I did encourage such a thought to their minds after all...... and besides, she also had a point. Perhaps, Liese-dono’s decision may be the right one.]

[That is what I’d like to hope for. I want to put the future of this country in the hands of the most brilliant Arachne this country has ever seen. To her, who had always been right.]

That wouldn’t mean she would always be right though.

[In the end, it is up to the citizens themselves to make the decision for their country. I have nothing more to say about the policy that this country would make. However, regarding the Kurosaga......]

[Umu. Until the time is ripe, I will be responsible for their protection in this country. When the time is right, you can come visit again. Don’t worry. At that time, I will make sure you will be accepted into the country———— Gratora.]


Responding to King Zect’s call, Gratora came up to me.

Handing me something, I looked at it and saw that it was the same one Erika had given me before.

The “key” to the Faraway Country.

[As long as the Divine Beast remains here, you will not be able to re-enter the country without that key. You can use that key the next time you enter the country.]

[I appreciate that———— but is it alright? Isn’t this valuable?]

[The Divine Beast has come to this country. For the time being, we won’t be needing that key. Yes...... You can rest assured that Nyaki-dono is in good hands. I will take full responsibility to ensure that she can live in peace in this country. This, I promise you.]

[Please...... take care of Nyaki.]

As Gratora returned to her original position, King Zect asked.

[Will you be leaving soon?]

[Yes, time is of the essence after all.]

[I understand. I want to believe that the next time we meet...... This country will have been reborn as a country that can work hand in hand with the humans.]

Lastly, as if he had remembered something, King Zect spoke.

[When you have the opportunity, I’d like you to tell her.]

[Her...... to Erika?]

[Yes. I’d like you to tell her———— that I’m still deeply grateful to her.]

I left the King’s Chamber.

When I returned to my room, I found Seras and Slei waiting for me.

[Let’s go.]





Nyaki looks up at me with a slightly anxious look on her face.

[Don’t worry.]

Taking off my mask, I knelt down in front of Nyaki, making my eye level meet with hers.

[Everything will be fine.]

[Ummm...... Nyaki is, Nyaki is———-]

[I’m not going to say goodbye.]

Nyaki nodded in acceptance.

[......Yes nya. Nyaki really, really wishes————- that fortune be with everyone nya.]

Nyaki looked like she’s tearing up a bit.

......Good grief.

Looking at her like this, I couldn’t help but feel a smile rise from my lips.

I gently patted her head.

[Be healthy and well, okay?]

[N- Nyaki is a member of the Fly King Squadnya! Until we meet again, I’ll make sure that I’ll be healthy and well as Master-san said nya!]

Putting on the Fly King mask again, I spoke.

[Good answer.]

Thereupon, we went outside the castle.

We passed through the main gate of the castle.

Telling Nyaki that seeing us here is fine already, I parted ways with her.

We then started walking down the gentle hill.

Stopping for a moment, I looked back at the castle gate once more.

Nyaki is still there.

How should I say this———– That’s just like her.

As I looked back, I saw someone looking at me from the tower of the castle wall.

It was Gio.

Since we’re more or less acquainted, I raised my hand to say goodbye.

Thereupon, Gio raised his hand back.

Turning around again, we continued walking down the hill.

Passing through the city’s main street, we reached the hallway heading towards the above ground.

Looking back again, this time, I could see the whole underground kingdom from where I stand.



We started walking again.

Walking up the stairs, we came upon the silver door.

Looking around for a moment, I put the key into the hollow area that the king had told me.

The key is apparently not consumed when it is opened from the inside.

It is only when one enters using this key from the outside that it is consumed———— to which it would then disappear.

The door opens.

Greeting us upon our arrival was the nostalgic heat of the sunlight.

[If it was possible, it would have been great if we could have just destroyed the Thirteen Cavalries right there.]

As long as Liese was there though, that would be difficult.

However, there are other things we can do now.

[Now then...... How about we just do what we can do for the moment?]

Just like that, we left the Faraway Country.


◇ <A Certain Couple’s...... > ◇


[Don’t worry. It’s going to be okay.]

[No, that’s not it...... Actually, there’s a baby in my belly......]

[! Is that true!?]

[Yes...... My apologies, saying it at a time like this......]

[Tsk...... If you had something to say, say it sooner.]

[I actually wanted to surprise you...... so I planned to tell you this later.]

[Telling this to me at a time like this, well, I really would feel troubled but...... Hearing this really makes me happy.]


[Hmph...... If this is the case, I guess I would have to do even better huh.]

[You’re going to...... come back safely, right?]

[Of course. I’m the guy known as the strongest of the Four Warlights, you know? I will definitely come back safely. I promise.]

[I actually want to go with you.]

[After what you’ve just told me, that’s even more impossible.]

[I guess you’re right———– May the fortunes be with you, Gio Shadowblade.]

[Yeah, I’ll be going now. And I will definitely return...... For you and for our unborn child. I promise.]

<Author’s Notes>

We are planning to update the next chapter on May 7 (Friday), around 9:00 pm.

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