I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 231

Standing up from my seat, I bowed.

[I would like to thank you all for your precious time and for allowing me to express my opinions to you. I understand the Prime Minister’s thoughts, and I also understand that there are opinions different from mine. All that remains is for the majority to decide tomorrow———— I think I’ll leave the judgment to the Seven Lights to decide.]

[I’m fine with deciding this matter right now though.]


King Zect raised his hand.

[Everyone is getting too heated right now. I think everyone needs some time to cool down and think...... Thus, the decision will be made tomorrow just as we planned.]

Though it seemed like she was dissatisfied with King Zect’s decision, Liese agreed.

[......Well, fine.]

King Zect then stands up from his seat.

[Well then...... We will gather again in this room, tomorrow before noon.]

The first one to leave the room was Liese.

Before she left, she and I had a brief conversation.

“You look human...... Do you have some conspicuous wound or burn on your face?”

“The reason for this mask huh? If I walk around with the appearance of a human, I would stand out in a bad way.”

“I’m sure you do.”, Liese said with contempt.

“You can’t believe in them, can you? The people of this country, I meant. That’s why you’re hiding your humanity.”


“I recognize Anuel’s past achievements. But for Anuel to send someone like you...... I’m honestly disappointed. I guess she’s just like the others, stuck in the past.”

Saying this, Liese left the room.

Next, leaving some words of gratitude, King Zect also left.

Gratora followed behind him.

When the king and Gratora had disappeared, Seras apologized.

[My apologies, Milord. I couldn’t help myself......]

[I know.]

It seems that she wants to say some things regarding what Liese had said to Erika.

During the conversation, Seras tried to argue with her.

However, as expected, I stopped her from doing that.

[We all know how great Erika is. That should be enough.]

[Yes. I’m sorry...... I’m just disconcerted.]

[I know how you feel. But rather than that———– Seras, I need you to do something for me.]

[If Milord commands it, I will gladly do it.]

[t might be a bit tiring.]

[I’m still the former head of the Holy Knights of Neia. I think I should be physically fit enough for me to do your command.]

[That’s reassuring.]

Meanwhile, the place was in the middle of breaking up.

Before they could leave the room though, I called out to them.

[I have a request for the members of the Four Warlights.]

Stopping in place, they looked at me.

Bringing her finger to her lower lip, Qir let out a charming smile.

[What is it? Are you going to ask us to vote to fight? Well, you’re free to ask all you want...... but we’re only going to cast our votes of our own volition, okay?]

Gio continued with a low mutter.

[Well...... she’s right. I’ve already made my own decision, but I won’t announce it until tomorrow. I don’t think we need to discuss this any further.]

[It’s just like Gio-kun said. I don’t think anyone here is going to promise you anything, Fly King.]

I see.

They aren’t going to be persuaded at this point huh.


[No, that’s not what I’m going to talk about. Also, this is just a request. It’s not mandatory......]

Hearing my words, Gio crossed his arms.

[Fumu? What is it?]

[I would like to request a spar for our squadron’s Deputy Leader that I’m proud of...... Seras Ashrain. Especially Gio-dono.]

Qir curiously asked.

[A spar? What does Fly King-kun have in mind?]

[In terms of combat and command abilities, she is the best in our squadron. And Gio-dono did mention he is the strongest of the Four Warlights. Fighting against the strongest will make Seras grow further. Of course, this is only if Gio-dono has the time and allows it himself......]

[Hmmm...... The best huh.]

Gio stood in front of Seras and looked down towards her, as if he was inspecting her.

“Hmm”, softly muttering, he smiled.

[Interesting. Fine, let’s do it.]

Gio brought us to the barracks in the castle grounds.


We’re outdoors, surrounded by stone walls.

The walls showed signs of having been repaired many times.

The floor, which was covered with a thin layer of sand grains, also showed its age.

This place was large enough for about a hundred soldiers to fit in.

Going inside one of the rooms, Gio brought in a box filled with weapons.

Gio then roughly puts the box down.

The weapons inside the box clashed with each other, creating a hard, clanging sound.

[We have a good variety of weapons here. You’re fine with using weapons with rough edges, preventing injuries, right?]

The Four Warlights were all gathered in the castle grounds.

It seemed like all of them were interested in this bout.

[Mhmm, what is this? It seems like all members of the Four Warlights are completely willing to fight against the Goddess’ army huh.]

Armia said.

[No one said they were on board.]

The silent Kokoroniko grunted.

[Moreover, I also didn’t say that I’m going to join this spar of theirs. I also don’t think that a slender elven swordswoman like her can compete with Gio...... but I was curious. That’s all there is to it.]

[You’re not being very honest, are you, Niko?]

[Shut up, Lamia. I know I’ve said this before, but I really don’t like your frivolity.]

Armia’s eyes twitched.

[It’s not like it’s I intend to be frivolous about things......]

Fiddling with her spear in hand, Qir spoke.

[Well, compared to the most straight-laced person in the Four Warlights, Niko, you really would look like the most frivolous person here, Armia-kun.]

[Don’t speak nonsense. The most frivolous person here is you, Qir.]

[No waaaay.]

With an interesting shocked look on her face, Qir’s spear slipped out of her hand.

The relationship between the Four Warlights...... Well, it doesn’t look bad.

However, it doesn’t seem like they’re overly familiar with each other.

It seemed like they were keeping a reasonable distance from each other.

It was fortunate that they were all interested in coming here.

I wanted to understand how close the relationship between the Four Warlights were.

[They’re all like that, but all of them are pretty strong.]

Holding dull tachis in both hands, Gio said.

Using the hilt of one of his swords, Gio tapped his shoulder twice.

[You there, are you ready?]

[———–Yes, I’m ready.]

In contrast, Seras only had a single long sword in her hand.

She already had her stance ready.


“Heehhh......”, Gio’s eyes’ opened up a bit.

[......How surprising. You’re pretty good huh.]

It seems that she had sensed Seras’ strength just from her stance.

It seemed like Gio was extremely skillful with swordsmanship too.

Also taking a stance, Gio asked.

[What do we do about the start signal?]

With her hands on either side of her hips, she puffed out her chest.

[You can count on this reliable me.]

[I’m counting on you, Niko.]



Armia slumped down (?).

[Oiii!? What the heck is that!? That’s mean! Meeeean!]

Putting her aside......


With Kokoroniko’s signal, the spar began.

Just a few minutes ago, the spar between Seras and Gio had ended.

It seemed like the spar between the two extremely drew the others’ interest.

The three remaining members also asked for a spar with Seras.

Right now, Armia and Seras were in the middle of a spar.

Gio, who was still arranging his breathing, approached.

[What in the world is she?]

Looking at the back of Seras who was still battling, Gio spoke.


[I know that she wouldn’t be normal when you arranged that spar but...... her strength is on another level. Seras Ashrain...... that was her name, wasn’t it? Is she a very well known swords man in the outside world? Honestly, I can’t believe that there are people like her out there in the outside world......]

[There apparently isn’t that many swordsmen as good as her. Eve Speed, who was said to be the strongest Blood Champion, also said that Seras’ fighting ability was outstanding.]


Gio lets out a big sigh of relief.

[It would be troubling otherwise. That elf should be exceptionally strong in the outside world, isn’t she?]

[I guess you can count her as one.]

Well, there were people like Civit out there though.

......There are also people like Sogou.

Thereupon, I noticed Gio staring at me.

[What is it?]

[Are you actually stronger than that elf even when she’s armed?]

[No. When it comes to melee combat with weapons, I’m no match for her. In fact, I’ve even been taking sword lessons from her.]

[That would mean your talent lies elsewhere huh. Well...... One wouldn’t be able to run a country if the people only knew how to fight.]

Gio clicked his tongue.

[It’s quite clear to me...... The biggest contributors to this country’s success are the Arachnids. Without them, this country wouldn’t have survived thus far.]

As if he’s feeling frustrated by the depression he felt within his mind......

He scratched the back of his head with one hand.

[That’s something that’s quite clear even to me.]

[However, you also have your own thoughts regarding Liese-dono’s idea.]

[What she’s saying sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me.]

Gio’s hands stop scratching the back of his head.

[Hey, Fly King.]


[That “ideal” word...... Isn’t it a word that was originally created because of how harsh reality is?]

That was———– not really something I had thought about.

Thinking about it again, that is quite an interesting way of thinking about it.

[I don’t think that having ideals in itself is a bad thing. However, I believe that ideals are only meaningful when they can be incorporated into reality. Unrealistic idealism is just worthless. If that’s the case, I think that the ideals Liese-dono holds for this matter...... I have to say, it is somewhat unrealistic to bring them into reality. Of course, as long as I can’t provide the evidence she demands, she would just dismiss it as nothing but my personal view into things...... In the end, it would really end as such huh.]

But well.

If she’s able to open her eyes with reason———

This would have been a lot simpler.

The other party is that sh*tty Goddess’ underlings, Alion’s Thirteen Cavalry.

It’s not wrong to say that they’re dangerous.

It’s obvious that they’re dangerous.

It’s unrealistic to think that you can talk things out with them.

And—— I’m going to crush them.

I want to crush them.

When you get right down to it, that’s all there is to it.

As I was thinking about this, Gio glanced at the other members of the Four Warlights.

After a quick glance around, he turned to me again.

[Fly King, I have a matter to discuss with you.]

Gio’s voice was lowered, as if he’s making sure that the others won’t hear it.

[It all depends on the outcome of tomorrow’s majority vote but...... I’ve been thinking about this matter in my own way. This evening...... Let’s talk about this matter for a bit, just the two of us.]


He’s asking me for a secret consultation huh.

The spar was finally over.

After exchanging a few words with them, the Four Warlights left the training grounds.

Seras comes by after wiping off her sweat.

[After fighting all of them, what do you think?]

During their spar, Gio and I talked a lot.

So, I couldn’t pay much attention to the other matches.

Well, I could just ask the person who was in the spar herself, so there’s no problem even if I don’t pay much attention to their fights.

That’s partly the reason why I didn’t bother paying close attention to their matches.

[For people who should have been out of the war for so long, they seem to be able to fight well.]

[Your thoughts with each individual?]

[Kokoroniko-dono looks slender, but I was genuinely surprised that she could handle a large sword of such weight. She has extraordinary arm strength. She also had quite the stamina. Even with all the movements she did with her big sword, she didn’t seem to be exhausted at all. On the other hand though, she was inferior to the other three in terms of technique.]

She’s the type who uses brute force huh.

[Armia-dono seems to be better at defending than attacking. She is especially good at using her shield. Furthermore, she is extremely good at making decisions on the spot, and knows whether to attack or defend. Her lower body is snak-shaped, so her movements are sometimes difficult to read...... I think she could make use of peculiar movements as a lamia during the offensive.]

[......How about Gio Shadowblade?]

Before Seras could answer......

“I also have the same opinion.”

—-she had such a look on her face.

[——–He’s strong. As you can see, he’s blessed with a great physique and his muscles are stronger than they look. No...... Not only does he have the speed, he also got an especially tremendous flexibility. In addition to that flexibility, he has those long arms of his, so I guess he can easily pull out that long naginata he has behind his back. I was also surprised to see that he could freely control a katana of that size with one hand...... His technique is also very well honed. Not only that, but he is also quick-witted. He’s also very observant...... His ability to respond in battle was also very high.]

She gave him high praise.

I guess his title of being the strongest among the Four Warlights is not an exaggeration.

[What about Qir Meiru?]

[She’s strong too. Her footwork with all four of her legs was superb. We talked for a while after spar, and she could apparently handle a wide range of weapons. I’ve also heard that the Meiru Tribe are special kinds of centaurs who are skilled in handling magic power. They can also use magic tools to attack. It’s just that......]

[Just that?]

[I got the feeling that she wasn’t seriously trying when we’re sparring.]

[That means...... It’s possible that she’s actually the strongest of the Four Warlights?]


Seras denied my question.

[Among the Four Warlights, Gio-dono really is one——— no, he might be two or three levels above the rest. Qir-dono acknowledged this. To be honest...... I am somewhat surprised that such a warrior existed in this country.]

On the other hand, Gio highly evaluates Seras strength.

[For instance...... If he were to fight against Eve, what do you think would be the result?]

[Gio-dono would win against her.]

She decisively declared that huh.

[If they were just comparing techniques, you might be able to see them as equal. However———]

[The difference in their physique and how they cultivated their bodies huh.]


I heard stuff like in sports and martial arts stuff.

The difference in height and build were apparently quite a significant thing.

Physical differences.

It ruthlessly influences the outcome of a battle.

That’s why there is a class system in fighting sports.

[But if that’s the case, Seras, how is it that you......]

Falling silent for a moment, I looked at Seras.

Not understanding my pause, Seras tilted her head in puzzlement.

[? Is something the matter......?]

Seras Ashrain.

Gio Shadowblade.

I try to picture the difference in size between the two of them in my mind.

Then, I remembered Gio’s assessment towards Seras.

......I see.

Seras was making up the physical difference between them with her skill huh.

That’s why Gio was so surprised when he fought her.

Once again, I am reminded of Eve’s evaluation of Seras.

She said that Seras’ combat talent was outstanding.

I mean.......

She has been sparring with four people, and yet, she’s only this tired.


Smiling, I snorted.

Good grief.

[Ummm, did something happen? Milord......?]

This freaking genius.


It seems like your insight was spot on.

<Author’s Note>

For the time being, I’m going to update the next chapter on 4/21 (Wednesday, around 9:00 pm...... or so I hope.

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