I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

<Heroic Sword POV>

*rustle, rustle*

[We found it, Ruin!]

From behind the bushes appears Toad .

He has always been unbeatable at running .

He is the most outstanding scout in the Heroic Sword .

[As we expected, is it really hidden behind Illusions?]

[Yeah . And, there’s a road leading out of the Illusionary area around here......]

As Toad said that, he took out a parchment from his pocket .

Then, he held out the parchment and pointed towards a symbol drawn on it .

[The crystal depicted here was indeed here . It matches in color and shape . ]

[Great job . ]


Ruin taps Toad’s shoulder .

[With this, the world will now truly be saved . ]

Resting his great axe on his shoulder, Yuugungu laughed .

[If we can bring this to her, Goddess-sama can be relieved and keep her focus on the Great Demon Emperor . This is a great achievement, Toad . ]

[No, you’re mistaken . ]

Toad shakes his head .

[This is everyone’s achievement...... We made it this far because we’ve been working together, so this is everyone’s achievement . ]

Ruin proudly rubbed his finger under his nose .

[It’s as you say, Toad . We’ve all worked together to get where we are . ]

[However, the fact that you’re the one who found it won’t change, you know!?]


Myana innocently jumped on Toad’s back .

[G- Get off......]

[What’s that, Toad? You’re still acting embarrassed after Myana jumped towards you? I guess even after all these years, that part of you still haven’t changed huh . ]

When Yuugungu teased him, the people around also chuckled .

Toad complained in response .

[Tsk . You’re embarrassing me again, Myana . ]

[Don’t I always though? How many years do you think we’ve been having this kind of conversation?]

[She’s not wrong about that . ]

Yuugungu’s words were met with chuckles again .

[......Since Toad already found our objective, we should call back Strife . ]

Leaning against a tree with his arms folded, Satsuki calmly said .

He was a little further away from everyone .

Arene turned a worried glance to the southwest .

[Is Strife...... going to be okay?]

[He has his own mind, you shouldn’t worry about him too much, Arene . Rather than him, shouldn’t you be worrying more about getting closer to Ruin?]

When Yuugungu said that, a blush poofed out of Arene’s face .

With a voice that seemed to disappear, Arene mutters words of rebuttal .

[Geez...... Yuugungu...... You won’t be able to make such jokes soon......]

[T- That’s right...... I’m always telling you to stop with such jokes, Yuugungu!]

His cheeks blushing, Ruin also flusteredly said .


Hmph .

Myana puffed her cheeks in displeasure .

She did it again .

Ruin wondered .

Myana was often in a bad mood when he and Arene were being teased like this .

Ever since back then .

Yes—– It’s always been the same .

Ruin .

Satsuki .

Toad .

Yuugungu . (T/N: ユーグング / yuugungu)

Myana . (T/N: ミアナ / miana)

Strife .

Arene . (T/N: アレーヌ

Caro . (T/N: カロ / karo)

Bardwitcher (T/N: バードウィッチャー / baadowicchaa)

Nana Tout (T/N: バードウィッチャー / nanna totto)

(T/N: D*mn these weird ass names, can’t they just have something like tom, dick and harry?)

Ten childhood friends .

They’ve been together for as long as they can remember .

Other than Ruin, all of them came from poor backgrounds .

Only Ruin was the son of a noble .

However, he has always hung out with the other nine, regardless of the difference between their status .

And that Ruin—– One day, silently left his home .

To see the world with his best friends .

To live through the world with their own strengths .

Looking at them making such a ruckus, Caro has a look of nostalgia .

[When there are ten of us together, nothing is impossible...... With the ten of us together even back then, we’re invincible . ]

With his arms folded in front of him, Bardwitcher cocked his head towards him .

[You say we’re invincible, but do you think we’re stronger than that “Humanity’s Strongest”?]

Nana Tout smiled .

[It’s impossible for us . If it’s someone who has a chance of beating that “Humanity’s Strongest”——-]

The gazes of everyone, other than the two who weren’t here, are divided between two men .

As if they just made their votes .

Three gazes were looking towards Satsuki .

Four gazes were looking towards Ruin .

His gaze moved between Ruin and Satsuki, Yuugungu said .

[I guess if it’s either of the two of them huh . ]

“Heroic Sword”

This name was the general term to refer to these 10 people .

But to nine of them, it refers to the person named “Ruin Seal” .

[Ruin Seal, he’s the one who carries the blood of a Hero from Another World, “Heroic Sword”——- If it’s someone who can defeat that “Humanity’s Strongest” fellow, he would be the first choice . And then, if it’s someone who also has a chance of defeating him......]

Everyone’s eyes turned towards Satsuki .

[Other than the “Final Blade” Satsuki, we wouldn’t be able to do it . ]

“Hmph”, Satsuki snorted, not having any interest in their conversation .

[I wonder though...... Aren’t you underestimating the “Humanity’s Strongest” too much? Well, I’d like to compare my skills with that monster...... And see what I can do before him . Of course, it’s not like I expect to win . ]

Nana Tout said, as cold sweat dripped down her forehead .

[If we’re talking about someone who can kill a Human-Faced almost all by himself...... If it’s a monster like that——]

Nana Tout, who is usually aloof, turns her sharp gaze towards Satsuki .

[Wouldn’t he be a better choice over Ruin?]

Ruin quickly agrees .

[That’s right . Satsuki is someone I’m always thinking of surpassing after all . ]

Hmph .

As if he heard something sarcastic, Satsuki snorted .

[Well said...... From my point of view though, Ruin is the real monster here . ]

[——-T- That’s not true! Compared to Satsuki, I’m still not......]

[I’ve told you many times already . Too much modesty would may you look like you’re being sarcastic, Ruin . ]

[......My bad . ]


Satsuki turns away .

[If there’s one flaw in the man named Ruin Seal—— It would be that you’re too kind . Someday...... That kindness would lead to your downfall . ]

With straightforward eyes, Ruin stared at Satsuki’s back .

[——Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind . Ehehe...... Thanks for worrying about me, Satsuki . ]

[......Hmph . ]

And then, the sound of grass being rustled could be heard .

From within the forest, someone emerged...

[You’re late, Nyaki . ]

A girl with light pink hair .

One of her special characteristics would be her large hands .

The size and shape of her claws are different from those of a human .

And just like the light pink hair on her head, fur could be seen on her limbs .

Her ears are very similar to those of a cat .

She has a tail that is puffed out .

With her height, it’s appropriate to say she’s a short one .

The top of her ears is just barely reaching the top of Ruin’s chest .

As for her face, it isn’t inferior to humans .

Her charming, round eyes also have light pink pupils .

The girl called Nyaki repeatedly took shallow breaths .

There were twigs and leaves caught in her hair .

She was wobbling, as if her legs were about to give in .

Well, that should be expected .

That’s because Nyaki was carrying a huge backpack .

Compared to the stuff carried by the 10 people of the Heroic Sword, the amount of luggage she’s carrying is obviously larger .

[I- I’m sorry, I’m late nya......]


As she lowered her head, Nyaki wobbled .



The cooking utensils that were hanging over the side of her backpack .

Some of them fell down on the ground .

Seeing that, Nyaki turned pale .

She immediately tried to pick up the cooking utensils .



Ruin’s lips trembled .




Nyaki was blown away by a front kick .

Sent flying, her back was violently slammed towards the trunk of a tree .

A thick sound quietly rang .


Not feeling strength on her body, Nyaki slumped down to the ground .

[......Hey, stand up . ]


Grabbing her arm, Caro dragged Nyaki .

Thereupon, with all of his might, Caro threw Naki .


Nyaki is thrown in front of Ruin .

Ruin’s fist is trembling as he looks down at her .

Even the gazes of all the people around Nyaki—– were cold .

Those eyes...

They’re filled with anger .

Disdain .

Hatred .

[Those utensils are being carefully used by Arene, who’s always on cooking duty... . . So—– So, how can you do something like that......!?]

Arene had her face covered with her hands, crying .

[Why...... Why are you always doing these terrible things to me, Nyaki!?]

Nyaki flusteredly dropped down to her knees and vigorously bowed her head .

[I- I’m sorry nya! Ruin-san, Arene-san, everyone...... Please accept Nyaki’s apologies! Nyaki is reflecting from the bottom of my heart nya!]

[You’re always...... always only saying superficial things!]

Yuugungu shouted .

Toad stomped on Nyaki’s hand .


Nyaki let out a scream .

However, it doesn’t seem like she’s resisting them .

[I doubt you’re reflecting at all...... You’re doing this every single time, you must be thinking that we would forgive you just because you prostrated yourself . However, you’re not wholeheartedly reflecting at all......]

[I- I’m sorry nya! It’s as everyone’s said, Nyaki is too dumb to make sincere apologies nya! Anyway—– I’m sorry nya! I’m sorry nya!]

[......She’s as annoying as always . Even all these times, I don’t know why she’s not making a single effort to fit in at all......]

Looking at the direction of the sun, Myana started playing with her hair .

Caro pressed the sole of his shoes against Nyaki’s head .

[Keep your forehead on the ground . That apologies of yours—– Are you being serious now?]

[I—— I’m sorry nya!]

Nyaki vigorously pressed her forehead to the ground .

[I’m doing this nya! So, please forgive me nya!]

With clear amazement, Bardwitcher sighs .

[This person really can’t think for herself at all...... If no one tells her anything, she won’t even notice it at all . She’s completely revolting . ]

[She doesn’t have the brains to think for herself huh . Good gracious...]

Nana Tout threw a pebble, hitting Nyaki in the temple .


[Stop squealing like it’s our fault......]

[Get up, Nyaki . ]

[I- If you could please move your foot away...... Nyaki would be really t- thankful......]

[No, no, you should show some guts here . ]

Toad puts more force on his foot stomping on Nyaki’s hand .

[You don’t have enough guts!? Are you making light of me!?]

[Quickly get up already!]

Yuugungu followed up with an angry bellow .

Arene was still whimpering on the side .

[No more...... Let’s just hurry up and finish this journey together with Nyaki...... I’m going to turn weird if things keep up like this......]

[Pull yourself together, Arene . ]

[Ruin, but......]

Ruin’s eyes blazed with righteous indignation, glaring towards Nyaki .

[......Stand up, Nyaki . Toad and Caro, put your feet away . ]

At Ruin’s words, the two of them obediently moved their feet away .

Toad and Caro then grabbed Nyaki’s hands, pulling her up .

Nyaki gets into a standing position .

[Nyaki...... I will give you a chance to make up for it . If you want to continue to be with us, Heroic Sword, what do you think you’ll need? You haven’t guessed the right answer once yet . You’ve already reached the limits of my patience . ]

[Errr, errrr . ]

[Out with it . ]

[S- Sincerity...... nya?]



Nyaki was hit with tremendous wind pressure .

Before that wind pressure, Nyaki was blown away .

More violently than before, Nyaki was greatly slammed against the thick trunk of a tree .

[Haaahhh...... Haaahhh......!]

Ruin’s breathing became rougher .

Myana spontaneously closes the distance between them and gently snuggles to him .

[Are you alright, Ruin!?]

[......It hurts . ]


Just like an eagle, Ruin grasped on his own left chest .

[Don’t you understand, Nyaki......!? My heart as I’m being forced to beat you...... hurts dozens of times more than the pain you feel! It hurts!]


Myana hugs Ruin, who looks like he’s about to cry .

[You should understand...... Everyone is doing all these things for you, Nyaki’s sake . ]

[Myana...... but I......]

[Hey, Nyaki!? You should properly reflect—- Arehh?]

Nyaki isn’t moving .

[Oi, Nyaki! Get moving!]

[O- Oi—– She’s still alive, right......?]

Yuugungu breaks out in cold sweat .

Toad ran towards Nyaki .

A little later, Toad breathed a sigh of relief .

[It’s okay...... She just fainted . ]

[Good grief, how misleading...... If she dies here, I won’t be able to face Vysis-sama . ]

Ruin wiped away his tears and broke away from Myana’s embrace .

And then, he stepped forward .

[She’s making things harder on us...... For the time being, I think we should send a magical war pigeon to Vysis-sama and tell her the good news of our discovery . ]

Under Ruin’s direction, Nana Tout began the preparations .

Soon after, the magical war pigeon was released from its birdcage .

As it flew away, everyone watched that magical pigeon for a while .

When the magical war pigeon is out of sight, the atmosphere around them seemed to look like they did a job well done .

[......There’s only one more step left . ]

Yuugungun nodded at Ruin’s words .

[Yeah, it’s about time . However, with this, we can finally—-]

[Wait, Yuugungu . ]

Ruin puts his index finger to his lips .

[Something’s coming . ]

He was looking at the southwest—– the direction Strife went to explore .

[Strife! You’re finally back!]

The shadow of a person approaches,

However, as it gets closer, Ruin notices something strange .


From the darkness brought by the dense trees......

The one who emerged from it—– was Strife .

And towards them, he spoke .

[Ev...ry... . one—— run......]

[Eh......? W- What? N- No way—–]

Arene’s eyes greatly wavered .

Next, she covered her mouth with her hands .

It’s because on Strife’s neck—–

An arrow had pierced through it .

[I...... from bef... . or...... A... rene...... al– ways been——]

Thud .

Unable to finish speaking, Strife fell to the ground .

At that moment, they understood .

[Wait...... Why? Eh? What the heck is that—— Hey? What the heck is that!?]

Myana is distraught .

Yuugungu also called out, holding back his tears as he kept his gaze forward .

[I understand how you feel, but for now, calm down, Myana......]

[It’s a lie, it’s a lie, it’s a lieeee! This is all a lie! No...... Nooooo!]


Ruin shouted, his voice filled with sadness .

[——Ruin . ]

It must be Ruin who is more hurt than anyone else .

As if he doesn’t like what he’s seeing, he painfully cried .


Tears still flowing down her eyes, Myana’s knees lost its strength .

Myana almost fell to the ground, but Toad, with a look of chagrin on his face, supported her .

Stifling the trembling in his voice caused by his grief, Caro asked .

[How is it?]

Asking that, Caro’s eyes was directed—–

Towards Ruin, who rushed towards Strife’s body first .

His sword held in hand, Ruin stood with his stance at ready .

However, his gaze is observing Strife’s corpse at his feet .

There were numerous cuts on his shoulders and back .

Looking closely, there are also wounds on his arms that appear to be as if he blocked attacks with his own arms......

From those wounds, Ruin understood .

[These wounds aren’t caused by a monster . ]

He’s sure that he fought a person .

Myana’s outburst of emotions became even louder .

[In the Demon Zone, people......!? The one who did this is a person!? What’s with that!? Who is the one who did... . . who did——...... . . !]

That’s when it happened .

The first person to notice it was Ruin Seal .

[——Ruin . ]

Satsuki also noticed the same thing .

Ruin—– noticed the sweat on his own palms .

His damp, unpleasant sweat covered the hilt of his sword......

“Yeah . ”, Ruin nodded .

Thereupon, he turned towards the darkness and called out .

[Who are you?]

There were a number of surprisingly small sounds of rustling grass .

And then, the shadow of a person appeared .

Clad in sword and shield—— Clothed like a knight .

[You all are the Heroic Sword, right?]

Following his question, people wearing the same knight’s outfit appeared one after another .

Seeing them, Ruin’s breathing becomes faster and faster .

[Why...... Why are you...... Even though you know we’re the Heroic Sword, you did——]

Ruin squeezed out his voice filled with grief .

His shoulders were quivering .

His heartbeat—– his breathing became increasingly rougher .

[That emblem on your shield——]

How laughable .

They are supposed to be Alion’s compatriots .

This man, who is supposed to be his compatriot, quietly holds up his sword .

[We will be receiving the Divine Beast . ]


[Why are Urza’s Magic Knights——]

Faster than Ruin could ask his question .

Urza’s Magic Knights made their move .

Arrows began flying from the people standing in the rear of Magic Knights .

And then—–

The life-reaping has begun .


With both of Ruin’s knees broken, he sank into a swamp of blood .

[Haaahhh...... Haaahhhh...... Haaahhhh......!]

He looked up to the heavens .

Fresh blood is running down his temples .

Dripping down towards his chin, before falling to the ground .

It then seeps into the soil .

[Haaahhhh, haaahhhh...... Haahhh! Why......]

Ruin’s head intensely snapped forward .


[Haahhh, haahhh...... Why... . Why—–]

Slowly, Ruin raises his face .

[Why are you——- poorly handling your lives!?]

Reflected in Ruin’s eyes—–

......were the corpses of the Magic Knights scattered about .

[Guaahhh . ]

Yuugungu ends the life of a Magic Knight who was still breathing .

There wasn’t a single dead one among the Heroic Sword, except for Strife .

No, it would be more appropriate to say they didn’t suffer a single wound at all .

On the other hand, the Magic Knights who should have had an overwhelming advantage in numbers to them...

Other than a single person that was left to survive, they were all dead .

The state of their dead was terrible .

A glance at the scattered corpses would be enough for anyone to recognize it .

It clearly shows the hatred Heroic Sword held in their hearts .

Bardwitcher then approaches, bringing that single Magic Knight across the pool of blood .

[Ruin...... As you instructed, I’ve kept one of them alive . ]

The only survivor that was left alive was that person who appeared first before them .

“We will be receiving the Divine Beast . ”

The man had said that before .

The eyes of that man—– still hasn’t lost its will .

“Even in a despairing situation, I will never show fear in the face of enemies . ”

They could feel such a firm intention from him .

Ruin was almost about to silently reach out to the Magic Knight’s neck .


[Ruin . ]

When Satsuki admonished him, he looked surprised before he pulled away his hand .

He was about to unconsciously try to strangle the man .

[......I’m sorry . Thanks for stopping me, Satsuki . ]

Taking one deep breath, Ruin sat back down .

And then, he placed his elbow on one of his knees .

[You mentioned that you’re here to “receive the Divine Beast”...... . . What does that mean? Tell me everything . ]

[............... . . ]

[Please tell me . ]

[I don’t care what you will do to me . I have nothing to say . Just kill me . ]

Ruin takes a deep breath again .

[I see—— Toad, I’m going to deal with him . ]

Upon Ruin’s words, Toad silently nodded .

Thereupon, Toad pulled out a single flat rod-shaped object from the leather belt at his waist .

With the file held out to him, Ruin silently received it .

As if he found something baffling, the Magic Knight’s brows furrowed .

[......A file?]

[A special file . When combined with my skills, I can shave off most things...... Yes, even human bones . ]

He began coming closer .

Looking at him, a drop of cold sweat ran down the Magic Knight’s cheek .

[......What are you going to do?]

[Fingers . ]

[ ? ]

Only saying that one word, Ruin kept his mouth shut .

Instead, Caro took over with the explanation .

[He’s just going to scrape off your finger using that file, from your fingernail down to the root of your finger . ]


Understanding the situation, the Magic Knight turns pale .

Yuugungu also takes over .

[It would hurt...... To the point that you would pass out . However, even if you pass out, we would just forcibly wake you up again . The pain of playing with the wound will bring you back to consciousness even if you don’t want to...... and then, after the grinding resumes, you will probably pass out again . And that will just be repeated...... Over and over and over again . ]

[——N- No way...]

[Don’t worry . ]

With a cruel look in his eyes, Yuugungu glares at the Magic Knight .

[Before he shaves off everything to the roots—— You just have to spit out every single secret you’re trying to hide . You could also try seeing if we’re being serious here as he scrapes off one of your fingers...... . But I’m telling you, it will be really nasty . Even just looking at it is hard for me . ]

Despite his reluctance, Ruin stands up with the file on his hand .

[......Let’s start . ]

[W- Wait—— There’s nothing for me to talk about! I’m telling the truth!]

[However, I think you’re lying to me . ]


[My intuition tells me...... You lot probably aren’t even the Magic Knights, right?]


[That reaction is all the answer I need...... . That armor you’re wearing, I’m presuming you’re trying to imitate the Magic Knights’ equipment . Am I mistaken?]

Ruin’s “intuition” rarely works, but when it does, he’s uncannily accurate .

His instincts have always been trusted by everyone .

Why do they trust him?

How could they say it’s accurate?

They don’t have any logical basis for this .

But for some reason, everything that his intuition tells him is always correct .

His intuition always leads him to the right answer .

Ruin Seal was always right .

Is this a gift?

Or perhaps, just the peculiarity of being within the Lineage of Heroes?

No matter the reason why, his intuition has never been mistaken .


Rion’s intuition is right .

That’s why...

[That’s why, what you said about “you having nothing to talk about”—— That isn’t possible . ]

Ruin’s righteous soul flared up .

Gripping the file tightly, Strife came to his mind .

The rough, jagged surface is placed next to the Magic Knight’s fingertips .

[Let’s start with your little finger . ]

Blood magnificently drained from the Magic Knight’s face .

[P- P- P- Please wait! I—- I’m begging you, please wait!]


Ruin clenched his teeth .

[Shut up, you fiend...... It’s already too late! Moreover, you should at least feel the pain Strife felt! Being cut so badly...... I’m sure that he must have been in pain......!]

His face distorted, Ruin began shedding tears .

Myana, who was standing by his side, also cried .

[Ruin—– Yes, you’re right, Ruin!]

They were overcome with emotion .

[And for our hearts after the loss of our dearest companion—— I will make sure you will feel our pain! Feel our sorrooooooow——–!]


The file went back and forth .

Scraping off his fingernail .

Perhaps, the harsh reality of the situation has finally become too much for him to bear...


With astonishing speed, the composure on the Magic Knight’s face disappeared .

[I will talk, I will talk, I will be talking! I- I’ll tell you everything I know! So—-]

[This is Strife’s revenge!]

In the western corner of the Golden Demon Zone——–

As if a beast was trapped in a predicament, his rough screams resounded .

[Uuuu...... Uuuggh...... Evry... . thin...... I already told you everything...... So...... kill me......]

Caro questioningly looked at him .

Ruin returns it with a nod .

Caro then changes his hold to his sword .

Looking at the Magic Knight’s feebly breathing......

With a thrust of Caro’s sword—— he pierced his head .

With a short voice that couldn’t even be described as a scream anymore—– the Magic Knight died .

Looking at the bloody state of the Magic Knight’s hands, Satsuki said .

[So they were Mira’s soldiers huh . ]

It seems that they were trying to blame the Magic Knights for the crime they committed .

“Umu”, Yuugungu muttered with a frown .

[However...... The current Mira Empire is in a complete mess . It looks like these fellows were working under the orders of Commander Wright, but I heard that this Wright is already planning to turn against the Mad Emperor soon . ]

Ruin spoke .

[Wright Mira was the prince who used to have the first imperial right to the throne . On the other hand, the one sitting on the throne, the Mad Emperor was third in line in the succession to the throne...... In other words, together with the current Prime Minister, Raiser, the people used to hold the first and second in line to the succession to the throne are now serving their youngest brother . I wouldn’t be surprised if the two older brothers were planning something against the Mad Emperor . ]

[In that case...... Even if they’re Mira’s soldiers, it’s possible that they’re under the orders of people hostile to the Mad Emperor . ]

“However...” Yuugungu said, crossing his arm on his chest .

[Why do this Wright want this Divine Beast—– Nyaki?]

[......I can somehow see why . So, after we finish our duty, let’s deal with Nyaki . Is that alright?]

Without a single hint of hesitation, they all agree with Ruin’s proposal .

“Rather than that...” Ruin shifts his gaze .

Everyone felt the same way .

Everyone was waiting for that more than anything else .

[We need to give Strife a good burial...... And then, we all need to say our goodbyes . ]

They are his friends that were left behind .

No matter who, this is what everyone thought should be the top priority .

Strife’s funeral .

While they were fighting .

And after the fight was over .

Everyone was thinking about Strife’s dead body .

Everyone loved him so much .

That’s why they want to properly say their farewells .

Until they’re finally satisfied .

After that—– Everyone wept and cried .

Even those who had been holding back their tears, as if the dam holding back their tears broke down .

However, Satsuki was the only one who didn’t show any tears .

However, no one blamed him .

After all, they could clearly see the dejection in his face .

It was the first time everyone had seen Satsuki so despondent .

Everyone unsparingly said their gratitude and goodbye to Strife .

Over and over again .

They can’t carry a corpse .

They also couldn’t preserve them .


Everyone worked together, and even in tears, they made his grave .

Strife’s grave, buried under the earth .

His dagger pierced unto it .

Rain then concludes the funeral with his final words .

[Even if you die here...... Your soul will always be with us, Strife . ]

Arene, who was standing behind Ruin, started to wail again .

Myana, who was also flooded with tears, leaned in close and comforted her .

Feeling his pain somewhat comforted after he shared his grief with the others, Ruin turned around——


He realized .

The person who should have been passed out on the ground...

[Nyaki disappeared . ]

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