I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Eve and Slei were told to wait outside the camp for a moment .

Turning towards Eve...

“For the time being, let’s go with what they said . ”

Telling her so, I stepped into the camp alone .

Seras revealing her true identity—– that fact also had its merits .

For one thing, it makes it easier for us to justify our presence on this battlefield .

“Seras Ashrain has come to help Princess Cattleya, the person she used to serve . ”

This makes it easy to understand why the Fly King Squadron took part in this fight .

The other advantage is that—–

[.................. . . ]

It would be easier to get in touch with the Princess this way without having to go through all those troublesome steps .

I let my gaze crawl into the tent .

It looks like a fairly spacious tent .

This looks like the kind of tent that nomads seem to use .

In the back, there was an office set up .

[Welcome, please come in . ]

A woman with silver hair tied in a vertical roll sits in a chair .

[My name is Cattleya Stramius . ]

......So that’s the Princess of Neia huh .

Prudent, ash-colored pupils .

She looks classy in her military attire .

However, her sturdy stance looks like that of a warrior .

Two Holy Knights waiting at her side .

Diagonally standing in front of her is Seras in her Fly Knight attire .

She is still dressed as a Fly Knight, but she has removed her mask .

Seras seemed to be at ease .

She must have been filled with the joy of their reunion they shared .

I could tell that from the redness of Seras’ eyes .

Then, Seras came up to me .

This is the first time we have exchanged words since we’ve joined the battle in this place .

In a hushed voice, Seras whispered in my ear .

[My apologies . I’m sure that they already know who I am, so I......]

[I know . Don’t worry about it . ]

Seras is bowing her head, her clenched fist held up on her chest .

[Yes . ]

Pulling herself together, Seras looks up .

[The only information I’ve told them about you was that you’re the “former Ashinto who have rescued me from the Black Dragon Knights”...... Anyway, I’ve told them you’re my saviour . ]

[That’s fine—- Leave the rest to me . ]

Looking like she understood, Seras refrained from speaking more and stood by my side .

Turning around to face the Princess, I knelt on one knee and lowered my head .

[I believe this is the first time we’ve met, it’s nice to meet you—– I’m the leader of the Fly King Squadron, my name is Belzegia . As I proclaimed at the time of our entry into this war, our troops used to call ourselves Ashinto . ]

[Belzegia...... That’s the same name as the Fly Knight from the legends . ]

[Yes . I borrowed my name from the Fly King from the legends . ]

[Fufufu, so Seras could be said as one of the Fly King’s loyal retainers—- ” The Sword of Belzegia “ . When she rushed towards me, Seras also took the name of the First Oath, Astaria...... Anyway—-]

I felt the Princess standing up .

[All of you saved my life . As the general leading Neia’s army, I would like to thank you first . If you hadn’t arrived, we could have been annihilated . ]

[——I’m glad that we’re able to help in the time of crisis, Cattleya-sama . ]

[Sorcery...... I don’t know the principle behind this, but it’s quite the formidable power, don’t you think? And there’s also the army of stone statues and the multi-legged black horse...... and the two Fly Knights holding tremendous combat ability . It’s just that it doesn’t have the same impression of the Ashinto that I heard from rumors . ]

[If you want me to reveal the hidden circumstances, it would be that Ashinto was divided into two factions . And...... we were considered as a minority faction . While the other faction dreamt of stepping onto the front stage beneath the light of the day, our factions only wanted to remain hidden behind the scenes . ]

“In the end...” I continued .

[Our faction has decided to abandon the name of Ashinto and henceforth, live as the Fly King Squadron, the faction secretly moving within the shadows of the wold . ]

[Did the other faction allow it though? I don’t think it would be so easy to let you go, seeing that you held so much power . ]

[—–It’s just as you discerned . They never approved of our separation from their group . Beyond that...... I’ll just leave it to your imagination . ]

Ashinto, who is perceived by the world as the group that has suddenly disappeared .

“Those of the other faction that followed the Fly King Squadron into the Demon Zone were annihilated within the Demon Zone . ”

Or perhaps—- we were the ones who annihilated them all .

There have been some whispered rumors about their entry into the Demon Zone, but they can expand such rumors even further in their imaginations .

[After parting way with them, I received information that the Neia army led by Cattleya-sama was going to join the war against the Great Demon Emperor’s army...... and considering Seras’ emotions, we arrived with hopes that we could be of some help to Cattleya-sama . ......Initially though, we were planning to sneak in the Southern Army as a mercenary . ]

“I see...” The Princess seems to be convinced .

......I’m not so sure if she’s wholeheartedly convinced though .

The Princess takes a step towards me .

[Belzegia-dono, please stand up . You’re not someone under my command after all . ]

[............... . . ]

Doing as I was told, I stood up .

The Princess was about one head shorter than me .

She raises her gaze .

[And also...... For saving Seras’ life, I give you my gratitude . ]

She bowed towards me .

[It was quite the close call, she was about to fall into the hands of Bakuos over there . ]

[And Seras, indebted to Berzegia-dono, is now serving you...... Have you heard about Seras’ story from the person herself?]

[I’ve heard about her escape from Neia . ]

[—–Berzegia-dono . ]

In a tone that sounds like she’s switching the subject, the Princess spoke .

[Even though you’ve lent your strength to us this time...... doesn’t mean that you’re going to be fighting together with us after this, right?]

[.................. . . ]

Seras’ true identity has been revealed .

It was said that the Goddess has had her eye on Seras since back when she was a Holy Knight .

If she were to remain by the Princess’s side, there’s no doubt that she will eventually interfere with us .

The survival of Seras Ashrain......

One would think that this has been known by those soldiers that weren’t from Neia .

I don’t think we could hide that fact .

At this rate...... I don’t think we’re going to be able to stay long either .

For the time being, I’d like to have as little contact with the Goddess as possible .

We’ve extensively used our “sorcery” and Erika’s homemade weapons in this battle .

Now, our initial strategy of hiding our identity and power while supporting the Princess behind the scenes have disappeared .

And that f*cking goddess would definitely be interested in the Fly King Squadron......

In that case—– we should get out of here as soon as possible .

Summarizing our plan in my hand, I spoke .

[I intend to leave this place by tomorrow morning and return to my original purpose of traveling . I also have my own goals...... However, if Seras desires to serve by your side, I’m willing to respect her will . ]

It might be dangerous—- but if Seras wants to do that, then it can’t be helped .

This was originally a trip for my revenge .

I have also told Seras that she can leave at any time .

However...... if she’s going to stay with the Princess, I would still have some concerns .

Naturally, I’m worried about the interference of that f*cking goddess .

I have a feeling that if it’s this Princess, she may do a good job at deceiving her......

After a slightly bewildered look appeared on her face, Seras spoke in a hurry .

[I am—-]

[Seras is now your “sword”...... I’ve already asked the person herself . ]

The Princess interrupted Seras just as she was about to say something .

Looking into the Princess’ eyes, I ask .

[As for Cattleya-sama, don’t you still want Seras to return to the Holy Knights once more?]

Thereupon, the Princess smiled——

[No . ]

—and spoke her denial .

[If she were to go back to my side, I’m sure that the Goddess will use her in a very bad way . My precious Seras will end up being wasted in a way that I know I will never want for her . ]


The Princess doesn’t take kindly of the Goddess either huh .

Moreover, she seems to know that Goddess well .

Then, how about I ask her something?

[I know this may sound rude, but I want to ask this question—- Does Cattleya-sama have some animosity towards the Goddess Vysis?]

The Princess’s eyes relaxed .


I glanced towards Seras .

Taken aback by her reply, Seras quickly touches her right ear .

Right ear—- it means that she’s not lying .

The Princess isn’t fond of the Goddess .

That’s definite .

By the way, if she touches her left ear, it’s a sign that she’s “lying” .

Rather than that, this Princess—–

[You consciously kept your answer brief so that Seras could judge it to be “true”, didn’t you?]

The Princess only replied “Yes” just now .

The answer that is easiest to judge whether it’s truth or lies is those that can be answered with YES or NO .

That’s right...

The Princess is making use of Seras’s ability to make me judge whether she’s telling the truth or not .

[It would be faster to talk about it that way, don’t you think? The shorter the time that we need feeling around the other person’s true motives, the better it would be . ]

It would be faster to use a “lie detector” than a bunch of babbling words .

Or so that’s what she’s thinking .

That’s naturally a good move that can be taken if she doesn’t know the power of Seras’ wind spirit......

Seras looks a little awkward .

The guilt hanging around her is probably because she used her ability to judge truth and lies against the Princess .

[That means, Cattleya-sama doesn’t want Seras and the Goddess to meet each other?]

[Of course . Otherwise, I wouldn’t know why else would I let Seras out of that castle at that time . That’s why......]

Walking over, the Princess takes my hand .

[May I continue to entrust Seras to you?]

[However...... Are you sure that you can really entrust her to me?]

[Whatever you may say, in the end, you’re the man that Seras has been charmed by . ]

At that moment, the complexion of the two Holy Knights who were on standby behind her suddenly changed .


I thought I heard such a heartfelt surprise from those two Holy Knights .

As for Seras...


She looks like she heard something she didn’t expect .

However, the Princess didn’t look at Seras .

She’s still looking up at me, with a smirk on her face .

[Is there a problem with that?]

[No...... I also felt that Seras is precious to me . ]

[You’re also feeling that Seras is special to you as well, right?]

[Yeah . ]

[And you’re looking at her as a woman?]

[That’s what I intend to do . ]

“Ufu...” The princess giggled .

[I’m glad to hear that you mutually love each other . ]


[Seras . ]

Calling out towards her, Seras became taken aback .

......She was just about to say “Touka-dono” .

A grin appeared on the Princess’s lips .

[Being able to judge the truth and lies can be puzzling sometimes, don’t you think?]

Letting go of my hands, the Princess slowly pulled away from me .

She then glanced at Seras who looks like her heart is still beating fast .

[I’ve been telling Seras lots of things before you came . Would you like to hear it from her?]

After the battle, Seras has given some information about me to the Princess .

However, the Princess was able to tell Seras this and that before I arrived .

......This Princess may have been expecting this from the beginning .

[Of course, let me hear it . ]

[Seras, would you like to convey my intentions to Belzegia-dono?]

[Ah—— Hah, acknowledged . ]

Seras’ expression stiffened .

[The Princess told me that if there’s anything she can do to help, the Princess will lend a hand . As a form of gratitude for this battle...... and for saving me from the hands of the Black Knights . ]

More to the point, it would be a form of saving her from the Princess’ father .

After all, it was the Holy King himself that commissioned for the death of Seras .

However...... It seems that this Princess may have reached that possibility as well .

I had some vague ideas from what Seras had told me, but...... .

This Princess is quite quick-witted .

It’s a good thing that we’re on the same side .

Conversely, she may be quite the troublesome opponent to fight against .

[But right now, my priority is to get Neia back from the hands of Bakuos and rebuild our lands . Even though I’m thankful to you, my gratitude would only be limited to the things that I’m able to do . ]

“If that’s the case...” I spoke .

[If someone were to ask where we’re going, could you tell them that we’re heading north?]


[Yeah . If you could tell them that I told you that when we parted ways...... that I told you that we were heading north . ]

[That request should be easy . ]

Our real next destination would be west though .

Well...... This will just be a disturbance of sorts .

The Princess would just take my words at face value to the Goddess .

She won’t have to worry about being accused of false testimony .

If push comes to shove, just saying that “Belzegia told her false information” will be enough .

After that, I asked the Princess a few more requests .


[Are you sure that just those few requests would be enough?]

The Princess looks disappointed .

It’s probably because none of them were big demands .

Thinking about it again, I don’t really need that much help .

[My Fly King Squadron is here to help Cattleya-sama . We didn’t come here expecting a reward . ]

If she really wants to help us, I guess it would just be around helping us cover up our tracks .

Food and water aren’t a problem for us .

We were pretty well funded .

[However...... We need to hide, so it will be difficult for us to lend a helping hand after this . ]

[That wouldn’t be a problem . If the words of the Confidants who arrived on this battlefield were true, the only enemy in the Great Demon Emperor’s army who was more powerful than Eingrantz would be the Great Demon Emperor . In a sense, that could also mean that the Southern Army’s greatest crisis would be this battlefield...... Besides—–]

The Princess shows a confident smile on her face .

[I believe that with the current group of Heroes, led by Ayaka Sogou, this Southern Army will not be able to break down so easily . ]

Indeed, Sogou was stronger than I had imagined .

There’s also that silver weapon that can change its size and shape at will .

It even managed to take down that Confidant .

I’m sure that the experience she would acquire from that kill would be plenty .

If that Sogou is there, I think they’ll be able to match anyone other than the Great Demon Emperor .

The Southern Army also hasn’t collapsed either .

There’s still some time for us to get back on our feet—- or so the Princess said .

The Great Demon Emperor, the one who was the cause of their concern, is also in the Eastern Army’s direction right now .

Then, for the time being, there will be no danger for the Southern Army .

The Princess began sending out her instructions .

[Well then, if there’s anything you want to be done immediately, I’ll get it done right away—– Dorothy, please call Machia . ]

One of the Holy Knights who had been instructed by her left the camp .

After some time—– A short Holy Knight entered together with the Holy Knight from before .

She’s a female knight in a strangely frilly outfit .

How should I say this...... It feels like those Gothic Lolitas from back in my previous world .

She has long black hair and red eyes .

She is much shorter in stature compared to the others .

I don’t think she’s a child though .

[She’s Machia Renaufia . She’s the current leader of the Holy Knights and the daughter of the Marquis Renaufia . She was originally the deputy leader, but after Seras left, she has moved up and become their leader . ] (T/N: マキア・ルノーフィア / Makia Runoufia)

[I may look like this, but I’ve lived longer than Seras-sama . ]

“Fufun . ” the current leader stuck out her chest .

Seras wryly smiles .

[Because of her adorable appearance, she’s often misunderstood, but Machia is an excellent Holy Knight . She’s also one of the few people on this continent who can use Incantation Spells—-]

[Seras-sama . ]

Machia had one of her eyes closed as she pointed outside of the camp with her thumb .

[As you’ve ordered, we’ve finished collecting the wreckage of that vehicle of yours . ]

I look at Seras .

Lightly bowing, she said .

[If it were Milord, I thought that you wouldn’t want to leave that chariot unattended...... Anticipating so, I requested the Holy Knights to collect the wreckage . Only the Holy Knights were involved in the recovery process...... And I can vouch that they wouldn’t speak a word about it . ]

Do what we can to get rid of the traces of the Fly King Squadron .

Of course, I didn’t intend to leave that wreckage of the magical chariot behind either .

The wreckage of that magical chariot was already included in the request to the Princess......

But it appears that my excellent deputy was already on the move .

[Thank you for your quick decision and action, Seras . ]

Seras gracefully bowed her head again .

[I’m honored by your praise . ]

[Well then, Seras . You will continue to act with us as a member of the Fly King Squadron—- Is that alright with you?]

[I don’t have any hesitation in my choice . ]

Without any cloudiness in her expression, Seras replied .

[For this is also my desire . ]

[In that case...... You might want to go and fulfill your other purpose . ]

Seras’ other purpose for coming here .

To make sure that you have a proper goodby with the Princess—- to Cattleya Stramius .

By the way, if she hadn’t revealed her true identity, she would have made some time alone with the princess, and then secretly let the Princess know about her true identity .

[......Princess . ]

Seras turns to face the Princess .

[Before your meeting begins...... Would it be alright to ask for some of your time?]

[Yeah . Of course, Seras . ]

Her reply delayed a bit, but the Princess’s eyes softened when she said so .

This was the first time I’ve seen that expression of hers today .

Maybe that’s what the Princess really is .

[If I had more time, I’d really like to stay up talking with you until morning comes though . ]

Tears welled up at the corners of Seras’ eyes .

[—-Princess . ]

I turn my back on the two of them .

[We’re going out—- Please take your time . ]

Leaving those words behind, I went out of the camp .

And the Holy Knights, including Machia, also came out along with me .

I guess they also wanted to leave those two alone for now .

When I stepped outside, it was already completely dark .

Many bonfires have been lit inside and outside the camps .

As I walked out of the camp, the current leader of the Holy Knights called out to me .

[Is there a reason you can’t reveal your identity?]

I hid my face and changed my voice .

It would be natural for them to think so .

[Yeah . I have a lot of circumstances . ]

I don’t have the transformation ability that Seras and Eve have .

And currently, I don’t want the 2-C bunch to find out that I’m Mimori Touka .

I can try deceiving them by acting, but once I expose my face, there wouldn’t be anything deceiving them .

[Do you mind if I ask you some questions regarding your background?]

[......I can’t promise that I’ll answer it though . ]

[Are you—- human?]

[I see... So, you think I’m hiding my identity because I’m a Demi-Human?]

[That isn’t it . You see, Seras-sama is a High Elf, right?]


I don’t really know what she’s trying to say nor what she’s trying to point out .

The current leader of the Holy Knight sighs .

[You do know that it’s hard to have children between a human and a High Elf, right? If you’re a human, you’re going to have a rough time...... is what I’m thinking . ]


She’s thinking of something that isn’t that necessary .

[Well, I know that you’re not a bad man though . ]

[Hoh? Is that something you can figure out in such a short time?]

“Fuuunn... . ” Machia looks away .

[Since we’ve left the camp, you’re been trying to match your strides with me . ]

Machia is small and petite, so there’s quite a difference between our strides .

So, inevitably, I had to slow down my walking speed or she wouldn’t be able to catch up by just walking after me .

Looking up at me, Machia adorably pursed her lips .

[I’d like to thank you as well . I didn’t think I’d get to see Seras-sama again . ]

[Seras was really well-liked, wasn’t she?]

[That person is the one that we Holy Knights have been longing for . She’s strong, beautiful, elegant, and kind...... However, I felt like Seras-sama has changed a little bit now . ]

[You think so?]

[I feel like she has been showing more emotions in her face than before . It used to be much less expressive and she would have a solemn atmosphere around her . I guess that’s also why there was some kind of divinity around her . ]

Stopping in her tracks, Machia’s gaze drops down to the tip of her shoes .

[About Seras-sama...... Can I leave her to you?]

[I at least don’t plan on disrespecting her . She’s very important to me after all . ]

With a prim look on her face, Machia brushed aside her hair that was hanging down on her cheek .

[I would be glad if that were the case . ]

The other two Holy Knights are already gone, but Machia has been following me the whole time .

Likely, she’s also acting as a watchdog .

And then...

[You’re finally returned, Milord . ]

Eve, standing a few distances away from the camp, approached us .

Slei—- was also with her .

It seems that she had already been briefed by the Holy Knight on the wreckage of the magical chariot .

[What about Astaria?]

[For now, she’s spending some time with Princess Cattleya before we leave . ]

[Fumu...... I see . By the way Milord, why do you have that little child with you?]

(T/N: weirdly enough, I remembered that scene when Saitama met Tatsumaki . )

Machia’s brows wrinkled and her temple twitched .

[She’s the current leader of the Holy Knights of Neia, Machia Renaufia......]

[Mhmm, my apologies . Umu...... it seems that you’re a really capable child eh?]

[How rude! Even if I look like this, I’m older than Seras-sama!]

[U- Umu...... I ask for your apology again . My name is Astarva . The Second Oath who has sworn her sword for Milord Belzegia . ]

Eve glances at me as she said that .

“This is what I should be calling you, right?”

I replied with a nod of my head .

Astarva is Eve’s pseudonym .

I also borrowed this from the legend of the Fly King .

[Are you just like your lord, someone who can’t reveal his true identity? Seeing as you have Seras-sama in your group...... Don’t tell me that you’re actually Eve Speed who was said to have disappeared somewhere in the Demon Zone?]

[M- Mhmm!?]

Eve looks troubled with Machia’s wild guess .

......No, you can’t just let that slide .

Eve’s reaction looks like she has really shot through the bull’s eye .

Or rather, Machia—-

“Eh? I was just guessing, but don’t tell me I actually hit the mark......?”

—was reacting like so .

[Astarva . ]

[Wh...... What is it, Milord?]

[This is quite unexpected . But, why don’t you take off your mask and let them see your face?]


In the next moment...

Eve seems to thought up with the same idea .

That’s right—– She’s now in her human appearance .

If she’s acting suspicious like that, I think it would be better if you just take off the mask .

Show them not your Leopardkin appearance—- but “that face” .

Eve takes off her mask .

I looked at Eve as her twintails swung from side to side .

[......Looking like that, I guess you’re really not that Leopardkin . ]

Machia takes a deep breath .

It seems that all of her doubts have completely disappeared .

I spoke to Machia .

[If I could recruit that renowned Eve Speed, I would have really like to do so but...]

She’s actually right next to us though, as one of our companions .

As if she’s feeling better, Eve’s slit eyes and cheeks relaxed .

[Fuuuuu... As expected, it’s more comfortable to have this off...... Hmm?]

As the soldiers move back and forth their ranks, they suddenly stopped in their tracks .

Everyone is looking at Eve .

Eve began looking around restlessly in confusion .

[W- What in the world is going on......?}

All of them were staring at Eve in fascination .

Initially, they were just probably curious to see the Fly Knight take off her mask .

However, when her true face popped out from inside the mask, they seemed to be attracted to her in a different way .

[Milord . ]


[There’s something terribly different from their reactions...... Is there something wrong with me right now?]

[They’re probably just curious about you . ]


Eve tilts her head like a child .

[I’m not really sure . ]

[I don’t think you need to know about it right now though . ]

[Fumu...... Understood . ]

She seems to have been convinced for the time being .

[Well then...... Milord, what are we going to do—–]


[Machia-sama . ]

One of the soldiers trotted toward us .

[What is it?]

[That is—-]

The soldiers glanced at me and Eve .

[Ayaka Sogou-dono is here to see you, Belzegia-dono . ]

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