I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

I open up my eyes .


I can tell by the brightness of the room that it’s already morning .

We’re in a mysterious underground space controlled by the Witch of Taboos .

If this space possesses an environmental function that emulates the night, then it should be obvious that it also has one that emulates the day huh .

[Good morning . ]

Turning my head to the side, I saw Seras sitting there .

She had already changed into her normal, plain clothes .

She was currently sitting on the edge of the bed with her body a bit twisted to the side .

One of her hands was propped on the bed while her upper body was facing towards me .

It looks like she have been in that posture for quite some time now but—–

[Are you waiting for me to wake up?]

[It’s because I never get tired of looking at you as you sleep . ]

[......That’s an inexpensive way to pass time . ]

Lightly bantering with her, I gently touched my left shoulder .


[............... . ]

There was still some pain left behind .

I was slightly hoping that my status correction would improve my recovery......

As expected it isn’t that omnipotent huh .

With the speed of my recovery, I don’t think it would be possible for me to recover in just a day or two .

If this pain lingers, it’s going to be a pain in the neck fighting against the Human-Faced .

Besides, I still haven’t fulfilled my purpose of getting information about the Forbidden Curses......

There’s no need for me to rush .

Making sure to protect my left shoulder, I raise up my body .

[Did you sleep well, Seras?]

“Yes . ” Seras gently nodded .

[It looks like you’re sound asleep, Touka-dono . ]

[I haven’t had such a deep sleep ever since we entered the Demon Zone...... How should I say this... I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve felt so refreshed . ]

Seras brushed her hand around the area where I was sleeping .

I don’t know if I should ask what she could be doing or not .

......Ah, I see .

[With this, I think it would be alright for us to sleep together even in the future . ]

Seras’ hand stopped .

I apparently hit the bingo huh .

Brushing her hair dropping down on her cheek, Seras turned away .

[Y—– Yes . I also think that wouldn’t be a problem . I may have woken up about an hour earlier than Touka-dono, but I’ve also had a good night’s sleep too . I’m now in my tip-top shape . ]

[............... . . ]

You didn’t just spend nearly an hour just looking at me as I sleep, did you?

Checking the time on my pocket watch I placed beside my pillow, I asked .

[How am I when I slept? Did I sleeptalk or snore?]

[I don’t think there’s any problem? On the other hand though...... after you invoked <Sleep> on me...... how was it?]

I place down my pocket watch .

[You know, I’ve always been amazed at the way you sleep . I feel like you didn’t even turn over when you slept . ]

I don’t recall hearing Seras snoring or anything like that .

She always sleeps peacefully and her breathing was regulated while she slept .

She did sleeptalk a bit, but it’s not that much that it bothers me .

[I’m relieved if that’s the case . ]

Seras patted her chest .


[Now then...... Can you call Eve and Liz in their room, and then go to that room where we ate yesterday? I’ll be there as soon as I finish getting ready . ]

[Certainly . ]

After Seras left, I beckoned Pigimaru towards me .

He began bouncing towards me .


[Has anything changed before we woke up?]

[Pyuu . ]

A negative red .

“I see . ” I gently brushed Pigimaru .

[I’m glad you’re here with us . ]


Pigimaru will stop functioning once he is burdened by our ability .

But without it, he doesn’t need to sleep .

That means he could watch over this room all night long .

It’s like having a live surveillance camera that even comes with an alarm .

The fact that I was able to soundly sleep without any hesitation was because Pigimaru is here .

Quickly preparing myself, I then left the room with Pigimaru and Slei .

The length of our stay isn’t definite .

The information about the Forbidden Curses is largely up to Erika’s judgement .

It would be counterproductive for us to hurry her up if we’re against Erika .

So, we’ll have to wait for her to decide herself .

The rest is just a matter of how well my wounds would heal and when would I be ready to leave .

Well, in short—— I have a lot of time at my disposal .

However, I don’t want to spend all those times doing useless things .

After breakfast, I quickly requested towards Seras .

[You want me to teach you how to ride behind a horse, is it?]

[Didn’t you say that you wanted to teach me when we got the chance just after we got out of Monroy? Well, we now have some time . ]

Seras looks like she accepted as she smiled .

It was as if her smile was saying that “This time has finally come . ”

[——-Certainly . If that’s what Touka-dono wants . ]

[That really helps . Slei, do you mind if you help me?]


Slei, who had been frolicking with Liz, willingly agreed .

[Though I say that, are your wounds alright now?]

As if she’s showing her healthiness, Slei greatly raised her forefeet .


It healed a lot faster than mine......

Could the speed of her healing be a special ability of her species?

Though, it could also have something to do with the preciseness of Seras’ first aid .

[I think if it’s just walking around on her second form, it doesn’t look like it would be a problem . ]

[Pakyuurrii ♪]

Slei doesn’t look like she’s pushing herself .

If even Seras judged it that way, I guess it really would be fine .

I guess I’ll also request it towards Eve while I’m at it .

[Eve . ]


[I wanted to ask you to teach me later how to fight against others in melee...]

Wiping away the food crumbs left on the edge of her mouth with her thumb, Eve nodded .

[You can leave it to me . ]

I’ve been taught some things about fighting in melee, but I haven’t had the chance to thoroughly learn about it .

Now would be a good time for that .

Erika, who had been enjoying her after meal tea, stands up .

[As long as you don’t go into that door on the lowest floor, you’re free to spend your time as you wish . Well, I’m sure that you’re aware...... that when I said “as you wish”, that doesn’t include being uncivilized, right?]

Behind Erika, the golems are busily cleaning up our breakfast .

[Ah...... also, do you mind if I borrow Eve and Liz for some time? Your lesson with Eve’s going to be after your riding practice, right?]

[Hmm? Yeah, that’s fine with me . ]

With that, Eve and Liz left the room with Erika .

What’s left is for us to leave the house .

After going out, I once again felt that this space doesn’t feel like we’re in a basement .

The winds are blowing here, and for some reason, there were even some birds flying in the distance .

The only thing that feels out of place is this gigantic tree that looks like it’s piercing the heavens and the earth .

[Now then, let me first—–]

Sending my magic energy, Slei turned into her second form .

This is her form that was closest to the image of a common horse .

Or rather, she could almost be mistaken as one .


Then, a golem came out of the house holding something .

That golem passes whatever that is to Seras .

[Thank you very much......]

After Seras bewilderedly accepted it, the golem wordlessly returned .

......I don’t know if it could even understand any words or not though .

[Erika’s being considerate huh . ]

What the golem passed towards us was a harness .

[It looks quite old, but it’s quite solid for one...... I also prepared a simple handmade one, but let’s use this one for now . ]

While we’re at it, she also taught me how to easily fit in the harness .

I didn’t need a harness back when I rode Slei in her third form .

At that time, Slei’s body shape had changed and she was superbly holding me in place .

So, I had been particularly supported by Slei at those times .

However, I don’t think Slei would always be by my side in the future .

Therefore, I should also be prepared for the instance that I would need to ride other horses .

[You’re pretty skillful, Touka-dono . ]

I finally finished safely fitting in the harness towards Slei .

Then, Seras taught me how to place my feet on the stirrups .

......Yeah .

Riding on a horse isn’t that bad .

[Well then, please excuse me for I’ll also—-]

Nimbly, Seras easily sits behind me .

That’s a really magnificent jump she did there .

Taking one deep breath, Seras held out her arms from behind me and placed her white hands on my own .

[Now then, let’s get started . ]

[Yeah, I’ll be relying on you . ]

Thus, I was given a lecture from Seras about the practical skills needed in riding horses .

“This is how you handle the reins . ”

“This is a good way to calm the horses down . ”

“There’s also this way of kicking the horse on her flank to make her run . ”

I was given a one-on-one lesson on how to ride horses .

Could it be because she was the Leader of the Holy Knights, a position where she stands above others?

I think she’s really good at teaching .

......Whether it’s school lessons or practical skills, she may actually be really suitable to being a teacher .


[Touka-dono, there’s one thing I think you should be aware of . ]

Just when I felt like I’m starting to get the hang of it, Seras leaned closer .

Lowering her voice, she whispered into my ear .

[Slei-dono has a tendency to anticipate your intentions and she makes her move in response to that . So, please keep in mind that other horses may be more difficult to handle than Slei-dono . ]

[As I thought, that’s really how it is . ]

I thought my horse riding was going too well .

[She’s still a newborn foal after all, so...... I think she would be trying to work very hard to gain the favor of her parent, you . ]

I gently brushed Slei’s mane .

[You may be right......]


[It’s just because she’s capable of turning into her really amazing third form that I almost forget about it...... You’re still a young baby, aren’t you......?]

As I finished my practice and removed Slei’s harness from her body...


Seras looked towards the house .

Looking towards where she’s looking, I saw Eve and Liz walking towards us .

Following behind the two of them is Erika .

It appears that Eve and Liz changed their clothes .

[......Did you receive those from her?]

“Umu . ” Eve nodded .

[I thought you wouldn’t be able to relax in your travel clothes, so Erika’s just being thoughtful of them . ]

In a pushy way, Erika said .

[Wouldn’t the two of you feel more relaxed this way?]

“Do you have any problems with this outfit?”

...or so it feels like she’s asking so .

[......Aren’t those too revealing?]

[Rather than saying it’s revealing, I wished you’d say they’re more liberating though . ]

It’s a different series of clothes that Erika is wearing .

It’s like they’re Chinese dresses with some western decorations on it, or something like that...

However, I really can’t say that they don’t suit Eve and Liz .

[It can’t be helped, you know? The clothes they were wearing were washed and are now being hung to dry, and besides, Erika only makes clothes that she likes . Or more like, Elves have a tendency to dress lightly . There are certainly some humans who told me that before...... but that’s not any of my business as far as I could see it . Well, technically speaking, it all ends up to how we are in a spirit-related culture......]

......Well, I guess you could say that even Seras is lightly dressed .

Eve and Liz look down on the clothes they’re wearing .

[I don’t really care that much though . ]

[I also like it since, umm... They’re easy to move around with......]


Erika is staring at me .

It feels like her gaze would pierce a hole through my body .

It doesn’t have much hostility but...

“See? What now huh!?”

...It feels like she’s trying to force me to agree with her .

It takes a lot of effort to read her emotions because she doesn’t smile at all .

Sighing, I just finished removing the last of Slei’s saddle .

[It would have been different if you were forced, but I guess it’s alright if they themselves agreed with wearing it . ]


Erika snapped her fingers .

[I like that you’re a sensible man . ]

[.................. . ]

[What now?]

[Didn’t you just want to make all those skimpy clothes for someone else to wear them?]

[.................. . ]

[.................. . ]

[Is that no good?]

[No, not really . ]

Erika looks like she’s taken aback .

[—–Putting that aside, I’m not here to ask you what you think about these clothes . I have a gift for Eve and I want you to see it . ]

Suddenly, Erika had an unpleasant expression on her face .

[I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that I don’t have to make more of this anymore but...... No, I can’t call this a good thing . ]

Erika lazily shakes her head .

In other words...

[Is that something you prepared for the Leopardkin?]

[That~ is~ right~ . Or rather, you . You really could take every word apart and precisely guess it huh......]

Saying so, Erika holds out a silver bangle to Eve .

There were three round holes around the bangle, and each of them had black orbs inlaid on it .

There’s a number engraved near each of the orbs, reading 1 to 3 .

Eve inspects the bangle .

[Fumu? An ornament?]

[Touka . ]

Fwip fwip

Calling my name, Erika beckoned me to come closer .

[Do you mind pouring your magic energy into the “number 3” orb? You probably have more magic energy in you than Erika anyway...]

[......Understood . ]

Could it be some kind of magic tool that has some sort of Enhancing effect?

[I’m starting, Eve . ]

[U- Umu . ]

I started pouring my magic energy .

[......Mhmm, Erika . It seems to me that something thin just pierced my arm from the inside of the bangle . ]

[It’s alright, that’s not something that would harm you . ]

[......I’ll trust you on this . ]

The faint white light flowing out of my arm......

They are being sucked into the black orbs one after another .

[It looks like it needs quite a lot of magic energy . ]

[Considering its effect, that amount should be fairly appropriate . ]

Erika looks confident .

To have this confidence......

She had already seen the proof of its effect before huh .

In other words, this is not the first time that this bangle has been used .

In that case, I guess that makes me feel more relieved .


[Uunnggh... Ngghh!?]

Eve’s body suddenly got enveloped in a cream-colored light .

I could barely see something flabby-looking moving about within the light......

After a short time—- the light subsided .


The first person who reacted was Liz .

[Big Sister?]

Seras gasped as well .


[This is......]

Eve stares at her hands in disbelief .

I sent a questioning look towards the Witch .

[Erika . ]

[That’s right . This is a special bangle Erika made for Eidim and Paqui...... for the whole Speed family . ]

Looking towards the transformed Eve, Erika stated the effect of the bangle .

[It’s a bangle that lets the Leopardkin transform into a human form . ]

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