I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

There wasn’t any signal from Seras .

“When the Witch tells a lie, clear your throat . ”

She didn’t do that, so she meant what she said huh .

The Witch isn’t on the Goddess’ side .

I guess you can say that it’s almost certain .

This eliminates any concerns that might arise .

It appears that I could still keep negotiating with her as we are doing now .

There aren’t any signs that Seras and the others would speak out .

I’m in charge of all negotiations with the Witch .

......I can’t make any blunder here .

[Well then, let’s go back to my previous question . ]

Saying so, the Witch repeated her question .

[What’s your purpose for coming here, in Erika’s abode?]

[I have two purposes for coming here . ]

[Two? You’re quite greedy, aren’t you?]

[It’s because I’m human . ]

[......Funnnn . Then, why don’t you say it? I guess I’ll at least hear you out . ]

[The first one would be to shelter the Leopardkin and the Dark Elf behind me . ]


The tip of her staff slightly jumped up .

[Hmm... Continue . ]

[They are being chased for some reasons . If they weren’t allowed to take shelter in here, they wouldn’t have any choice but to continue living like a hopeless fugitive outside . ]

As if she’s ascertaining it, the Witch turned her gaze towards the two of them .

[Aren’t you and that High Elf over there sheltering them enough?]

[I’d also like to request if you could temporarily shelter me and Seras . However, if you could help us out with our other purpose for coming here, the two of us will be out of here in no time . And for the record...... I’m not going to divulge any information about you to anyone . Disseminating your information to anyone won’t benefit me at all . ]

Eve and Liz looked a little agitated .

It’s probably because...

“The two of us will be out of here in no time . ”

They probably reacted to this part of what I said .

Propping her body on her staff, the Witch slouched forward .

[You......You seem like you have quite the confidence in your conversational skills, don’t you?]

[Well...... I won’t say that I don’t have confidence in it . That’s also the reason why I’m the leader and negotiator of this party . ]

[So, your self-confidence isn’t just papier-mâché façade huh . It also doesn’t look like the bravado of a fool who doesn’t know his place . Fuuuunnnn... I guess my impression of you isn’t that bad so far . ]

[I’m just being careful not to offend the Witch that may shelter them from now on . I’m being careful about that . ]

[Don’t make me laugh . ]

......I’ve been feeling it a little bit earlier but...

It seems like that “Don’t make me laugh . ” is her favorite phrase . (T/N: 笑止 / Shoushi)

However, “Don’t make me laugh” would normally be said...

“When you feel like laughing . ”

“When you feel something’s amusing . ”

Those words were used in such cases .

However, she’s not smiling at all .

That’s right...... The Witch hasn’t shown a smile even once .

She didn’t show a smile even in reaction to emotions other than happiness .

Whether it’s a smile of ridicule...

A wry smile...

An ironic smile...

Or even a self-mocking smile...

There’s none of that .

The Witch who doesn’t smile asked .

[Then, what’s your other purpose?]

I take out three paper canisters from my backpack .

[It’s these things . ]

[What are those? Are those maps or something?]

[These are spellbooks . ]

[What do you mean by showing me that? Do you want Erika to teach you how to read those spellbooks? And you went to all the trouble of going in a place like this, just what kind of spell do you want me to teach you?]

[Forbidden Curses . ]

In that moment, the Witch’s complexion changed .


[I’m looking for someone who could read these . I suppose if it’s the Witch that knows too much that she’d be called a taboo, she should be able to read these . ]

[And you have these three...... That means, you......]

The Witch looks like she already guessed it .

[You wanted the power of these Forbidden Curses to kill Alion’s Goddess?]

[That’s right . ]

The Witch shrugs her shoulders .

[That’s impossible . ]

The way she said it just now .

It’s not—- that she doesn’t know .

She knows, but she will not teach me .

The nuance of her voice is closer to that .

Seras also didn’t give any signal .

I could only feel hesitation and confusion coming from her .

It looks like she’s not sure whether she should give the signal or not .

That’s what I felt .

“That’s impossible . ”

This sounds like...

“I can’t do it so it’s impossible . ”

—rather than...

“I personally don’t want to do that . ”

If that’s the case......

The Witch words were indeed not a lie .

Moreover, she said about being “having these three” .

She definitely has some kind of information about them .

If she doesn’t have it, she can’t talk like that about such things .

[You look like you know about these . ]

[That’s correct . Well—-]

Still in her slouching posture, the Witch squinted her bluish purple eyes .

[I don’t know if I’m the appropriate person who should teach you about the knowledge in Forbidden Curses . ]

[How do I...... get anyone to teach me this?]

[I don’t know...?]

[Understood . ]

The Witch snorted .

[.........What is?]

[In that case, I want to go back to talking about sheltering the Leopardkin and the Dark Elf first . ]

As for the Forbidden Curses, I don’t think I could get ahold of them yet .

Then, I’ll go negotiate about this first .

I’ll just go and take ahold of my other target .

[What’s the reason why Erika should shelter all of you? What would Erika get for sheltering all of you? ...... But well, I would have usually cut you all off about that topic from the start . ]

Closing her eyes, the Witch started contemplating .

Before long, she opened her eyes .

Her cold purple eyes drifted towards Eve and Liz .

[That Leopardkin over there, are you a child of the Speed family?]

[No other than me . I am—-]

Eve takes a step forward .

[—Eidim Speed’s daughter, Eve Speed . ] (T/N: エイディム / Eidimu)

I’m the negotiator, but that doesn’t mean I’m forbidding the others from negotiating with others .

That’s what I’ve told all of them before .

They’re free to speak their thoughts out .

[Eve Speed......]

The Witch...

“As I thought”

—had an expression like that .

[What about Eidim and Paqui?]

Eve’s answer delayed a beat behind in response to the Witch’s question .

[My father and mother are dead . ]

[......I’m sorry that I’ve asked something painful . ]

[No, it’s a fact after all . ]

Eve raises her arm as if to show it to her .

[This map you gave to my family . I followed it and came here . “If you ever need the power of the Witch of Taboos, use this map and rely on the Witch . ”...... My father Eidim instructed me that . ]

[It’s because I’ve been in the care of the Speed family before . But, I see...... so Eidim and Paqui died huh......]

It’s nothing but a tinge, but I could see some sadness on the Witch’s face .

......Her expression just now .

It seems like she had a good relationship with Eve’s parents .

[That means...... you’re that young girl at that time huh . ]

[Did I already meet you back then?]

Eve said she didn’t know of her though .

[So, you don’t remember huh . Well, I would have guessed so . I’ve only met you back when you’re still an infant . ]

[......So that’s what you mean . ]

[I haven’t heard of the Speed family since that time huh......]

Eve clenches her fist .

[One day, our tribe was suddenly raided and annihilated...... I’m the only one left behind . ]

Immediately after...

[By whose hands?]

I could feel a gloomy, quiet violet flame imbued in the Witch’s voice .

There’s a sudden change in the tone of her voice .

On the other hand though, Eve’s voice sounds dejected .

[I remembered that the marauders were still young children but...]

[Name . ]

The tone of her voice sounds more of a command now .

“Say the name of those children . ”

The Witch urged her to do so .

[No, I don’t know their names . I only vividly remembered that they were unusually strong for their age but...]

Eve heaves out a sigh .

[That’s all the things I know, so I couldn’t exact my revenge even if I wanted to...... Their faces would have completely changed by now . ]

The Witch softly clicked her tongue .

She seems to be a more compassionate type than I thought .

If you could get angry for someone that you’ve been close to, you could say that you’re compassionate .

[After that, I, the only survivor, was wandering around this continent . And then I met Liz, who was just like me and was wandering alone . ]

Eve placed her hand on Liz’s small shoulder .

[We began our journey together in search for a place to rest in...... But one day, we were discovered by a group of slave traders . There was no way for us to run away from them when they outnumber us . Thereupon...... Trying to hang unto the final thread of hope, we tried to take refuge in the Demon Zone . However......]

Eve weakly shook her head .

[The monsters in the Demon Zone are far more terrifying opponents than the group of slave traders . We don’t have any choice other than to return back outside, but the slave traders who were waiting in ambush attacked us...... and we got caught . ]

Eve told the Witch what happened since then .

Being sold as a slave in Monroy and then, becoming a Blood Champion .

That he desperately fought so that she could buy Liz’s and her own freedom back .

After being betrayed by the Duke who runs the Blood Colosseum, they were then saved by us......

The Witch listened in silence .

When she finished listening to Eve’s story, the Witch shifted her gaze to Liz .

[You, what’s your surname?]

[I’m sorry...... I’ve only known my first name, Lizbeth . ]

[Then, what about your par—-]

The Witch stops her mouth before she could finish speaking .

She probably thought that it was a terrible topic to ask .

[I...... Before I met Big Sister, I lived in a Dark Elven village hidden in the middle of a forest . ]

Pausing for a bit, Liz continued speaking .

[I was still just a child back then, so I didn’t know who my real parents were . I don’t have any memories of them at all...... I learned later that the name Lizbeth was the name of the deceased daughter of the one who took custody and raised me . ]

Then, a streak of fear ran across Liz’s face .

[One day, that village...... It was annihilated by Humans claiming to be Alion’s cavalry...... I didn’t know the reason why they attacked though......]

Alion .

The country where that f*cking goddess lives in .

It’s a country with a really bad image......

Peeking at her with irritation, the Witch speaks .

[But you managed to survive, and after that...... You wandered off on your own . Then, you met Eve while you’re wandering about . ]

[Yes . And then......]

Liz looked towards me .

[I was in a dangerous situation but Touka-sama saved me . As for how he saved me, it was exactly as Big Sister said . ]

The Witch finally has blatant irritation on her face .

[I wouldn’t say that all Humans were this vulgar...... but the way they look and treat the Elves and the Demi-Humans were something I could only frown upon . No matter how many years have passed, it seems that their stupidity still remains . In that sense, I was correct to distance myself from their vulgarness . However, well... . . ]

The Witch looks down .

[No, I would have normally turned you away but...... this is quite troubling . One of them is Eidim’s daughter while the other’s a girl of the same race who lost her home......]

Weakly shaking her head, the Witch began to ask herself .

[No no no, wait a second? In the first place, how much of what we’re talking about now were believable? However...... she wouldn’t know about the story with Eidim if she’s not from the Speed family...... Now that you mention it, I could see traces of Eidim on your face......]

It seems that she’s conflicted .

I think I can afford to use my skill now that she’s like that .

Not that I would though .

[.................. . . ]

However, this plan could be considered a success .

“A Leopardkin with connections to the Witch”

“A girl of the same race with an unfortunate past”

If it was just me and Seras, it probably wouldn’t be like this .

I probably wouldn’t be able to draw away from conflict either .

For instance...

“I won’t teach about the Forbidden Curses . I’m sorry, but I don’t trust you, so leave . ”

It’s possible that we would end up being kicked out like that .

She may seem sympathetic to others, but the realist side of her seems to be stronger .

Unless there’s a good reason, we wouldn’t be able to draw her emotions to our side .

So that we could draw her emotions to our side, you could say that Eve and Liz would be the necessary factor for that aspect .

[Fine . ]

Looking like she finally made up her mind, the Witch looked up .

[For the time being, I guess I’ll compromise with that . ]

However, she looks like she’s somehow unconvinced with something .

[But can I just say one thing? No, it’s not like I need your permission to say it anyway, right? Eve and Liz...... You do understand that “Touka-sama” over there might have used the two of you just to bring me unto his side, right?]

It seems that she has already thought about it that far huh .

As I thought, the Witch is quite perceptive .


[I don’t care . ]

Eve emphatically said .

[Even if that were the case, I don’t care if Touka was using me . This man has done more for me compared to what I think I could do for him . Most of all, this man has put himself in danger to safely bring us here . In that case, you could say that we were just using Touka ourselves . ]

[I- I also......]

Liz continues .

[I- I wouldn’t mind if it’s Touka-sama that were using me! Umm...... It would be a good thing if I could be of use to Touka-sama though......]

[......How long has it been since the two of you met Touka there?]

The Witch asked .

Eve honestly told her how long we’ve been travelling together .

[Fuuunnnnn...... You’ve built quite a rapport with them with just those few days . In that case...... It’s either that guy Touka over there is quite the softie...... Or one hell of a swindler . ]

I snorted .

[I think it’s more like the latter . ]

[Don’t make me laugh . ]

The Witch taps the floor once with her staff .

[It seems that you’re quite the shrewd man huh...... Not bad . ]

The Witch turned on her heels .

[Well, you also didn’t unreasonably destroy my golem...... No, that could also be according to your calculations but...... Yes, it’s so that you could acquire the trust of this mistress......]

Peering over her shoulder, the Witch turned towards us .

[However...... that Human Touka over there, is quite an interesting person . It might not be a bad idea for me to interact with you for some time . I was getting a bit bored lately anyway . ]

The Witch spun the staff in her hand once .

[Fine . I’ll invite all of you into Erika’s home . ]

Alright .

This clears up one of our two objectives .

That’s not a bad start .

Or rather, you could say that this is actually quite good .

Well...... It seems like the Witch has seen through our aim and dared to accept it though .

In any case, we succeeded in getting hold of a “path” .

All that’s left for me to do is make use of that path to gain the trust of the Witch and we’ll be able to achieve our goal here in the Golden Demon Zone .

That’s right...

It’s so that I could get closer to those incantations that that f*cking Goddess prohibited .

What’s more, the Witch has already revealed one important piece of information about the Forbidden Curses .

I don’t know if the person herself is aware of it but......

From what I could tell, “that” wasn’t confirmed yet .

It seems that Seras also doesn’t know about that .

It has always just been “probably” until now .

I conceal my mouth with the palm of my hand .

That’s right .

The Witch asked me before .

“You wanted the power of these Forbidden Curses to kill Alion’s Goddess?”

I almost involuntarily grinned again .

Those words could also mean that...

If it’s the Forbidden Curses...

I need to understand that so that I could defeat that f*cking goddess, right?

A door at the top of a wooden staircase opened and the Witch emerged from it .

[Come in . ]

Holding Liz’s hand, Eve looked towards me .

Her eyes look like she’s asking for permission .

I nod back and the two of them start walking towards the stairs .

Thereupon, Slei followed behind them .

[...Let’s also go, Seras . ]

[Yes . ]

Seras replied . She then trotted off and leaned her body close towards me, hiding her voice as she whispered .

[It seems that we somehow managed to get into her pocket . ]

[Yeah . For the time being, I think we’ve been able to get her to shelter Eve and Liz—- So, you could say that we’re off to a good start . ]

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