I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Slei started running diagonally .

I changed my position so that I could catch the enemy in my sight .

However, the Human-Faced turned and is hiding itself from my sight .

The corpse shield is always facing towards me .

It might be simple, but it’s an effective countermeasure .

Now that Pigimaru’s tentacles couldn’t be used, my range has become quite short .

Therefore, I need to make sure that I get close enough that it’s within my range .

Line of sight .

Range .

I must acquire both of these conditions together .


A cluster of light were shot towards the skies from the other side of the coprse shield .

Multiple particles of light gleamed and burst open in mid air .

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——–!

Just like a rain of arrows, lasers began raining down from the skies .

A heat ray brushed against my shoulder .

However, the laser didn’t deal that deep of an injury .

I somehow managed to evade the other lasers with some maneuvers from Slei .

Is it detecting out position based on the sound of our movement...?

Though I said that, there’s still this rain going on right now .

Detecting the sound of our footsteps through this rain should make it slightly less accurate .

In fact, there’s no pinpoint accuracy from that rain of lasers .

However, they know the approximate area where I am...

[..................... . . ]

That laser attack just a while ago was also this guy’s action huh .

Those stinging attacks were fired while hiding behind a safe zone .

Moreover, this guy didn’t mind dragging in the other monsters that had gathered near me in its attack .

So that’s how it is...

[Perhaps, their weak sense of camaraderie could be beneficial for me...]

..................... . .

However, this situation is a bit bad .

The enemy has a long range attack .

It could attack from outside the range of my Abnormal State Skill .

At this rate, I will only end up being one-sidedly attacked .

What should I do?

Could I use that additional effect from ’s level up earlier?

I check my status display again .

......Ah, now that I think about it .

It’s not specified but, I wonder if it’s possible to designate things “other than humans and monsters” as their targets of attack?

For instance, I could target a stone or a tree—


At any rate, it would be meaningless if it’s not caught within my range .

And it’s hardly within the maximum range of my skill .

If I can’t think of a way to shrink our distance——

[Shinshinishinshinshinshiiiiiiiiiiiiiii——————–nnnnnnnn! Nn!]

Light began fluttering about in mid-air again .

A rain of lasers .

Even if I were to somehow avoid them, I will not be able to conduct a counterattack in response .

At this rate, my situation would become getting worse and worse .

[Pigimaru, I’m sorry... but could I entrust one final job to you?]

It’s a bit dangerous though .


Poke poke!

Pigimaru began poking my peck .

As if he’s pushing away the hesitation brewing within me .

His protrusion turned into the affirmative color, green .

[I’m in your debt, partner . ]

It’s already the third time that the monster has released its laser .

Immediately after...

Rumble... Splash... Rumble rumble rumble!

An object vigorously rolled on the mud .

It’s the Fly King’s mask .

The Human-Faced reacted to that fallen “head” .

“Cutting the head into multiple pieces . ”


However, a change immediately appeared from the monster on the other side of the corpse shield .

The Human-Faced sharply turned .

It doesn’t appear to be lured in by “head” decoy .



The slime continuously screamed .

Slei is also already moving .


Towards a position where I could see the Human-Faced’s figure .

It’s great if I could make even just a moment of opening .


I was only just a bit slower than it .

The turning speed of this Human-Faced is slightly faster .

An underhanded scheme of distracting it with my Fly King’s mask and going around the enemy’s blind spot .

And that’s how we arrived in this plan of recovering from this hopeless situation .


[Eh!? Shhiii... . nnn!?]

Even if you notice it now, it’s already too late .

———criiiccckkklleee, crraaaccckkkllleeee———–

What’s certain though...

[ I’m up here . ]

I threw a fake head as a decoy and made the Human-Faced think .

“This is a plan in which I would go around to the side while making use of decoys . ”

However, this is actually a three-layered plan .

Pigimaru and Slei’s role was “to take a roundabout path” .

However, I’m not riding behind Slei .

When I distracted it by the mask filled with water acting as the “head”, took my feet off the stirrup .

Slei made me jump up to the sky .

The sound generated from being flung was erased under Pigimaru’s shout .

I could see understanding from the face of the Human-Faced .

[You finally understand huh—- Yeah, it’s exactly as you thought . ]

As expected, this guy is one clever chap .

[You’re blocking my skill by not letting me see you . ]

However, at the same time, whatever we were doing while you’re behind that corpse—–

[You also weren’t able to see . ]

On the other hand though, there’s a higher risk for Pigimaru and Slei .

There’s a possibility that they would receive an attack .

Before that even happened though, I was able to decide the outcome of this battle .

Drop dead . I invoke Berserk towards it .

Before I landed on the head of the Human-Faced, I fired that certain skill towards him .


Blood began spouting out from below me .


I wonder if I could do that even if I couldn’t see them?

I looked at the Human-Faced with the corpse shield .

However, my attention has already switched to the remaining two .

[———-Tsk . Sh*t......!]

Spear-shaped protrusions came flying towards my direction .

They’re aiming—- towards where I’m about to drop down .

The moment when you’re landing .

It’s one of the moments where evasion becomes extremely impossible during battle .

Aiming for that moment when battling is already an established tactic .

There’s a monster lurking somewhere .

At the moment I jumped towards the air, they thought about attacking this way huh .

Facing towards the direction of the incoming protrusion, I crossed my arms and assumed a defensive posture .

I don’t know the penetrating ability of these protrusions .

However, I don’t have any choice but to rely on my Defense status correction......!



One after another, spears were piercing through flesh .

[————————Slei . ]

The spear-like protrusions stuck on Slei’s flank .

She leapt right at that moment and shielded me from the protrusions .


[Bu... ru...... ruru...... uuuuu...... Guruuuaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh———–!]

Is she trying to keep the monsters away from me?

Rather than faltering from her wounds, Slei releases an intimidating roar just as she drops down on the ground .

I inadvertently grind my teeth .


From the spear stuck on Slei’s wound, blood began dripping down and mixed along with the rain—-


It appeared in the opposite direction from where the spear came from .

The other monster—- aside from the spear throwing monster .

Followed with a distorted scream, that guy sprung out .

The body of a wolf .

A large wolf .

Only its head had the shape of a human’s .

An angry Human-Faced .

It slowly approached without even rustling the nearby leaves .

I can’t even hear the sound of rain falling on its body .

It was quite faint, but I had perceived its presence .

I’ve already conjectured its distance from me .

However—– There should still be quite the distance away from us .

I see .

Did it manage to reduce that distance with just a few steps?

That means...

The two remaining enemies were launching simultaneous attacks .

The three monsters who waited until the end before moving .

All of them were like fishermen waiting to reel in the fish .

All three of them were searching for the timing most advantageous to themselves .

That monster with the corpse shield is probably the one who lost its patience first .


My line of sight turning to the side, I checked Slei’s condition .

Her red eyes were looking towards me .

Eyes brimming with strong will .

Eyes holding strong trust .

And those red eyes were clearly telling me .

They’re telling me to fight .

[Yeah, Slei......——–I understand . ]

I look towards the direction from where the spear came flying from .

I would put an end to this fool who injured you .


After finally landing on the ground, I immediately invoked to the Human-Faced wolf .


Measuring the timing, I jumped .

As that Human-Faced wolf lunged closer, I jumped on its back .

[Go . ]

I frantically grasped on its fur so that I won’t be thrown off .


For the current , it’s now possible for me to designate even things other than humans and monsters as targets .

Forward .

I designate my target towards a “tree” just within my range .

When we were about to reach that place, I my .

Immediately after, we begin rushing forward towards another “tree” that I designate as a target—–

And now, I’m using this Human-Faced wolf’s speed to advance .

I repeatedly this technique of invoking and shortly releasing them

I glared towards the direction of my objective .

[Your type of attacks also bring along some risks—- risks the same as a sniper would have . After you release your first shot, that would also release you bastard’s position...... ———You f*cking fool . ]

Mounted on this Human-Faced wolf...

A monster with jumping power and speed that could reduce a long distance with just a few steps...

..................... .

Will that monster who shot those protrusions leave its previous place?

I don’t think so .

I won’t let it have any time to escape .

Cutting through the wind, the flickering sceneries around were washed away behind my back .


I could see a shadow standing behind the thin veil of rain .

[Gyooeeh... . Eeehhh!?]

I’ve finally arrived where I could clearly see the monster that has thrown those spears towards Slei .

It’s a monocular monster .

This monster looks quite surprised .

Is it because of surprise?

Its eye swollen like a peeled egg .

The monster has four legs .

Compared to the other monsters, it should be medium-sized .

I could see lots of hole-like organs in its body where it emits those protrusions .

Astonished, it immediately shifted to counter-attacking .

Its eyes began to glow red .

There must have been something like a charge time before it could emit those protrusions again .

It’s just accumulating something there .

The speed of those protrusions it released——- were certainly fast .


It’s also already within the range of my .

I don’t have any other skills I could choose to use right now .

I need to designate the next target of the Human-Faced wolf .

If I don’t designate anything, the Human-Faced wolf would attack the nearest being nearby, me .

In that case, I...

—will do my final .


Screams rang out as the two monsters roared .

The confused ones nearby were violently mixed in with their battle .

The Human-Faced wolf bit the monocular monster and tears it apart .

And as the monsters raged—

[——Tsk...... . ]

There’s a spear-shaped protrusion stuck on my left shoulder .

This is because of the monocular monster’s counterattack that it managed to release before I could fully invoke my final .

An attack that was originally performed for a really long distance was released at a close distance .

I was also in the middle of skill activation .

There’s no time for me to avoid it .

[...... . . Tsk . ]

Grinding my teeth from the sharp pain I would feel, I pull out the pointed tip buried within my flesh .


I already expected that I would bleed from that wound, but it’s not gushing out as bad as I imagined .

Sometimes, it’s indeed better to keep something stabbed into you since you may bleed out a lot if you pull it out...

However, I could suppress the bleeding thanks to the benefit of my HP status correction .

Thereupon, I realized it .

My HP status correction...... How is it going?

Now that I think about it...

[Since I’ve released my connection with Pigimaru, I just put it away . ]

It may just be slightly, but that translucent status display is still obstructing my sight .

[Status Open . ]

HP: +135 / 6051

It has fallen lower than I thought... I was surprisingly in danger at that time huh .

I almost emptied out my correction value .

It appears that it’s quite difficult to receive the benefits of my HP status correction .

I began dealing with the dying monocular monster and the Human-Faced wolf with the paralysis & berserk combo .

The numerical values of my HP status correction should have moved now .

HP: +135 / 6051

HP: +156 / 6051

Is it just recovering little by little unlike the MP?

When you level-up, it seems that I would get that so-called “regeneration” .

I don’t know if this regeneration would have an effect even on my wound unless I wait for it myself .


From around the area, I could feel the presence of monsters disappearing .


I suddenly noticed .

I turned towards the notifications of my status display .

It seems that ’s level has also risen at that time .

Now then, what kind of additional effect would I get this time—-


Placing my hand over my mouth, I frowned as I stared at the notification display .

[This is the “advanced” skill of , you say......?]

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