I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

It was a few moments before I encountered that petite human girl—–

[Eve— What do we do now?]

In the cave that Touka instructed us to hide in .

We were hiding in that place just as he instructed .

Outside the hole, it’s raining extremely heavily .

At the entrance, the raindrops were splashing down on the rocky floor .

[I will follow Touka . ]

Seras Ashrain, a person who I couldn’t read their real intentions on her face .

Without saying any words, Liz anxiously looked up to my face .

Seras forcefully held my shoulder .

[However, Touka-dono told us that we should wait here . ]

[Let me go, Seras . ]

Neatly sitting on the ground with her beautiful white legs, Seras looked at me with a tought look on her face .

[Please tell us your intentions . ]

“Fumu...” I groaned .

[—-How surprising . I thought you would be more stubborn than that . It’s Touka’s instruction afterall, so you must absolutely obey... is what I thought you’d say as you rebuke me . ]

[I was once a member of a Knight Corps afterall . I wouldn’t be fit to be the Knight Leader if I just deny the opinion of my comrades without even listening to them . I must also consider their words . ]

[Fuuu... I see . Then, I’ll tell you what I intend to do . ]

I looked out towards the raging storm .

[To put it simply, there are too many enemies . There shouldn’t be just one or two Human-Faced . ]

[Are you saying that it’s difficult for Touka-dono to survive even with the power he held?]

[It’s possible that he may survive . He’s not a man who just charges into battle without any chances of victory...... However, I don’t think he could get back without bearing any injuries . ]

At this point, Seras didn’t say any objection .

My eyes narrowed as I looked towards her .

[Most of all, Touka’s condition right now is far from perfect . ]

[He said that there wasn’t any problem since he had his level corrections but...]

She didn’t continue saying it, but it seems that Seras herself is aware about it .

[It seems that you also noticed it . In other words, Touka hasn’t slept more than anyone of us since we entered the Demon Zone . ]

[......Yes . ]

[He was also taking up most of the guard duty for himself, saying that he could use those time for the trial and error process of making Forbidden Tools that could bring out Pigimaru’s power . On the contrary though, he would utilize his just to make us purposely oversleep... That’s how I could see it . ]

Surprised, Seras puts her thin finger on her cherry-colored lips .

A Magic Technique that bestows sleep on the target—- nay, a Hero from Another World’s skill .

You would have a deep sleep no matter what situation you are in .

Touka explained that before .

However, it appears you won’t be able to wake up unless he cancels it .

It’s a frightening ability depending on how you use it...

[When we were sleeping, he may have used his own on top of it...]

[Umu . The times that we woke up were really close together... However, there was some gap in the times that we wake up . Touka is smart . It’s possible that we would easily guess that he’s using his skill if we wake up at the same time . Therefore, he must have slightly shifted the time when he invoked his skill . At first, I thought that I had overslept because I was still not accustomed to the surroundings and easily got tired...]

[It seems that Touka-dono is always concerned that we would be mentally worn out . ]


“Sleep well . It’s the best way to recover from mental fatigue . ”

—-is regularly saying that .

[Though he said that, it’s difficult to get a quiet sleep here in the Golden Demon Zone... Thereupon, so that we wouldn’t be lacking in sleep, I think Touka has been regularly using on us . Well... After getting somewhat accustomed for some time, I feel like I’m already accustomed to sleeping here in the Demon Zone . ]

However, why is it that we were still sound asleep just like when we first entered the Demon Zone?

I can’t explain how that could happen at all .

[So that he makes sure he “Invokes” his skill, Touka-dono cut off his own sleeping time since we entered the Demon Zone...?]

[I fear that it’s likely so . And in fact, this may also be why we were able to hold out until we reached this place . ]

For example, Liz .

It goes without saying that she’s the most incompatible to the Demon Zone among us .

Even that Liz wasn’t lacking in sleep .

As expected, it would be appropriate for me to think that he’s stealthily using his skill .

[Moreover, Touka-dono...]

Seras is about to say something .

However, she didn’t continue what she’s saying .

[Mhmm? What’s the matter?]

[......No, it’s nothing . Putting that aside, you’re the one we’re about talking right now . If you’re really determined to do that, I think we ought to not take our time . ]

[——Umu . ]

I’m quite grateful for Seras’ calmness right now .

I continued .

[In that case, It would be quite difficult for Touka since he’s not in a perfect condition, even if he had that status correction . I can’t completely be sure that Touka wouldn’t make any mistakes . It might be possible that...... . he got seriously injured and couldn’t move right now . ]

Seras also didn’t make any rebuttal to my words .

She looks like she wanted to refute though, even for a little bit .

[Do you intend to go out yourself?]

[The words I said to Touka earlier isn’t a bluff at all . There’s a good chance that the monsters would recognize me as a fellow monster and overlook me . Whether it’s erasing my presence or moving around in this terrain, this duty would be within my territory . ]

I turned my eyes towards the outside of the cave again .

[It’s about to get darker soon, but I could also move around even in the dark . Therefore, I don’t have to worry about monsters attacking me without knowing . I also have excellent ears on top of that . ]

[I guess you’re not just making up baseless lies just to persuade us . ]

Seras affirmed .

That’s right, she could judge whether someone is lying or not .

(“Conversely though, if you were to keep on attacking her with the truth, you could say that she’s easy to persuade”... huh . Indeed, it’s indeed as Touka said . )

Impressed with him just with my thoughts, I continued speaking .

[And... if Touka and Slei were to be heavily injured, I’m the only one who could move while carrying the both of them on my shoulders . ]

Physical Strength .

This is a feat that couldn’t be accomplished by the High Elves .

Her long eyelashes laying down, Seras contemplated for a while .

The sight of her contemplating self looks like something cut out of a masterpiece .

I suddenly thought so .

Seras’s eyelashes rose and her eyes opened .

Reflected in her sky blue eyes was Liz .

[I can’t leave Liz here alone . Touka-dono won’t forgive me if I do something like that . That’s why—- I will be waiting here together with Liz . ]

[Seras . ]

I called out her name .

And held within that call was the gratitude I feel .

[However, could you even find Touka-dono?]

[I should be able to find various trails in the forest . You should know about this since you’re a High Elf, right?]

The trails of a passing beast...

Scratched trees...

Thousands of fallen leaves...

Broken branches...

Scattered soil...

Chipped stones...

If you observe them closely, the forest would show you the “signs” .

[That was a great march . Even beneath this rain, I would definitely find some traces remaining . If Touka had a melee battle against that flock of monsters, it should be easier for me to track them down . ]

[Touka-dono has made Slei-dono remember our scent which guides her towards us . However, could you go back after you left?]

I pointed towards my temple .

[I still have the map and the approximate distance stored in here . On the way, I also plan to make landmarks . ]

Seras looks like she relaxed a bit upon hearing that .

[Very well . I understand that you decided to do this not just because you’re being hot-blooded . ]

[I’m indebted to you . ]

[......I’m sorry about that . ]


[I was still appointed as the “Deputy Leader” of this group . Now that Touka-dono isn’t here, it’s my duty to think about the safety of my comrades...... . . I want to try out acting like that so... sorry . ]

[Fuuu... . ]

A small laugh almost leaked out from me .

[You really like that guy huh .

[——Yes . He’s the one who I dedicate myself afterall . ]

Dedicating her own self .

I didn’t dare ask what she meant by that .

At any rate...

[He’s the man that we can’t afford to lose here . ]

We mustn’t let the probability of losing him increase .

There is no absolute basis for my previous idea .

However, my instincts were telling me .

I placed my hand on Liz’s head, who had been silently listening to our conversation until now .

[Listen to what Seras says, Liz . ]

[Older Sister...]

Grabbing my hand over her head within both of her hands, she graps on it tightly .


Her small hand strongly grasped my hand .

Those hands were slightly trembling .

She couldn’t hide the anxiety in her expression...

It’s the face of someone afraid of losing someone .

“Don’t go . ”

I could hear the voice of Liz’s heart screaming that out .

[Finding Touka-dono, please do your best . ]

[—————-Liz . ]

I want to keep those words in my mind .

But when Liz said those few words, it feels like they were said to push me forward .

The feeling of wanting to stop me .

The feeling of anxiousness for Touka’s safety .

In those two conflicting feelings, Liz swayed towards “what I feel” .

Furthermore— There’s also Seras’ feeling of anxiousness for Touka’s safety .

I could only feel apologetic for she had to consider the feelings of the adults around her .

[......I’m sorry, Liz . ]

Liz nodded .

With an expression that looks like she understands everything .

Filled with determination, I stand up with sword in hand .

I’ve also brought two more swords as spares .

Seras reforms her seating posture .

[Please promise us . That you’re going to go back without fail . ]

[——Acknowledged . Once again, I’ll leave Liz to you, Seras . ]

[No matter what method I use, I’ll make sure that I will protect her . ]

I feel a little surprised .

I had the impression...

“Even in exchange for my life...”

—that Seras would say something like that .

“No matter what method I use...”


(This might also be Touka’s influence towards her...)

Beneath the raging rain, I stepped out of the cave .

I know .

They weren’t quite near, but there were brutal beasts rampant around the area .

I sharpened all of my senses .

I began picking up the sounds occurring on the other side of the curtain of rain .


The muscles in my legs responded to my call .

Hot blood runs around my whole body .

My intentions...

My body...

It completely switched over to battle mode .


My very own roar .

“That” cruel beast dwelling within me finally appeared after a long time .

(I remember back when I was a Blood Champion . )

There were many such “beasts” lurking around in that place .

(If so, once again...)

As if something was washing them away, the raindrops soaking my body began slipping off .

Firmly grasping unto the handle of my sword with both of my hands...

[Once again—- Let’s go back to being a beast . ]


Grasping my greatsword in one hand, I swung my sword as strong as I could .

The monster’s body split up into two .

The monster’s dead corpse flew to the air and rotated as it began falling down on the ground .

Not paying attention to the whirling pieces of flesh and blood, I brought power into my legs as I leapt away from this place .

I immediately moved away because there were still other monsters charging towards me .

I had just jumped over a monster’s head .

Turning the handle around with my wrist, I pointed the blade of my greatsword to the ground .

Letting the sword fall down, I penetrate through the head of the monster I’ve just been fighting with my sword .


The sword deeply pierced through the crown of its head .

Pressing my feet down on its head, I forcefully pulled out my sword .

The corpse of a bloodstained monster .

Grabbing it with one hand...


I flung that corpse away with all of my strength .

That corpse crashed into a tree a few distance away from me .

That crashing sound and the smell of blood were used as decoys to lure away the other monsters .

It was for me to earn some time .

Without resting, my gaze started moving around .

I wouldn’t overlook anything .

There are more monsters that have gathered that I had expected .

Perhaps, these were the monsters who gave up on pursuing Touka .

With this number, it’s impossible for me to hide and wait for them to pass by .

As expected, some battles with them were inevitable .

However, what I have encountered so far were at most medium-sized monsters .

I haven’t encountered any large-sized monster so far .

Even if I saw them from a distance, I would avoid approaching them myself .

There’s no space for me to take some rest .

I lowered down my body .

I then started quickly moving in a posture close to a quadruped .

It’s not difficult for me to follow Touka .

I could find several trail marks of a fierce battle .

Those trails would lead me towards where Touka is .

I couldn’t find those trails in a straight line .

Looking at the trails of battle that I’ve passed by, I don’t think these were the results of flawless victories .

The trails also scattered about along the way .

From which trail should I follow?

(——–I should narrow it down . Round-robin it is . )

Basing it on the sound and presence I could feel from that direction...

(There must be somewhere that would increase my chance of finding him......)

I must also be conscious of the presence that I’ve felt approaching from a while ago .

The presence of a monster .

As I had expected, the monster leapt out of the thickets .

Just as it jumped out, I swung my sword towards it .

The monster became two in just a swing .

It was as if it had been decided that it would be killed right from the start .

Following through...


With an appropriate amount of force in the swing, I threw one of my spare swords .

[—–Geh!? Hyooogoroouuueeeeeeeehhhh!? Ugguueeehhh... . ]

The thrown sword struck at another monster lurking around behind a thicket .

In that short time, I rushed towards the direction of the scream .

As I continued running, I pulled out the sword from the dying monster and retrieved my spare sword .

Mud splashing everywhere, I continued running without stopping .

My speed doesn’t decrease even when the rain sweeps towards me .

Looking forward—– I noticed a spider-shaped monster on top of a thick branch .

I threw a spare sword again .

Then, another monster appeared from the side .

Without reducing my speed, I cut it down with a slash .

Leaping up...

My aim is the thick branch in the front .

I pulled out the sword stuck on the spider-shaped monster—– and landed down on the ground .


—And sliding on the mud...


I stepped on the hard ground under the mud and regained my speed .

I could fight them if they weren’t Human-Faced or large-sized monsters .

I’m already used to fighting against monsters like them back when I had just ran away .

Even my days as a Blood Champion stimulated my growth as a warrior .


Again, another presence of a monster .


(......What is that?)

I also felt the presence of “something” different from the others .

(Touka? However, putting aside Pigimaru whose presence was difficult to sense, I couldn’t sense the presence of Slei nearby...)

I have to make sure .

I increased my speed even further .

On the way, I encountered a monster resembling a rhinoceros beetle which was spreading its wings, which I dealt with in a flash .

The problem lies ahead though .

Lowering my chin, I eliminate my presence as much as possible .

(What is with this presence? It’s different from monsters...... However, it also isn’t from Touka—-)

I could feel a hint of fear coming from that being .

Is it not a Golden-eyed monster?

Assuming that’s the case, that’s quite unusual .

Anyone would seldomly encounter normal monsters in this place .

However, it’s not that they couldn’t be encountered in this place at all .

(This fear... It may leave this place if I show myself while I intimidate it with an aggressive growl . )

Planning so, I emerged from the thickets .


[Gururururururuuuuuuuuu......... . . ]

[————Ah . ]

A pair of astonished eyes .

[......What the? In a place like this—— A human?]

Looking up at me with its quailing eyes is a petite human girl .

I think she’s curling herself smaller .

Unexpectedly, her appearance kind of overlaps with Liz .

Before I knew it, I reflexively held out my hand .

Just like when I’m calming Liz down, I would place my hand on her head or shoulder .

The girl who looked like a drowned rat looked really frail .

So, just as I moved out of habit—-

[—- ]

(T/N: ——

———–Zappp, crickle, crackkklleeee————

A sparkling showers of lightning suddenly struck down in an instant .

An intertwining path of lightning .

That spread out all in an instant .

They already came close before even a single breath .

That “thing” appeared in the blink of an eye was——

Stinging like a bee .

However, I managed to narrowly parry that piercer to the side with my sword .

Immediately after both of our blades crossed, that electrifying “thing” leaked out a short gasp of surprise .

[—-This thing, not only did it not react, it even managed to block the attack!? What in the world is that thing...!? If it was just as the Elder Sister told me, the only people who could respond to my attack should be either the Goddess, someone famous from another country, or an S-Rank Hero, right......!? However, if it’s from this distance—–]



(T/N: Number two, unleash)

——-Zappp, Cracckkkllleeee———


[You can’t escape from my lightning anymore . ]

Lightning violently struck down and ran all over my entire body .

[Guuugguuaahh......ggguuhhh... . . !?]

My throat couldn’t make any response .

I couldn’t say anything .

[I’m sorry...... Just as my Elder Sister instructed me, I can’t let you kill Kashima . ]

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