I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

[Touka-sama, w- what could this be... such a thing is...]

Liz held her mouth with both of her hands .

Her eyes were trembling .

Eve hummed .

[Mhmm... This is unbelievable...]

Even Pigimaru stiffened .

[Pii... . puyuuu...]

As her expression loosens, Liz places her hands on her cheeks .

[It’s very... delicious...]

[I see . ]

Sweets that were transferred through my leather bag .

I handed the sweets over to them .

As a result, it had become quite popular .

Just the other day, I tried transferring something out from my leather bag .

Some sweets came out of it .

It’s a white chocolate with wafer beneath it .

I bit into the chocolate and the wafer at the same time .

I could feel the exquisite double layers within my mouth .

The hard chocolate began melting as I chewed on them inside my mouth .

The wafer was broken into multiple pieces .

The sweetness of the white chocolate gently spread out of my mouth .

The wafer that isn’t too sweet .

It’s quite slight, but I could feel some saltiness .

The combination of these two has produced one superb sweetness .

The chocolate and the wafer really go well together...

The balance of tastes between the two is really splendid .

[I like this one, too . ]

In exchange for the rewards I should have given them until now, I distributed these towards everyone .

[It won’t open . ]

Eve was having a hard time opening the wrapping paper .

[Let me borrow that . ]


Opening the wrapping paper, I gave her the contents .

[It’s not that easy to open it up huh...]

[It was actually made so that anyone could easily open it though...]

Eve’ eyes narrowed .

She turned quite serious .

[I can’t believe this . These engravings on the sweet white part... what the heck is with this high engraving technology...]

The image carved on the chocolate part .

Eve had been surprised by this .

[I also don’t understand what this bag that’s wrapping around the sweets . What in the world is with this slipperiness... what did they use to make this?]

It seems she also found the wrapping quite unusual .

[Hnnggghh... . ]

It seems Liz has also been struggling with the wrapping paper .

Or rather, it’s because these two had been avoiding the jagged edges huh...

Did they think that’s a dangerous part?

I decided on opening Liz’s sweets too .

[Pass it to me . ]

[Ah, Touka-sama... T- Thank you for the trouble—]

[Enough about that, just eat it . ]

[Y- Yes . ]

Looking like a hamster, Liz started eating .

It seems she’s putting some effort into exerting self-restraint .

However, she still end up going into a trance .

[It’s delicious, isn’t it? Pigimaru-chan . ]


[Touka-sama... This is the first time I’ve eaten something so delicious...]

[Such a surprise is also good sometimes . ]

[Touka . ]

Eve spoke .

[It seems that the world you used to live in is quite an amazing place . ]

I’ve already told them about my identity as a Hero from Another World .

There’s no point in hiding it to them anyway .

I told them that the sweets I gave them are also from my world .

The people of this world recognize the existence of Heroes from Another World .

They would be surprised about some things about the other world .

However, the perception about the other world is not completely unknown .

Therefore, they haven’t understood the existence of the other world itself .

The point that I’m trying to say should be easy to understand .

[From our perspective though, this world is more amazing...]

They were just like that time when Seras ate the cheese tart .

They would view the other world as amazing .

As expected, everyone would probably look at it the same way .


Seras has been quite docile for some time...

[What’s the matter, Seras?]

[...I like it . ]

[What happened?]

[Ah, no... It’s nothing . It’s quite delicious, isn’t it? These baked sweets...]

Her reaction is quite similar to when she ate that cheese tart before .

She looks like she’s eating it elegantly but...

It seems that she likes this too .

At that time though, she was deeply moved after eating it .

However, she had become quite docile when she’s beside Eve and Liz .

It’s probably because she’s trying to keep her cool as she’s the vice captain .

[.................. . ]

Is it because she’s trying to convey her excitement towards me?

The glitter in her eyes that were looking towards me had been increasing .

[Eve and Liz must have already been asleep huh . ]

[Yes . The two of them were already sound asleep . ]

It was currently my turn to keep watch .

We’ve already established a rotation for when we sleep .

I started rummaging around my pouch .

[Seras . ]

[What is it?]

[Here . ]

[Touka-dono, this is...]

[Take it . ]

The rest of my share of the sweets just now .

I only ate one chocolate myself .

[Is it okay?]

[You like them, don’t you?]


[I’ve already eaten lots of them back in my previous world . ]

Seras’ expression won’t easily change .

However, I could see some priceless faces whenever the sweets from my previous world were involved .

[I- Is it really alright for you?]

[Don’t mind it . Just treat it like I’m feeding you . ]

[F- Feeding...]

[...It’s just a joke . This is just my reward for my vice captain who’s been doing her best . ]

I looked back at the “Encyclopedia on the Forbidden Arts” in my hand .

[It seems like you’ve always been reading that . ]

[It’s a book that would literally make “knowledge is power” real . As long as I have free time, I would start reading it again . ]

The next enhancement for Pigimaru .

Monster Enhancer .

I would be glad if we could get the materials I need in the Demon Zone .

It could be said that our strength would leap with just one enhancement .

The battle against the Black Dragon Knights .

The battle against the Ashinto .

The ability of the enhanced Pigimaru had been really active within those battles .

I want to act with the path to the next enhancement for him in our minds .

[Touka-dono . ]


Seras skillfully opens up the packaging paper .


She broke the sweets in two .

She then held out one part of the sweet in front of my mouth .

As if she’s acting, Seras smiles .

[I will also be feeding you . ]

[...It seems you’re also quite a cheeky vice captain, huh . ]

[Now, would you please?]

[Hmm . ]

I chewed the sweets in my mouth .

...However, her fingers really were quite thin .

Those same fingers she used to grasp her sword .

[Finally, we would be entering the Golden Demon Zone huh?]

[......Yeah . ]

We’ve finally arrived .

[It’s quite a strange feeling . Even though we were about to step into that Demon Zone, I don’t feel any fear at all . ]

[If my ability could be invoked to those monsters in the Demon Zone without any problems, I won’t have to be worried that much anymore . ]

Whether my Abnormal State Skill is usable to them or not .

Whether I invoke it towards the Human-Faced or not .

How many monsters were as strong as the Soul Eater in that place?

Either way, it will all be clear in the near future .

[Fufu, I’ll be relying on you at that time, okay? Of course, I’ll also be doing my best so that you could count on me . ]

[Yeah, I’ll be counting on you . ]

[Yes . By the way, Touka-dono . ]

Nom .

Seras held the other half of the chocolate into her mouth .

[I’ll be changing the subject... but actually, I’ve thought about a name for our Mercenary Corps . ]

[A name for our Mercenary Corps?]

[Yes . After we got out of the Demon Zone, I think we would end up needing something to call ourselves . ]

Has she been thinking about that before?

[I see, it’s quite possible now that you mentioned it...]

I recalled that recruitment back in Mills .

It’s possible that we will need to join something like that somewhere as a Mercenary Corps .

[It’s just a suggestion, but how about “Fly King Squadron”?]

[Where did you even get that kind of name?]

[It was the name of the army led by the Fly King as stated in the legends . The name itself was quite well-known, but I haven’t heard of any Mercenary Corps that claimed that name before . ]

[......Fly King Squadron huh . ]

I’ve also worn that headgear in the image of the Fly King to hide my face .

It may not be so bad .

[Alright . ]

I placed my hand on the Fly King mask that was placed beside me .

[Let’s go with that . ]

After putting Seras to sleep, I put down the “Encyclopedia on the Forbidden Arts” that I’ve been reading .

I began murmuring to anyone who could hear me .

[At any rate, it’s as if its signs have been getting thinner . ]

Undoubtedly, only time will heal .

Undoubtedly, only time will make me forget .

Undoubtedly, only time will solve everything .

This won’t do .

It’s as if the signs of revenge towards that f*cking goddess has been getting weaker .

Is it fine for me to die someplace I wouldn’t know of?

No, I don’t want it to end somewhere without my knowledge .

[If that f*cking goddess were to end up killed by the Great Demon Emperor’s army, it would be quite a shame...]

At best, it would be better if Kirihara and his lackeys were to survive .

Until my side is ready, I wish they could carefreely live beside that “deeply compassionate f*cking goddess” .

[..................... . . ]

The image of someone who forgets about his revenge and lives freely might look smart .

The image of someone with a generous heart and forgives his enemies might look truly beautiful .

That’s why, I’m fine being stupid .

That’s why, I’m fine being ugly .

This stupid and ugly Touka Mimori would show hell towards the Goddess Vysis .

[Well, I don’t think that f*cking goddess would just die so easily...]

People like her were quite tenacious and would definitely survive .


I could hear a roar from a distance .

It was from the Demon Zone .

Is it a scream?

It’s quite an ear-piercing voice .

I remembered the voice of the Soul Eater .

Within the depth of the darkness, the sea of trees was becoming stranger and stranger .

Golden Demon Zone .

Golden-eyed monsters .

Human-Faced .

Ferocious monsters .

Being negligent isn’t allowed .

I thoroughly understand that it isn’t allowed .

And yet, it’s no good .

I could see it .

For me, I could see the glittering Demon Zone .

There is a huge amount of experience I could get there .

My status correction value is really low .

I am quite aware of this .

However, it’s not really a minus for me .

Knowing this has just raised me up .

It also helped me determine my skills .

This is just something that would support me .

I felt it back when I’m fighting against the Ashinto and the Duke’s private soldiers .

The correction value is also useful in the process of releasing my skills .

Therefore, it would still be better if the numerical value would increase even by 1 .

I can never hope to catch up with S-Rank or A-Rank Heroes in terms of my status .

However, I could still reduce that gap .

[That is to say—]

Levelling up still has some meaning .

In the future, the reduced difference between our status might be the difference between life and death .

I gazed at the Demon Zone .

Therefore, if I could invoke my Abnormal State Skill without any problems...

[I would kill, kill, and kill them all . ]

As my next step to achieve my revenge—

[I will trample down all the monsters in the Demon Zone and feed from all the experience they could give me . ]


This concludes with Volume III . Thank you for your hard work . I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the people I’ve met until the end of the third volume, though the pace of updates was not very stable for the second half .

We would like to express our gratitude to the people who have commented, bookmarked and commented about your impressions . After the update, I was happy to read the feedback that told me that I had enjoyed it . So I was very happy and grateful . Also, when I saw the number of points being rated, I felt that I had been able to leave the feeling that others was “interested” in my novel . So I am very encouraged .

What do you think about Volume 3 that unfolds about the encounter with Eve that led to the fight against the Ashinto and the Duke’s army? In contrast to the battle against the Black Dragon Knights, in Volume 3, Touka played a strong role in cooperating with his comrades . Actually, I felt some pressure because of the popularity of Chapter 2, but I would be happy if you enjoyed Volume 3 .

Volume 4 is scheduled to start after taking some 8-10 days off . Volume 4 will also have an intermission chapter before it starts, so the exact start date of Chapter 4 will be announced at that time . I’d like to think a bit about the future update interval too ...

And, the goddess is still terrible . If someone had just told this author “Are you alright?”, it’s possible that my heart would break... Will there really be a strong man who can rebel against the goddess other than Touka? If you had felt it as you read about the goddess’ side, there is a sign that the army of the Great Demon will finally start to move . We would be grateful if you could continue to read Volume 4 where there may be a big move (?) .

I’m sorry to have had a long afterword as usual ...

And now, this FreeWebNovel has been turned into a book . Thank you again for this .

Let’s see you again in Volume 4 . Thank you very much .

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