I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

First, we should make the horse run faster .

I instructed Seras to run beside Eve’s horse .

Eve looks agitated .

[What’s wrong?]

[I often go out alone at night . Even if I’m not in my room tonight, they shouldn’t have felt that something strange had happened—]

The White Coin is already closing down her shop for the night .

There was no human around other than the proprietress in that building .

I also turned off the lights in the shop .

I thought they wouldn’t be able to find the corpse at least until morning comes but...

[Did you tell anyone about escaping the royal capital? For example, one of your fellow Blood Champions—]

[No, I haven’t told anyone about it . I’ve been extremely careful not to alert the Duke’s private army, especially since the Duke and the Mercenary Guild’s Guild Master is meeting tonight . However...]

As if she’s reproaching herself, Eve lets out a snarl from deep inside her throat .

It seems like she might have some knowledge on why this happened .

[I met a man just as I was about to leave the Blood Colosseum . Looking at me at that time, I think he might have suspected something . ]

[Who is it?]

[A man named Muaji . I was being careful in detecting the presence of others . However... It’s a bit embarrassing, but I didn’t even notice he approached me until he called out my name . ]

[I see...]

I look back at our rear .

[That aforementioned leader of Ashinto, huh...]

I turn back and look at the front again .

Eve’s conjecture is probably right .

Muaji must have felt something was out of place when he saw Eve at that time .

Based on the information I’ve obtained so far, Ashinto is connected with the Duke .

[Bothered about your appearance at the time he met you, Muaji went straight ahead and reported the uneasiness he felt to the Duke . That he felt Eve Speed is acting strange . And then... Seeing the absence of Eve’s luggage, he probably suggested checking out Liz in the White Coin . ]

The man who thought that there’s something unusual within Eve’s actions within just a short time .

He must have quickly figure out what happened at the White Coin .

The reason why the pursuers moved too fast was simply because they quickly noticed her disappearance .

The main cause why they quickly noticed was Muaji .

Ashinto’s boss seems to have an excellent ability of observation .

He’s quite sharp in anticipating the situation .

That’s an indispensable ability for scammers .

[Muaji will be using this opportunity to market his excellence to the Duke . This would also be a great opportunity to show Ashinto’s power . ]

If that’s the case, it seems that Ashinto would also be part of the people who are pursuing us .

They are either here to catch Eve...

Or perhaps, kill her .

Either way, they could show their power even further with this opportunity .

The group of sorcerers who surpassed the strongest Blood Champion .

With this, they would gain even more authenticity about their claim of killing the Five Dragon Warriors .

They would be able to show that Ashinto is really strong .

[...I’m sorry . I have put you all in unnecessary danger . ]

Eve slows down the horse she’s riding on .

Anxiously, Liz looked up at Eve .

[Big Sister?]

[Touka, please take Liz—]

[—And entrust this place to you, so that you could hold them back all alone?]

[Please don’t, Big Sister...]

Liz began overflowing in tears .

[...I will be taking responsibility for my mistake . At least, you guys and the child could esca—]

[Even if you were the strongest Blood Champion, you wouldn’t be able to win against that number of people alone . ]

I immediately interrupted Eve’s words .

[Most of all, what’s going to happen if I lose my guide to the Witch of Taboos?]

[However... With the way things are now, they would eventually catch up with us . ]

Luggages .

Two people on the same horse .

Their speed is faster than us .

If we certainly keep going on like this, they would eventually catch up with us .

The lights were gradually getting closer and closer .

However, their numbers have been decreasing little by little .

Some of the lights spread out and went into the forest .

They must have been searching in the forest .

However, there are still a significant amount of them in the main group .

Our horses began running along a gentle slope .

I turn my head back to the rear and checked our pursuers .

Beyond the leading group that I’ve seen before, I could see another cluster of lights in the distance .

[That must be their second group of pursuers huh... That’s quite a lot . ]

It would be hard work, fighting all of them .

I started giving my instructions .

[Let’s stop the horse and dismount here . ]

Seras slows down the horse .

Eve looked pretty confused with my instruction .

[W- What are you going to do?]

[We’re going to ambush them ourselves . ]

Releasing my hold on Seras’ body, I said .

[Our company is almost here . ]

Two horses were running across the darkness .

One of the horses had a branch that radiates light bound on its body .

This is the horse that we were riding .

We’re saved knowing that Seras and Eve were used to handling horses .

Both of them began running away just as I planned .

Because they weren’t carrying anything heavy now, their speed is also fast .

These branches that radiate light is the effect of the ability of the spirit of light .

Light can be given to an object for a certain amount of time .

However, the compensation for this ability isn’t quite cheap .

[I’m sorry, Seras . ]

[No . ]

[After we finally settle down all this ruckus, I’ll make sure that you could peacefully sleep . ]

Seras lightly smiles .

[Yes, I’ll be looking forward to it . ]

Multiple sounds of the horses’ gallops began drawing closer where we wait .

Trying to not leak out a sound, we hid behind the bushes .

[Deputy Chief, that is!]

[That light—!? Alright— We’ve finally caught her! There were two light! That were-leopard and that young girl accompanying her, there’s no mistake! It’s them!]

[Just as that Muaji guy have conjectured, those two seemed to really be heading north . ]

[Yeah, it’s exactly where the Black Dragonslayer told us . ]

[Well, those who diverted to other areas would end up just wasting their efforts . ]

[We were lucky that we have turned towards the north! Alright! Let’s get the title of the “Leopard Killer” into our hands! We won’t give it to those Ashinto fellows nor to those mercenaries! After them! Pursuit those guys!]

The first team quickly dashed past .

It looks like the first team is made up of the Duke’s private army...

I guessed it based on what they said .

It seems some of them have turned towards other directions .

I guess this should be thanks to sealing off the proprietress’ mouth huh . .

It may just be a small amount, but it seems that their forces have scattered around a bit .

While trying to conceal her voice, Eve spoke .

[From their conversation, it seems that they’ve also sent Ashinto and the mercenaries after us...]

[The mercenaries may have gathered along and pursued us for the rewards the Duke is giving . As for the Ashinto, it’s just as I said, they’ve followed us to show their own power . ]

The first team began pursuing the running horse .

The horses we were riding on earlier is now really nimble .

It will take some time for them to catch up .

For the moment, dividing them up was a success .

While keeping her body hidden in the bushes, Eve looks towards the second team .

[There was no Ashinto in the leading group . If that’s the case, it’s possible that the Ashinto is in the second group that’s coming . ]

Muaji had been able to anticipate how Eve moves and knows that she would flee to the north .

If that’s so, it’s highly likely that they would come here .

He must have gone nowhere but north .

In other words, there’s a high probability that the second team can be considered as the Ashinto .

[Eve . ]


[You could see in the dark and have really good ears, right?]

[Umu . ]

[I have one thing I want to ask of you... And, when you’re finished with that, conceal your body in that forest a little way off the road . Thereupon, protect Liz and our luggage in there . I will be staying here . ]

[I will also be fighting in this place . ]

[I’m going to require Seras with me with the thing that I’m going to do now . In that case, someone else needs to protect Liz . It would be dangerous if Liz were to be caught and held hostage, right?]


Eve quietly withdraws .

She said earlier that she would be following my instructions .

It seems that she’s not telling any lies .

Through the branches and leaves, I look up towards the sky .

There were a lot of thick clouds floating around in the sky tonight .

It’s better for us that the moon is hidden .

I would be able to fully use the darkness of the night .

Seras brought her face closer and started speaking in whispers .

[The other party probably doesn’t know about our existence . They must have presumed that it was only Eve and Liz that were running away . If we were to do this well, we may be able to catch our opponents off-guard . ]

[It would be great if that were the case . ]

Seras tilts her head .

[What do you mean?]

[For some reason, I feel like that Muaji guy has anticipated that Eve may have people that were collaborating with her . ]

[It seems that you think highly of this Muaji, huh? Touka-dono . ]

[The sorcery these guys were using... Don’t you think they’re suspicious at all?]

[Well, they certainly were quite suspicious . Unlike the Ceremony Magic or Spirit Magic, should I say it quite lacks in any kind of substance...]

[Nevertheless, Muaji made many people believe about the effects of his sorcery . I also feel like his followers were worshipping him from the bottom of their hearts... Perhaps, Muaji really is quite an abominable lying bastard . ]

For the time being, I have some ideas what this “sorcery” of his really are...

Listening to our conversation, Eve also tilted her head .

[In short, what do you mean?]

[For better or worse, Muaji is someone who could make quick and effective decisions . ]

I point my finger towards my temple .

[He’s quite good at using this . ]

The other party is trying to anticipate our movements .

They should still be trying to anticipate our movements as they moved towards here .

It was quite shown with how fast they’ve sent pursuers towards us .

I also remembered the soldier’s words earlier .

“Just as that Muaji guy have conjectured, those two seemed to really be heading north . ”

Muaji had been able to tell that Eve would fled towards the north .

He may have also considered those rumors that were talked about in Monroy .

“Eve Speed knows the whereabouts of the Witch of Taboos . ”

Muaji knows about those rumors .

The Golden Demon Zone is said to be the place where the Witch of Taboos lives .

If Eve were to escape with Liz, they have no choice but to escape towards that place even when they know the risk of doing so .

Muaji immediately anticipated her action in that short of a time .

[..................... . ]

In short, he’s quick witted .

Holding our luggages, Eve listened .

[Would we be able to win against that amount of enemies?]

[It would all depend on how we do it . If we can never win when we face them directly, then just drag them into the area where you could win . ]

Liz held unto the remaining luggage .

Standing up, I looked towards the direction where the second team is .

[It’s just that, I’ve never expected that we would be facing against Ashinto in this place . ]

[...I’m sorry . It’s all because I’m too naive . ]

Eve already made countless amount of apologies .

I look towards Eve .

[It may certainly be the case that this situation is something you brought onto ourselves . ]

Flustered, Liz hurriedly bowed her head .

It’s as though, she’s trying to say that it isn’t just Eve’s responsibility .

[Everything that Big Sister had done is all for my sake... That’s why, the fault is all mine... Therefore...]

Liz’s narrow shoulders were trembling .

Ahh, sh*t .

This is because of my poor way of speaking .

I breathe out a sigh .

[No, don’t get me wrong . It’s not like I’m blaming Eve or anything . Of course, that also goes for you, Liz . ]

Holding the fly mask in my hand, my mouth warps into a smile .

[With the way things are right now... If I could do it well, it’s possible that I might make the results that I desire... This may even be more convenient for me . ]

They’ve never expected that’s my reaction huh...

Eve and Liz looks like they had been taken aback .

I started putting on the fly mask on my face .

[Well then, how about we begin?]


I am sorry that the update date and time has become unstable recently because I have arrived at a place where it is a little difficult for me to write .

Although I’d like to update every other day, Chapter III may be a little unstable depending on the writing situation (I think the renewal time is as good as 17:00 or 21:00) . I would appreciate it if you could forgive me .

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.