I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

[Hey, Liz! Don’t just stand idly there and quickly bring these inside!]

Nod .

Lizbeth obediently nodded her head .

Afterwards, I said a word of apology .

[I’m sorry . ]

I don’t really intend to just stand around .

The customers who was about to leave still haven’t placed down their tablewares .

However, I won’t refute her .

I know what would happen if I were to retort .

[Sorry for the wait . ]

[You’re too slow! Half the price of our meals! Apologize!]

[I’m terribly sorry . ]

The customers that the White Coin handles had always been terrible .

Eve had told me about that before .

[Liz! You made another mistake again!? Cut that out, will you!? Can you at least think who the f*ck gives you your meal and a bed to sleep on!? Oi, stop pretending you’re mute! Reply!]

[...Yes . ]

[Are you making fun of me!? Apologize!]

[I’m sorry . ]

[Don’t apologize only to the customer, but also apologize to me! Do it!]

[I’m sorry, Mistress!]

[Ah, okay okay! Go on and stop idling around! Bring those inside next!]

[...Yes . ]

The Mistress points towards a table where some customers were sitting .

[Quickly bring these inside!]

I’m getting yelled at my work again today .

It’s fine .

Eve will take me away from this place tomorrow .

Eve said this before .

That I must endure it until she comes to pick me up .

She will make sure that I would be extricated away from here .

She said so .

Eve doesn’t lie .

Therefore, I continued persevering until today .

Eve is the only hope that I could only hold on to .

(Big Sister...)

I tightly grasped the wood carved necklace that Eve gave to me .

It’s tough staying in this place .

However, I don’t want to bother Eve .

I know that Eve also have it difficult for her .

She has been fighting as a Blood Champion .

She had been betting her life .

All for my sake .

Her hardships were many times more difficult than my situation .

Therefore— I will also fight .

I have to be stronger .

As strong as Eve .

I won’t utter any kinds of complaints .

I quickly finished washing the dishes .

As I’m draining the tableware...

[You’re still not finished washing the dishes!? You’re really slow! You Dark Elves really are useless! Stop messing around!]

I’m still just a child who can’t take care of herself .

A useless child .

I’ve come to understand this since I’ve arrived in this place .

I was told that I was slow at everything I do .

That my performance all these times had been really poor .

I have never been praised for the job I did .


(I mustn’t be discouraged . )

I still remembered Eve’s words .

“Together, we will fight and win our freedom back . ”

(We’re fighting together . That’s why, I won’t lose... I mustn’t surrender . )

The male customers were really cheerful today .

There’s only one male customer left today .

[Gulp, gulp... Hahaha! Damn it! If I can’t drink alcohol, I don’t think I can take it anymore!]

[Tsk, how long are you going to be drinking there? It’s already time for us to close the shop, you know? After you drink that, you should also go home . ]

[I know . ]

The stout-eyed male customer looked towards me .

His line of sight were stuck on my direction .

[But compared to that time when I first entered this store, haven’t this child’s sex appeal slowly starting to appear? Heh... Did you know that there’s something you could earn better with than just being a shop assistant? I don’t think you’d earn much in such a dirty shop like this...]

[Hah!? Stop screwing around!]

The Mistress yelled at the male customer .

[Eventually, this girl would be under the custody of a certain gentleman! From the start, I was entrusted this child so that I could give her to that certain gentleman . That’s why you’re not allowed to put your hands on her, okay? If she’s not as pretty as before the day that I give her to him, my head would be chopped off... you’re absolutely not allowed, Kizmon . That’s why it’s as you can see, you can’t see any bruise on her body, right?]

The Mistress makes sure that she won’t use any kind of violence that would leave any bruises or scars on my body .

[Heee... She caught the eyes of a noble from somewhere, huh? How enviable, isn’t it? Hihihi, how regretful it is . ]

Someone who’d be taking custody of me .

(It’s undoubtedly my Big Sister that they’re talking about . )

[But, the thought of her being the property of just a single man... It’s such a waste, isn’t it?]

The male customer grabs my arm .

Panicked, I hurriedly shook away his hand .

Pushing away his chest, I stepped away from the customer .

I could feel goosebumps rising all over my body .

[Oi you, didn’t I tell you to not touch her!? Damn it, why is it that all of my customers are terrible!?]

[Eeeehh, My bad, okay? My bad . ]

[What the hell is wrong with you too, Liz!? Manipulating the ogles of the customers even though you’re just a brat... Is it because you’re young? Are you trying to insinuate something at me!? Are you challenging me!?]

[I’m sorry . ]

The male customer burped .

[Though I say that, she’s quite an unsociable brat huh... You didn’t even smile nor cry . This brat, did she even have any emotion at all? If that were the case, I think that the master-sama that she would be handed to will easily get bored of her . ]

[Ahahaha! As a matter of fact, that’s not the case at all! This impertinent brat is actually just pretending to be tough! However, that shit won’t work on me... Watch this, okay?]

Seemingly enthusiastic, the Mistress rolls up her sleeves .



The Mistress suddenly slapped the back of my head .

[Oi! Here! Heyya!]

The back of my head is repeatedly slapped .

Her actions show that she’s really used to it .

[Eat this! What about this, huh!? Heyya Heyya! I wonder how long can you endure!?]




The Mistress continued on hitting my head .

After more than 10 slaps were made—

[...Sniff . ]

Tears began appearing from the corner of my eyes .

Next, weak sobs inadvertently came out of my mouth .

I tried to endure it by covering my mouth .

However, the sobbing won’t stop .

[Sniff... Sniff... Sniff...]

[Heh... Hey, see that? I’ll show you what happens especially when you’re putting on airs around me . Well, this is just disciplining you . ]

[No... Well, I understand already... As expected, isn’t she really pitiful after you smacked her like that?]

The smile on the male customer became stiff .

I began wiping away my tears .

Rearranging my breathing...

(I must not lose . )

I need to be stronger .

Even if it’s just my feelings .

Just as strong as Eve .

[Pitiful? Hah! The pitiful one here is me! I’ve been doing my best and yet, why did I end up like this!? Why the heck is she pushed unto me even though they’d just take her back in the end!? And also— What the heck is wrong with you too!? Your sobs just quickly stopped! Eeehh, but you know what? I really hated you from the start, you know!?]

The Mistress went close to my ear .

I could hear her breathing .

The next moment...


The Mistress suddenly shouted .

Her loud voice feels like it would pierce through my ears .

It’s overpowering .

It’s intimidating .

I don’t like when she does this .

My legs cramped .

Instinctively, I crouched down on that spot .

I hold down my head and close my eyes .

If I were to close my ears, she would forcefully pinch my ear .

That’s why, I can’t close my ears .

[Uuuhhhh... Sniff...]

The tears began trickling out again .

(I’m sorry that I’m a weak child, Big Sister...)

[I- I’m going to go back home... Well, how should I say this... Don’t you think you’re going too far already...?]

The male customer softly stands up from his seat .

I could hear the door closing .

That must mean that the male customer already left the store .

However, the Mistress shouts never stop .

How long will this last?

(Big Sister...)

[If it weren’t because I’m not allowed—! I would have killed you earlier—! You damn brat–! WWWWWWAAAHHHHHHHHHH—! WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH—!]

[Sniff... Hhhnngghh... Big Sister...]


It’s the sound of the shop’s door opening .

The Mistress shouts ceased .

Did the previous customer return back?

[Y- You are—]

I could hear approaching footsteps .


The Mistress let out a murky shriek .

Afterwards, I could hear the sound of people smashing the nearby tables .

I slowly opened my eyes .

(Huh? This smell...)

[I didn’t hear that something like this is happening . ]

Timidly, I raise my face .

Standing before me, is the usual leopard face of “Big Sister” .

[Big Sister...?]

I heard that tomorrow was supposed to be her important duel .

So, I thought that she wouldn’t come today .

Eve began to violently step closer towards the Mistress .


The mistress crawled backwards and tried stopping her from coming closer .

[What the hell are you going to do!? I- Isn’t your final duel tomorrow!? If you don’t quickly go back—]



Eve sent the Mistress flying with a kick .

[I- I’m going to report you to the duke! If you don’t apologize right this instant—]

[This is the end . ]

Eve’s voice...

This is the most frightening voice I’ve ever heard from her .

[I will be taking this child with me . And thus, you b*tch—]

[Hiiieee! Forgive me—!]

The Mistress sat on her knees and bowed her head .

It’s as if she’s making a prayer .

[I was just told that by Duke Zuan-sama to strictly discipline this child! Moreover, I was ordered by Duke-sama to make sure that she would easily bend in the future... I didn’t really want to do this! However, I don’t have any other choice! If I were to refuse, I would be killed!]

Quivering, the Mistress rattled while her forehead is against the floor .

[I also had important people for me... There would be people who would mourn when I die . That’s why, could you please spare my life!?]


[No matter where you go, I won’t say anything! I swear! I will just say that the girl disappeared before I knew it! I- I’ll make sure that I could deceive the Duke-sama! That’s why... Please forgive me! Please spare me! Hiiii—!]

[You’re really going to keep your mouth shut?]

[O- Of course! Yeah, that’s obvious!]

The Mistress looked towards me .

Her face was messed up with all those tears everywhere .

[I’m sorry to you too... For everything I did until now, I apologize . Please forgive me, okay? Afterall, you’re a really kind child, right...? Ah, I wish I was as kind as this child...]

Eve held out towards my hand .


Her hand is really warm .

A hand that makes me feel relieved .

I felt some kind of blaze burning around my chest .

[Big Sister . ]

[Based on our current situation, we can no longer stay here in the royal capital . I’m sorry... I would have to drag you along a rigorous journey again . Even so... Will you still follow me, Liz?]

[Yes . ]

Tears began flowing out from my eyes .

[As long as I’m together with Big Sister... I will go anywhere it may be . ]

Eve’s gentle eyes suddenly turned sharp .

She glared towards the Mistress .

[Listen here, okay? Eve Speed suddenly went south in search for the missing Lizbeth . In exchange, I would excuse you from your apology earlier and overlook you . ]

The Mistress nods her head over and over .

[I- I understand! Absolutely! T— Thank you! I will never this favour of overlooking me! Liz... Make sure to live stronger, okay?]

I bowed in response .

[For all you’ve done for me, thank you very much . ]

[Yeah, yeah! Sniff... Stay healthy, Liz!]

Eve tugged my hand .

[Let’s go, Liz . ]

My feet stops .

[...Big Sister? H- Huh—]

A monster with the face of a fly stands in front of the door .

He’s wearing a black robe .

I quickly hid behind Eve .

[Don’t worry . That man is our ally . He’s the one who saved my life . You could trust him . ]

Looking closely at him, I could see that the fly-like appearance is just from his headgear .

The person wearing it is human .

[A good human?]

[That’s right . ]

At that time...


The flyman strongly struck a wall .


I instantly closed my eyes .

I also quickly shrink .

My body began inadvertently trembling .

I slightly opened my eyes .

And peeked around the area .

The flyman is approaching .

Timidly, I looked up towards the flyman .

Thereupon, he extended his hand towards me .

I immediately shrunk away .


His hand was gently placed over my head .

[I’m sorry about suddenly making that loud noise . However—]

The voice of a man .

He sounds young .

However, I could feel some strange majesty in his voice .

I thought he was just like a king .

[Your reaction has thoroughly made me understand that woman . ]

Taking away his hand...

[You go on together with her, Eve . ]

The flyman walked past us .

[I’ll go after doing some boorish tasks . ]

Silently, Eve nods .

I could tell that she had a strong trust towards that flyman .

Eve began leading me out of the store .

And inside the store, I could hear voices from outside .

[Did you really think that you successfully sailed through that? However, bad news for you . You could easily trick good people like Eve, however you couldn’t convince me with that sh*tty acting of yours . Well, I am quite confident with my skills in acting... That’s why, I could sniff out your lie even though I don’t have any ability to determine if someone is lying or not . And, what did you say again? You’re going to tell the Duke that child went south, along with Eve who followed after her? Kaka, do you think we’re idiots?]

The flyman sounds like he suddenly turned into an entirely different person .

[Bastards like you can never honestly fulfill the promises you make . ]

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