I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 141: Apostle (7)

Chapter 141: Apostle (7)


The seed scoffed at my declaration, looking down on both me and Kim Seo-hyun.

It regarded me with disdain, as though witnessing a child chasing an unattainable dream.

[Brother……that’s impossible……this Earth is barely manageable even for my deity……]

Ironically, death did not occupy a prominent position in extraterrestrial hierarchies.

This was because, although death could be a fatally powerful force for those of a certain level or below, it was less effective against those of a higher tier.

Even the Emperor among the transcendents utilized “death” to conjure stars, as resistance and control over various elemental powers increased with higher tiers. Death, while seemingly powerful, became less effective as resistance grew due to the immense energy required.

Conversely, its massive destructive capability made it a top priority threat among the powerful elites…

However, the critical point was, as it mentioned, Earth was indeed currently struggling with death, the darkest deity emerging from the shadows. Comparing fireflies to the sun, one couldn’t simply equate the two.

‘Currently, it’s quite lacking.’

I glanced over at Kim Seo-hyun beside me.

Humanity’s hope was still intact.

Kim Seo-hyun returned my gaze.

“How’s your magic?”

“It’s fully recovered.”

Before infiltrating the seed.

Thanks to Kim Ara and Kim Seo-hyun, I was able to infiltrate easily. However, this caused both Kim Seo-hyun and Kim Ara to expend a significant amount of energy in a short period. Kim Seo-hyun’s complexion turned pale just from summoning a dragon once. Normally, it would not recover in a day…

‘But not for Kim Seo-hyun.’

Her heart was akin to mine. Just as my heart was replaced by the Black Flame Celestial Heart, hers was replaced by the heart of an ancient dragon. The heart of the ancient dragon was too much for her, leading her to seal it, yet…

She still recovered without issue.

“I’ll go first. Seo-hyun, follow me.”

“First? It might be better if I go first…”

“It’s okay.”

I gazed at the seed.

Apostles from outer space typically wielded immense power and authority, yet they often lacked experience. Death was no different.

I moved forward.

The seed’s behavior had changed from before.


The tentacles merged, exuding a unique aura of death unlike any other.

[Brother……you won’t die from this…but…for insulting my deity…you shall suffer…….]

The tentacles had become much thicker.

‘If I get hit by those, I might actually die.’

Well, it didn’t matter.

As long as I didn’t get hit.

“Let’s go.”


Leading the charge, I infused Black Heaven with the Energy of Defying Heaven. Black flames danced along Black Heaven’s blade. Channeling the Energy of Defying Heaven into my feet, I surged forward.

[Proficiency of Black Flash Step (B+) increases.]

[Black Flash Step (B+) is enhanced by Black Flame Celestial Heart.]


I navigated through the tentacles, slicing them with Black Heaven. Where the blade cut, black flames lingered, leaving ‘marks’ on the massive tentacles.

[What’s your plan……whatever it is……futile efforts…….]


The reactions varied.

Kim Seo-hyun, understanding my strategy, unleashed Gram and joined me, her sword striking the marks I had left. As her blade made contact, the black flames intensified and exploded.


The marks clung to the tentacles, hitting their most vulnerable spots. The black flames possessed the power to incinerate the tentacles. Meanwhile, the somewhat depleted Black Flame Celestial Heart began to replenish.

-I’ve always said it…but the master indeed possesses a special talent for strategizing.

-My goodness, did you really target all their weak spots with those marks?

Ignoring the comments from Eternal Heaven and Black Heaven, I remained focused. I continued to slice through the tentacles, marking them. Kim Seo-hyun followed, erasing and detonating the marks.

[Vain…effort……all……this is a space where my deity…grants me power…….]

The seed began to stir.

It retracted the tentacles marked by me and positioned others.

‘As expected, it’s clumsy.’

If it were me…

I would have risked killing them, using the authority of death to ‘kill’ the marks. However, the Apostle didn’t handle the power of death well. Fearing the risk of killing the tentacles along with the marks, it chose not to take that risk.

‘The worst strategy.’

Yet, for us, it was the best strategy.

I drew out the Black Wing.

Then, stepping back, I embraced Kim Seo-hyun.

“Huh? What?”

“We’re going straight to the core in one go.”

Kim Seo-hyun’s face flushed red.

I announced our plan and then spread the Black Wing wide. Then, we accelerated instantly.


As we accelerated, defying all opposition to flight, we quickly neared the core.

[It’s futile……!]

The seed didn’t just stand by.

Numerous tentacles came towards me.

“Can you do it?”

“Huh? Oh, yes. I can.”

Kim Seo-hyun protected the Earth from a world that has been destroyed.

‘In the first iteration, everyone died.’

But Kim Seo-hyun survived.

It’s strange, really.

Seo Ga-yeon, who has the potential to kill Mine by surpassing two levels, died, but Kim Seo-hyun always survived. Despite not having abilities specifically designed for ‘slaughter’ like Seo Ga-yeon, especially against Mines and extraterrestrial beings.

Seo Ga-yeon played a tremendous role, but even without her, breaking Epic World was possible.

However, without Kim Seo-hyun, breaking Epic World was impossible.

Seo Ga-yeon indeed had incredible potential.

But Kim Seo-hyun had always been the protagonist.

“We’re going.”

I could feel Kim Seo-hyun focusing.

At the same time, I sensed all sorts of tentacles approaching. I divided the Black Wing in half and sliced through the tentacles.


The power, more akin to threads than wings, sliced through the tentacles. Then, black flames consumed the tentacles. However, the number of tentacles was overwhelming.


Kim Seo-hyun closed her eyes and concentrated on Gram.

A white flash lingered on Gram. Her sky-blue hair shimmered in the light, a blue resembling the sky.


The sound of a heartbeat. A wave of magical power emanated from Kim Seo-hyun’s heart, resonating inside the seed. She half-opened her eyes. A deep blue light consumed her eyes.

I recalled the special stats she possessed.

‘Special Stats Mu (武), Beop (法), and Kwanghwi (光輝)’

It was absurd.

The special stats I acquired through tremendous effort were merely basic conditions for Kim Seo-hyun.

“The resolve of the insufficient is carved into a single sword.”

Kim Seo-hyun began to recite.

Light radiated from the sword. It was so dazzling that even I found it hard to look directly at it.

“Even knowing the lack, those who dare to seek the sword, I wish.”

Beop resonated. The power to ignore surrounding laws began to envelop her sword.

“Please grant the power to cut down the enemy.”

Mu started to work on her sword. Three laws transformed into one power.

It began to exhibit a unique property.

‘How absurd.’

I watched in awe.

Only now could I understand. The talent and potential Kim Seo-hyun possessed were of a ridiculously high caliber.

Starting to learn and realize power here, I was feeling it.

Kim Seo-hyun was definitely the savior who would save this world. If not her, then who?

Muguk Shin Sal Cham.

A white flash of light split everything.

The white flash of light crossed the seed.

I laughed bitterly.

‘Was the finish a bit lacking?’

They didn’t manage to destroy the core properly.

Well, it didn’t matter. I’d just handle it myself.

Carrying Kim Seo-hyun, I flew at high speed.


With a shockwave, I reached out towards the core. The seed moved.

‘Eternal Heaven.’


Eternal Heaven deployed the spell, tasked with infusing the Black Flame Celestial Heart’s black flames into it.


The black flames condensed, compressed over and over. It was a simple act, yet a complex feat that only Lee Seo-ha, with his high control over the Energy of Defying Heaven, could achieve. The black flame, compressed dozens of times in an instant, transformed.


A flash that pierced through the seed.

[Brother……do you really trust……just one opponent……?]

“You guys are nothing; Seo-hyun is more than enough.”

Lee Seo-ha replied, swinging the Black Heavenly Demon Sword.


The Black Heavenly Demon Sword screamed, emitting a black light.

-No, the state of the Black Sword…?

I naturally realized that the Black Heavenly Demon Sword’s function had been unlocked and that it possessed abilities different from what the game’s documents or Black Heaven had mentioned.

And it was for the better.

‘Is this the influence of the Black Flame Celestial Heart?’

It was a good thing. He raised the sword towards the sky. The Black Heavenly Demon Sword forcibly created a sword aura, emitting tremendous black flames.

‘Yihon (Intention Spirit).’

It was simply a power that maximized intent (Yinian). Using this, my mindset was forcibly expanded.


The black flames began to form a sword aura, a force over 5 meters in size, unlike the ordinary ones.


I swung the Black Heavenly Demon Sword. The seed struggled, trying to protect the core with all sorts of tentacles.


The black flash of light split everything.

[Do not think……this is the end……This is merely……delaying our invasion a bit more.]

“I’ve been thinking, for a villain, you talk too much.”

I smirked.

[Heh……look forward to that time……brother…….]

That marked the end of Death’s proclamation. The colossal seed that had blanketed the sky turned to ashes and vanished as swiftly as fading embers.

Lee Seo-ha, with the grace of the Black Wing, moved to embrace Kim Seo-hyun.

“We won?”

“Yeah. It was a breeze, all thanks to you.”

“Did I really help that much?”


I replied with a smile gracing my lips.

Kim Seo-hyun chuckled, then turned her gaze away.

The horizon was bathed in the glow of twilight.

Kim Seo-hyun gently rested her face against Lee Seo-ha’s chest. It was firm. Yet, this firmness brought an odd sense of comfort. Her cheeks flushed slightly, but Kim Seo-hyun looked up at Lee Seo-ha.

Lee Seo-ha’s eyes were fixed on the seed.

Her emotions were a tangled web.

Why? A playful thought crossed her mind.

‘I think I’m doing quite well.’

Based on the occasional reactions, it seemed that Lee Seo-ha wasn’t gay.

Perhaps it was the enchantment of the twilight? Kim Seo-hyun felt emboldened to take a daring step.



Beneath the sky painted by the sunset.

Underneath it all.


Kim Seo-hyun wrapped her arms around Lee Seo-ha’s neck.

And gently kissed him.

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