I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 58: Don't Just Stand There (1)

Chapter 58: Don't Just Stand There (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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"Are you alright, Lord Hobart!"

"Get up, Lord Hobart!"

The belatedly alert guards rushed in to assist Viscount Hobart.


"How heavy!"

However, even with the strength of the knights, lifting Viscount Hobart's hefty body was not easy, and they barely managed to pull him out after grabbing him from both sides.


Viscount Hobart, sitting on the ground, groaned while holding his nose, from which a long streak of blood was flowing, as if his nose bone was completely shattered.

"What on earth has happened to me!"

Dazed by the shock to his head, he couldn't understand what had happened to him.

The guards beside him vehemently exclaimed,

"The eldest son of the Grace Baron family flew in and trampled on your face, Lord!"

"We will seek justice for this crime if you command us!"

"The eldest son of the Grace family...?"

Viscount Hobart trembled as he rose, his face bloodied.

Eugene stood there calmly.

'Why is he so brazen after trampling on my face...?'

Viscount Hobart's face turned red with rising anger.

He burst out in fury,

"You there! What is the meaning of this!"

"Huh? What?"

"To trample on my face and not even apologize! Do you think that's acceptable?"


Eugene, scratching his head, replied nonchalantly.

"Then don't stand there."

"What did you say?"

Viscount Hobart's face boiled with rage, like a bomb about to explode.

"To step on my face! To break my nose! To even interfere with my kiss with Erika!"

His anger erupted violently.

However, from Eugene's perspective, his own attitude wasn't strange at all.

'That cursed family.'

Being the head of the Hobart family, he couldn't possibly be unaware of how his family came to enjoy such glory.

That guy knew everything, yet he followed in his ancestors' wicked footsteps, trying to swallow the Grace Baron family and even covet Erika.

'I could beat him to death, and it still wouldn't be enough.'

Breaking his nose was hardly sufficient punishment.

Moreover, the recent kick wasn't about revenge, but to stop him from forcibly kissing Erika.

'The revenge is just beginning!'

Eugene looked defiantly at Viscount Hobart.

Dallas and Erika, standing nearby, kept their mouths agape, but he ignored them for now.

Viscount Hobart, his face red with rage, insinuated,

"Wouldn't it be wise to apologize?"

"Why should I?"

"There are several reasons, but the most important is that Lady Erika has accepted my proposal! Soon she will be living in my family's house, and if her brother, who's supposed to be her guardian, tramples on her future husband's face and doesn't even apologize, wouldn't that make domestic life difficult?"

"A husband...?"

Eugene looked dumbfounded and turned to Erika.

"Erika, did you accept the proposal?"


"Did you?"


Erika, not fully grasping the situation, barely opened her mouth when Eugene turned away, seemingly uninterested in hearing more.

"Right, I knew it. There's no way you'd accept a proposal from such an ugly guy."

"U, ugly guy?!"

Viscount Hobart's face quivered in shock.

"You are ugly, aren't you?"

"Y-you, youuuu!"

"How could any woman like someone as ugly as you? If they did, it would only be for your wealth."

"I'll skin you alive for this!"

Viscount Hobart, excessively irritated by such a trivial provocation, spat out his words furiously.

"I'll rip out that tongue myself! Bring him to me and make him kneel!"

"At once, my lord!"


The guards unsheathed their swords and strode forward.

"It seems like you don't know who should really be kneeling"

Eugene, with a cold expression, activated his mana.

A sea-like surge of mana flowed through his body, gathering at his feet.

He clenched his teeth and stamped the ground.


The ground cratered under the intense impact, sending a shockwave toward the guards.


"What is this!"

Although trained for over a decade, they couldn't avoid falling, but they managed to kneel in place, their steps stopped.

'What is this guy doing?'

'He forced me to kneel with just his mana!'

The meaning was clear.

This young man's martial prowess was not ordinary!

Not only was victory in a one-on-one duel uncertain, but even if two of them joined forces, it was questionable whether they could subdue him and bring him before Viscount Hobart.

Naturally, their steps stopped, and their bodies tensed up.

"What are you doing! Bring him to me now!"

Viscount Hobart, unaware of their inner thoughts, commanded.

However, even he noticed something was off, as the redness in his face slightly faded.

He remembered Eugene's recent murmur.

-It seems like you don't know who should really be kneeling...

Considering the meaning of those words, it implied that it wasn't him but Viscount Hobart who should be on the ground.

That he was in a disadvantageous position

'Is that even possible?'

Unless the misdeeds committed by his grandfather and the elders were exposed, there was no reason for him to kneel.

'Even if they were exposed'

Without evidence, it wouldn't matter.

Who would believe that the recently powerful Hobart family, known for their heinous acts, would be held accountable?

Using his immense wealth to control the sentiments of the surrounding regions, Viscount Hobart felt utterly fearless.

'That foolish boy couldn't possibly have uncovered grandfather's misdeeds.'

With this thought, Viscount Hobart smiled smugly.

As far as he was concerned, there was nothing in the current situation that put him at a disadvantage.

It was not he, but that insufferable eldest son, who should be on his knees, weeping.

'But that guy's overly confident expression is somewhat troubling'

Remembering how that guy couldn't even utter a word during dinner a week ago, Hobart was convinced the boy was too dim-witted to pose any real threat.

Viscount Hobart commanded his guards.

"Subdue that man and bring him before me!"

"Just stay put, I'll come to you."

With a light leap, Eugene flew towards him.

In a blink, Eugene was right in front of him.

'What kind of speed is this!'

"Take a look at this."

Eugene pulled something out of his pocket and pushed it forward.

It was an old, yellowed book titled 'Diary Record (Volume 40)'.

"Di, Diary?"


"Why are you showing me this?"

Without responding, Eugene simply opened the book.

Viscount Hobart, with a furrowed brow, began to read.

His eyes widened more and more until they could no longer expand.

"This, this is grandfathers"

"Recognized it right away, did you? Like grandson, like grandfather."

"How did you?"

"Stop shouting and just listen. I'll explain everything."

Eugene smiled broadly, gathered the book, and called out, infusing mana into his voice.

"Everyone, please pay attention!"

He turned a full circle, showing the diary to everyone.

Naturally, all eyes were drawn to it.

"This book contains the entire life story of the past Viscount Hobart."

"Wh, what!"

Dallas's face was filled with horror.

"It details how he fed my grandfather Gu, destroyed him, and then swallowed our family whole."

"Is that really!"

Dallas's hands trembled uncontrollably.

"It's true."

Eugene gave him a reassuring smile and continued.

"It tells the whole story of how he got my grandfather addicted to gambling and forced the sale of the iron mines. This is his later diary, so it doesnt contain everything else, but I've collected all the other volumes and submitted them to the City Guard. Theyre already being examined."

"This can't be"

Erika was so overwhelmed with shock that she couldnt contain her astonishment.

Dallas, as her father, should have been comforting her...

Ugh Gulp

He was on the verge of losing his soul.

And rightfully so, for if Eugene's words were true, it meant all the problems the family faced could be resolved instantly.

He couldn't help but be shaken to the core.

The same was true for the guards and Viscount Hobart, especially since Hobart knew Eugene's words were true.

His face looked like it had been hit by an earthquake.

With a trembling chin, he barely managed to speak.

"Is everything you said true?!"

"Yes. Why would I lie about something like this?"

"You insolent brat, daring to speak so boldly!"

The moment he acknowledged Eugene's diary as authentic, he would have to relinquish everything he enjoyed.

To survive, he had to dismiss Eugene's words and evidence as false.

'No problem there!'

Even if Eugene had submitted all the evidence to the authorities, Hobart had enough power to manipulate the situation.

'I've fed them enough money, after all!'

Viscount Hobart laughed maniacally.

"So, you've resorted to lies to tarnish my grandfather's honor because you're cornered!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You think I don't know your words are all lies? That diary must be a counterfeit you've created!"

Can't you see how old and fragile this is? How could I have possibly made this?

Eugene waved the book incredulously, but Viscount Hobart puffed out his chest even more.

"You think I'd believe such a farce? Waving around a fake like it's something to be proud of."


"Shut up and listen to me!"

He stepped forward confidently, trying to embody the dignity of the head of his family as he surveyed Dallas, Erika, and the guards.

He glared fiercely at the guards, seeing their hesitant expressions that suggested they might believe Eugene's words.

The guards knew the Hobart family's nobles wouldnt hesitate to engage in dirty deeds to increase their power, but


If even the guards thought this way, what did it say about what others in his family thought of him?

After calming down and thinking clearly, Viscount Hobart felt no fear or threat from Eugene's words.

Rather, he was more irked by the current situation, which seemed to undermine his prestige.

He needed to make it clear to the guards and everyone present that even if the eldest son's words were true, nothing would change!

"It pains me to even refute this eldest son's nonsense, but I must counter the slander against our grandfather."

You're mistaken

"All his words are lies! Even if they were true, which they are not, no one would believe them!"


Viscount Hobart exclaimed confidently.

"Do you really not understand?"


"Even if you think you're in the right, you can't enforce it! Justice is a privilege only those with power can afford!"

"Why would I lack power?"

"Our Hobart family is the leading candidate in this region! Even the local guards and the courts are on our side!"


Eugene, realizing his words were falling on deaf ears, chose to remain silent.


"How could this be"

Dallas and Erika, standing nearby, seemed to despair at Viscount Hobart's realistic words, but...

If they knew how Eugene had handled things, their despair would soon turn into great joy, so Eugene didnt bother to speak.

Did Viscount Hobart perceive this as his victory?

He smirked, looking directly at Eugene.

"Now you see?"

"See what?"

"The reality that no one will believe your fake book and lies, or come to your aid."

Just then, a burst of light shimmered behind Viscount Hobart, and three people appeared.

'Finally, theyre here.'

Eugene cracked a slight smile upon recognizing them.

"Find this funny? In the current situation?"

Viscount Hobart, enraptured in his own rhetoric, continued his speech.

"The guards and the judges won't listen to you. Youll end up in prison for a long time for insulting my grandfather and assaulting me!"

"Who decides that?"

Russell von Reimon Cromwell, the Prime Minister, had quietly approached Viscount Hobart's side and smiled broadly.

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