I Became the First Prince: Legend of Sword's Song

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Filling the Wineglass with Blood (3)

The situation on the continent was changing rapidly.

When the empire, the superpower of the continent in name and reality, first declared the invasion of Dotrin, everyone accepted that the smaller country would be destroyed.

Everyone knew that the power and position of the empire was unsurpassed.

Indeed, immediately after the declaration of war, the empire showed its capability of mobilizing more than twenty legions. People had no doubts, believing that the imperial army would conquer the borders of Dotrin at once.

But it wasn’t so, for the empire’s first attempt at invasion ended in failure, and an abysmal failure it was.

All the fortresses that were taken with great difficulty collapsed upon the heads of the imperials, and even the precious sons of the imperial family died.

All the empire got was a piece of useless wasteland. It was a surprising result, but nothing changed, for people gave little praise to the smaller country and their battles. They said that, in the end, Dotrin would still be destroyed.

Once more, their predictions were soundly proven false.

One hundred thousand imperial troops gathered to make up for their previous devastating defeat. Yet, they could go no further than the forests. After that, the legions of imperial regulars who landed in the southern part of Dotrin were annihilated as well, excepting a few survivors.

Over such a short time, the imperial army had suffered more than 100,000 casualties, which was unacceptable.

It was a defeat that could not be ignored even if it was suffered by the huge empire which reigned as the superpower upon the continent.

Nevertheless, the empire did not give up on its conquest of Dotrin.

News soon spread that the forces of the third invasion of Dotrin were going to sail to the kingdom, a true army consisting of the might of imperial knights and regular legions.

People predicted that Dotrin would be destroyed this time.

The regular legions were those under the direct command of the imperial family and were of better quality than the enlisted soldiers of the nobles who had failed in the previous two invasions.

Yet, the third invasion did not even begin, for a monster suddenly appeared and destroyed the southern part of the empire. The entire army of the third conquest who was waiting to head to Dotrin was vaporized.

Then, a duke’s army set out, full of pluck, and was wiped out while trying to defeat the monster. So it came to be that even those southern families lucky enough to escape the initial disaster were destroyed by the enraged dragon.

And among those now-extinct families was the family of the Marquis of Montpellier, imperial ambassador.

The nobles of Leonberg talked all day about the fall of the marquis.

“In fact, should the Montpellier family be considered as nobles, now that they don’t exist?”

“The marquis is still the imperial ambassador, and behind him is the emperor.”

“No, the empire will send a new ambassador. The only question is when.”

“Ah, the news reaches us slowly here. There is a rumor that his benevolent Imperial Majesty is very sorry about the bad luck that has struck the Montpellier family. So, he has strengthened the marquis’s authority as an ambassador to make up for the loss of his holdings.”

The nobles who lounged in their mansion in Leonberg’s capital eagerly praised the emperor and spoke of the possibility that his plenipotentiary ambassador would become the de facto governor of the kingdom.

Theirs was unscrupulous behavior that lacked the pride and awareness that a true nobleman of Leonberg should possess. And none of them saw the empire’s crisis as a grave one, for even while the upstarts of Dotrin and their army swept over the empire’s east, and even if a terrible monster has settled itself in the south, they believed that the time would come when all in Leonberg would kneel before the great power that was the empire.

Perhaps that is why their idle concerns revolved around whether Montpellier would be dismissed and replaced, or, as rumored, if he would instead take office as Governor of Leonberg.

They knew that they had to be aware of the rapidly changing political climate so that their families could continue to enjoy the same prosperity that they enjoyed now.

And in the midst of all that, the monarch of Leonberg issued a decree that made no distinction between east, west, north, or south. What was scary about the decree issued by the king, whose family lacked both teeth and nails, was that it could not be ignored. The rumors ran that the reason for the issuing of the edict was related to the throne itself.

The royal family of Leonberg remained a royal family, even if these nobles did not take the Leonbergers too seriously.

Additionally, the imperial ambassador had also urged that the nobles come to the capital as soon as possible to discuss future affairs. The nobles had no choice but to lift their heavy asses and leave their castles.

Those who were weak or old rode in carriages, and those with strength went on horseback.

So it came to be that all the nobles of the kingdom flocked to the royal road.

“Finally, the Second Prince Maximilian will ascend the throne.”

“Because he has a mild personality, the future of Leonberg is truly bright.”

“Honestly, his Majesty is a bit sensitive, so I was sometimes embarrassed. I believe his Highness the Second Prince will listen more to the loyal advice of we nobles.”

They did not doubt that the second prince, known as the founding king’s reincarnation, would succeed to the throne.

“Then what will happen to the first prince?”

The moment that one of the nobles mentioned the eldest son of the royal family, the expressions of the others hardened.

“Remember, there is all that speak of him ending the war in the north, and his relationship with the Marquis of Montpellier is a close one. Above all, he is the firstborn of the royal family.”

It was as the noble said: The first prince could not be lightly dismissed, for his name has spread across the kingdom over the past few years.

“But what has he done of late?”

The first prince, who had caused incidents and accidents every day of his life, has not appeared in public for more than a year. Some nobles said that the king himself had confined Prince Adrian to the palace for sullying the mission of the diplomatic envoy, humiliating imperial knights, and damaging the peace between the two countries. Others said that the prince had left for the north and would remain there.

“Actually, you have a point. His Highness’s character is a little… it isn’t right.”

“The rumors go that the first prince has become very hostile toward us because he can’t shake off his past. In the end, he should have realized that it is we who are supporting the royal family.”

“I’m asking this, and I have to ask it: Why does the prince hate us so much? Is there any reason? It’s as if he can’t remember why he hates us, so he just hates us. It’s really unfair.”

Once this can of worms was opened, the nobles rebuked the first prince without hesitation. They talked as if the kingdom would be immediately destroyed if he succeeded to the throne.

“Well, it’s not wrong to say it. If his Highness gains the throne, he will not know how to run the kingdom, and the damage done to our families will be inevitable,” the one noble replied, adding that the support of a fool like the Marquis of Bielefeld or even the noble Count Kirgayen was not a significant factor.

Meanwhile, Siorin Kirgayen and Bielefeld were having their own discussion.

“The nobles are firmly convinced that the second prince will gain the throne.”

“Those with flaps over their eyes see only what they want to see. Thanks to this, his Majesty has deceived them without effort,” said Bielefeld, and a spiteful smirk came to his aged face.

“You look happy,” observed Siorin.

“I do? Does it look like it?” the marquis said with a smile and asked, “What about you?”

“Honestly, I am afraid. The path his Highness takes is a hard one, and the fact that so much blood will flow upon it terrifies me. I mean, it’s a mess. But in the end, my greatest fear is that my precious daughter will get hurt,” Count Kirgayen said as his face became flushed.

“Never fear, for we are noblemen who will care for the future of the kingdom all our lives. Is this not so?” urged Bielefeld.

“Okay, okay. Yes, you’re right,” the count said with a sigh.

“So put aside your worries about your daughter and the kingdom, even if only for today, and enjoy a drink with me.”

The Marquis of Bielefeld held his glass of red wine aloft and toasted, “For the future of the kingdom.”

“May God bless the future of the kingdom,” said Count Kirgayen as he too lifted his glass.

‘Kleeeng~’ a clear sound echoed in the room as they clinked their glasses.

‘Dang~! Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!’ and just then, the urgent sound of a ringing bell was heard.

The marquis and the count had barely put their glasses to their lips, and they arose from their seats at the same time.

“My lord marquis!” and in the next moment, Bielefeld’s knight ran into the room and said, “The northern army has advanced upon the capital!”

* * *

Siorin Kirgayen spat as he stood on the wall which surrounded the capital. Thousands of troops were lined up upon the plain, and they were fully armed, seeming as if they would assault the capital at once.

Countless flags of northern families fluttered, and in the middle of the army flew the banner of the crouching lion.

“Well, every time I look at it, it feels as if my heart is torn from my chest,” said Siorin, shaking his head as he stared at the horses gathered under the lion banner.

“That’s why I like his Highness! No one in the capital shows such ambition,” said Bielefeld as he laughed. In contrast to Siorin, he was delighted to see the thousands of troops lined up, spears and swords at the ready.

So loud did the old man laugh that the guards upon the wall, who had been looking at the northern army with tense faces, looked back at Bielefeld.

“What is this? Surely… can it be?”

And not far off, other nobles looked beyond the walls with anxious faces, depressed by the great army they saw.

The tightly shut gates of the capital told these nobles that the current situation was not a matter that was arranged between the first prince and the royal family.

The tense defenders, the shut gates – a single thought entered the minds of these nobles: Rebellion.

A prince who did not wish for his brother to be king has come to usurp the throne by force. They believed this to be the case.

“It is a royal messenger!” someone shouted. And as everyone looked back, they saw a knight in golden armor ride upon the capital’s highway toward the gate.

‘chukuduku~ chukuduku~ chukuduku~’

The knight, carrying a royal banner, then climbed the wall.

“His Highness the prince is commanded by his Majesty to enter the capital alone!” the knight shouted down loudly. Prince Adrian steered his horse to the front of the city gate.

“Open the gate!” and by order of the palace knight, the gate guards opened the gate in haste.

‘Krrk! Krrk!’

The prince passed through it.

‘Kadwa!’ the gated thudded shut.

“His Majesty has given one more command!” shouted the royal messenger, loud enough for all upon the wall to hear him. “All nobles and royals in the capital are to go to the king’s hall! Immediately!”

The knight’s voice was firm. The nobles realized that the king would brook no dissent, so they headed to the royal palace.

“This might be serious. It seems that the first prince finally shows his true, disgusting face.”

“Send word to the Templars. In the worst case, his Highness the Second Prince and the Marquis of Montpellier can escape the city.”

The nobles’ messengers scattered in all directions. In a time of such tumult, the usually peaceful capital became filled with noise.

* * *

The Battle of Leonberg Palace

All the nobles of the kingdom who had come to the capital gathered in the hall, and they stood talking in groups about the radical actions of the prince.

“If it is true, then why did he enter the capital alone? Is he mad?”

“The first prince is said to be a Sword Master. I think he believes that no one can do him any harm.”

“Then, he is stupid! We all know how powerful the palace knights are.”

It seemed that the nobles had already accepted the prince’s rebellion as a given, and as they talked, not one of them showed respect or honor toward the eldest son of the royal family.

“The legitimate heir of his Majesty King Lionel Leonberger, who is the humble ruler of the Leonberg Kingdom and more honorable than anyone else, the eldest son of the Leonberger royal family, his Highness Adrian Leonberger, First Prince, enters! Bow down to his worthy personage!”

The moment that the royal chief of staff cried this out, the nobles shut their mouths and bowed their heads, as if they wanted to. Those that did make eye contact rapidly lowered their heads in fear that anything would happen.

‘jrkf~ jrkf~’ only the footsteps of the prince echoed in the silence.

‘chin~’ and the prince’s footsteps stopped.

The nobles raised their heads and saw that the prince stood right in front of the dais upon which the throne was placed. His back was turned to them, so they couldn’t see his expression.

Then, the royal chief of staff cried out again.

“His Majesty King Lionel Leonberger, who is the humble ruler of the Leonberg Kingdom and more honorable and wise than anyone else, enters! Show all courtesy and respect worthy to the monarch of the kingdom!”

The nobles knelt again and bowed their heads, not given the chance to organize their thoughts.

Through the hall echoed the sounds of the court knights’ sabatons stepping upon the floor and the sound of the king’s cloak dragging behind him.

“Everyone, lift your heads,” came the voice of the king.

The nobles raised their heads and saw the king sitting upon his throne, silently looking down upon those gathered in the hall.

The king had aged rapidly in the past two years, yet his eyes were more focused than ever before.

“I will tell this to you in a straightforward manner. The reason that I have gathered you all here today is to cut out the rotten part of the kingdom.”

The nobles thought that the king was referring to the first prince as this putrid part, and they believed that the evil prince would be done away with on this day for the sake of the eternal well-being of the royal family.

But that wasn’t the case.

“And I am going to entrust the prince with my wish to rip out the festering parts from my kingdom.”

The king came down from the dais and handed a sword to the prince.

“Can you do it?” the king asked.

“I believe I can,” Prince Adrian replied.

A high lord could no longer stand the tense atmosphere, so he came out and asked the king, “Sire! Please tell me what is rotten in the kingdom, for I also want to give my strength to his Highness the Prince.”

The king did not answer. He merely looked down at all those in the hall with an impassive face.

Then the prince turned around, and the nobles were finally able to see his face.

Prince Adrian was laughing. It was a very cold and ferocious laugh. One aristocrat had been quick to notice the unusual atmosphere, and he had begun to step back toward a door in the hall without anyone noticing him. Suddenly, something cold touched his back, and he turned around: The palace knights were blocking the doors.

“No one leaves here without his Majesty’s permission.”

As the nobles turned their heads and heard the words of the palace knight, they realized who the rotten parts were that needed to be cut away for the sake of Leonberg’s future.

“Those who have no reason to be ashamed, look to the ceiling, and stand still.”

The prince drew his sword.

“Because this sword has no eyes, I am afraid that it will also harm the loyal ones among you.”

The prince’s face was the exact mirror of his words.

Still, no matter how happy Prince Adrian looked, some of the weaker-willed nobles had pissed their pants.

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