I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 77: Returning (2)

Chapter 77: Returning (2)

Dale turned around.

There werent just one or two people there; he recognized every face.

Hasina, Hakim, Miles, Abaph, members of the Black Serpent Brotherhood, slave soldiers from the Magic Tower, nameless mercenaries, thieves, Lapin, and those demon worshippers.

All were those whom Dale had slain before taking their life force and soul force.

They stood silently on the vast plain while quietly observing Dale.

Whats this?

Dale was bewildered.

Suddenly, the children from the orphanage and the figure of his grandfather had vanished without a trace.

Am I really dreaming?

Dale was merely reminiscing about the past. He was only employing focus to sift through and mull over his memories.

He referred to it as a dream for convenience, though it was far from one.

Dales current body prevented him from sleeping.

Then what is this?

What suddenly came to mind was the life force and soul force of Ganiagos which he had absorbed recently.

While absorbing the creatures essence, Dale felt an instinctual sense of danger and stopped the process midway.

Could this be a side effect of taking in the essence of a demon?

There was undoubtedly an impact.

However, Dale was not convinced that was the entire explanation.

Dale slowly approached them. Those who had died at Dales hand just stared at him blankly.

They neither recoiled, nor showed fear, nor harbored resentment, nor spat curses.

Just like the dead, they looked on with the emotionless eyes of corpses.

It might have been Dales imagination but it seemed as though they were saying,

You will soon become like us.

Suddenly, his grandfathers words echoed in his mind.

You reap what you sow.

Dale sighed softly and looked around.

This was not a pleasant experience.

Troublemakers in life, now clueless ghosts clinging to me in death.

With a swing of his fist, Dale struck the face of the mercenary closest to him.

The mercenarys head burst open.

At that moment, Dale awoke from the dream.


When he rose again, much time had passed.

As if he had indeed been dreaming.

Dale thought calmly,

Something must be changing within me.

He had never experienced anything like this before.

Recalling past memories was for Dale an essential ritual to ensure he didnt forget his humanity.

The fact that this ritual was being disrupted troubled him.

Dale suddenly pondered whether his struggles to preserve his humanity were paradoxically distancing him from it.


Normally, Dale might have brushed aside such thoughts but this was a matter of utmost importance to him.

He couldnt easily shake off these reflections.

So Ive been through all sorts of hardships outside Wait a moment. Sir Dale?


Sir Dale! Are you listening?


Someone spoke to Dale who was lost in thought at the dining table.

Dale lifted his head to see who it was.

As soon as he saw that curly hair, he knew immediately who it was.

Dale asked,

Harkin? When did you enter the castle?

With the demon gone, the count must have lifted the siege which allowed the merchant guild to enter the castle as well.

Hearing Dales question, Harkins face fell into a look of slight offense.

Come on, sir. I greeted you earlier! Really.

Esther who was listening scolded him from the side.

Its because Harkins stories are just so dull. You talk about camping outside as if it were some kind of heroic saga.

Then she turned to Dale with worried eyes.

You seem a bit off today. Did something happen?

Harty whose presence had gone unnoticed until then nudged Dales side with his blunt nose as if to ask if he was alright.

Dale nodded his head.

Its nothing.

Are you perhaps tired?

Ha! Priestess, youre saying Sir Dale might be tired? What a strange thought!


Dale waved his hand dismissively at Esthers concern.

Its really nothing. Dont worry about it.

If Sir Dale says so

Esther trailed off before speaking up again.

Sir Dale, if theres nothing pressing today, would you like to go outside with me?

I have nothing, but why?

The castle has suffered considerable damage, and many have been lost to us. As a result, many of the residents are struggling. If Sir Dale were to show himself, it would greatly lift their spirits.

It was a suggestion typical of Esther.

Dale readily nodded in agreement; he had nothing to do anyway.

It was hardly an inconvenient request.

Esther also asked Harkin if hed like to join them.

However, having camped outside for an extended period, Harkin preferred to stay in his room and indulge in some wine.

When will I ever get to enjoy free wine at the lords castle again? I cant pass this up!

Harty seemed equally unenthusiastic about going out.

In the end, it was just Pale, Esther, and Dale who set out from the lords castle.

The city was bustling.

The residents who were once subdued by the threat of demon worshippers now seemed to breathe easier. Was it because of the joy of finally being able to find peace, or was it because they were more busy trying to overcome their recent hardships?

Anyway, the streets were lively with people.

The ghostly silence that once enveloped Kaelum was replaced by the vibrant buzz of human activity.

As they walked, people recognized Esther.

Ah! Lady Esther!

Its Lady Esther!

Thank you for yesterday!

It seemed Esther had been actively helping the citys residents.

People were either delighted to see her, expressing their gratitude, or sometimes even offering her gifts like flowers or fruit.

Pale smirked at this from the sidelines.

I helped out too, you know.

Thats just how the world works.

Next to Esthers beauty, Pale seemed somewhat overshadowed. Esther had a way of shining brightly wherever she went; it was just something that couldnt be helped.

And the people who were approaching Esther saw Dale.

And then they fell silent. They exchanged glances and hesitated. But none daring to approach first.

It was a familiar reaction.

Seeing Esther flustered by his side, Dale gave her a gentle push.

Go ahead. Ill take a little walk around the city.

But uh, no, please, go ahead.

Staying together would only make them both uncomfortable.

So Dale walked away from Esther and started strolling through the streets alone.

The main roads were too crowded so he purposefully chose quieter paths.

As he walked, Dale suddenly realized something.

I got lost.

Even though he looked around, he couldnt figure out where he was.

If it were Irene maybe, but for Dale who was visiting Kaelum for the first time everything felt utterly foreign.

I should have brought Harty with me.

If that big wolf had been with him, it would have growled softly and found their way back.

It was while Dale was standing there blankly and in a bind that it happened.

Someone cautiously approached him to speak.

Excuse me

Turning his head, he saw a middle-aged woman hesitatingly looking at him.

She looked familiar.


Are you the knight from before? Thank you. For protecting my father. Im truly grateful.

The woman bowed her head deeply.

Indeed, she was the woman who had once asked Dale to protect an old man.

Id like to offer something in return, but I dont have much to give

True to her word, the womans appearance was worn. Her clothes were all worn out, and her face bore the fatigue of life.

It doesnt matter.

Dale responded nonchalantly. He might have lost his way but he was intent on walking.

Perhaps by continuing to walk, he would eventually reach his destination?

After all, the sky is round.

Then as if she had made up her mind, the woman made an unexpected offer.

Excuse me!


If its not too much trouble, may I offer you a meal? Please, let me treat you! My father would be delighted to have Sir knight over!

Faced with the unexpected invitation, Dale hesitated for a moment but then nodded his head.

Because theres nothing to do anyway.

Dale followed the woman and headed towards her house.

It was an old two-story house that seemed to have housed generations of the family. The woman smiled in embarrassment as she opened the door and entered.

Sorry we werent prepared for guests Its a humble place, but welcome. Father! Come see! We have a guest!

She called out to her family as she stepped inside.

After Dale also walked into the room, he habitually scanned the place.

It looked like any other lived-in interior with its worn furniture and walls marked by time.

There were quite a few symbols representing the faith of light around, yet curiously, they were all covered with blankets as if intentionally concealed.

As Dale waited, the woman and an old man appeared.

The old mans eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Dale.

Good heavens! To think Sir knight would grace our humble home! My name is Riddel, son of Ken.


Its a pleasure to meet you and thank you!

Riddel shook Dales hand vigorously then turned to the woman.

Nows not the time for this. Daughter, lets prepare some food. We must offer Sir knight a meal!

The woman replied with a smile.

I was planning just that. Please, give us a moment.

Riddel did not let go of Dales hand and personally guided him to the table.

A short while later,

The woman brought out the food. A soup with potatoes, wholemeal bread, milk, and cheese.

It was a far cry from the luxurious dishes Dale had seen at the counts banquets. Yet, Dale found himself preferring this simple meal instead.

After setting aside his helmet, Dale picked up a spoon and began to sip the soup.

The woman tentatively asked,

Does it suit your taste?

Of course, Dale couldnt actually taste it. But food wasnt just about the flavor.

Dale nodded enthusiastically,

Its delicious. Ill eat it with gratitude.

Thats a relief!

The three of them chatted over their meal. It was a trivial and unremarkable conversation that any ordinary citizen would have.

For Dale, this too was a feeling he hadnt experienced in a long while.

After much talk, Riddel even inquired about the goddess of the night.

That. Do I have to go to Irene to become a follower of the night?

Dale paused momentarily.

Do you plan to convert?

Yes. I thought perhaps this was some kind of destiny

Dale intended to dissuade Riddel. The world may have changed, yet the followers of the night still lived amidst discrimination and rejection.

Was there really a need to endure such hardships to believe in the goddess of the night?

Dale searched for words to persuade Riddel but he eventually decided against it.

It must have been a decision Riddel arrived at after deep contemplation and with firm resolve. It would be absurd for Dale to interject.

Dale said,

Theres no temple in Kaelum, so when you find the chance, come to Irene. High Priestess Erielle will welcome you warmly. But theres no need to push yourself. The goddess of the night wouldnt want an elderly believer to risk his health on such a difficult journey.

Ah, I appreciate your advice and will take it to heart.

After speaking, Dale thought to himself,

Looking at it this way, I really do seem like a true dark knight.

Perhaps this was the first time hed done something befitting a knight who serves the night goddess.

In any case, an increase in the number of the goddesss followers would be beneficial for Dale.

Having even a slightly larger faction friendly towards him would be advantageous.

With the meal concluded, Dale prepared to leave.

Riddel seemed to wish for him to stay longer but it was time to return.

Well, I shall take my leave now.

As Dale rose from his seat, Riddel who had a look of lingering look of regret in his eyes suddenly stood up with a jolt.

Just a moment. Please wait!


Father, whats the matter?


Riddel hurried off and returned holding something in his arms.

It was a cape of a slate-gray color.

The material was unknown but it possessed a rustic and antique charm to it.

Riddel held out the cape towards Dale.

It is said that all great knights of history wore capes. Please, wear this.

Dale looked at the cape and remarked,

This seems rather valuable.

Its a family heirloom, passed down through the men in our family. I received it from my father, who got it from my grandfather. Our family is a family of tanners, so weve taken great care of it. It wont be of poor quality.

Dale shook his head and pushed the cape back.

I cannot accept such a precious item.

Please, take it.

Shouldnt you pass it on to your son?

Riddel said with sad eyes.

My son and grandson have both passed away.


Dale fell silent.

He had suspected as much.

There was an air of melancholy surrounding the house.

Riddel pleaded earnestly.

Would you honor my son and grandson by wearing this cape? They would have been overjoyed to see a knight like you wear it.

Are you sure its alright for me to accept this?

Please do!

With those words, Riddel stood on tiptoes to drape the cape over Dales shoulders.

Then he took a step back and said brightly as if he had the world in his hands.

Really. It suits you really well.

My goodness.

Dale saw the smiles on Riddel and the womans faces. They were genuinely delighted to see him wearing the cape.

He thought to himself while looking at their expressions.

I did well to help.

Saving Riddel at the womans request might have been merely an act of acting like a human.

But at this moment, Dale felt a genuine sense of fulfillment in his actions.

Even his cold heart seemed to warm a bit, though it was perhaps just a feeling.

The confusion from the previous nights dream had settled.

I worried over nothing.

Dale thought about this as he gently touched the cape.

Though it seemed like a simple cape, to Dale it was as precious as any treasure.


As he caressed the cape, Dale sensed an unusual power emanating from it.

This cape.

Its no ordinary item.

The phrase You reap what you sow flashed through his mind. For some reason, the words his grandfather said passed through his head.

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