I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 613 The Next Step (1)

Chapter 613  The Next Step (1)

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Ashton, Flintmace, and Vulcan stood together, their eyes locked on the weakened form of Krathos. The behemoth, once an unstoppable force, now bore the scars of their relentless assault.

Krathos' ears were bleeding from the relentless verbal assault from Ursa. The pain had grown to the point where Krathos did not even care about protecting its ears because they were gone for good.

Flintmace hefted his colossal sword with ease. The massive weapon glinted in the dim light, reflecting the determination in his eyes.

Vulcan gripped his warhammer, flames dancing along its surface, ready to unleash the elemental fury it contained.

It was a mystery for Ashton to know how his masters wielded weapons that were easily twice or thrice their size with such ease.

"That thing can sure take a hell of a beating," Flintmace mumbled while wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Its hide is quite sturdy," Vulcan continued as he planned things he could make from Krathos' hide after they defeated it. "Whatever you do, Ashton. Give me some of that hide."

"...let's defeat it first-"

The ground trembled beneath their feet as Krathos let out a defiant roar. Despite its weakened state, the beast still posed a formidable threat. Its eyes, once filled with malevolence, now smouldered with fury. The creature's massive form twitched, muscles rippling with raw power.

"Looks like the fucker has had enough of our shenanigans," Ashton smiled, swinging his scythe over his shoulder.

Flintmace grinned, his battle-hardened spirit igniting. "With pleasure!"

"Handover your hide to me, beast!" Vulcan's eyes narrowed, his fiery gaze meeting Krathos'.

In a synchronised movement, the trio launched their assault. Flintmace charged forward, his sword swinging with incredible force. The blade struck Krathos' side, leaving a deep gash in its armoured hide. The behemoth roared in pain, lashing out with its massive claws.

Vulcan followed, summoning the power of fire to engulf his warhammer. The flames roared to life, enhancing the weapon's potency. He swung the hammer with precision, aiming for Krathos' head. The creature managed to evade the full impact, but the searing heat burnt its skin.

At the same time, Ashton moved with eerie grace, his scythe cutting through the air like a spectre's touch. He targeted Krathos' legs, aiming to weaken the beast's mobility. With each strike, he carved deep wounds into the behemoth's flesh.

Krathos retaliated, swiping its tail in a sweeping arc. Ashton deftly dodged, but the tail struck Vulcan's side, sending the dwarf tumbling backwards. Unfazed, Vulcan rose to his feet, his determination unwavering.

Flintmace lunged again, his sword striking Krathos' other flank. The behemoth staggered under the onslaught, but it retaliated with a ferocious bite. Flintmace managed to evade the deadly jaws, but the beast's fangs grazed his armour, leaving behind deep gouges.

"This nasty bastard!" Flintmace yelled as he stepped back for a bit.

Ashton took advantage of the distraction, sweeping his scythe upward in an arc. The blade connected with Krathos' underside, leaving a large gash. The creature howled in pain, thrashing wildly.

Vulcan circled around, his eyes locked on Krathos' eyes. He unleashed a torrent of fire, the flames engulfing the beast's head. Krathos roared in agony, blinded by the intense blaze.

Flintmace seized the opportunity, driving his sword into Krathos' exposed side. The blade sunk deep into the creature's flesh, eliciting another anguished cry.

Ashton's eyes narrowed, a plan forming in his mind. He focused his power, summoning the energy of death to do his bidding. With a swift motion, he channelled the energy into his scythe, enhancing its potency.

He launched himself at Krathos, his scythe slashing through the air with deadly precision. Each strike left behind trails of black energy, slicing into the behemoth's body.

Flintmace and Vulcan joined the onslaught, attacking from different angles. Their combined assault was relentless, and Krathos was overwhelmed by the trio's coordinated attacks.

Despite their advantage, Krathos fought back with determination. It swung its massive claws, creating shockwaves that threatened to knock them off their feet. The creature's tail whipped around a deadly weapon that needed to be evaded at all costs.

Nevertheless, Ashton, Flintmace, and Vulcan were undeterred. They moved with practised precision, their teamwork seamless. Their weapons struck with unyielding force, leaving Krathos reeling under the onslaught.

With each strike, Krathos weakened. Its once fearsome roars turned to pained cries. However, even in its weakened state, the behemoth refused to surrender.

Ashton took a step back, his scythe glowing with ominous power. He gathered the energy of death once more, ready to deliver a final blow. Flintmace and Vulcan positioned themselves, preparing to strike in unison.

In a synchronised movement, the trio attacked with all their might. Ashton's scythe cleaved into Krathos' chest, its blade sinking deep into the creature's heart. Flintmace's sword pierced its side while Vulcan's flaming warhammer struck its head.

Krathos let out a final, resounding roar, its massive form trembling. With a shuddering breath, it collapsed to the ground, defeated.

Ashton, Flintmace, and Vulcan stood over the fallen behemoth, their breaths heavy with exhaustion.

They had emerged victorious, but the battle had taken its toll on Ashton as he collapsed on his feet. The constant use of 'death' had left him drained.

Without wasting time, Ashton reverted to his humanoid form and drank a bunch of potions. The revitalising liquid surged through his body, providing a much-needed energy boost. Ashton could feel the effects almost instantly, the weariness beginning to ebb away.

Without hesitation, he moved on to the next potion, then the next, and the next. Each one served a different purpose, replenishing his stamina, restoring his mana, and healing any minor wounds he had sustained during the battle.

"Investing in Laihud's potions was a great choice," Ashton sighed in relief as he drank the final potion. "So you guys want some?"

Flintmace and Vulcan stared at Ashton and then at one another before they broke down laughing.

"There is much you need to learn about S-grade beings," Flintmace finally managed to say. "We have special abilities called Moulding abilities that care for things those potions do. Maybe you will get to know about it soon."

"Yeah..." Ashton scratched the back of his head as he walked up to Krathos. "Its blood is all I need for now."

With the most challenging tasks in the way of his ascension cleared, all Ashton needed to do was to raise two more summons and find four more candidates to be turned into werewolves.

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