I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 603 The Orion Trial (2)

Chapter 603  The Orion Trial (2)

The lawyer's voice grew more assertive as he probed deeper. "Ms Grason, would you say that Reaper's actions were justified? Did he initiate the altercation when Sir Keron stepped up to rightfully defend his master's honour?"

Amelia hesitated for a moment, the weight of her response palpable. "From what I witnessed, it seemed that Sir Keron and Lord Callan were the ones who initiated the argument. However, I cannot say for certain what led to their confrontation."

The opposition lawyer seized upon her uncertainty, his voice dripping with calculated intent. "So, Ms Grason, it is possible that Reaper's actions were not in self-defence but rather a premeditated attack on Lord Callan?"

Ashton's frustration simmered beneath the surface. The lawyer's manipulative tactics were twisting the truth, painting an inaccurate picture of the events that unfolded that fateful night.

He knew he needed to trust in Minister Theron's legal expertise to counter these misleading claims.

Minister Theron rose from his seat, commanding the courtroom's attention. He began his cross-examination of the witness with a calm yet resolute tone.

"Ms Grason, can you recall any specific details about the argument between Reaper and Sir Keron? Any words exchanged that might shed light on their motivations?"

Amelia furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "I remember hearing snippets of their conversation. Sir Keron accused Reaper of disrespecting his family, making insinuations about their honour.

Reaper, in response, defended himself and his actions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining his partner's dignity."

Minister Theron nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Thank you, Ms. Grayson. Your testimony helps to clarify the circumstances surrounding the altercation."

Theron continued as he turned to face the court, "As you can see, Reaper's actions were indeed driven by a sense of protecting his partner's honour rather than an unprovoked attack, as suggested by the opposition. I would suggest that the council and the Emperor pay attention to this point."

Ashton felt a surge of relief washes over him. Minister Theron's adept questioning started unravelling the opposition lawyer's carefully constructed narrative.

The truth had begun to emerge, piece by piece, as the defence fought to reveal the true motivations behind the incident.

The courtroom remained captivated, their eyes shifting between the opposing sides. The battle of wits and the quest for justice continued to unfold, with each question and answer drawing them closer to the heart of the matter.

The witness's testimony had shed light on the events of that night, but there were still many layers to uncover and truths to be revealed as Theron retook the centre stage.

With a calm and calculated demeanour, he called forth a couple of witnesses who could shed light on Lord Callan's reputation and behaviour.

The first witness, a lady-in-waiting named Emily, stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the courtroom. Minister Theron approached her, his voice steady and persuasive.

"Ms Emily, you have been in service at the palace for many years. Could you please share your observations regarding Lord Callan's conduct and reputation?"

Emily took a deep breath, her voice clear and confident. "Lord Callan has long been known for his crude behaviour. He frequently indulges in lavish parties, where he entertains multiple companions, often disregarding social norms and etiquette."

The courtroom buzzed with murmurs as the revelation sparked interest among the spectators. Minister Theron nodded, urging the witness to continue. "Can you provide any specific instances where Lord Callan's behaviour crossed the boundaries of propriety?"

Emily hesitated briefly before responding. "There was an incident during a masquerade ball a few years ago. Lord Callan was intoxicated and made inappropriate advances towards a number of female guests, including some of the palace staff. It caused quite a scandal."

The tension in the courtroom rose as Emily's testimony painted a damning picture of Lord Callan's character. Minister Theron pressed further,

"And can you recall any instances where Lord Callan's behaviour directly impacted Bella, the partner of Reaper?"

Emily's eyes met Bella's for a brief moment before she answered. "Yes, I remember an occasion when Bella attended a royal gathering. Lord Callan approached her, attempting to engage her in a flirtatious manner.

She took a deep breath and continued, "He became aggressive when she rejected his advances, making unwelcome comments and gestures, even trying to force her to come with him."

Gasps filled the courtroom as the true nature of Lord Callan's actions began to unravel. The witnesses' testimonies clearly showed his inappropriate behaviour towards women, including his attempt to harass Bella.

Minister Theron had skillfully woven a narrative that revealed Lord Callan's motives for attacking Bella and the subsequent need for Reaper's intervention.

The opposition lawyer rose, attempting to discredit the witnesses and cast doubt on their testimonies. However, Minister Theron meticulously countered each argument, presenting additional witnesses who had experienced similar encounters with Lord Callan.

As the courtroom listened intently to the compelling evidence, the atmosphere shifted. The initial scepticism and doubt surrounding Ashton's actions began to dissipate, replaced by a growing understanding of the circumstances that led to the altercation.

Minister Theron turned to the council, his voice firm, "Your Honors, the evidence presented clearly shows that Lord Callan had a history of predatory behaviour towards women, including Bella."

He continued, "Reaper acted in her defence, protecting her from an assailant who had malicious intentions. It is evident that Lord Callan was the aggressor, and Reaper acted solely to protect an innocent woman from harm."

The council members exchanged troubled glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. The revelation of Lord Callan's true nature cast doubt on the initial accusations against Ashton.

The courtroom atmosphere shifted, and the tension was palpable as everyone awaited the council's decision.

Finally, the council leader rose from his seat, his voice resonating with authority.

"We shall adjourn briefly to deliberate on the evidence presented. This court shall reconvene shortly to continue the hearing."

Saying so, the Council head left, but not before shooting a strange look directed at Ashton.

At that moment, Ashton knew that the council leader was part of the cult, if not the entire council. But for now, he could only observe them and wait for the right moment to strike.

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