I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 601 The Cult's Move

Chapter 601  The Cult's Move

Just then, the courtroom doors swung open, revealing a dignified figure adorned in ornate robes—the head of the council. As he entered, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation. All eyes turned toward him, waiting for his pronouncement.

As the council leader made his way towards the centre of the room, the courtiers instinctively lowered their heads in a deep bow, acknowledging his presence and the power he wielded.

The sound of rustling robes and hushed whispers filled the air, creating an atmosphere of reverence and submission.

Among the courtiers, one figure stood with unwavering composure

—the Emperor himself. It was a matter of protocol that the Emperor did not bow before anyone, not even the council leader. Gabe maintained his regal poise, his gaze fixed on the council leader as he advanced.

The council leader paused momentarily, acknowledging the courtiers' respect before continuing towards the Emperor.

His followers stood in a formation behind him, their unwavering loyalty evident in their unwavering gazes. They formed a formidable presence, a testament to their dedication to the council's cause.

As the council leader reached the Emperor's position, he stopped and inclined his head in a slight nod. It was a gesture of recognition, acknowledging the Emperor's status while also conveying the council's authority.

Gabe returned the nod with a cool, calculated gaze. He understood the dynamics at play—the delicate balance between his position as the Emperor and the council's authority.

While he did not bow, he maintained a respectful demeanour, mindful of the protocol and traditions that governed their interactions.

The council head approached the centre of the room, his presence commanding respect. His voice boomed, resonating through the chamber.

"Emperor, I bring forth the authority and decisions of the Orion Council. We have convened to address the matters concerning Reaper, former Lord Callan, and the recent events that have unfolded within the empire during the recent festivities."

The murmurs of the courtiers subsided as the council head continued while handing the Emperor a scroll.

"In light of the gravity of the situation, the Orion Council has deemed it necessary to exercise its authority as outlined in the Charter of Equal Rights, granting the council powers equal to that of the emperor himself in matters of internal conflict within the empire."

An audible gasp rippled through the room. The concept of the council wielding such authority was unprecedented and had only ever been used once during ancient times, and it sent shockwaves through the court.

The Emperor reached out to accept the notice presented by the council head, his hand trembling slightly. As he began to read, his eyes grew wide, his face contorted with anger and disbelief.

The courtiers leaned forward, straining to catch a glimpse of the notice. Whispers filled the air, speculation and curiosity swirling around the room. The gravity of the situation had escalated beyond what anyone had anticipated.

Emperor's voice trembled with restrained fury as he spoke, his words laced with an undercurrent of rage.

"According to this notice, the council is granted the power to investigate any and all aspects of this case, including the decisions made by the Emperor and the actions of Reaper and Adrian.

The council will have the authority to render judgments and make decisions binding upon the empire."

A hushed silence fell over the courtroom, the weight of the council's power sinking in. The courtiers exchanged nervous glances, their minds racing with the implications of this development.

The Emperor's red-hot anger radiated throughout the room, casting a shadow over the proceedings.

The council head stepped forward, his voice was calm yet commanding. "We understand the gravity of the situation, Emperor. The council aims to ensure fairness, justice, and the empire's well-being."

The council head continued, "We will conduct a thorough investigation, listen to all parties involved, and make an informed decision that upholds the principles of the Orion Empire."

The Emperor's jaw clenched, his grip tightening on the notice. "This is an affront to my authority as Emperor. How dare the council presume to challenge my decisions and meddle in the empire's affairs!"

The council head maintained his composure, meeting Gabe's furious gaze. "Emperor Gabe, the council's powers are not meant to undermine your authority but to ensure a transparent and impartial process. We seek to uncover the truth and ensure that justice prevails."

Gabe took a deep breath, his anger slowly subsiding as he realised the council's intentions. He looked around the room, his eyes meeting those of the courtiers. "Very well. Let the council proceed with its investigation. But make no mistake, I will not stand idly by while my authority is challenged."

The council head nodded respectfully. "Your concerns have been duly noted, Emperor Gabe. We assure you that our intentions are solely focused on the welfare of the empire. The council will carry out its duties with diligence and fairness."

As the tension in the room eased slightly, the council head turned to address the courtiers.

"I urge all present to cooperate fully with the council's investigation. The truth must be revealed, and justice must prevail. Any attempts to obstruct or manipulate the process will be met with severe consequences."

The courtiers exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and suspicion. The power dynamics within the empire had shifted dramatically, and they were now faced with a choice—

cooperate with the council or face the repercussions.

Ashton and Anna stood silently, observing the scene unfolding before them. They understood the significance of the council's intervention and recognised that it presented both an opportunity and a challenge.

Ashton had no doubts that the entire drama surrounding the council was orchestrated by the Cult to get rid of him or, better yet, capture him and Anna.

As the courtroom emptied, the council head, Emperor, Ashton, and Anna remained behind. The council head addressed them with a measured tone.

"Reaper and Bella, your presence will be required at the council chambers starting next week. Come prepared to present your case and answer any questions."

Ashton nodded, a sense of determination burning in his eyes. "We will be there, ready to defend our actions and seek justice... from the cult."

Ashton ensured he got his words in, so the council head was the only one who heard him.

Emperor's gaze shifted from Ashton to the council head and back again. "Be mindful, Reaper. The council's decision will have far-reaching consequences. Choose your words wisely."

With a final nod, the council head and Emperor departed, leaving Ashton and Anna to contemplate the challenges ahead. Once filled with grandeur and power, the courtroom now seemed like a battlefield of conflicting ambitions and hidden agendas.

"Looks like they got us good there," Ashton shrugged, much to Anna's confusion.

"Please tell me you got a plan?" She quizzed, worried about Ashton's antics.

"Of course I am," Ashton smiled. "Just wait and watch what happens next."

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