I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 574 One Step Closer To Evolution (1)

As the fiery battle came to an end, Anna, Otiga, and Kass rushed towards Ashton, their faces etched with concern. They found him standing amidst the smoke and ashes, his breathing heavy but a triumphant smile on his face.

Kass grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I must admit, Ashton, you know how to make an entrance. Fire and all."

"Hey, big hero," Anna said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "You think you could've saved some fire for the rest of us? I didn't even get to toast a marshmallow."

Otiga playfully nudged Anna's arm. "Come on, Anna, give the guy a break. He just took down a Drakonian. I don't think anyone has ever killed one before-"

"Two," Ashton mumbled, finally smiling as the danger had been averted. "There was a smaller one in the cave. I had to take care of that as well."

"Jokes aside, are you really fine? That was quite a battle." Anna's tone softened as she looked at Ashton, concern evident in her eyes. 

Ashton nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Yeah, just a bit worn out. But we did it; we took down the Drakonian."

"We barely did anything," Otiga replied, staring at the Drakonian's charred corpse. "But I'm glad you arrived at the knick of time. Otherwise, we'd be sharing the same fate as that."

The group surveyed the aftermath of the fight. The once-majestic Drakonian now lay charred and lifeless on the ground. Its massive wings, once a symbol of power, were tattered and torn. Smoke billowed from its motionless body, mingling with the haze in the air.

Otiga approached the fallen creature, a mix of awe and curiosity on her face. "It's hard to believe that this colossal beast caused so much chaos."

"Honestly, I'm surprised it didn't do more," Anna replied, picking up a lone scale. "We should gather as much of this as we can. It'll come in handy while creating new gear."

"You just read my mind," Ashton replied and snapped his fingers before turning his attention to his summons. 

"Everyone," Ashton called out, his voice filled with authority. "We need to scavenge everything we can from these Drakonian corpses. Search for any scales, flesh, or other materials that may be useful to us. Don't leave anything behind. Is that clear?"

His summoned creatures nodded in understanding and immediately set to work. With Raven's help, Sven used his keen eyes to locate the intact scales that covered the Drakonian's massive body. With swift, precise movements, he skillfully removed them, careful not to damage the valuable material.

Dolos called forth his minions to help him and focused on extracting the fangs and claws of the fallen beasts. With his expertise in weapons and combat, he knew that these sharp appendages could be fashioned into formidable weapons.

At the same time, Atlas used his immense strength to tear through the tough hide and collect the sinewy muscles and tendons. He carefully separated them from the Drakonian's body, aware of their potential use in creating sturdy and flexible armour.

Since he had spent most of his life on Euphoria, he knew which kinds of creatures had unique flesh that could be utilised in many ways.

Meanwhile, Celeste, the Shadowmancer witch, employed her magical abilities to extract the essence of the Drakonian. She delicately collected its residual energy, storing it within small vials for further study and potential use in future spells.

Gokung and Drakon left to fetch the corpse of the Drakonian that Ashton had defeated inside the cave. 

At the same time, the Skeletal soldiers did what they did best, an extraordinary amount of manual labour. They sorted every scale and every bone they could get their hands on in neat piles, preparing them for transportation. 

Ashton watched his summoned creatures work with a mixture of pride and gratitude. Their combined efforts ensured that nothing went to waste, maximising the resources gained from the fallen Drakonians.

Once the scavenging was complete, the group gathered around the collected materials. The ground was littered with scales, claws, and other remnants of the formidable creature. Ashton surveyed the scene, contemplating the possibilities that lay before them.

"We've gathered quite a haul," Ashton said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "These scales can be used for armour and shields, providing us with increased protection. We could even create a set of armours exclusive to the Ghost lieutenants. 

"The fangs and claws can be fashioned into deadly weapons, while the muscles and tendons can be used to reinforce armour or craft durable equipment."

Anna stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "And the essence collected by Celeste... I'm sure we can find beneficial uses for it in our magical endeavours."

Ashton nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the essence holds great potential. We'll need to study it further and determine its properties, which could be the key to unlocking new spells and abilities."

"Not to mention the value these materials hold. In the right markets, they can fetch a hefty price. We can use the funds to finance our future operations and ensure our continued success." Otiga, being the ever-practical businesswoman, added. 

As the group surveyed the scene, the planet's second star began to rise, casting a warm glow over the battlefield. 

The aftermath of the fight against the Drakonians held both triumph and opportunity. They had emerged victorious, and now they possessed the means to strengthen their arsenal and further their goals.

With renewed determination, Ashton turned to his companions. "Let's gather these materials and return to the Tower. We have much to do, and with these resources, we are one step closer to achieving our objectives."

His summoned creatures nodded in agreement, and together, they began to collect the gathered materials, carefully packing them for transportation.

While they were packing the intact corpse of the fallen Drakonian offspring, Ashton stopped them. Killing the Drakonian and consuming their flesh might have completed a couple of evolution tasks Ashton had lying around, but there were a few more he needed to take care of.

"This one belongs to me."

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