I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 571 Mythical Hunt (4)

As the ship descended onto the barren planet, the team could see the lifeless terrain stretching out before them. Anna, Otiga, and Kass were all in the cockpit, with Kass piloting, while Ashton stood behind them, looking out the window.

The barren planet was a desolate wasteland, with a vast expanse of rocky terrain stretching out in every direction. The sky was a murky, rusty brown, with the occasional swirling dust storm. 

"Looks like a real paradise," Ashton remarked sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the ladies.

"It may not be the most inviting planet, but it's where our target is located," Otiga replied, turning to face Ashton.

As the crew stepped out of their ship, they immediately noticed the lack of breathable air. The atmosphere was thin and filled with noxious gases. Anna, Otiga, and Kass quickly pulled out their respiratory gear, fitting the masks over their faces.

Ashton being a zombie, did not require any such gear, but on everyone's insistence, he also decided to equip the kit.

The air was filled with an acrid, metallic smell that stung the nostrils. The rocks under their feet were sharp and jagged, making it difficult to walk. The wind howled through the canyons and crevices, sending sand and pebbles flying in all directions.

The crew looked around, scanning the barren landscape for any sign of their target. They knew they had to be careful as the monster they were after was known for being elusive and dangerous.

The team gathered around Otiga as she pulled up the map of the area on her tablet. 

"We believe it's located in the mountains," Otiga said, pointing to a range in the distance. "I have already informed you about how dangerous dealing with a Drakonian can be, so please be careful."

Ashton nodded before calling forth his summons. "Let's send these guys first, just in case."

Sven immediately went on his knees to greet his master. The rest of them followed suit. "Master, your command?"

"See those mountains in the distance?" Ashton pointed at the range. "A creature is hiding there; we need to take it out. Go now, kill the creature before we reach there."

"As you wish." Sven stood up, pointed at the mountains, and the horde of shadowy undead rushed to fulfil their master's desire.

"Poor guys..." Otiga mumbled, watching as the summons faded in the distance. "They have no idea how lazy their master is."

"Hey, don't blame me," Ashton replied. "I would rather conserve my stamina and strength for the actual fight rather than waste time looking for a dragon." 

"A Drakonian." Otiga corrected him.

"Potayto-potahto, it's the same thing."

As they started their trek towards the mountains, the team remained alert, their weapons ready. The planet was eerily quiet, and the only sound they could hear was the crunch of their boots on the rocky terrain. The sun was beating down on them, and they could feel the heat radiating off the ground.

Once they reached the mountains, they saw Ashton's summons were hard at work, searching every crook and cranny for the Drakonian. However, they hadn't been able to find the creature yet.

"Should we help them?" Kass mumbled.

"I guess," Anna chimed in. "It'd be better than doing nothing."

"Fine. Spread out in groups of two. Since only Anna and I have fire resistance, we'll lead separately." Ashton announced. "Kass, you're with Anna, and I'll go with Otiga."

Anna and Kass headed off to the left, while Ashton and Otiga went towards the right. Ashton couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching them as they walked. He scanned the surroundings, but there was no sign of the Drakonian. 

"The fucker is hiding from us on purpose," Ashton mumbled. "I can sense it, but I can't pinpoint the location."

"I guess all we can do is look." Otiga shrugged as they continued onward. 

Suddenly, Ashton's communicator beeped, and he heard Anna's voice on the other end. "Guys, I think Atlas found something. You need to come and see this."

"Got it. We're on the way."

Ashton and Otiga headed towards Anna's location, looking for any signs of danger. When they arrived, they found Anna staring at a large cave entrance.

Most of Ashton's summons had gathered there as well. However, Atlas and Dolos were missing.

"Those two headed inside, didn't they?" Ashton asked Sven, who nodded, clearly annoyed by their shenanigans. 

"I heard something inside," Anna whispered. "It sounded like a growl."

"I heard it too. Celeste, Sven, you two are coming with me. The rest of you take care of the girls," Ashton took a step forward, his hand on his sword. 

He turned to face Anna and continued, "Keep your radio on. I'll call for backup in case I need you."

"Got it." 

Anna wasn't happy with Ashton's decision but knew to trust his judgement.

Ashton and his summons slowly made their way into the cave, and the darkness swallowed them. Thankfully, neither Ashton nor the summons had trouble seeing in the dark as they proceeded deeper inside the cave, navigating through the narrow passages. 

The air was damp, and the smell of decay hung heavy. It was a smell Ashton was all too familiar with. 

"Decomposing corpses. Where the hell this creature even found anything edible in this place?" 

As they turned a corner, Sven spotted movement up ahead. "There it is," he whispered, pointing towards a large shadow in the distance.

Suddenly, they burst into a large, cavernous chamber. The walls were slick with slime, and the ground was covered in a layer of glistening black ooze. And in the centre of the section stood the monster they had been searching for, battling Dolos and Atlas.

The Drakonian was a massive creature, easily fifty times the size of a man. Its skin was a pale green colour, and it was covered in a thick layer of shiny scales. Its eyes glowed red in the dim light, and its jaws were filled with sharp, jagged teeth.

Ashton and the others readied their weapons, but the creature let out a deafening roar before they could attack. The force of the sound wave sent them tumbling backwards, disorientated.

At the same time, it swung its massive tail, hitting Dolos square in the chest, throwing him into the slime, which rapidly latched on him. Thankfully, Celeste used his shadowmancer skills to free him or else who would have known what could've happened to him.

"Alright folks, keep attacking the damned bastard till I figure out its attack patterns."

The summons nodded and, without hesitation, jumped to take down the beast. 

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