I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 546 Fury Of The Jungle

Laihud and Vimur stood watch over the camp, scanning the dark forest for any signs of movement. They knew the Deacon's creatures were lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, causing the two men to tense up. They quickly glanced at each other, silently communicating their readiness for a fight.

Within moments, a pack of vicious-looking creatures emerged from the underbrush, their eyes glowing in the darkness. The animals, each one more bizarre than the last, growled and snarled as they closed in on the camp.

Laihud and Vimur raised their weapons, ready to defend themselves and the rest of the crew. The creatures circled the camp, their growls becoming louder and more threatening.

Alina and Jay woke up to the commotion, quickly realising what was happening. They grabbed their weapons and joined Laihud and Vimur, forming a defensive circle around the ships with the rest of the crew.

"What the hell is going on?" Alina exclaimed, her eyes scanning the perimeter for any signs of danger.

"Looks like we're going to have some unwanted visitors tonight," Vimur took a deep breath and steadied his aim, scanning the area for the most immediate threat.

"I hate it whenever Otiga is correct about something," Laihud replied, his pulse racing with adrenaline. "But for now, we need to stay alert and ready for anything."

The creatures kept circling, their menacing presence making the air tense. Suddenly, a massive creature emerged from the shadows, its huge jaws snapping with fury, aiming straight for Vimur. He dodged out of the way, firing his weapon in response. The creature howled in pain, but it didn't retreat.

The creature lunged forward, its teeth bared, but the crew managed to fend it off with their combined firepower. However, the animal was only the first in a long line of creatures that continued to emerge from the shadows throughout the night.

The battle had begun. The crew fought with all their might, taking down one creature after another.

But as soon as they dispatched one, another one would take its place. The creatures seemed relentless, driven by an insatiable hunger for violence.

"This is insane," Alina muttered, her heart pounding in her chest. "How are there so many of them?"

Laihud gritted his teeth and fired a shot straight at a creature's head. "It doesn't matter how many there are. We must keep fighting until we find a way out of this."

Laihud and Vimur barked out orders, trying to coordinate the defence. Alina and Jay fired their weapons with deadly accuracy, never missing a shot. But despite their efforts, the creatures kept coming.

As the night wore on, the crew began to feel the weight of exhaustion and fatigue. They had been fighting for hours, and their resources were dwindling. It seemed like the creatures would never stop.

The hours ticked by, and the crew fought on, their nerves frayed, and their energy depleted. But as the sun finally rose on the horizon, the animals began to retreat back into the forest.

But the damage was done. They lost over a dozen soldiers in one night, the highest loss ever for the Ghosts.

Vimur let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god that's over," he said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

But Alina was less optimistic.

"I don't think we've seen the last of them," she said, her eyes scanning the treeline for any signs of movement. "We need to be ready for whatever comes next."

"Contact Otiga," Laihud instructed. "We cannot handle the onslaught for long, maybe a day or two, but not more than that."


The Deacon watched the chaos unfold from atop the back of a massive creature. He smiled as he saw the alien animals attacking the crew's camp with ferocity.

The Deacon's eyes gleamed in the darkness as he watched the creatures closing in on the crew, their teeth bared and claws extended.

"Ah, yes. Let them feel the true power of my creations. They are nothing but weaklings against my beasts," he said, his voice filled with malevolence. "They should have known better than to come here. This planet belongs to the beasts, and I am their master."

He raised his hand, and the creature beneath him roared, sending a shockwave through the ground. The other animals stopped their advance, looking up at the Deacon in fear and awe.

The Deacon chuckled to himself, relishing his power over these creatures. He knew the crew was no match for his army of beasts, and he planned to use them to his advantage.

He paused momentarily before continuing, "But there's more to this than just destroying them. The Ghosts could be useful to us, to the cult."

As the night wore on, the Deacon continued to watch the battle from his perch. He felt no remorse for the crew, only a sense of satisfaction as he saw them being taken down one by one.

"Perhaps I can capture them and use them as leverage against Reaper," he mused. "Or maybe I can recruit them to our cause. They seem resourceful, and their technology could prove valuable."

The Deacon's thoughts were interrupted by a growl from his mount. He patted its side reassuringly, "Don't worry, my friend. We'll have our chance soon enough."

He looked out into the forest, plotting his next move. The Deacon knew that the crew would be on high alert now, and he would have to be careful if he wanted to catch them off guard.

Finally, as the sun began to rise over the horizon, the Deacon signalled for his creatures to retreat. They obeyed without question, slinking back into the darkness of the forest.

The Deacon sat atop his beast, still smiling as he watched the crew's camp burn to the ground. He knew that they were now vulnerable and that he could strike at any time. The Deacon was in control and intended to keep it that way.

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