I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 482 A Father's Gift (1)

People say there are five stages of processing grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Ashton's case wasn't different. The stage of denial passed as quickly as it had appeared.

Now, was rage's turned. All sense of reason and logic had long since left Ashton's mind. Was he being discrete? What was the point of it now that he found his father in such a pitiful state?

The sole purpose he wanted things to be quiet was to ensure he could get his father out of there had he been alive. In a way, his father was alive, but Ashton wasn't deluded enough to think the creature in front of him was his father.

The thing might have shared a resemblance with John, but it was no longer him. His body was only the shell, storing the soul of a monster within... at least, that was what Ashton kept telling himself; otherwise, he won't be able to do what needed to be done.

'Astaroth, is there any way to turn him back?'

[... I'm afraid not.]

'I see...'

Ashton quickly gathered himself while the creature was busy feasting on Morris. However, it didn't take long for the beast to turn his attention towards Ashton. Unlike before, the creature did not attack him immediately but gazed at Ashton as if he wanted to say something to him.

For a moment, Ashton's resolve to put his father down quivered. Unfortunately, the moment did not last forever as the beast charged towards him like a cannonball.

Despite having the build of an elephant, the creature was abnormally fast. So much so Ashton was barely able to raise his arms to soften the blow, but even then, he got sent flying away for the impact.

Unsurmountable pain hit Ashton's body. Two fingers of his left hand had been shattered, while his right forearm had been cracked as a result of the blow. Had it not been for the [Regeneration] ability, the damage would have been much worse.

[Ashton, I know you're grief-stricken, but think about your mother, Anna and countless others who love and admire you. How do you think they'll feel after losing you as well? It's difficult, I know it damn well, but don't let your anger cloud your judgement.]


[We need to put your father out of his misery. For that, you need to be in your top form, both physically and mentally. I'm not asking you to calm down, but use the rage within you to your advantage, not the other way around.]

Ashton refrained from speaking, but Astaroth sensed his words had gotten through his host. Ashton's raging blood had calmed down somewhat. The sensible part of Ashton's mind now synced with the raging one.

While the situation wasn't perfect, it was the best they could have done.


Since all his attention was focused on his father, Ashton hadn't noticed he had been flung back to where he had left Anna and Atlas. However, Ashton raised his hand, gesturing them to stop where they were, and a moment later, they realised why.

The beast charged at Ashton again, but the latter was prepared this time. Ashton grabbed the creature's fist while the creature's claws ripped through his palm.

Ashton's [Pain Resistance] wasn't high enough to negate the pain. Even then, Ashton didn't flinch a bit. The shock of seeing his father like that had numbed his senses, or maybe it was the endless adrenaline coursing in his body.

"Remember the quote you once told me, dad? An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind?" Ashton mumbled gloomily, "Guess what? The world had been blind for a long time, and it's time the bastards who did this to you felt it as well."

Saying so, Ashton slowly transformed into his primal form. To take down the beast, he had to become one as well. It was the second time Anna had seen Ashton's zompirewolf form, and it was just as intimidating as the first time, if not more.

Thanks to the levels Ashton gained since the last time; his form had an even more menacing look than before. In his presence, even hell would appear like a children's playground.

Even the mindless creature was a bit taken aback as he stepped back. However, Ashton did not let him go.

"That's your dad?" Anna mumbled in shock, but Ashton wasn't in the mindset to answer questions.

"Atlas, take her and leave. I'll join you shortly." Ashton coldly replied before once again focusing on his father. "You kept preaching non-violence, and look at you now, dad, killing people left and right. I guess I truly am your son, don't you think so?"

As soon as those words escaped his mouth, Ashton threw a punch. The creature would have flown away from the impact, but Ashton had a firm grasp over one of his arms. Thanks to that, no matter how hard Ashton hit the creature, the latter would remain in his place.

The punch was the last thing Anna saw before Atlas dragged her away, and it was for the better because things were about to turn ugly.

The tentacles on the creature's back retaliated on the creature's behalf. In order to defend himself, Ashton had no choice but to let go of the creature's arm.

A big mistake.

Instead of backing up, the creature unleashed a barrage of attacks at Ashton. The tentacles ripped holes through Ashton's limbs. But to the creature's and Ashton's surprise, the wounds were not as severe as they should have been and healed over time till no scar was left behind.

The creature tried again. However, after his transformation, Ashton was superior in terms of agility and blocked the attacks with a little effort.

One by one, the creature lost his tentacles, arms, and tail. Anything the beast could have used to fight back was gone.

At that moment, Ashton realised he could end the creature and put his father out of his misery... but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Although he knew his father couldn't be saved, a part of him was hoping for a miracle.

If he could drag out the battle, maybe his father would regain control over his mutated body. What if the creature got tired? What if he only destroyed the mutated parts? His father wouldn't be a monster without the monstrous organs, right?


"I'm pathetic, aren't I?" Tears flowed down Ashton's face, "I know it's not possible, but still..."

[If you want, I can do it for you. You won't have to see or remember anything-]

"No." Ashton shook his head, "I have to do it myself. It's the least I can do for him."

However, Ashton did not want to send his father to the afterlife as a monster and transform back into his humanoid body.

"If there's an afterlife, I hope I'll meet you there. We have a lot to talk about, but for now, this is enough."

There was no stopping the tears anymore as Ashton said his final goodbyes to his father, "Goodbye, father."

The next moment ripped the creature's heart out, finally putting his father to rest. However, something was off, and Ashton collapsed beside his deceased father in a turn of events.

At first, Astaroth thought it was due to the combination of shock and exhaustion. But when he analysed Ashton's body, he knew something more sinister was happening.

[Ashton? Ashton!? What is happening? Get the fuck up, damnit!]

Astaroth kept yelling, but Ashton didn't react. How could he react when he was no longer there?

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