I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 469 An Assassin's Work Of Art

"Shadow terrorists can appear at any time from anywhere, so keep your eyes open at all times. According to the little intel we have on them, their group consists of four individuals with irregular abilities. Sadly, we don't know what those abilities are."

The Sergeant General, Rishi, was in the middle of debriefing his soldiers. There was no emotion in his voice, nor did he look the part of someone in his position. The bald man had patched skin plastered all over his frail-looking body.

Judging by his appearance, someone would think he was in a circus. But those who happen to know about him and his past preferred to maintain a respectable distance from him.

Rishi was one of the only seven recorded cannibals in Nirvana who preferred to consume undead meat than a human's. It was one of the many side effects of the infamous Crux project. A secret project which seemingly gave the participants abilities that would make even the aliens envy them.

Sadly, it came at the cost of using one's sanity and an insatiable lust for 'cannibalism'. However, Rishi had been seemingly 'cured' of his condition and now functioned just like any other undead citizen of Nirvana. Something only a handful believed.

"Garuda is the last remaining facility in eastern Fright City. Therefore, it will likely be the next target of those fucking terrorists." Rishi barked at the soldiers, "If they appear, you better die trying to stop them, or I'll kill you myself. Is it clear-"

A loud explosion shook the ground. It would appear no one gave the terrorists a memo about the debriefing. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been rude to interrupt their world-shaking meeting.

Rishi immediately rushed to the nearest surveillance station. The reality was far worse than anything he had expected. The underground facility was under attack by not one but all directions. Also, the number of attackers did not match the information he had received.

"Four? It's more like four hundred!"

Another series of explosions went off, strategically taking down the outer surveillance grid. The facility was effectively dark now, with no way of knowing their enemy's location.

Rishi was pacing up and down the room, hoping to find a way out of their crisis. In the meantime, the soldiers were instructed to wipe the facility database clean of anything the intruders could want for themselves.

While some of them were busy with that, the rest rushed to confront the assailants. In reality, they were only guinea pigs for Rishi to get information on the intruders and their abilities.

Under the cause of evacuation, there was one thing Rishi overlooked- The test subjects. Each of them possessed at least one destructive ability, and usually, they would be sedated before transporting them one after individually.

However, under the given circumstances, taking such measures was almost impossible. The panic allowed the subjects to steal the 'freedom' they desired, and they lashed out.

Garuda was now facing a siege and a coup at the same time. The stationed forces were not enough to simultaneously deal with both situations. It was a nightmare that no one wanted to face.

Rishi now understood why the other facilities fell at the hands of these terrorists. Their primary objective was destroying the facility, let it be from the inside or outside.

"A slow poison, huh?" Rishi mumbled with curled lips.

The psychopath inside him was having the time of his life. The screams and the sight of blood were like drugs to him. The more he heard the dying cries of his people, the merrier he felt.

However, his pleasure did not last forever as everything went silent at once. There were no more explosions, no more cries, nothing, and everything was... peaceful.

Rishi took hold of the radio and barked at the soldiers to report in, only to realise nothing came out of his mouth. Only then did he notice the barrier around him; someone had isolated him from the rest of the facility and did it with expertise.

"Show yourself!" Rishi thundered, but once again, nothing but air came out of his mouth.

'What a disgrace...' Raven shook his head at Rishi's stupidity.

For a moment, the silent assassin wondered what killing a moron as Rishi would accomplish. However, Raven was bound to execute his master's words, not to question them.

A moment later, Raven showed himself to his target. But Rishi's reaction was nothing like the former had expected. Instead of being scared and confused, Rishi broke down laughing like no man ever had.

"Fear... oh, how much I had missed this feeling!!!" Rishi mumbled to himself, "Show me more. MORE FEAR!"

Rishi lunged at Raven with his sharp claws in front. One scratch from his poisoned nails was enough to kill a fully grown Gorillan. Therefore, it was enough to kill someone like Raven.

'DIE!' Rishi thought as his claws dug into Raven's flesh.

"Is that it?" Raven's voice echoed within the barrier, "Is that all you had to offer?"


Rishi couldn't believe his eyes, and it was the first time a direct hit of his claws had failed to kill someone. The look of pure shock in his eyes was much more entertaining than Raven assumed.

"Allow me to show you how it's done," Raven whispered before smacking Rishi away and disappearing in the shadows.

Before Rishi could understand what was happening, a hundred cuts appeared all over his body. His tendons were ripped apart, forcing him to his knees, and his hands had been rendered useless, limping on the side. All of it happened in the blink of an eye.

The moron no longer enjoyed the sense of fear. Instead, he felt fear paralysing him as one should. Scanning the darkness, he realised something was off... he couldn't see anything, nor could he hear anything. All of his senses were gone, replaced by a neverending void.

Raven stood in front, admiring his artwork before deciding it was enough and sliced his head off in one smooth and clean motion. His severed head rolled to the side, still trapped in the endless void of darkness.

"May your tortured soul find peace in the void." Raven offered a quick prayer before heading off to finish his next target.

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