I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

Chapter 2: Mr. Rabbit

Chapter 2: Mr. Rabbit

Lu Yibei was not mentally ill, at least not yet.

Although he was blinded and suffered facial paralysis in a car accident two years ago during his graduation trip, he was sure that he was still mentally sane.

However, he was rejected by yet another doctor, being written off as mentally ill.

This must be the doctors problem, he would think to himself.

However, this time, the doctor, who was an expert in modern science and medicine, advised him to look for a witch doctor.

How outrageous!

Lu Yibei wanted to ask if the doctor knew of a priest, but he was kicked out of his office.

Walking out of the hospital, he felt that the world was desolate.

He boarded the bus and found a window seat in the back. He sat down, leaning against the glass dejectedly. He took out his phone and clicked on an app that had a graphic of a beautiful girl.

After all, he was a teenager who enjoyed playing mobile games. Where else would he entrust his restless youth?

This game was the card collection game called Love and Magical Girl!

Whenever he was in a bad mood, all he needed to do was look at the smiling face of Bai Xiaohua, a magical girl.

After clicking on the app, a magical blonde girl in a rose-red dress appeared on the screen with a dynamic soundtrack and an explosive cutscene, smiling at Lu Yibei.

[Captain, welcome back! What are we going to do today?]

[Hey, stop touching me! Do you want me to beat you up?]

[Go to hell! You monster!]

Hearing her sweet voice, Yibei couldnt help but smile, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart.

I knew it, he thought. Only Bai Xiaohua can make me feel better.

This was no longer a simple mobile game to him but a hub connecting to another world. The people in this world have taught him a lot of life principles.

Being indecisive and reckless, smoking, drinking, swearing, being with beautiful girls

These behaviours arent acceptable in the real world. 

The bus departed from the bus station and passed through the city, and the streets outside the window became more and more prosperous.

He was immersed in the world of mobile games, and an hour passed without him noticing.

When he raised his head, he was surprised to find that the bus had stopped by the side of the road at some point.

The passengers in the car had already left, the empty compartments seemed to be stretched, and the doors were closed.

Judging from the familiar high-rise buildings and streets outside the window, this place should be near Mudan Street; it would take five or six stops for Yibei to get where he needed to be.

He searched the car with his eyes and found the bus driver had closed his eyes to meditate. He stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and asked, Excuse me, sir? Is the bus still running?


The bus driver didnt expect that there were still people on the bus. There was obviously resentment between his brows.

How did you get in here? the driver asked defensively.

What? Im a passenger! Ive been on here since the start!

The driver instead shifted the blame to Yibei and yelled, Then why in the hell are you still on the bus? Get out! I cant drive you!

Why? Is the bus broken down?

The driver curled his lips downwards and pointed out the windshield, saying, There was a car accident ahead, and it caused a pile-up, so the viaduct collapsed. I advise you to get out and figure out your own way back. Itll be dark soon.

[Time: 17:08]

I have to get home quick!

Lu Yibei got out of the car, and after confirming his position, he walked straight in the direction of his residence.

It was just after five in the afternoon, and the sky had already begun to darken. The sun was setting, and it flooded the sky with a crimson orange.

The street with pedestrians seemed a bit congested, but it was somewhat quiet. The strangers were silent as they walked past each other wordlessly.

He wasnt surprisedwith the days shortened, all kinds of weird and strange stories popped up like mushrooms after the rain.

In this world, learning to be alone is a daily skill.

An invisible barrier built between everyone

The flowers in the fog,

The moon in the water,

This strange and unpredictable world~

Lend me a pair of your eyes,

Let me see everything, clear as ice.

Yibei walked in silence, the soothing and ethereal melody flooding his ears. He was stunned for a moment, looking in the direction where the singing came from, and found Mr Rabbit in front of a caf.

Dolls that come in all sorts of animals and living things with speakers that play music, and the mascot jumped around excitedly handing out flyers.

A baggy black suit with exaggerated red leather shoes, wearing a huge white rabbit headgear.

The headgear was strangely lifelike.

The Rabbit mascot handed out leaflets and flyers to people passing by enthusiastically.

Most of them ignored him, and those who took the flyers threw it into the trash can shortly after.

Yibei looked at the empty eyes of the mascot with a stiff smile and felt a sense of discomfort.

Just as he was about to turn and leave, the mascot seemed to notice his gaze and waved him over.

Me? Lu Yibei pointed at himself.

Mr Rabbit nodded vigorously, and as if he were under a spell, Yibei couldnt help but inch closer to the rabbit.

The smile on the mascots head seems to be getting wider.

He walked in front of Mr Rabbit, and just as he was taking the leaflet from Mr Rabbits hands, his eyes felt a burning sensation, as if his eyeballs were on fire.

The intense discomfort made Yibei snap out of his stupor as he stared at Mr Rabbit. He then swiftly turned around and darted away.

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