I Became A Ghost In A Horror Game

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

(Crack-! The moment the item is destroyed, an ominous aura spreads. It was so weak that even the protagonist didn't notice it.)

[Status Abnormality: Confusion.]

POV Switch - Ella


I looked at the broken artifact.

And then I regretted it.

Why did I break it?

The M.P series is more of an Easter egg, something the developers deliberately hid from players.

It might be a clue to this world, but I inadvertently destroyed it.



Before I became possessed, I was usually an emotionless person.

Unless it was really extreme, I would have kept my composure.

But after coming into this body, things changed.

Emotions became abundant, and beyond that, there were times when it was difficult to control it.

I assumed that I was influenced by the personality of "Ella", the original owner of this body.

I accepted it to some extent and my mood swings were getting better.

But what about now?

I excused myself by saying it was "inadvertently", even as I was the one who made the decisions before.

I've adapted to this body and my impulsive behavior has become less.

I was still "me".

But why did I do this?

...It's as if "I" myself became like Ella.


As soon as I had that thought, I reflexively started to make excuses, as if pricked by a needle.

My identity was threatened.

No no. I just haven't gotten used to it yet.

Look, I still can't stand candy!

Although I ate some, in fact, it was still impulsive!

It's clear that I'm still being influenced and controlled by this body!

-Even if I desperately made excuses, I couldn't hide my uneasiness.

Most of the ominous thoughts that ran through my head were correct.

"Judgement" is made by "thought". Even if it was an impulse, in the end it was "me".

The way of thinking didn't completely change.

I know it because I am myself.

I've definitely adapted to this body.

There was nothing that made my body sway. That impulse was "mine".

...Since when did I change? Since when did I have this personality and mindset?

The more I compare my personality in the past and my behavior in the present, the stronger the gap becomes. It was to the point of breaking out in cold sweat.

People don't change easily.

What made me like that?

Elements that changed me. What is it?

-Monsters are influenced by people's thoughts.


The people here are the children who are close to me.

'I shouldn't think that.'

But as I try to ignore it.

An existence called brain made me think about it.

'If I show weakness to tickles, I become more and more vulnerable to tickling.'

'The more I show the children I like candy, the more I become obsessed with candy.'

'The more the kids think of me as a friend, the more I think of them as a friend.'

The characteristic of being a monster is affecting my soul and mind.

-Then, are my feelings toward the children really my feelings?


My body trembled with anxiety.

I need to see the kids.

I haven't been able to play because I've been busy lately!

My steps were fast.

It was too soon to ask to hang out with friends!

I don't know why I'm so anxious.

It's okay for me to accept it!

If I resign myself and accept any unfair situation, I will have no cracks in my heart.

At least that!

I grabbed my head and went looking for the kids.

Actually, I was going to have a meeting with James at this time, but.

None of that mattered now.


The club room door was roughly opened.

But the children were nowhere to be seen.

Are they in another classroom?

After thinking about it, I went to the room where most of them stay.

"Why, why aren't you here?"

I started running.

I was in such a hurry that I couldn't even think of moving between the mirrors.

Shell we find James and Maria?

If it's these two, they might know.

I went to the place where James' group was resting.

It was the first time we had met me face-to-face without their captain, so they looked a little embarrassed.

"Where are James and Maria?"

They looked at each other and told me where he had gone.

"I see, the school storage room?"

After making a gesture of understanding, I hurriedly headed there.

Seeing as the crew is resting, it's probably not an emergency.

I went to the storage and stood at the door.

Light leaks out.

A rustling sound can be heard.

And children's voices too.

It seemed like they were preparing something.

I cautiously opened the door.

The scenario inside the room comes into view.

Delicious snacks on the table.

Walls decorated with balloons and origami.

Fireworks with very low power that's used only in elementary school festivals.

It was a place where children's hands were warm, creating a cozy atmosphere.


Ha-rim saw me and shouted in surprise.

Their secret event was discovered.

Secretly. Among themselves.

How anxiously I searched for you!


I couldn't be angry at that.

I was so happy just looking at the kids that I couldn't find the time to get angry.

I stared blankly at Ha-rim.

Then Ha-rim looked like she gave up something.

"Haha... I was going to surprise you, but I got caught."

There was a white cloth in her hand, and she unfolded it.

On the cloth was written:

[Ella! Congratulations on joining the Mystery Investigation Club!]


Suho, who was carrying heavy things, put them down for a while and said.

"We don't know if you'll like it, but we want to get to know Ella better. So Ha-rim came up with an idea that we should pretend to be in the same club."

Kyeong-min scratches his head.

"We were trying to create a party-like atmosphere, but when we tried to prepare it ourselves, we couldn't get a feel for it, so Uncle James and Sister Maria helped us."

Eun-jeong appears from behind and hugs me.

"Urgh... I was so tired having to keep folding colored paper!"

"I see... This... How to say it... It's a little sudden."

"That's how it is! And if you don't make time like this, you'll have to keep fighting. Just like the monster that suddenly appeared this time around."

It's... A surprise party.

Still, something didn't make sense.

Is it because I'm not used to favors?

It is the first time in my life that I have been the main character of a party.

I asked cautiously.

"Can Ella accept this?"

Then Ha-rim smiled and said.

"Ella! Do you remember that time? The story we talked about after playing the quiz game. If I wanted to express my gratitude, you asked me to prepare a gift that you would like."


"This is the gift. It's from our heart!"

She took out a box.1

When I opened it, there was a necklace.

A necklace made with cross-stitched roses strung on soft threads.

"It's a necklace we made ourselves. I had a hard time because I needed to use thread. It hurt when the needle pricked me."

"Now, take it!"

I accepted the necklace. It's soft.

"There are five necklaces. If you wear it around your neck, you become an official club member."

The kids began putting necklaces around their necks one by one.

Ha-rim says.

"Now you!"

When it was my turn, I looked at the necklace for a moment and then slowly put it around my neck.

A feeling of contentment fills me.

It's a gift that the children gave to "me".

Proof of friendship.

"Ella. How is it? Do you like it?"

Put the confusion that dominated my mind to sleep for a while and relax, just relax.

"Thank you, I like it. I will never forget it."

I held the rose part of the necklace in my hand.


[Condition fulfilled: Abnormal status is canceled.]

POV Switch - ???

A man was passing through a particularly clean and sophisticated hallway.

He looked like a thug, but he captivated people's hearts with his usual sincere behavior.

After lightly greeting a few people he occasionally bumped into, he put his pass next to the thick automatic door.


[Permission to enter. Welcome.]

"How are you, Research Director?"

"It's you. Meph."2

The research director was carefully reviewing the reports in his office.

The institution's research director was called Brian, and he's far from complacent.

He personally recruited a new person to closely investigate the recent accident at the institution's research department, and that employee was Meph.

Brian told his new subordinate to bring a chair and sit down.

Meph, of course, sat next to him.

"It's reassuring that you're applying for this side."

"There is nothing that lower people are happier than when the higher ones trust them. I will repay you with results."

It was a tongue-in-cheek, but Brian liked the answer.2

"It's a response I like. So, did you find out anything about this incident? Of course, I don't want answers from you who haven't even started researching."

Meph replied.

"Sorry. You still have to give it time to come up with a meaningful answer. This is a troublesome case even for the institution. Still, let's recap... A state in which a different world is overlaid on a specific area. The world was deliberately hidden, only to be discovered through a ritual. Demon reaction is M.P. We evacuated the residents. There, James's special forces and Maria from the Crusaders were dispatched as agents. Communication isn't returning, so it seems that there is no signal from there. However, it's possible that they died."

"I asked for your opinion. I don't want a report. Is there anything strange about this incident?"

"Hmm... It seems like there have been more minor accidents since this happened."

"Minor accidents?"

"Well, like riding a bike and being absent-minded and bumping into a wall. A pot burning because you didn't turn off the gas. Recently, my co-workers also came wearing bandages one by one. Even for a small number, there are quite a lot of them."

Brian tilted his head.

"Isn't that just complacency?"

"Ah, well, it's possible."

"...Honestly. Young people..."

Brian started nagging like an old man. Meph noticed it quickly and changed the subject.

"Hmm. Ah, Director, what is that picture?"

Meph pointed to a picture of a child occupying a corner of Brian's desk.

"This? It's just a picture of my son. That guy. He's smart, but he was a quirky side. The other day, he learned something strange while watching a children's cartoon movie. In fact, he said everyone was friends and spoke to me without honorifics!"

Brian lively said spirited as he talk about his child.

"Hahaha! That's crazy! In other countries, there are cases where honorifics are not used!"

"Yes. Do you think adults and children can be friends? Maybe I have an old way of thinking."

Meph is young. Brian probably expected a positive answer.

However, his answer was unexpected and firm.

"No. A child and an adult cannot be friends."


Meph took a breath and opened his mouth.

"Because children and adults are different from the soul. True friendship requires a communion of souls. A child and an adult cannot be friends in the true sense of the word unless they change their souls. Even if they think of each other as friends."

Brian wondered if Meph had entered a strange cult. Conversely, Brian, who became uncomfortable, tried to change the topic.

"...I see, I heard some interesting comments. But it's a little awkward for me to share private stories. So, what is that wad of paper?"

"Oh. This. I made a small game as a hobby, and this is a collection of settings. It's really embarrassing, so it's hard to show you in detail."


Alice's condition.

Alice is a woman.

Alice is a child.

Alice has blonde hair. (Actually black hair!)

Alice is full of emotions.

Alice wanders around Wonderland.

Alice has an adventure. (Erased.)


"How did you find that hobby?"

"I've made a few games before, but... I think I put my heart into it after I decided I would make a game for a friend."

"A friend?"

"Well, it seems like I was joking around so much that it got quite painful, but we get along well..."

Meph pulled a picture out of his pocket.

There was Meph and another man, and that man had a sullen look on his face as if he had all the misfortunes of the world.

Meph murmurs quietly.

"Sorry. Suffer a little more. Still, isn't it more fun than before? It's a lot more emotional."

The man laughs.

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