I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 218: An Old Story (15)

Chapter 218: An Old Story (15)

Eisel and Edna had been steadily following Baek Yu-Seol’s trail.

Before they knew it, a day had passed, and the departure ceremony had begun.

Upon quickly changing into the Morph Family uniform, Baek Yu-Seol attended the event.

At the venue, Isaac met with mages from various factions.

  • Adolevit.

  • The Magic Society.

  • The Mage Tower Alliance.

  • The World Mage Organization.

In addition, many other powerful magical factions were present.

  • What’s this...
Eisel remembered that in her childhood, the power of the Grand Duchy of Morph had been quite formidable. It was on par with the Adolveit Royal Family, and never fell behind.

However, the scene before her seemed like an effort to keep the Grand Duchy of Morph in check.

  • So that’s how it was... Father was under pressure from external forces back then.

Hong Si-hwa had somehow used bait to gather all these forces here.

  • ... I need to find out.

The mages gathered in the command tent were such bigwigs that even Eisel and Edna found it hard to meet their gazes.

While Baek Yu-Seol confidently took his place in the command tent, Isaac Morph and Hong Si-hwa Adolevit led the meeting.

However, it was more of a one-sided verbal assault aimed at finding any flaws in Isaac Morph rather than an actual meeting.

  • How can they do this?

Eisel looked at Hong Si-hwa with an angry expression.

They claimed the weakening Morph barrier an excuse and had marched a large army into Morph’s forest. Diplomatically speaking, was this even right?

  • It doesn’t feel real.

  • Reality is always more fantastical than movies.

Of course, Isaac wasn’t just standing still either.

“We must seriously address the rudeness of the Adolveit Royal Family. After this matter is resolved, we will meet again in an official capacity.”

His words carried significant weight, causing the other mages to cough awkwardly and avert their gazes.

They suddenly realized how rude and dangerous their actions had been.

Even though they had Hong Si-hwa as their shield, if something went wrong, they would not escape Morph’s wrath.

However, Hong Si-hwa didn’t seem to care about Isaac’s rage at all.

The conversation continued to grow rougher. Hong Si-hwa even referred to the legendary beast White Demon Fox Fire Spirit as a ‘war weapon,’ enraging Isaac.

Although Isaac countered sufficiently, no one listened to him. They already seemed to have a firm belief of their own.

Thinking it was the right moment, Hong Si-hwa began to steer the topic in her favor.

“We have a different view on this beast.”

“A different view?”

“Yes. We have discovered a certain forbidden value in the legendary beast, White Demon Fox Fire Spirit.”

As the conversation progressed, Eisel noticed that Baek Yu-Seol had disappeared.

  • Huh? When did he leave?

While they were looking around, the discussion took an increasingly strange turn.

“A forbidden value... You don’t mean to suggest a ‘mana crystal,’ do you?”

“I did not say that...”

“Even if you didn’t say it, I’m not too old to understand your insinuations, Princess Hong Si-hwa.”

Mana Crystals.

They were extremely rare and only appeared in high-grade beasts. They promised energy efficiency and power hundreds of times greater than ordinary mana stones, making their price unimaginably high. In the underworld, they had another use.

‘Mana Capacity Expansion.’

An act of absorbing a beast’s mana crystal to push beyond one’s mana limits.

It was, of course, dangerous.

While a few mages had been successfull, increasing their class from 1 to as high as 3, most mages couldn’t withstand the beast’s mana and ended up becoming 'dark mages.'

Despite knowing this, the mages still reached out for the mana crystals, more aware than anyone of their own limitations.

"... There’s a rumor that higher, purer, and more concentrated mana crystals from powerful beasts can amplify mana significantly more. Did you come here for that?"

The mages averted their eyes, and Hong Si-hwa silently stared at Isaac before finally speaking.

“The opposite.”

“The opposite?”

“Yes. We recently discovered a way to mass-produce mana crystals from beasts.”

“Haha. So, you’re saying I should seal White Demon Fox Fire Spirit and start mass-producing mana crystals?”

Though he spoke in jest, no one in the room laughed.

… So this is how it was.

Isaac became increasingly certain of their reasons for uniting. High-purity mana crystals were like drugs: illegal, highly dangerous, but immensely coveted by those in power.

  • ... There’s no need to listen further. I need to find him.

Having understood their vile intentions, it was time to locate Baek Yu-Seol.

Fortunately, Eisel and Edna had bound their souls to him, allowing them to quickly pinpoint his location.

  • I’ll go too.

  • Okay. This way.

They flew through the walls in spirit form and crossed the forest.

Crack! Crunch!

  • Ugh?!

Startled by a living branch that brushed past her, Eisel nearly fell to the ground.

Even though it wasn’t targeting her, it still frightened her.

  • This is... a living tree.

Eisel felt a cold sweat as she watched the writhing, creepy living trees around her.

Up there, it was him.

Looking up, she saw Baek Yu-Seol sitting at the top of the tallest living tree, gazing somewhere.

They quickly flew towards him...

“I have no intention of fighting you. In fact, I’ve come to save you.”

An unexpected figure stood there.

  • Professor Raiden...? Why’s he here...?

Knowing Raiden’s true nature, Edna frowned, while clueless Eisel was dumbfounded.

  • He’s a dark mage.

  • What?

  • He’s a dark mage. See the mark on his chest?


As if to flaunt his identity, Raiden prominently displayed the emblem of the Dark Mage Alliance.

“Mages, in their greed, once again seek to bring disaster upon this world. We dark mages want no such thing. You call us evil, but it’s the opposite. You have always threatened the world, and we have always saved it from the shadows.”

  • Disgusting dark mage...

Eisel’s desire to punch his hypocritical face was overwhelming. It was nauseating to hear a dark mage, akin to a pest of the world, claim to be saving it.

  • Say something...

But Baek Yu-Seol didn’t respond to Raiden. He merely pointed his staff at him threateningly.

Strangely, Riaden didn’t seem intent on fighting Baek Yu-Seol. Perhaps he knew that a proper battle would leave neither unscathed.

It seemed he had another purpose.

Shortly after, Raiden turned into mist and disappeared, while Baek Yu-Seol lowered his staff and gazed at the sky.

The night was unusually starry.

That night, Eisel slipped into her father’s tent.

Knowing there wasn’t much time left to see him, she wanted to take in his appearance as much as possible.

Did her father know?

That it wasn’t the naïve young Eisel, but a daughter longing for her father who had come to see him.

“... What brings you here?”

  • Huh...?

Her heart sank at Isaac’s sudden words.

  • Dad! Can you see me? Dad!

Slowly rising, Isaac drew his staff and pointed it at Eisel.

  • What...?


But Isaac’s focus wasn’t on her; it was behind her. Turning quickly, she saw Professor Raiden standing there.

“I came to see if you’ve had a change of heart.”

“I’ve told you before. As long as I live, I will hunt you all down and eradicate you. How long will you wear that mask of nobility, you dark mage?”

Despite Isaac’s words, Raiden remained calm and locked eyes with him.

“You will seek me out.”

“That will never happen.”

“If it does...”

Raiden tossed a black crystal to Isaac. Catching it with magic, Isaac’s expression turned grave as he recognized it.

“Swallow it.”

Raiden turned into mist again and vanished, leaving Isaac alone, staring at the black crystal.

  • That’s...

  • The dark mana essence.

Edna, who had been quietly observing from behind, spoke.

  • Not just anyone can possess that. Powerful mages often contract with even more powerful entities from another realm. That black crystal holds immense potential. A Grand Mage could cause a disaster if they had it.

  • This... How’s this happening?

It was all unfolding just as she knew from history.

The dark corruption of Grand Duke Isaac Morph.

And the betrayal.

  • No. That can’t be true. Father will discard it.


But, as if to shatter that hope, Isaac Morph carefully tucked it into his bosom.

A dark shadow cast over his face as if he was shouldering a heavy burden... But it was frustratingly unclear what that burden was.

  • This is... unbelievable...

Unable to accept reality, Eisel dashed out of the tent.

Edna watched Grand Duke Isaac Morph with a bitter expression.

The father of the protagonist. A great mage with a strong conviction.

However, something twisted at the end, leading to a tragic fate.

  • Is it really time for Eisel to learn the 'truth'?

With a sigh, Edna left Isaac's tent.

With her blue hair shimmering under the moonlight, Eisel looked up at the sky.

  • I don’t know anymore.

  • Yeah...

  • I want to go back. I don’t think I can bear to see any more.

It was a reasonable thought. But Eisel’s resolve was already firm.

  • Now that it’s come to this, I have to find out everything.

With a determined expression, she set off for another tent. This time, it was Princess Hong Si-hwa’s tent.

Ignoring the guards and magical barriers, they entered and saw Hong Si-hwa lying on a bed, groaning in pain.


“Please bear with it a little longer, Princess.”

Hong Si-hwa was half-naked as she received an injection from a doctor. The red liquid appeared quite ominous.

“It’s done.”

“... Alright.”

Sweating profusely, Hong Si-hwa pulled her top back on and bit her lip.

“The pain won’t go away yet.”

“... I don’t care about the pain. As long as I don’t die.”

She then muttered.

“I don’t want to end up like my sister.”

  • Sister?

  • Yes. I believe her name was Hong Eulin.

  • I’ve never heard of her...

  • ...She passed away when we were young.

Though the exact time was unknown, it was likely around this period.

  • How...

“Princess Hong Si-hwa, do you really believe you can find a way to lift the Adolveit curse from White Demon Fox Fire Spirit?”

The doctor quietly asked, and Hong Si-hwa grimaced before replying.

“I don’t know. Maybe there’s a 0.01% chance.”

“... And you caused this much trouble for such a slim chance?”

“Of course. Up until now, it was zero. Even a 0.01% chance is worth taking.”

Unknown to other mages, this was the true purpose behind her actions.

Despite turning against the Grand Duchy of Morph, Hong Si-hwa was desperately hoping for something.

“White Demon Fox Fire Spirit wields 'Living Flame.' It means the flame that revives other flames. If I can get it, maybe I can escape this excruciating pain.”

“... Are you confident you can defeat the beast?”


She closed her eyes tightly. Unable to endure the pain any longer, she struggled to speak but forced herself to continue, not wanting to show weakness.

“With the Grand Spell of Adolveit, 'Eternal Night Fire Curse,' I can burn any flame.”

This battle was already won by affinity even before it started. The first Adolveit had said, 'All flames in the world can be extinguished by my flame.'

That legendary spell was passed down only to the Adolveit bloodline.

To prepare for this spell, they had assembled 30 Class 8 mages and 500 Class 6 mages or higher to create an enormous magic formation.

No matter how powerful White Demon Fox Fire Spirit was, it couldn’t withstand it.

  • That princess seems to have her reasons too.

Edna, who had been silently watching Hong Si-hwa, spoke with a troubled tone. However, Eisel’s angry expression remained unchanged.

  • Even so, I can’t forgive her...

Even if she had reasons to unseal White Demon Fox Fire Spirit, why did she kill Father?

‘… I’ll find out when the time comes.’

And so, the next day arrived.


Watching the white flames engulf and consume all the red flames conjured by the elite mages, Eisel and Edna could no longer hold onto any hope.

  • How arrogant you are, descendant of Adolveit...

It was taller than a mountain, steeper than a cliff, bluer than the sky, and lighter than a cloud.

A mysterious being.

The massive white fox, which could be mistaken for a divine beast, spoke to the kneeling Hong Si-hwa Adolveit.

  • Did you think you could burn me with your flame?

  • You were wrong. That flame, too, is my creation. The descendants of Adolveit are nothing but arrogant fools.

She had no idea.

The ancestors had said that their magic could burn all the flames in this world.

But was it all a lie?


All the Class 8 Grand Mages had collapsed or died due to mana backlash, and the entire knight order had been wiped out by the flames. Less than 10% of their forces remained.

In contrast, White Demon Fox Fire Spirit was completely unscathed, not even a hair singed.

It was a perfect defeat by superior control.

  • Now that I have awakened, as promised, I will cover the world with my flames. Sit there and witness, Adolveit.

Witness what?

White Demon Fox Fire Spirit did not say the rest but moved gracefully despite its enormous size.

The mages had lost all will and desire to fight. They were unable to stand up.

Except for one.

“You cannot pass through here...”

Isaac Morph.

Despite being engulfed in white flames and losing half his limbs, he still had a strong resolve in his eyes.

If anything, it burned brighter than the flames of Adolveit.

  • Dad...!

Eisel reached out to her father with gritted teeth, but no matter how hard she tried, her touch couldn’t reach him.

  • You are... a descendant of Morph.

White Demon Fox appeared to smile.

  • It reminds me of those times...

“No. You’re wrong. I am no longer a descendant of Morph.”

With great effort, he lifted his remaining arm and rummaged through his coat to pull something out.

The black crystal given to him by Professor Raiden the night before.

Isaac closed his eyes tightly as he looked at it. He bit his lips so hard that his face turned red.

He was crying.


  • Dad...

They whispered each other’s names, but they couldn’t see or touch each other.

Isaac reached out to the air. Eisel tried to place her hand over his, but it passed through.

  • Please don’t do it. Dad, please.


Eisel’s voice traveled helplessly into nothingness, and with bloodshot eyes, Isaac looked at White Demon Fox and spoke.

“From today, I will become a dark mage.”

And that was...

The truth about her father.

Something that the seventeen-year-old girl, Eisel Morph, had so desperately wanted to know.

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