I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 46:

Chapter 46:

Lord Eloy’s efficiency in handling matters was astonishingly swift.

He wasted no time in summoning Bleuhan Eloy back to the family estate and promptly sent an official letter of protest to the Privia Academy.

All of this unfolded in a mere three days.

“In addition, they sent a letter to our family, threatening revenge if you don’t come and apologize,” Felicia informed Philip.

His expression betrayed a mix of surprise and disbelief. “Don’t they even care that their son lynched a mere first-year student?”

“That family has always been rather peculiar. Their ancestors were originally executioners for an enemy marquis, but during a war, they betrayed their masters, opened the castle gates, and gained noble titles.”

She took a few minutes to explain the Eloy family’s history. Having heard it all, Philip nodded in acknowledgment.

“They have a long-standing legacy of treachery and collaboration, intertwined with conspiracies.”

Indeed, their past was filled with betrayal and intrigue. They rose to prominence during the era of the Great Holy Empire, becoming the Western Hegemon—a fact that Philip found so absurd that he couldn’t help but laugh.

“… So they held the Western economy hostage to blackmail the king, and that’s how they became the king’s in-laws?”

The previous Head of Eloy Family was a shrewd merchant. He spent years strategically gaining control over the production areas of vital resources like grain and warhorses, eventually securing control over most of the granary region.

Their cunning and ominous moves caught the royal family, who were preoccupied with Northern affairs, off guard.

“And now, Lady Eloy, the Count’s wife, is King Velopair II’s most cherished daughter. I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful and kind she was.”

It seemed that Felicia had a friendly relationship with Lady Eloy.

“She held me in high regard. I remember whenever I accompanied my father to the royal palace, she would indulge me with delightful treats. I believe she was deeply upset when she learned about being married to the Eloy family.”

Upon hearing this, Philip let out a sigh.

“Oh, so…”

Felicia looked intrigued. “Yes?”

“It’s nothing.”

In the game’s original storyline, the Count Eloy often met an untimely end without a clear explanation. While there were quests to investigate his death, the truth remained elusive.

‘Perhaps he was killed by his wife.’

“In the end, Philip, you have done nothing wrong. Just remember that and act accordingly. There are witnesses, and the evidence is overwhelmingly clear. Besides, Bleuhan didn’t suffer any harm.”

“You’re right.”

In the previous world, such an incident might have made headlines on the front page, but fortunately, this world valued motives more than mere facts.

However, Philip was unaware that some individuals completely disregarded societal norms.

In the western region, Count Adrian Eloy turned out to be even crazier than anyone had expected.

The next day at noon, Privia Academy received a visit from a devoted knight representing the western baron.


“… No, I sent a family article saying that the bastard was a bit hit, but?”

Emil Phanoy, the head of the swordsmanship department, looked puzzled at the young knight who had approached him.

“Please be mindful of your words, Phanoy. Your academy’s instructor, Philip Oswald, offended the Eloy family.”

Kyler Shelbos, the loyalist of the Eloy family, was a renowned knight in the western region. However, it was hard to believe he would visit just because the second son had been involved.

The Senior professor shook his head in disbelief. Apart from the young knight’s disrespectful attitude, he couldn’t fathom why he was questioning such a clear situation.

“I heard your young lord was the one who initiated the attack on the nobleman. Our instructor intervened to stop it. Haven’t you heard the testimonies from those present and the witnesses, all pointing to the conclusion that the Eloy family’s son was at fault? Besides, didn’t the boy only suffer minor injuries?”

Kyler Shelbos remained unfazed by the professor’s explanation.

“What are you saying? Our young lord suffered a severe injury due to Philip Oswald’s excessive actions. The priest believes his life as a knight may be in jeopardy.”


The Senior Professor widened his eyes, though he didn’t genuinely believe the statement. He had already confirmed the extent of Bleuhan Eloy’s injuries.

“Our generous lord is willing to overlook this incident if Philip Oswald personally comes to apologize. We hope for the academy’s wise judgment.”

Kyler Shelbos spoke with an audacious expression. Emil Phanoy sensed that there was more to this situation than meets the eye.

‘He’s surely scheming something. It seems like he plans to leverage this incident for his advantage…’

Just then, Philip, who had been called by the head professor, entered the office.

“Did you summon me?”

Upon seeing Kyler Shelbos’s face, Philip raised an eyebrow.

“Who is this person?”

“This friend? He’s a loyalist of Count Eloy’s family, here to take you with him.”

As the Senior Professor explained, Philip smirked.

“Me? Why? Is he calling me to apologize for mishandling the children’s education or something?”

Unable to contain his laughter at Philip’s nonchalant demeanor, the Senior Professor chuckled, and Kyler Shelbos couldn’t help feeling annoyed.

“… Be careful with your words, Philip Oswald.”

Kyler, the skilled knight of Count Eloy, held a status no lower than that of Philip. As Kyler glared at Philip, the latter returned the menacing look.

“We have already secured witnesses to your misdeeds. If you cooperate and come with me now, Count Eloy will consider forgiving you. However, if you resist, the Oswald family will be held accountable,” Kyler stated firmly.

Philip didn’t respond to Kyler and turned to Emil Phanoy, seeking clarification. “Senior Professor, what is this man saying?”

“He’s accusing you of breaking Bleuhan Eloy’s leg,” the head professor replied.

Upon hearing the accusation, Philip could discern the situation quite well.

‘… Impressive. These nobles are quite cunning.’

It seemed evident that they had deliberately orchestrated this incident to exploit it for political gain, using the second son’s broken leg as a calculated move.

While there was a possibility that they exaggerated Bleuhan’s injury as a falsehood, Philip’s intuition suggested that the injury was indeed genuine.

Philip sighed and then confronted Kyler.

“You’re truly remarkable. What could Count Eloy have promised you to make you abandon your conscience and honor, lying on his behalf? Is that the kind of life you find enjoyable and fulfilling? Being a shameless and cowardly lord who delegates dirty work to others to achieve success? … I would never live like that, even if someone offered me a fortune to build a castle.”

Having heard Philip’s words, Kyler reached for the hilt of his sword in an instant, unable to handle the mental onslaught.

“… Dare you insult and disrespect me and my lord?”

“I merely pointed out the truth. Your actions are pitiful. You’re willing to do anything for Count Eloy, aren’t you?”

An amused smile crossed Philip’s face, and he continued, “But go ahead; draw your sword. I’m sure the Senior Professor will put a stop to it.”

Emil Phanoy let out a small chuckle but instinctively intervened to prevent any trouble.

“Enough. We won’t tolerate any disturbances here.”

“But Senior Professor, you heard everything he said, didn’t you?” Kyler protested.

“I’m getting old, and my hearing isn’t as sharp. I didn’t catch a word of it. If you have an issue, settle it like a noble in a proper duel,” Emil Phanoy suggested.

“I decline. I don’t wish to risk my life just because your sword might graze my armor.”

Philip’s words ridiculed Kyler’s attempt to exploit the second son’s injury for political gains.

Feeling intense anger and even a bit of dizziness, Kyler understood that staying any longer would only lead to unsavory consequences. He glared at Philip one last time before storming out of the office.

Once Kyler was gone, Emil Phanoy seated Philip on a guest sofa and took a seat opposite him.

“It was fun and all, but why did you provoke him like that?”

“He came here with the intention to chew me out anyway, so would making fun of him escalate things even further? If the situation gets out of control, we can always run to Sir Silver Knight and challenge him to a duel.”

The Senior professor nodded, acknowledging that there was some truth to what Philip said.

“You do have a plan. Alright. Just be careful. Breaking the second son’s leg was no ordinary matter. If you stick around the academy quietly, you won’t be able to pull off any grand schemes.”

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”

After replying, Philip had a drink with the Senior Professor.

‘He must be planning to take me away by force. Seems like he’s preparing a trap. What should I do?’

It seemed like the incident would take longer than he initially thought. Of course, he had no intention of just accepting whatever came his way, so Philip decided to prepare himself in advance.

* * *

The scheme to isolate Philip began immediately.

“Philip, there’s a threatening letter from the Eloy family. They say if you don’t cut ties with the Joseph Trading Association, they won’t deal with us anymore.”

The first attempt to pressure him through Joseph had begun. When Lisriel arrived with a letter, Philip let out a sigh, as if he couldn’t be bothered.

“… I don’t really want to go back to the staff dorms. They’re too cramped.”

“That joke is not funny at all. Anyway, I sent a reply stating that it’s my personal support and has nothing to do with the association, but could he really be considering cutting ties?”

Lisriel raised her eyebrows. She couldn’t figure out what Count Eloy was thinking. She needed to understand his intentions to come up with the appropriate countermeasures, but his ultimate goal seemed too vague, as if he were using this incident to achieve something uncertain.

“… Could he really do that for real?”

After answering like that, Philip let out a soft sigh.

If things continued to be this bothersome, he might have to take action first.


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