I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 32:

Chapter 32:

Philip stood nervously outside the Headmaster’s office, and gulped hard.

Headmaster Rosello Graham of Privia Academy was a figure solely designated to support the protagonist’s achievements. Despite his incredible power and competence, he appeared strangely disinterested in the academy’s mages.

Philip had encountered him only once during his time at the academy.

‘I can’t seem to figure out what he does around here.’

Philip thought to himself as he knocked on the Headmaster’s door twice.

“Philip Oswald, come in.”

A prompt response came from inside.

As Philip entered, he saw the dean sitting behind his desk, engrossed in what seemed to be crucial documents.

“That’s right, Mr. Oswald. You want to establish a club, don’t you?”

The Headmaster inquired, and Philip nodded in affirmation.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“I’ve been keeping tabs on your progress. You’ve made quite an impression in the Magic Department Training. Professor Evelyn’s oversight, not recognizing the presence of a demon there, was a major blunder.”

“Well, won’t it be okay if he’s more cautious next time?”

Philip replied, and the Headmaster nodded with a satisfied expression.

“You’ve been doing well lately. However, may I offer you some advice from the perspective of someone watching over you?”

“I’m all ears.”

Philip looked at the Headmaster with a tense expression. It seemed like the headmaster knew something, no matter how he thought about it.

“First, don’t get too entangled with demons. Be cautious until you can properly wield that treasure of yours.”

Philip took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. The Headmaster’s expression was inscrutable, but inside, Philip felt a surge of emotions, as if he had been pierced in the heart.

‘At the very least, he must be only knowledgeable about the Moonlight Sword.’

Philip thought.

“And I hope you’ve been getting along well with the dragon. She has endured many lonely years, so you could become a good friend to her. I will arrange for you to establish the club.”

Philip’s jaw dropped in surprise.

He had heard rumors that exceptional sages could discern events happening miles away while sitting at a desk, and now, the current situation seemed to confirm it.

“Did you… know about it?” Philip inquired cautiously.

The Headmaster chuckled softly.

“Hah, opening a spatial teleportation portal within the academy? Even the magic department’s professors need to dedicate three days and nights to achieve such a feat.”


Philip realized that he had never considered the fact that a magician would sense the traces left behind when using a portal.

“Bring some good tea leaves and pay her a visit. You might be in for some good luck.”

As the audience concluded, Philip left the Headmaster’s office with a sense of disappointment, but he quickly regained his composure.

‘It’s inevitable that my whereabouts were exposed. However, at this point, I can see it as a stroke of luck.’

He couldn’t discern the Headmaster’s exact motivations for discussing these matters with him.

It might have been a warning not to boast too much, or perhaps the Headmaster’s genuinely wanted to offer some advice.

However, uncertain of whether the Headmaster was an ally or not, Philip resolved to approach future events with greater caution.

* * *

After obtaining approval for the club establishment, things progressed swiftly. Headmaster Rosello Graham was known for his decisive actions.

Within an hour, the formal approval came through, and Felicia, who received the news, relayed it to Philip.

“Now we need a suitable space for the Travel Club. But the buildings near the faculty or the main square are already occupied. Perhaps the new clubs could find space around the dormitory outskirts or near the back hill.”

Philip nodded, understanding the practicality of the situation.

As the academy grounds were vast, clubs operating far from the faculty buildings or the main square tended to be less popular. If it took someone twenty minutes to walk back to their dormitory after club activities, it would indeed be burdensome.

“I know of a place. It’s an old storage warehouse. It’s been abandoned for some time now.”

“Are you referring to the warehouse on the way to the back hill? It’s been unused for at least a few years. Since no one has been managing it, we’ll need to clean it up for several days if we want to use it properly.”

“Starting today, if you take it step by step, it will be done before you know it.”

Truthfully, Philip wanted that position solely because of the underground space offered by the building. It was also the reason he had decided to establish a club.

“… Just do your best on your own. But don’t neglect your academic schedule. Understand?”

Felicia nodded in response.

Without delay, Philip made his way towards the building, intending to convert it into a makeshift warehouse.

Long ago, when the back mountain of the academy was used by the headmaster, this place had served as a storage room.

Its appearance was unremarkable, like any ordinary warehouse – slightly aged with a layer of dust, and the exterior paint showed signs of fading.

Philip used his sword to cut through the lock which sealed the door and stepped inside.

‘Eek! Master! A spider! Spider! There’s a spider sitting on my scabbard! Help!’

Neria’s scream reached his ears not long after he entered. Philip chuckled and swiftly picked up the spider from her scabbard, then tossed it outside.

Inside, chaos reigned.

Remnants of something that had been covered, empty boxes, and half-broken oak barrels were scattered all around, while cracked floor tiles littered the ground.

“Do you hate spiders?”

‘Ugh! They’re so gross!’

When Philip inquired, Neria retorted as if wondering why he would even ask such a question.

“If I have to fight spider-shaped demons, what will you do then?”

‘Just use a different sword than Neria.’

“You never know when you might encounter such a demon, so it would be wise to carry another sword with me from now on.”

‘… Master, you’re such a foolish simpleton. Why do you keep wanting to harm poor Neria?’

Seeing Neria on the verge of tears, Philip decided to stop teasing her. Clearly, she genuinely disliked spiders.

“I apologize. You’re just too adorable to resist.”

‘Well, I’m not happy at all!’

Feeling content after realizing how pleased Neria actually was, Philip nodded in satisfaction.

Suddenly, he began to question Neria’s true identity. She displayed too many human-like traits to be just a sword. Moreover, her way of thinking seemed somewhat peculiar.

For spirit swords to awaken their spirit was an incredibly challenging task. It required achieving legendary accomplishments alongside their owners, forging deep connections with them – it was considered a miraculous event.

And once awakened, the spirit typically tended to mirror the owner’s personality.

From what Philip had heard, Neria’s previous owner had undoubtedly been an exceptional swordsman, but the name eluded his memory.

‘Come to think of it, Privia’s reaction was also rather peculiar when she saw her.’

‘She acted as if she had known Neria from the beginning. At the time, there was no occasion to question or investigate, so I just let it pass. But from now on, there will be no harm in finding out.’

Perhaps there was something hidden behind Neria.

“Come to think of it, Neria, were you originally a sword?”

‘What do you mean? Of course, Neria was a sword from the beginning.’

“It’s possible. In fact, you could have been a farming tool like a plow or an iron hoe.”

‘I hope my master make better jokes.’

It seemed unlikely that he could get any information from Neria.

As the Headmaster had suggested, it seemed necessary to get to know Previa better.

First, he searched inside the warehouse to achieve his initial goal.

He tossed or moved visible obstacles out of the way and carefully examined suspicious areas by kicking the ground or scrutinizing tiles.

‘What are you looking for?’

“A secret passage. Ah, here it is.”

‘Oh, I see.’

Philip soon discovered a slightly raised floor tile that stood out a little unnaturally after clearing two empty boxes. It was raised just enough that someone sensitive might not notice it. Philip realized that it was one of the four tiles used as a code.

“This one is the southeast tile.”

Stepping on the tiles in the correct sequence would open the hidden passage.

‘Was the sequence 12143213?’

As his memory was somewhat faint, Philip had to go through several failures. Stepping on the tiles, each about 40 cm in length, it looked as if he were dancing.

Neria watched with amusement as Philip struggled, and chuckled.


Philip soon recalled the sequence and guessed the right answer, causing the tile he was standing on to split open, revealing a staircase leading downwards.

‘I always wonder how my master knows about these things.’

“Just take it for granted.”


Philip descended the narrow stairs. After going down what felt like about two floors underground, he saw lights illuminated by magic flowing out from beyond a closed door.

‘… What is this place for?’

As they opened the door and stepped inside, they found themselves in a vast chamber. The structure resembled an artificially crafted cave, with three closed doors visible, and an altar placed at the center of the hall.

“Why does it seem empty?” Philip pondered aloud.

‘Doesn’t look like anyone’s here,’ Neria replied, her voice tinged with surprise.

Just as Neria finished speaking, a sudden burst of green flames shot up from the altar. As the flames dissipated, they revealed a translucent, brown bear standing there.

“By the heavens, I never expected a visitor to appear in this place. On behalf of my master, the esteemed sage Asura, I extend a warm welcome to you,” the bear said, assuming a courteous posture, and slightly bended its legs like a human noble.

“Pleased to meet you,” Philip responded, unperturbed by the bear’s ability to speak. In a world where swords conversed, a talking bear was hardly astonishing.

“Would you like to hear about the ‘Hall of Accomplishment’?” 

The bear politely offered, to which Philip nodded in agreement.

“The honorable Asura, the third headmaster of the renowned Privia Academy, desired that the precious magical items and spellbooks he had collected throughout his life would end up in the hands of pure-hearted and intelligent students, rather than greedy and ambitious adults. Thus, he created this place. Although he left before providing any clues to find this place.”

“In truth, I stumbled upon this place by chance.” 

The ‘Hall of Accomplishment’ was a space known only to him.

He recollected how he accidentally discovered it while aimlessly wandering the warehouse, engrossed in a game and distracted by a phone call. Suddenly, a staircase leading underground appeared before him.

It was indeed a fortunate coincidence. There was no way to find any clues about this place within the game.

Philip looked at the bear. It was astonishing to witness a bear making facial expressions, but it was evident that the bear was contemplating Philip. The expression with the Kanji character for “river” drawn on its forehead was rather amusing.

{TN:- In East Asian cultures, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, Kanji characters are logographic characters that are used to write words and phrases. Each Kanji character represents a concept or word, and some characters have visually distinctive shapes that can resemble objects or symbols. The character for “river” (川) in Kanji has a unique appearance with a series of lines and strokes, which the author playfully uses to describe the bear’s facial expression as it contemplates or thinks deeply.}

“In truth, this place was created for young students. My master hoped that talented and promising students would grow into exceptional individuals, contributing to the continent using the secrets and artifacts hidden here. Forgive my impertinence, but may I inquire about your age, esteemed visitor?” the bear asked.

“I am twenty-two.”

“Oh… I believe I can accommodate that age difference. You may take the tests prepared in this place and receive rewards based on your achievements. Please examine those doors over there.”

Following the bear’s lead, Philip looked at the three doors.

The words “Courage,” “Wisdom,” and “Knowledge” glimmered on the surface of the doors, radiating a mesmerizing light.


Translator’s thought:- Mass Release!!🎊

Hello everyone!

First of all, I would like to thank you all for the overwhelming support and warm comments. I’m really grateful and glad that you all are enjoying the translation. And rest assured, I’m striving to improve my skills everyday.

And in order to show my gratitude, I will be mass releasing 10 chapters of Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor for everyone in the coming week.

Please look forward to it.

Warm regards.

Your beloved Translator, zenith.

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