I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 11.2

Chapter 11.2

He was now inside the most luxurious boutique near the academy with Lua.

“Oh, welcome!”

A woman in her thirties, who seemed to be the shop owner, broke out in a cold sweat when she saw Philip.

“… Is that young man the lover of Lisriel Joseph?”

It was an absurd misunderstanding, but she couldn’t help but think that way.

Otherwise, there was no reason for Lisriel Joseph to personally handle all the clothes chosen by the young man.

There were many expensive items in this boutique that even nobles would find burdensome.

Philip looked at the hostess and spoke.

“Oh, nice to meet you. This young lady here is looking for some clothes. Could you please recommend a few outfits that are comfortable for everyday wear, excluding anything with a corset?”

The shopkeeper couldn’t help but notice that he was the most handsome man she had seen in a while. She quickly composed herself, realizing that saying anything wrong could lead to retaliation from Miss. Joseph, the head of the Joseph Association.

Lua wandered around the boutique, her eyes widening at the array of glamorous clothes on display.

“Do you see anything you like?”

“It seems like there’s nothing suitable for me to wear.”

Many of the dresses showcased in the boutique were designed for adult women, not girls like Lua who were still growing.

“Just choose something that catches your eye. Once you buy it, we can make the necessary adjustments to ensure it fits you perfectly.”

Philip settled himself on the couch inside the store, offering his guidance.

The shopkeeper, taken aback by his words, blinked in disbelief.

‘What did he just say?’

It was a remark that seemed oblivious to the world of fashion. Altering ready-to-wear clothes? By that logic, why would children’s clothing even exist? Caught between professional pride and the threat to her livelihood, she held back her comments with a disheartened expression.

“It looks like something a princess would wear.”

Lua observed, her eyes lighting up as she admired dresses adorned with lace or cute one-pieces with frills and ribbons.

“I should pick a few.”

Philip chuckled as he watched Lua’s excitement.

He got up from the sofa and perused the clothes on display, considering the color coordination.

“Her hair is brown, so beige or white would complement it nicely. Pink also looks good.”

Lua was still at an age where she hadn’t fully shed her baby fat.

Therefore, cute clothes seemed to suit her better than more mature attire.

“Do you have a fitting room where I can try on a few outfits?”

“We have a dressing room set up over there. By any chance, do you have a maid…?”

Young ladies who visit this place usually come accompanied by a maid or nanny.


Philip silently gazed at the lady. His eyes conveyed the message, ‘There is no maid-like person, so am I expected to assist her with changing?’

“I will be glad to assist you. Please come this way, miss…”

Lua followed the lady and went behind the curtain where the fitting room was located.

She tried on multiple outfits, eventually selecting a dress with a polka dot pattern, a one-piece dress adorned with frills and a shawl, and comfortable sleepwear.

Philip warmly smiled at Lua as she emerged wearing the chosen dress.

“You know, it would be even cuter if you tied your hair up.”

As men age, they often become more attuned to their feminine side, developing a fondness for delicate hobbies or possessions.

Knitting, gardening, or even raising pets, among other things.

Naturally, Philip was no exception to this trend.

Feeling as if he were out shopping with his niece, he decided to elevate the mood even further.

“Come over here for a moment.”


Philip selected a sky-blue ribbon that would complement her brown hair and skillfully tied Lua’s hair, creating an elegant look.


The end result was remarkably satisfying.

Curious about her transformed appearance, Lua approached a nearby mirror, and her mouth became slightly agape in astonishment.

Reflected in it was a girl she hardly recognized. Wearing a knee-length white dress, with a sky-blue ribbon adorning her hair, she appeared completely different.

“It’s like I’m looking at someone else.”

Philip nodded as Lua mumbled softly.

The child was exceptional from the very beginning, not only in terms of her well-nourished appearance but also in the way she carried herself. Additionally, her naturally pretty face was complemented by tastefully chosen attire, making her truly adorable, like a meticulously crafted doll.

“I would like everything to be delivered, please.”

As Philip spoke, the hostess nodded in understanding. At that moment, Philip’s eyes caught sight of a dress in a beautiful shade of blue. It was an exquisite piece, adorned with jewels and lace.

“Oh, please add that to the list as well.”

“Of course, I understand.”

It was a rather satisfying shopping experience, particularly since it was financed with someone else’s money.

“Now, let’s leave.”

Philip took Lua and exited the boutique. There were still too many things left to purchase.

Their next destination was a shop that served as both a blacksmith and a weapons store.

Tucked away in a secluded corner of a back alley, it was a somewhat secretive establishment and happened to be the shop Philip frequented the most in the game.

“Where are we?”

“They sell items such as swords, shields, and armor here. Once we enter, just remain quiet and don’t say a word. The proprietor has a rather unpleasant disposition.”


“You’re a good one.”

Philip absentmindedly tousled Lua’s hair and entered the shop.

“What…? Who referred you?”

The place was permeated with the scent of metal and oil.

A burly man, clad only in overalls and wielding a hammer, greeted Philip and Lua.

“If one comes without an introduction, do you not sell anything? Well, I know precisely what kind of place this is.”

Philip’s inquiry prompted a dissatisfied expression from the shopkeeper, who lowered his head.

“No, I suppose I must make a living too. However, I won’t sell extravagant items to someone unqualified,” he retorted with a hint of frustration.

‘Indeed, he is quite demanding.’ 

Philip thought to himself.

The name of the store was ‘Younson’s Emporium,’ and its proprietor, a well-built man named Younson, was a former mage and a skilled blacksmith who had formally studied magic at the Golden Arcanum Tower.

In the lore, Younson was the only person on the continent to successfully fuse the arts of metallurgy and magic.

While other traders could be disregarded, establishing a friendly relationship with Younson was essential for future convenience.

“So, what do you intend to purchase?” Younson inquired.

“I’m interested in acquiring a suitable sword and a suit of armor for her,” Philip responded.

“Are you the one with the funds?” Younson clarified.

“Yes,” Philip affirmed.

“In that case, I need to witness your abilities. Show me your most exceptional talent, and I will provide you with a product commensurate with its value.”

Younson was a remarkable artisan, proud of his craftsmanship and skill.

Even in the original game, acquiring a certain level of skill or knowledge was necessary to purchase equipment from him.

Philip pondered for a moment.

‘I believe it would be best to demonstrate my proficiency in manipulating magical energies,’ he concluded.

If he was going to impress Younson, he wanted to showcase skills that would leave the blacksmith astounded.

“Just lend me a sword momentarily,” Philip requested.

Having left Neria at the mansion, his waist remained unadorned. Younson furrowed his brow at Philip’s plea.

“Would a dagger suffice?” he questioned.

“That will be sufficient,” Philip agreed.

Philip accepted the dagger handed to him by Younson, firmly grasping it in his hand.

‘Let’s concentrate.’

Soon, a radiant blue aura surged from the dagger. Witnessing this spectacle, Younson involuntarily let out a snort.

“Hmph. Those who know how to wield a short blade are a dime a dozen. Is that all there is to it?”

“You couldn’t be more wrong.”

Philip grinned mischievously and brandished the dagger through the air.

To everyone’s astonishment, the aura unleashed by Philip suddenly extended like a whip, reaching several meters away before colliding with the opposite wall.

Younson stood there, gaping at the scars left on the sturdy bricks.

“… What the hell! What did you just do?”

Philip furrowed his brow in response.

“Why the profanity when there’s a kid listening?”

“Do you think I care? Explain what you just did. No, how did you manage to transform the aura externally in such a manner? That’s something only magic can accomplish. Moreover, the total amount of mana didn’t change, did it?”

“But it worked, didn’t it?”

Younson gritted his teeth, frustrated by Philip’s answer.

It was an event that defied Younson’s understanding of the world, something that should never have occurred right before his eyes.

A swordsman’s manipulation of mana takes the form of “aura,” refined and exerting influence on the external world. Meanwhile, mages directly manipulate mana itself.

Magic was the phenomenon where mana undergoes changes in movement and properties, governed by specific laws established through spells and incantations.

Philip, who appeared to be a swordsman, had breathed the quality of “flexibility” into the refined aura without employing any spells or incantations.

For anyone well-versed in magical knowledge, it would be inconceivable to believe what Philip had accomplished without witnessing it firsthand.

“As I suspected, being a former mage allows you to instantly grasp what I’ve done.”

It was a slightly gratifying feeling. Philip stroked his chin, exuding satisfaction.

“Well, then, how did you do it?”

“If I don’t tell you, will you refuse to sell the item?”

“Damn it! That’s not fair!”

Younson’s steps pounded the ground as if his body was ablaze. The sensation was immensely satisfying.

“We’re not exactly close friends, so I can’t casually reveal that information, can I? How about we start by taking a look at the merchandise?”

Philip’s voice carried a subtle insistence, and Younson quickly grasped his intention.

‘Right. This guy wants a good look, knowing he’ll be a frequent visitor.’

“Just wait a moment.”

Despite his youthful appearance, Younson thought Phillip exuded an air of seasoned experience, and exhaled a sigh before making his way towards the warehouse.

When he returned, he held in his hands a sleek obsidian longsword with a leather sheath, accompanied by a pair of leather armgurds.

“… I never expected to sell this. This black beauty goes by the name ‘Guidemaster,’ a blade like no other for novices. With frequent use, it adapts to its owner’s body, adjusting its length and weight accordingly.”

Younson extended the black sword toward Lua, who stood in awe. Then he presented the leather armguards.

“These armguards are crafted from wyvern leather and imbued with enchanted manticore blood. They provide sturdy protection and can deflect powerful impacts that might make the sword slip from your grasp.”

The mere descriptions conveyed the exceptional quality of these items.

Philip accepted the armguards and sword, securing the longsword at his waist. However, as he attempted to slide the armguards onto Lua’s wrist, he realized she was attired in a one-piece dress.

He planned to come back for that.

“Damn it… Forget the armguards, but there was someone eyeing that sword. They’re bound to return, causing all sorts of trouble.”

“Oh, and there’s one more thing I’m interested in purchasing.”

“What now?”

“Among the swords you have for sale, do you happen to possess any infused with mithril?”

“… No, how did you find out about that?”

Younson’s excitement became palpable as he once again licked his lips. While such an item did indeed exist, only a few were aware of its existence.

“May I have a look at it, then?”

After affirming his understanding, Younson briefly disappeared only to reappear moments later.

He returned, holding a sleek silver sword in his hand. Philip couldn’t help but let out a hushed exclamation upon seeing the blade.

‘Indeed, it hasn’t been sold at this stage.’

The sword’s slender and elongated form resembled a rapier, its exquisite craftsmanship making it seem almost too beautiful to be used in practical combat.

However, Philip knew exactly whose hands this sword would fall into.

‘I can’t allow it to end up in the possession of that deranged half-elf.’

“I’ll take this as well.”

“This? This is a failed piece. It’s embarrassing to even claim it as my creation. It’s a mere object with no magical properties whatsoever. If you’re determined to buy it, I won’t dissuade you. Just pay me the value of the mithril it contains.”

‘Selling that fraudulent item for a bargain?’

Philip expressed his gratitude by slightly bowing his head.

“Oh, I intend to give it as a gift to my sister.”

With those words, Philip handed a piece of paper to Younson. It was a promissory note stating that Joseph Association would handle the payment for all the purchases made by this young man.

“Joseph Association? What exactly do they do? Are they some kind of nobility? They certainly give off that impression.”

“… Excuse me, sir, but what kind of establishment is it?”

Younson inquired after a moment of hesitation. Whether it was a secret weapon of a certain kingdom or a member of the renowned “Sword Saints Guild,” he was prepared to be astonished.

“Are you referring to me? I’m the newly appointed swordsmanship instructor at the Academy. I’ll be visiting frequently, so please refrain from being too disrespectful.”

Philip stated as he left Younson’s antique shop.

“A swordsmanship instructor? What a load of nonsense.”

Younson murmured to himself, now left alone.

The skills demonstrated by Philip had showcased a remarkable and innovative utilization of mana, one that could potentially redefine the boundaries of swordsmanship.

“I must find out who you really are.”

He had the intention of finding out Philip’s true identity through his connections.

And exactly 30 minutes later, Younson was able to completely uncover Philip’s true identity.


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