I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 339 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [25] Reaching The Horn

Chapter 339  [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [25] Reaching The Horn

"Who are you?!" one of the guards exclaimed in alarm as Lomar and Nora burst into the palace.

"This is the Palace!!" another shouted futilely before Lomar swiftly dispatched them with a powerful swing of his legs.

"Is it here?" Lomar asked, his gaze fixed on Nora, whose appearance had shifted to resemble Doria's.

Nora nodded, her features morphing back to Doria's. "Yes, it's here," she confirmed, pointing towards a nearby wall.

"Good." Discarding Doria's lifeless body, Lomar brandished his sting and drove it forcefully into the wall.

With a deafening explosion, a surge of Prana energy emanated from Lomar, obliterating the wall and the mana circles guarding it. Seizing the Queen with his tail, he descended the dark staircase with Nora in tow.

Meanwhile, a few meters away, Celeste crouched behind a pillar, her face drained of color as she observed the scene unfolding before her.

A sense of foreboding washed over her as she felt an overwhelming pressure emanating from the depths below—a dark, ominous mana that sent shivers down her spine.

Though she knew descending into the unknown depths would be perilous, especially with the dangerous individuals below, she couldn't remain idle, not when the Queen was in jeopardy—Amelia's mother.

Glancing at her phone, she saw Victor's urgent message, urging her not to proceed further. Yet, despite the warnings ringing in her ears, she couldn't ignore the gnawing sense of responsibility.

It seems that they were also reaching for the Palace and he was accompanied but she couldn't stay still now.

Determined, she clenched her fists, steeling herself for what lay ahead.




The descent down the seemingly endless staircase plunged into darkness, devoid of color or light. Yet, Lomar and Nora pressed on without bother.

Celeste trailed behind them discreetly, her hand tracing the cold walls for guidance in the blackness.

Gradually, a faint glimmer of light pierced the darkness, drawing nearer as they progressed. Peeking from her vantage point, Celeste observed Lomar and Nora standing before a colossal door, encircled by layers of unique mana barriers.

Though she couldn't comprehend the mystical symbols etched into the circles, she surmised they served as safeguards for whatever lay beyond.

"Ugh…" Suddenly, a sharp pang lanced through Celeste's head, her vision clouding with vivid flashes of insight. It was her Prophetess ability, stirring with heightened intensity.

'Not now…' she shook her head in an attempt to dispel the unsettling visions. But they persisted, a premonition of impending danger.

Nora  approached the door, her hand poised to breach the barrier. As the circles parted to admit her, enveloping her form in a luminous glow before dissipating, a single bigger barrier remained.

"These circles are more resistant than anticipated. Even your abilities seem ineffective," Lomar said narrowing his eyes.

Nora shot him a sharp glance before conceding, "What do we do?"

A sadistic grin twisted Lomar's lips as he lowered the unconscious Queen to the ground. With a swift, cruel thrust of his tail, he impaled her abdomen, a sickening spurt of greenish poison staining the air.


The Queen's agonized screams pierced the silence as the toxic venom ravaged her body, corroding her very cells.

Ignoring her suffering, Lomar lifted her limp form and thrust it towards the remaining barrier. As the circle shimmered with recognition, it dissolved, allowing passage.

"You're killing her, Lomar," Nora said.

"She'll survive until we reach the Horn. We won't need her after that," Lomar dismissed callously.

With bated breath, Celeste pressed her lips tightly together, stifling any sound that threatened to escape. The words she overheard reverberated in her mind with chilling clarity—Horn of Behemoth.

A surge of unease washed over her, sending shivers down her spine. The significance of their conversation struck her like a thunderbolt. The Horn of Behemoth, hidden within the depths below, was the object of their relentless pursuit.

As Queen Doria's anguished cries pierced the air, Celeste's heart constricted with helplessness. She could do nothing but bear witness to the unfolding scene, her body tensing with every agonizing scream.

They were monsters, operating on a level of cruelty and ruthlessness she had never encountered before. The visions continued to assail her mind but she couldn't mind them.

Her hands trembled, not just from the weight of her visions, but also from the overwhelming terror of the situation. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to flee.

But then, amidst the chaos of her thoughts, Celeste's mind drifted to her mother—her dedication to helping others, her selfless devotion to her role as a Prophetess.

She remembered the admiration she held for her mother, her desire to emulate her in every way possible. Despite her aversion to the title of Prophetess, she couldn't deny the profound impact her mother's actions had on her.

Drawing strength from her mother's memory, Celeste quelled the rising tide of fear within her. Biting her lip to steady her nerves, she took a deep breath and stepped forward.

The remainder of the walk through the dark passageway proved to be an ordeal for Celeste, each mana barrier ruthlessly torn down by Lomar's callous disregard for the Queen's life. He wielded her dying body as a grotesque key, her blood staining the barriers as they crumbled.

'W-What is…'

As they approached the final barrier, Celeste's eyes widened in horror at the sight that greeted her—a colossal translucent barrier revealing the object of their obsession: a giant horn pulsating within a massive water jar, emanating waves of Prana so potent she could feel them despite the layers of protection.

"Finally..." Lomar's lips curled into a sinister smile as he prepared to deliver the final blow, using the Queen's limp form once more to shatter the last barrier.

'It can't be...!' Celeste gasped, her heart racing with dread as realization dawned upon her—they were on the verge of reaching one of the Horns of the Behemoth.

"Don't we have a little rat here?"

But her moment of shock was interrupted by a chilling voice that echoed from behind her—a voice that sent a shiver down her spine.

Startled, Celeste whirled around to confront the source of the eerie voice, drawing all attention to herself.

Standing before her was a lanky woman with a pallid complexion and dark circles under her eyes.

"Kara," Lomar acknowledged her presence.

"She's been tailing you the entire time, brother," Kara said with a twisted smirk as she advanced towards Celeste, her black torn dress sweeping the ground.

Backtracking slowly, Celeste's senses were on high alert.

"I know," Lomar replied dismissively. "Whether it's one or hundreds of ants following us, it matters not."

"Hehehe. But she's not just an ant, brother," Kara snickered, her gaze fixated on Celeste.

Nora, observing the exchange, narrowed her eyes. "She's one of our targets. Celeste Indi Zestella. The future Prophetess of the Holy Tree of Eden." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"The Prophetess?" Lomar's twisted grin widened, his interest piqued before he suddenly vanished.


In a flash of insight, Celeste's eyes glowed white as a vision surged through her mind, guiding her to evade Lomar's reach just in time.

"...oh?" Lomar stood there where Celeste was with his hand outstretched to nowhere.

"Ah..ah…" Celeste's breath was ragged as she glared at Lomar.

"I-I won't let you."


"Are you serious, Amael...?" Victor's expression betrayed his incredulity.

Selene's frown mirrored his disbelief.

"Yeah, they're after the Horn of Behemoth. You've heard of it, right?" I affirmed.

"Yeah... I mean, it's in the books. The legendary battle recorded in every historical tome of Sancta Vedelia. But I always thought those tales of the three Horns were just fiction," Victor admitted.

"Not at all. It's all too real. Sometimes, it pays to believe in the wisdom of your ancestors," I remarked with a chuckle.

"Right..." Victor nodded, scratching his cheek.

"Anyway, we have to prevent them from seizing the Horn. Fortunately, the King is holding off the most annoying enemy, but there may still be dangerous opponents to contend with. Don't underestimate them," I warned them.

Among them were undoubtedly Commanders of Behemoth, strong foes indeed.

"How do you know all of this?" Selene said suddenly, her tone tinged with suspicion.

I couldn't divulge the truth about my knowledge of the situation—that I had gleaned it from playing a game.

"Intuition," I replied shortly.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Selene shot back.

"Not at all," I replied with a smile.

"I... don't really care how you know, but I trust you, man," Victor chimed in, grinning as he gave my shoulder a reassuring pat.

He was sure more reliable than Jayden-


I halted abruptly, my attention drawn elsewhere.

"Amael?" Victor's voice called out, but I remained silent.

My gaze fixated ahead, towards the looming silhouette of the palace now visible in the distance.

Tremors coursed through my hand as I raised it, a sense of familiarity tingling in my senses.

That mana...

I recognized it.

I could never forget her mana nor her presence.


[<It was hers... yes.>]

It was Nevia's mana.

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