I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 242 Heads Of The Great Houses [2]

Chapter 242 Heads Of The Great Houses [2]

The projection materialized into the image of a striking woman, adorned with vibrant red hair and eyes the color of fresh leaves.

"To begin, let's address Stana Teraquin."

The room's ambiance turned frosty as Tanya Teraquin fixed a cold gaze on the projected image of the half-elf woman. Claudia briefly glanced at Tanya before continuing, her tone unwavering. "Up until now, she had been operating under the alias of Brida Toyreas, concealing her true identity within the Monarch Alliance — a concealed identity."

Tanya's eyes widened, her glare intensifying as it shifted toward Jepher, the only Monarch present since Namys and Duncan were absent. "Are you implying that you had no inkling it was her?"

Jepher, arms folded, met Tanya's gaze with unshaken composure. "I've never encountered her before. I've only heard her name in passing as 'Stana,' and she always wore a mask during the Monarch Meetings."

"Setting aside Duncan, I'm certain Namys would have recognized her…" Tanya's fists clenched, frustration radiating from her. "And she kept this from me...that the wretched half-elf was still breathing. And her younger sister, too, I assume…"

James interjected, his brows furrowing. "What are you planning to do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Tanya retorted with a scoff. "I intend to eliminate her and eradicate the tainted bloodline of her sister."

Lydia, her voice icy, intervened. "Haven't you done enough by slaughtering her parents and reducing their home to ashes?" Her amber eyes held a challenging gleam as they bore into Tanya.

Tanya's gaze turned frigid, her response sharp. "Her parents, as you mentioned, were complicit in the death of my husband, just like those filthy Halves and Humans." She spat the words out with palpable disdain for the human part.

Tanya held an intense aversion towards Halves, and even though her resentment toward High Humans wasn't as strong, it was still present.

Edea chimed in with a cool, detached tone. "You incinerated those 'filthy Halves and Humans' alive, if my memory serves me right."

This comment aimed to stoke the growing fire between Tanya and Lydia.

The atmosphere tensed further at Edea's mention of Tanya's ruthless eradication of the Halves and Humans. Though the three Great Houses representing the High Humans were deeply shaken by these events, they couldn't impose severe consequences on Tanya, given her mourning over her husband, someone they all knew.

"You've claimed enough lives for Rhys' death, Tanya," Lydia stated firmly, her disapproval evident in her expression.

"If...if you had the culprits responsible for your husband and son's death within your grasp, what would you have done?" Tanya retorted, her frustration palpable.

"I would've undoubtedly taken their lives, but…" Lydia gestured toward the projected image of Brida. "Those two girls aren't accountable for Rhys' death. That much is evident."

"I'm indifferent to that fact," Tanya replied coldly. "They will pay for their parents' sins."

"Enough from both of you," Claudia interjected, her finger tapping the screen to close the projection. "Currently, Stana Teraquin — or Brida — is beyond reach, even for the Monarch Alliance. My intention was merely to notify Tanya about her. However, for the time being, I suggest we table this discussion. While the younger sister may be innocent, the elder, Brida or Stana, has committed acts of violence and fled Sancta Vedelia."

Harvey chimed in, a touch awkwardly. "I mean, they were evidently attempting to eliminate her as well, weren't they?"

Claudia's wearied sigh resonated through the room, her desire to bring this matter to a close evident. "Let's vote. Who believes it's prudent to set aside Stana's case for now?" She posed the question, her hand rising in a positive vote.

Lydia and James Raven promptly followed suit, their hands raised.

Harvey regarded Tanya's cold countenance and let out a sigh before raising his own hand as well.

Although Tanya, Reiner, Edea, and Jepher didn't raise their hands, the split didn't last long.

"Prioritizing more pressing matters seems prudent," Jepher Moonfang's hand ascended, tipping the balance.

Tanya closed her eyes momentarily, a reluctant nod conveying her acquiescence, prompting a visible exhale of relief from Claudia.

"Before delving into our main topic, where are Melfina and Lazarus?" Claudia's question was directed toward the absent members, an eyebrow arched in curiosity. While she could fathom Namys' duties as ruling Queen leading to her frequent absences, it wasn't quite the same with Lazarus Raven and Melfina.

"Mother is serving as the Headmaster at Trinity Eden Academy, which just commenced its new year yesterday," Harvey promptly offered as an explanation for Melfina's absence.

"The Academy, indeed," Claudia nodded with a fond smile, reminiscing about her granddaughters, who had also embarked on their new academic year at the same institution. "And Lazarus?" She shifted her attention to James, who was Lazarus' son.

James fumbled for a moment, scratching his cheek awkwardly. "I... don't really have a good excuse for him, to be honest."

Claudia sighed, waving her hand, conjuring a map within the projection. Sancta Vedelia was depicted at the center of the floating map, with the Holy Tree symbolizing it. Surrounding this central representation were other islands, kingdoms dotting the expanse.

"The Utopia Alliance appears to be brewing something, and it doesn't bode well for us. Their activities have escalated significantly over recent months," Claudia announced.

At her words, the room's occupants fell into solemn contemplation. The Utopia Alliance, composed of multiple islands and populations, had its sights set on overthrowing Sancta Vedelia to acquire its vast wealth. Among its members were Elves, High Humans, and others who, centuries ago, had left Sancta Vedelia to colonize other islands — both to establish new territories and to distance themselves from the continuous destructive conflicts engulfing Sancta Vedelia at that time.

The expressions around the room reflected the gravity of the situation. The Utopia Alliance had grown formidable, and while they initially didn't perceive them as a substantial threat, given that they had already repelled the ambitions of other kingdoms, the current circumstances were different. The Alliance now posed a genuine peril.

"But are we certain of their intentions to attack us?" Harvey inquired with a hint of skepticism.

"While they appear relatively dormant for now, their actions point to an escalating arsenal," James responded.

"For the time being, they seem relatively calm. We shouldn't provoke them unless we ascertain their intentions," Lydia interjected.

"They're nothing but thieves. We can handle them," Reiner added confidently.

"I share Reiner's confidence in our ability to overcome them," Claudia agreed, offering a reassuring smile. Sancta Vedelia was an undisputed powerhouse, renowned for its impregnability. The only considerable challenge they had faced was internal, arising from Selene Amaya Tepes. Nonetheless, external threats had never truly jeopardized them. Sancta Vedelia's security was augmented by the protective blessings of the Holy Tree and the support of numerous kingdoms. "Nevertheless, I urge vigilance. Notify your respective armies of the situation; it will ensure they remain prepared if the need arises."

Edea chimed in with curiosity, "You haven't had any prophetic dreams concerning them to guide us?"

"I did have one, and I've already shared its contents," Claudia confirmed, her nod deliberate. "I witnessed their increasing armament and overheard their leaders' discussions, but nothing more."

"Your prophetic dreams are getting a tad rusty, Claudia," Lydia chimed with an amused smile. "Any ideas about the next Prophetess? It should be time now?"

Claudia's surprise was unmistakable, her expression twitching at Lydia's words. The similarity in tone between Lydia and Amael's manner of speaking had caught her off guard.

'They really are mother and son,' Claudia mused with a knowing smile.

"I encountered the boy, Amael, and he asked me the very same question," Lydia revealed.

"Wait, you met Amael?" Lydia asked.

"No, he approached me," Claudia clarified. "Your nephew is quite the character, Alea."

Lydia, visibly pleased, grinned. "Indeed he is."

"Nephew? Oryanna's son?" Reiner inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, he's Oryanna's son," James Raven confirmed. "He tried to kill a student and would have succeeded if I hadn't intervened," he added, his tone laced with dissatisfaction.

"Raised by those righteous Thomen and gentle Oryanna, yet he turned out like Alea? That's a surprise," Reiner chuckled.

"Well, I did have a hand in raising him during my time in Celesta. He takes after me; I'm not much different from his mother," Lydia admitted. She yearned to tell them all that Amael was her son, but in her heart, she believed they would never accept the truth.

"Why did you bring him here, Alea?" Jepher Moonfang, who had remained silent, posed the question. "I've heard about the events in Celesta. His mother, Oryanna, passed away ten years ago, and his father, Thomen, just a month ago. Even his younger sister is gone. Why subject him to a place where he will face discrimination?"

"Furthermore, your nephew is a criminal," Edea Elaryon interjected. "How did he survive after openly killing a King's brother?" Her disbelief was evident.

"'Lesser' humans are truly pathetic, lacking the same pride as us," Tanya added.

"Enough!" Lydia stood, her gaze sweeping across the room, a fierce glare challenging anyone who would challenge her decision. "He is my blood, and I brought him here because he deserves to have a family."

"But Lydia, haven't you forgotten? You lost four of your so-called family members here in Sancta Vedelia, including two of your sons. It's a perilous place for him," Jepher argued.

Lydia's lips tightened at his words.

In Sancta Vedelia, she had experienced the loss of her second elder sister, Thelma, followed by Thomen, her husband, and most recently, her eldest son, Connor.

The fourth individual was, of course, Amael — her second son, whose existence and name were shrouded in secrecy, revealed only to close allies like the Reis Aquilas. Lydia's relations with the other Great Houses had become frigid following Thelma Olphean's mysterious disappearance, leading the Olphean House to isolate their territory from the rest for years.

Amael's transfer to Celesta had been a meticulously orchestrated effort, facilitated by Lydia, the Olphean House, and her sister, Oryanna, along with her brother-in-law, Kleines. Creating the illusion that Thomen and Oryanna had a son had been made easier by Kleines and Oryanna's willingness to claim him as their own.

"I'm aware of what I'm doing, and I will protect him," Lydia declared firmly, her gaze icy as she fixed it on those present. "Don't underestimate me. I know that at least one among you was complicit in my sister's, my sons', and my husband's deaths."

"...." Silence pervaded the room as Claudia, Reiner, Edea, James, Tanya, Jepher, and Harvey remained silent.

"...and I will undoubtedly unearth the truth."

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