I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 142 [Event] [Enigma Red Dungeon] [3] Survival Exam

"Princess Aurora! Thank you again for your help yesterday. I didn't know where I put that book and I was worried to death for today…" Jayden thanked Aurora gratefully.

"What book?" I asked, having no idea what he was talking about.

"Geez, Edward." Milleia shook her head at my ignorance. "The book about the Mana Beasts we could meet during the exam. Professor Almona reminded us many times to read it and learn it by heart. Don't tell me you did not?"

"Of course I read it. Who do you take me for," I lied through my teeth and escaped Milleia's suspicious eyes.

That book was probably somewhere in my room but at least I didn't lose it like Jayden!

"Oh…Jayden. There is no need to thank me. We are in the same academy and same year." Aurora replied with a smile.

"A-Ah…yes!" Jayden nodded with an embarrassed expression averting his gaze from Aurora's smile. 

Aurora glanced around her and upon noticing that they were attracting quite the attention, she walked past Jayden. "Then I am-"

"U-Um Princess Aurora…I-I…" Jayden though didn't seem to have finished speaking to Aurora. 

Aurora stopped her steps but was clearly in a hurry to leave this place as it was only going to further develop the misunderstanding about her and Jayden being in a secret relation.



Don't tell me he developed feelings for Aurora as well?

It won't surprise me as in the Game he could fall in love with all the Heroines at the same time but well…

I could see from afar Carla with a displeased expression but she seemed like she wouldn't mind another one. Polygamy was present everywhere in this world, even more for nobles.

"My apologies, Jayden but I have to go-"

"W-Wait Aurora-" Jayden was about to grab Aurora's hand but another hand grabbed Jayden's hand before.

"What are you doing?" A cold voice rang next to Jayden. 

Jayden turned on his left and saw a young man of his age with blue hair and blue eyes. 

David Seaven.

He was in the same class as Aurora and had a not-so-hidden crush on Aurora. Even his father was trying to influence the King to form an engagement between them.

"H-Hey!" Jayden groaned when David's grip hardened on his arm.

"I asked what you were trying to do, miserable commoner." David glared at Jayden. "How did you even dare to approach a Royal Princess? Even less try to touch her?"


"Wait." I stopped Milleia from intervening. If he couldn't handle that after all his growth, it would be pathetic.

Moreover things are getting interesting…

"David enough." Aurora tried to stop David.

"Aurora. You are too kind to him. If it continues, he will misunderstand something quite cringe and perturbing." David said in a serious tone.

"..." Aurora couldn't deny David as she knew that he was in the truth. 

Confirming that Aurora understood him, David turned back toward Jayden who was staring back at him without any fear.

"You are getting too cocky just because you beat Thomas," He said. "It will not be the same with me or the others. Mind your behavior and place." David added before releasing his hand and walking away.

"I'm sorry Jayden…" Aurora sighed and left as well.

At least nothing serious had happened.

Well, David wasn't as stupid as Thomas. Though he loved Aurora, he had never been too clingy or anything. That's why Aurora still considers him as a friend despite knowing what he felt about her.

"Are you okay, Jayden?" Milleia asked worriedly Jayden.

"Yeah…it's okay." Jayden replied awkwardly.

"Carla isn't enough for you Jayden?" I asked bluntly.

"E-Edward?" Milleia was dumbfounded at my directness.

"That's…" Jayden was hesitant at my words at first. "I…just like her. I know it's strange but I feel like I will regret it if I don't try. I mean I really lov-"

"Okay I understand." I cut him off since it was getting weird to hear that from Jayden. "Let's go."




"Silence please!" Professor Almona shouted loudly and clapped her hands to stop everyone who was speaking.

Seeing that there were still some noises, Professor Katia spoke. "Silence!" Her cold voice chilled everyone and they immediately stopped their banter.

"Thanks Professor Katia," Professor Mona sighed and turned toward us. The entire First-Year promotion of the Royal Eden Academy. "As you can see, we are on the ground floor of the Enigma Dungeon of the Dorian Capital. Some of you might have already entered this Dungeon and even killed some mana beasts but it concerns only a minority of you all so I ask you to be very attentive to our instructions."

With Professor Almona were also Professor Katia (Homeroom teacher of the Phoenix Class), Professor Walter Celesta (Homeroom teacher of the Dragon class) and Professor Erwin (Homeroom teacher of the Pegasus class). 

There might be other professors to oversee the exam but they weren't here with us.

"For all of you, we have requested the Eden Council to reserve all the floors from the 40th to the 50th floor. You will meet no one there to bother you during the exam." Professor Walter said with a smile. 

"Indeed. That's why we count on all of you to take advantage of this opportunity to progress and eventually pass the exam!" Professor Erwin added.


40th to the 50th floor huh.

If I remember correctly, there are 101 floors in the Enigma Dungeon of the Dorian Capital. 

I don't think that the mana beasts of the 50th floor will cause any problems for the elites or strong's like me, Jayden, Layla and the others of the Main Cast. But the mana beasts are unfortunately not the main problem.

"The exam will last three days from now," Professor Mona said. "I hope you all prepared and put in your Space Ring everything you needed for the three days inside the Dungeon. The ones with financial difficulties have already been aware that they could borrow Space Rings from the Academy but they belong to the Academy. If you lose and damage them, you will have to repay them with your own money."

Nothing to worry about.

I already have enough food for a month inside my space ring. 

"The same is for weapons. You can bring your own weapons and the late ones can also borrow weapons from us." Professor Walter added as he pointed at a tray filled with different kinds of weapons."

Weapons, I'm also full with them.

I had my white staff made of branches of Eden's Holy Tree and two short swords from the SHOP. I also added a few more weapons just in case. I mean my chances of dying were really high here. Aunt Belle also gave me a sturdy and precious shield as a gift yesterday so I was literally stuffed.

"You can also borrow the strength of your Familiar. It's a huge advantage so I hope that you did not forget them. For the ones who do not have Familiars, we can't unfortunately lend them. You will have to fight and pass the exam without them. But do not worry. The exam is only assessed on YOUR achievements not on your Familiar's ones. You can already forget leaving the dirty work to your Familiars."

Unfortunately I didn't have any Familiars. They were still in their Eggs. Well, not like I planned to rely on them anyway.

Jayden and Milleia though will be sure to be happy with them. Now that they have awakened their bloodline, their Familiars are in a perfect harmony with them.

"Now, the rules. To pass the Exam you have to kill thirty Disaster Beast. We also want proof of your kill. You can bring any parts of the slain beast as a proof."


"Isn't that impossible?!"

"W-We are only first years!"

The students started to complain upon hearing that we had to kill thirty Disaster Beasts.

For reminder, the Disaster Beasts were ranked in danger from 4☆ to 6☆. The strongest beast being the Chaos Beast, from 7☆ to 9☆.

Putting aside the Chaos Beast who could be only beatable by people of Higher Ascension like 7th or higher, the Disaster Beast were also strong on their own.

For example the Kangaroo I and Miranda fought back then was a 4☆ Disaster Beast. I nearly died that day and I would have without Miranda's intervention.

Now, we had to beat 30 of them.

"Silence!" Professor Katia's shout calmed everyone down again.

"I can understand your worries but you did not let me finish," Professor Mona said. "Of course we are not monsters and do not ask you to kill thirty Disaster Class Beasts on your own, 'alone'."

"Does that mean…" Alfred seemed to have understood.

"Yes." Professor Mona nodded with a smile. "You will all be divided into groups of ten."

It's sure easier that way. In group, we have more chances to beat a Disaster Beast and with time and cohesion, it shouldn't be impossible to kill thirty of them.

"Another important thing." Professor Mona smiled. "Robbery is not prohibited. The same is for fights between groups. It's a survival exam after all. You can fight against each other within the limits of course. We do not wish any death."


She raised the red flag.

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