I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 223 Brothers-In-Law

Chapter 223 Brothers-In-Law

A tumultuous scene unfolded at one of the secluded docks of Sancta Vedelia. The air was charged with tension as dangerous criminals were being unloaded from the moored ships, the entire area isolated for this purpose.

The vessel in question had been assigned to the Great Teraquin House, a renowned Royal Elven House of significant prestige within the world. The Great Houses of Sancta Vedelia held a unique status akin to royalty, and they wielded power befitting their esteemed position.

Sancta Vedelia itself was governed by a council composed of all the Great Houses. Despite their diverse origins and differing perspectives, they worked together to ensure the prosperity of Sancta Vedelia. The island's blessings, its racial diversity, and the sacred presence of the Holy Tree fostered a deep sense of pride among its inhabitants. Such an environment only served to amplify their superiority complex, especially in comparison to the remaining Kingdoms beyond their shores.

For outsiders, the allure of Sancta Vedelia was tempered by its exclusive nature. The island's isolation played a role, but the prevailing discrimination against outsiders was a significant deterrent. Arrogance was an inherent aspect of Sancta Vedelia's culture.

Who could blame them? Their strength was undeniable. Sancta Vedelia's military might surpassed that of any Kingdom or Empire. The exception was the Floating Island Edenis Raphiel, which held the Monolith of Eden, and only there could a semblance of balance be found.

This deep-seated pride was deeply ingrained in the minds of its citizens. The fact that no external force had succeeded in attacking or damaging the island bolstered their sense of superiority.

"How dare he? Wretched human!" Several knights lunged at John, their fury palpable in their strikes.

John attempted to reply, but the anti-magic cuffs rendered him unable to channel mana. He could only evade the punches and kicks, but the knights were not inclined to show leniency. A knight channeled the ambient mana and conjured a magic circle before him.

"Rend him asunder!" Blades of wind, sharp as knives, emerged from the magic circle, assaulting John. He could only cross his arms in defense as the blades struck him, causing blood to trickle from his wounds. His arms lowered to reveal his cold, resolute gaze. A bitter scoff escaped his lips as mana began to gather around him.

"I may not channel mana through my body, but do you think I'm incapable of drawing from my surroundings?" John's voice dripped with defiance. The residents of Sancta Vedelia were adept at manipulating ambient mana, unlike the outside world where direct manipulation of personal mana was more common. Each approach had its merits and drawbacks, but the island's denizens excelled at using their environment to both defend and attack.

As the elven knights maintained their hostile gaze on John, Edward kept his attention fixed straight ahead, seemingly unfazed by the commotion behind him. Within moments, a sleek white hovering car came to a halt in front of him, emitting a low hum that drew the attention of the knights.

The car's door smoothly slid open, revealing an elegant woman with flowing white hair, dressed in a resplendent white gown. Melfina, the Lady of Zestella, emerged from the vehicle and directed her gaze at Edward, then glanced briefly behind him.

"Ugh, right from the outset..." Melfina's thoughts echoed her exasperation.

The sight of Melfina's arrival prompted an immediate reaction from the elven knights. Their expressions shifted from aggression to something akin to stiffness, as they recognized her as the head of the Great Indi Zestella House, a prominent presence among the esteemed Great Houses.

"L-Lady of Zestella!" The knight's voice carried a mixture of surprise and deference, as they acknowledged Melfina's authority.

"I will assume responsibility for both of them. Hand them over to me," Melfina's voice held an unyielding tone, leaving no room for argument.

The knight hesitated under the weight of Melfina's words, their reluctance evident. Despite their reservations, they acquiesced to Melfina's directive in the face of her unwavering authority.

"I've already alerted Tanya to the situation, so focus on addressing the remaining matters," Melfina instructed with a decisive tone, her gaze flickering toward the commotion behind Edward and John.

With her command issued, Melfina gestured for Edward and John to board the waiting car, signaling the end of the confrontation. The car's engine hummed to life once both had embarked, its quiet propulsion marking their departure from the scene.



"It's only the first day, and the two of you have already managed to get into trouble," Melfina's exasperated tone resonated within the confines of the car.

I responded matter-of-factly, admitting, "John is the one who kicked that guard away, to be honest."

John, unapologetic, added, "I wanted to cut off his long ears as well, along with the rest of him."

"You won't be cutting off anything, boy!" Melfina retorted, her disbelief evident. "I can't believe Charles actually sent you along with Edward. I thought you were just trying to keep your brother-in-law company, seeing as he'd be feeling lonely."

Both John and I grimaced simultaneously at the mention of 'brother-in-law,' though we chose to remain silent. The fact was true – Layla was officially my fiancée, and the engagement had been announced during our recent confinement in that prison two weeks ago, orchestrated by the manipulative Charles. While the engagement was something I didn't particularly care about, it did offer me a chance to see Layla. Unfortunately, it also meant I was being kept away from Aunt Belle and Miranda.

"Why would I tag along for that reason? I'd rather be with my sister."

"Layla's my fiancée, John, so let's forget any hints of incestuous thoughts," I stated, attempting to clear the air.

"I don't have any of those thoughts! Layla is my only family!" John replied, his tone laced with frustration.

"What about Uncle Jarett?" I questioned, reminding him of his father.

John's response seemed almost casual. "Oh yeah, he's my family too," as if the thought had momentarily slipped his mind.

I found a small smile forming at his words. John's deep concern for Layla was evident, perhaps even stronger than mine, given their childhood connection. I could understand his anxiety, especially after the loss of Elona. "If it's about Zeus or Raphiel, they won't lay a hand on her."

I held onto Nevia's reassurances, knowing that she had conveyed Layla's safety to me. I trusted her words.

"If they dare, I'll wipe out their entire pantheon and the Garden," John stated coldly, his voice laced with a steely resolve.

"You won't be alone in that endeavor," I added, my thoughts growing darker as I recalled Nevia's revelations about Zeus's unsettling interest in Layla.

I recognized my own limitations, and that's why I refrained from impulsive actions. But I wouldn't stand idle if anyone threatened those dear to me. I couldn't bear to experience another loss like Elona.

No, I couldn't allow it.

And I wouldn't.

Melfina's laughter broke the tense atmosphere. "You certainly have a unique sense of humor," she remarked.

I remained silent, for what John and I had been discussing wasn't merely casual banter – it was the truth. In the spur of the moment, we had spoken openly about Zeus and Raphiel, and John had even voiced his intent to confront them if necessary.

I needed to be cautious.

[<You're quite the handful, Amael.>]

'Well, I'm trying my best, at least.'

"In any case, there's something crucial I need to emphasize," Melfina's tone shifted into seriousness. "Under no circumstances should you antagonize any of the eight Great Houses of Sancta Vedelia!"

John's response to Melfina's words was a displeased click of his tongue.

"I'm addressing both of you! John, you aren't even a native here, and Edward, even though you were born here, you're considered Oryanna's son within Sancta Vedelia. Keep that in mind," Melfina admonished.

I was well aware of that.

Recognizing the danger I would be in within Sancta Vedelia, my parents had sent me to Celesta. There, I was taken under Aunt Oryanna's identity, effectively faking my own death within the island. To the nobility here, Amael Olphean was a thing of the past. In the four years I spent in Sancta Vedelia, only a few individuals had ever laid eyes on me due to the strained relationships among the Great Houses during that time.

But that didn't concern me.

I wasn't foolish enough to reveal my true identity in such a perilous place. I would continue to be Edward, just as I always had been.

Abruptly, Melfina brought the car to a stop and turned to me with a smile. "You're back home."

I gazed at the elegant white manor to my left, a surge of nostalgia washing over me.

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday, Amael." Melfina tossed a box in my direction before starting the car again.

"Happy birthday, 'brother-in-law.'"

I disregarded John's facetious parting remarks in the receding car and stepped forward. The portal leading to the mansion was open. They were probably made aware that Melfina was coming.

"Mom... sister..."

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